• 1. Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing skills of headline of ads
    • 2. Requirement By the end of this lesson, you should be able to have a good command of □e-commerce terms given in the lesson □writing headlines and supplementary items By the end of this lesson, you should be able to □know the structure of an advertisement □analyze the successful ways of Starbucks □know the information superhighway
    • 3. Starbucks—Sharing Success Abstract: The article tells of the successful experience of the rise of Starbucks. Its idea is that success is best when it's shared. And the ability to get people to think passionately and do things as if it were their own business can only be achieved when they are truly part of the business. Key words: Starbucks; values-and culture-based business; competitive advantage
    • 4. New Wordschronicle n; v. 记事;记述;载入编年史 hold down   (美口语)保持;维持 irreversible a. 不可逆的;不可改变的 have a lot to do with   与……很有关系 Moby Dick n. 中译本翻译成《白鲸》 bean n. (美俚)一块钱,Bean Stock 小额股票
    • 5. lose sight of   忽略;忘记 alignment n. 定位;结盟;校正 play…(up) with   以……自娱 hungry for a. 渴望的 proliferation n. 扩散;激增 constituency   全体选民;顾客;赞助者 fragility n. 脆弱;脆性 attrition n. 摩擦;损耗
    • 6. Sentence Explanations 1.After graduating from Northern Michigan University, Schultz spent three years in sales with Xerox, before moving on to a housewares company that sold coffee grinders to companies such as Starbucks, which had four stores back then, and sold coffee by the pound, not the cup. 舒尔茨从北密执安大学毕业后,他先在施乐公司干了3年销售,然后又去了一家家居商品公司,该公司向诸如星巴克这样的公司销售咖啡研磨机。当时的星巴克有4家分店,按磅而不是按杯卖咖啡。
    • 7. 这个句子是一个复合句。主句的句型结构是主+谓+宾,即: Schultz spent three years. 由that 引起的定语从句修饰先行词company, 在这个定语从句中, 含有一个由which引起的非限制性定语从句, 修饰先行词Starbucks。句子中有两个非谓语动词graduating 和moving,都是动名词,由它们引起的动名词短语分别做介词After和before 的宾语。
    • 8. 2. When he could not, he left in 1986 to open his own stores, II Giomale, which were successful enough for him to buy out the Starbucks Coffee Company a year later, with the help of local investors. 在说服未能奏效之后,他于1986年退出了星巴克,自己开了一家“每日咖啡店”。生意相当成功,足以使他于次年在当地投资者的帮助下,购买下星巴克咖啡公司。 II Giornale (意)每天, 是舒尔茨开的咖啡店的名字。
    • 9. 3.And the driving force of the company has always been trying to achieve this very fragile balance between recognizing the company's responsibility for long-term value and profitability for the shareholders, and the most important, constituency and responsibility for me, which is making sure that the people who do the work get rewarded.
    • 10. 公司的驱动力一直是努力在以下两方面达到一种非常微妙的平衡:一方面是,承认公司实现长期价值和为股东盈利的责任;另一方面,也是最重要的是,我的员工和我的责任,即确保为公司工作的人都得到回报。 4. At the end of the day, every-body wins. 到头来,人人是赢家。At the end of the day, 最终;到头来;(工作等)完成之时。
    • 11. Skill TrainingAdvertisement Writing (I) 广告通常是以付费的方式,通过一定的媒体,向一定的人群传达一定的信息,以期达到一定目的的有责任的信息传递活动。广告的载体是多样的,例如广播、电视、报刊、杂志等等。本课介绍的是广告的文字创作,即广告文案的写作。
    • 12. 正如语言学家ALAN WARNER所说,有时头脑简单的读者发现自己是把钱花在动听的语言上,而不是花在优质的产品上。正因为广告具有这种独特的宣传、劝说功能,所以广告英语成为英语中的专门语言之一,在预防结构、用词规则、修辞方法、省略形式等方面都别具一格。 从结构看,所有广告都包括三个部分:标题、正文和随文。有的广告还包含另一个结构:口号。
    • 13. ● 标题(HEADLINE) 标题在广告中起着点明主题、引人注目、诱发兴趣、加深印象、促进购买的作用。因此告标题的协作要求做到切合主题、简单明了、富有创意、引人入胜。广告按其内容和组合形式的不同,可分为直接标题、间接标题和复合标题。
    • 14. (1)直接标题(DIRECT HEADLINE) 以写实的方式、简明的文字表明广告的主要内容,使读者一看就清楚广告说了些什么。这种标题简明、确切。例如: □ Grade A Milk, £22 a Quart. 甲级牛奶,22英镑一夸脱。 □Get a Taste of the Rich Life, Meaty, Flavorful. 请品尝RICH LIFE,肉质鲜嫩,独具风味。
    • 15. (2)间接标题(INDIRECT HEADLINE) 不是直接介绍商品或直接点明主题,而是通过中介环节、耐人寻味的词语,诱导人们去饶有兴趣地进而阅读广告正文。例如: □ Watering the Flowers 浇灌这些鲜花吧! (花布雨伞广告) □ How to Live with a Genius? 怎样才能和天才生活在一起?(莫扎特塑像广告)
    • 16. (3)复合标题(COMBINATION HEADLINE) 用两至三条较短的标题组合而成的标题群。如果由三条组成,由于各个标题所起的作用不同,可分为正题、副题和引题三种类型标题。正题点明广告的主旨,副题补充说明正题,引题说明广告商品背景。
    • 17. 例如: Cozy Atmosphere & Soft Music THE SING SING RESTARANT Finest French Food 舒畅氛围,轻松音乐 星星大酒店 法式美味佳肴 TOYOTA A New Driving experience In Better Shape Here and There 丰田轿车,新的造型,新的感受
    • 18. Reading Materials (A)The Information Superhighway Abstract: The information highway can be defined as: “A location-independent user environment, that uses high speed networking and computing for multimedia communications”. Key words: information highway; transmission; switching; compression
    • 19. Reading Materials (B)OED’s Electronic Update Abstract: This article introduces the OED’s electronic update. The Oxford English Dictionary launched its online service (www.oed. com) in 2000 and the international fascination with the English language has proved lucrative. Key words: Oxford English Dictionary; the OED’s electronic update; digital store-house 返 回