2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 二十四 Module 6 Period 4 Integrating Skills 要点讲解课

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    课阅读作业 二十四
    Module 6 Period 4
    Ⅰ 完形填空
      In history a real cowboy was a simple farm worker on
    horseback He spent a long time a day outdoors working
    with cows The work was dirty tiring and not very well paid
      People in the western states had to  1  cattle at low cost and
    send them by railway to the eastern 2  But someone had to 3 
    the cattle and get them to the nearest railroad This was the job of a
    cowboy Sometimes the   4   was more than a thousand kilometers
    away and it could take as 5 as six months to move the cattle The 6 
    was long but the cattle were driven 7 as not to lose 8  Then they
    could be sold at a good price
      Most cowboys were young  9 men A good horse 10 their
    job of moving cattle much easier A good cowboy 11 cows and knew
    how to control them At night he 12 to the cows to keep them calm
      In the late 1800s America was changing from a nation of farm to
    one of   13   and cities The cowboy seemed   14   compared with
    other Americans doing ordinary jobs 2
      Today the 15 of cowboys has 16 greatly One change is the
    use of trucks The job is not so hard  17  it used to be And cowboys
    are better 18 now They are 19 to be married Some of them are
    farmers or teachers or truck drivers Some work for big companies  20 
    at night and on weekends they become cowboys These parttime
    cowboys increase the total production of meat keeping the beef price
    语篇概述文介绍 cowboy 历史变迁
    1 A get    B buy    C sell    D raise
    解析选 D逻辑推理题at low cost 低成养牛时然追
    求低成 卖牛时然应高价钱 样中获更高利
    润 处知 raise cattle(养牛)
    2 A markets B countries C cities D stories
    解析选 A文出火车运东部市场 然
    卖牛 处应选 markets 意市场
    3 A deal with B find out
    C look after D pay off
    解析选 C逻辑推理题cowboy 工作料牛 赶
    铁路 应 look after(料)
    4 A road B railroad C state D
    解析选 B词汇复现题文已出现 railroad 表语 more 3
    than a thousand kilometers away 知 railroad
    5 A good B much C long D far
    解析选 C固定搭配题表达 take花费6 月时间 然
    as long as(长达) 句意吻合
    6 A journey B trip C tour D travel
    解析选 A逻辑推理题四选项然旅行意
    journey 表示路程 行程
    7 A hurriedly B smoothly C slowly D
    解析选 C逻辑推理题根文be sold at a good price
    牛瘦 slowly慢慢走 牛劳累 牛会
    8 A mind B direction C head D weight
    解析选 D逻辑推理题根文be sold at a good price
    牛瘦 not to lose weight
    9 A unmarried B proud
    C strong D educated
    解析选 A出 6 月 未婚男——
    必料妻子孩子 A 项佳答案unmarried 未婚 proud 豪
    strong 强壮 educated 受教育
    10 A had B made C found D
    helped 4
    解析选 B语法搭配题句子 easier 结构(形容词
    作宾语补足语)词处 found made根文 发现
    容易 匹马会赶牛工作容易 选 B
    11 A recognized B understood C owned D
    解析选 B逻辑推理题懂牛——方面常识积
    累验 cowboy knew how to control them
    12 A whispered B shouted C cried D
    解析选 D背景常识题音乐乐曲动物心态
    般常识 sangwhisper 声说 耳语 shout 喊
    cry 哭喊
    13 A towns B factories C companies D villages
    解析选 B逻辑推理题美国扩工业生产时期 句
    子里changing from a nation of farm to farm 应 factories 相

    14 A free B brave C easy D
    解析选 A逻辑推理题工厂工作机器连起 工厂
    严格纪律求 相较言 cowboys 较(free)
    15 A manner B job C life D mind
    解析选 C逻辑推理题段说 cowboy 变化 通5
    16 A changed B developed C improved D
    解析选 A词汇复现题句话 One change 说明处
    17 A that B as C which D what
    解析选 B语法搭配题处较句型not so hard as 意
    18 A known B paid C treated D
    解析选 C逻辑推理题雇方更 会较
    工资 会钱买衣服 known更出名 文吻

    19 A afraid B eager C worried D likely
    解析选 D固定搭配题be likely to do 做某事 前面
    unmarried 相呼应be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 be eager to do sth
    渴做某事 be worried to do sth 担心做某事三项符合句意
    20 A Because B And C When D But
    解析选 D逻辑推理题前面 work for big companies公司
    干活 面become cowboys 前逻辑表示转折 but
    Ⅱ 阅读理解
    A 6
    Grandparents Answer a Call
    As a thirdgeneration native of Brownsville Texas Mildred Garza
    never planned to move away Even when her daughter and son asked
    her to move to San Antonio to help with their children she politely
    refused Only after a year of friendly discussion did Ms Garza finally say
    yes That was four years ago Today all three generations regard the
    move as a success giving them a closer relationship than they would
    have had in separate cities
    No statistics show the number of grandparents like Garza who are
    moving closer to adult children and grandchildren Yet there is evidence
    suggesting that the trend is growing Even President Obama’s
    motherinlaw Marian Robinson has agreed to leave Chicago and move
    into the White House to help care for her granddaughters According to
    a study by grandparents com 83 percent of the people said Mrs
    Robinson’s decision will influence grandparents in the American family
    Twothirds believe more families will follow the example of Obama’s
    In the 1960s we were all a little wild and couldn’t get away from
    home far enough or fast enough to prove we could do it on our
    own says Christine Crosby publisher of Grand a magazine for
    grandparents We now realize how important family is and how 7
    important it is to be near them especially when you’re raising children
    Moving is not for everyone Almost every grandparent wants to be
    with his or her grandchildren and is willing to make sacrifices but
    sometimes it is wiser to say no and visit frequently instead Having your
    grandchildren far away is hard especially knowing your adult child is
    struggling but giving up the life you know may be harder
    语篇概述文篇议文 介绍现祖辈孙辈住起
    利弊 应该做出决定
    1 Why was Garza’s move a success
    A It strengthened her family ties
    B It improved her living conditions
    C It enabled her to make more friends
    D It helped her know more new places
    解析选 A细节理解题根第段句知 现 Ms
    Garza孙辈关系更 加强家庭联系
    2 What was the reaction of the public to Mrs Robinson’s decision
    A 17 expressed their support for it
    B Few people responded sympathetically
    C 83 believed it had a bad influence
    D The majority thought it was a trend
    解析选 D细节理解题根第二段两句知 部分会
    仿效 Mrs Robinson 做法 会成种趋势 8
    3 What did Crosby say about people in the 1960s
    A They were unsure of themselves
    B They were eager to raise more children
    C They wanted to live away from their parents
    D They had little respect for their grandparents
    解析选 C推理判断题根第三段第句推知 20 世纪 60 年
    代时候 想离开家证明力现实允许
    4 What does the author suggest the grandparents do in the last
    A Make decisions in the best interests of their own
    B Ask their children to pay more visits to them
    C Sacrifice for their struggling children
    D Get to know themselves better
    解析选 A推理判断题段知 时候祖父母说
    子孙住起非选择 住起常
    会更 样需改变祖父母熟悉生活方式 推知作者建
    议祖父母否子孙起住需求出发 取决
        Do you read newspapers in modern times while we
    have TV and other media The first newspaper was written 9
    by hand and put up on walls in public places The earliest daily
    newspaper was started in Rome in 59 BC In the 700s the world’s first
    printed newspaper was published Europe didn’t have a regularly
    published newspaper until 1609 when one was started in Germany
    The first regularly published newspaper in English was printed in
    Amsterdam in 1620 In 1621 an English newspaper was started in
    London and was published once a week The first daily English
    newspaper was Daily Current which came out in March 1702
    In 1690 Benjamin Harris printed the first American newspaper in
    Boston But not long after it was first published the government
    stopped the paper In 1704 John Campbell started Boston Newspaper
    the first newspaper published daily in the American Colonies By 1760
    the colonies had had more than thirty daily newspapers There are now
    about 1 800 daily papers in the United States
    Today as a group English language newspapers have the largest
    circulation in the world But the largest circulation for a newspaper is
    that of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun It sells more than eleven
    million copies every year
    手写 贴公场合墙壁早新闻日报创办公元
    前 59 年罗马
    5 The first regularly printed European newspaper was started    10
    A in Rome in 59 BC     B in Germany in 1609
    C in Amsterdam in 1620 D in England in 1621
    解析选 B细节理解题根第段句知 欧洲第份
    定期印刷出版报纸出现 1609 年德国
    6 The first daily English newspaper was started in   
    A 1702    B 1760 C 1620    D 1621
    解析选 A细节理解题根第二段句知 第份英文
    日报出现 1702 年 3 月
    7 What can we learn from the passage
    A The earliest daily printed newspaper was started in Rome in 59 BC
    B The first regularly published English newspaper was printed in Boston
    C The first daily English newspaper was printed in the American
    D The first American newspaper was stopped before 1704
    解析选 D推理判断题根第三段第二三两句知 1690
    年出现美国报纸政府停办 直 1704 年 报纸美国次
    8 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
    A Newspapers have the longest history in the United States
    B One English language newspaper has the largest circulation in the
    C The first English newspaper was printed in Rome in 59 BC 11
    D There are all kinds of newspapers all over the world today
    解析选 D推理判断题根第三段In 1690 Benjamin Harris
    printed the first American newspaper in Boston 知 美国 1690 年出
    现报纸 非意味着报纸历史悠久 排 A 根段But
    the largest circulation for a newspaper is that of the Japanese
    newspaper Asahi Shimbun 知排 B 根第段The earliest daily
    newspaper was started in Rome in 59 BC 知 C 项错误选 D
    Ⅲ 短文改错
    假定英语课老师求桌间交换修改作文 请修改
    桌写作文文中 10 处语言错误 句中两处
    增加 缺词处加漏字符号(∧) 面写出该加词
    删 余词斜线(\)画掉
    修改 错词面画横线 该词面写出修改词
    注意 1 处错误修改均仅限词
    2 允许修改 10 处 者(第 11 处起)计分
    My brother Donald didn’t do well in math When the day of the
    exam comes Donald sat next to Brian which was always good at math
    Donald careful copied Brian’s answers At end of the exam the teacher
    collected the papers and graded it Then she decided to give a prize to
    the student who got the high grade But it was a bit of difficult for her to
    make a decision because Donald and Brian got the same grade The 12
    teacher thought about that and made on her mind to give the prize to
    Brian Donald said it was unfair That’s true the teacher said
    Therefore Brian’s answer to Question 18 wasI don’t know’ Your was
    Neither do I’
    My brother Donald didn’t do well in math When the day of the
    exam comes
    Donald sat next to Brian which was always good at math Donald careful
    Brian’s answers At ∧end of the exam the teacher collected the papers
    and graded
    it Then she decided to give a prize to the student who got the high grade
    them highest
    it was a bit of difficult for her to make a decision because Donald and
    Brian got the same grade The teacher thought about that and made on her
    mind to give the prize to 13
    Brian Donald said it was unfair That’s true the teacher said
    Therefore Brian’s
    answer to Question 18 was I don’t know’ Your was Neither do I’
    1 解析第二句 comes→came考查时态描述发生事情
    2 解析第二句 which→who考查定语句先行词 Brian 指
    非限制性定语句中 who 引导
    3 解析第三句 careful→carefully考查副词修饰动词 copy 副

    4 解析第四句 end 前加 the考查固定短语at the end of
    5 解析第四句 it→them考查代词考试结束 老师收起
    试卷评分处指代 the papers them
    6 解析第五句 high→highest考查形容词高级然决定
    7 解析第六句掉 a bit of考查固定表达a bit of 修饰名
    词 a bit 修饰形容词副词表示点
    8 解析第七句 on→up考查固定短语make up one’s mind 定14
    9 解析第十句 Therefore→However考查副词然 Brian 答
    10 解析第十句 Your→Yours考查代词答案
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