• 1. 绩效考核与培训Zheng Bin Oct.25, 2002
    • 2. Main Topic… Effective Infrastructure of HR Company Wants Employee To Be Assessment Path Performance Evaluation Content of Foreign Company Performance Evaluation 9 Blocks Talent Flow Planning Type of Training Training & Develop Process Training Target Selection Find Out Gap-Current Skill vs. Core Competency Training & Performance Evaluation
    • 3. RecruitingTerminationJob Evaluation Competency Model PlanningEffective InfrastructureTrainingCompensation &BenefitPerformance EvaluationPromotionTransfer/RotationMarket Value Orientation C&B Structure Commission Plan Stock option management Spot AwardTraining Needs Collection Training Evaluation Training Resource Analysis Planning Information SharingEmployee Satisfaction 360 Survey Performance Evaluation SystemObjectiveG&O Setting (with measurement)
    • 4. Company wants Employees who…Are honest and self-critical, and dedicated to the idea of continuous learning. Set big, bold goals for themselves and their business. Are committed to Company’s success. Have passion for improving self competency and making it meet the needs of our customers. Regularly assess their business interests and competencies to determine the kinds of work for which they are best suited.
    • 5. Company wants Employees who…Understand the skills and behaviors Company will need in the future—and are willing and able to respond quickly and flexibly to develop those capabilities. Develop the competencies to move easily across functional boundaries and are able to switch between regular duties and special projects. Make others great by investing in their own, and their co-worker’s, development.
    • 6. 建立健全的评估体系是世界上绝大多数发达国家的公司成功的重要因素: 岗 位 评 估 Job Evaluation 技 能 评 估 Competence Evaluation 年 资 评 估 Experience Evaluation 业 绩 评 估 Performance Evaluation 360° 评 估 360° Survey (contents base on business needs)评 估 符 合 企 业 战 略 与 文 化
    • 7. Performance Evaluation ContentEmployee Self Evaluation: ACCOMPLISHMENT SUMMARY (Summarize your accomplishments vs goals in the past year) KEY STRENGTHS & IMPROVEMENT KEY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS & ACTION PLANS Self Assessment of Values CAREER INTERESTS AND DEVELOPMENT ... INCLUDING STRETCH ASSIGNMENT INTERESTS Manager Evaluation: PERFORMANCE SUMMARY AND TREND (Summarize your view of employee’s accomplishments vs goals in the past year) KEY STRENGTHS & IMPROVEMENT KEY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS & ACTION PLANS 360° Data/Manager Assessment CAREER DEVELOPMENT RECOMMENDATION ... INCLUDING STRETCH ASSIGNMENTS
    • 8. PerformanceSIGNIFICANT STRENGTHSOME DEVELOPMENT NEEDS SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENT REQUIRED(A)(B)(C)Demonstrates Values in a Satisfactory WayDoes not Adequately Demonstrate ValuesConsistently Models Values & Serves as a Standard for Excellence(1) Exceeds/ Outstanding *Work plans and goals *Commitments(2)Meets/ Satisfactory *Work plans and goals *Commitments(3) Needs Improvement / Missed *Work plans and goals *CommitmentsValues (come from 360° survey)Performance Evaluation 9 Blocks1 (10%) Promotion/ Training2 (15%) Training & Rotation3 (65%) Training or Job Rotation4 (10%) High Risk PIP2 Training & Development3 Training3 Potential At Risk 4 High Risk PIP4 Get Rid Off
    • 10. Type of Training For Training Content: General Skill 通用技能 Technical Related 专业技能 Selling Skill 销售技能 Management 管理能力 Leadership For Training Style: In House Training 课堂培训 On Job Training 在岗培训
    • 11. 培 训 与 发 展 的 程 序准备: 员工找出差距 提出培训需求和提高方向 沟通: 根据员工与公司的需求确定培训方向 执行: 提供相应的培训 绩效考评中应重点关注上年差距的改善3. ImplementationFeedbackFeedbackFeedbackFeedbackFeedbackFeedback1. Preparation2. Discussion
    • 12. Training Target Selection Gap Current Skill  -  Core Competence Current Value  -  Role Model Development Needs Derived from Performance Appraisal
    • 13. Build up core competenceSelf-AssessmentIdentify the gapDevelop Training PlanSampleCurrent Skill vs. Core Competence
    • 14. 培训效果衡量途径: 培训后测试(书面/现场) 本岗位工作业绩评估(本人/直接经理及其上级主管) 360度调查结果 (上级/下级/客户/供应商/同事)培 训 与 绩 效 的 结 合
    • 15. Thank You !