
    Starter unit A plan for the new school year第1课时教学设计
    容源Join In三起点(2013年版)六 Starter unit
    课 时第1课时
    教学目标(Teaching aims)
    1 听懂理解文句子做出相应判断
    2 读懂容朋友讨新学期计划
    二教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
    三教学准备(Teaching preparation)
    Step 1 Review
    师生话交流暑假生活(提前通知学生准备张假期生活片)How was your summer holiday 学生起分享美暑假接着老师问Have you got a plan for year 6 引出节课话题
    Step 2 Presentation
    老师提出问题:How was Mark’s summer holiday 学生带着问题听录音找出问题答案
    Linda Hello Mark
    Mark Hi Linda It’s good to see you again
    Linda You’re looking well How was your summer holiday
    Mark It was great I was with my grandparents on the farm It was green and pretty there And there were many fruit trees and birds It was so beautiful
    How about you Linda
    Linda Er it was OK I was at home in Foshan City Mm have you got a plan for Year 6
    Mark No I haven’t What are you going to do in Year 6
    Linda I'm going to work harder at English
    Mark Me too I will do more listening and reading
    1T 2T 3T 4 F 5 T 6 T
    老师助课件图片等种形式谈新学期计划帮助学生初步感 知理解计划书容然根实际情况制订份新学期计划
    四组活动学生组逐谈新学期计划余学生予评价:Drink more water It’s a good idea Play computer games It’s bad for your health 选出2—3名学生全班介绍新学期计划老师适时予指导评价
    Eat healthy food and eat better
    Drink more water
    Exercise more
    Laugh more often
    Enjoy life
    Get good grades
    Learn something new
    Study often
    Read more books
    Watch less television
    Play fewer games
    Take a trip
    Get along better with people
    Make new friends
    Spend more time with family and friends
    Help others
    Step3 Homework
    1 登陆优教步学网听课第2页1部分录音3遍
    2 读英语事书1020分钟
    3 制定份新学期计划
    Starter unit
    How was your summer holiday
    Have you got a plan for Year 6
    What are you going to do in Year 6

    Starter unit A plan for the new school year第2课时教学设计
    容源Join In三起点(2013年版)六 Starter unit
    课 时第2课时
    教学目标(Teaching aims)
    1 正确理解短语图片连线
    2 听懂理解话容根关键词图片标号
    3 根短文容选出正确单词完成练
    二教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
    三教学准备(Teaching preparation)
    Step 1 Review
    教师播放How is the weather?歌曲巩固天气单词接着出示张全国天气预报图片找代表城市What’s the weather like in… 引导学生复天气句型
    Step 2 Presentation
    What’s the weather like How’s the weather It’s
    1 —What’s the weather like in Nanjing
    —It’s raining
    2 —What’s the weather like in your place
    —Oh it’s sunny The sky is clear and blue
    3 —How’s the weather todayLily
    —It’s cloudy
    4 —Hi Carl I’ll get to Beijing tomorrow morning
    —Oh great
    —How’s the weather there
    —It's windy and cold You’ll have to bring your warm clothes
    2 3 4 1
    老师通PPT出示Toby图片次呈现get on the bus get off the bus put on his shirt take off his shirt图片引导学生复相应短语
    My best friend is Kate Lee She likes to watch lots of TV At quarter past five she turns on the TV She wants to see Kevin Dee her favourite TV star Kevin says on TV I love these sweets ’’ and he eats and eats and eats So Kate Lee also wants to have sweets very much and she goes out and buys lots of sweets Then she eats and eats and eats Soon she cries out Oh my tummy my tummy Then she never eats them again Kate Lee says to me I hate these sweets and Kevin Dee
    friend watch turns on wants favourite love have buys never hate
    Step3 Homework
    1 登陆优教步学网听课第5页5b部分录音3遍
    2 读英语事书1020分钟
    Starter unit
    What’s the weather like in … It’s…
    get on the bus
    get off the bus
    put on his shirt
    take off his shirt

    Starter unit A plan for the new school year第3课时教学设计
    容源Join In三起点(2013年版)六 Starter unit
    课 时第3课时
    教学目标(Teaching aims)
    1 读懂理解句子图标相应序号
    2 读懂话图标相应序号
    3 读懂句子句子排序组成话
    二教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)
    三教学准备(Teaching preparation)
    Step 1 Review
    Step 2 Presentation
    6 Read and fill in the numbers on the map读读写数字
    7 Read and number Then listen and check读读标序号听听核答案
    — Excuse me where’s the post office
    —Go straight ahead Then turn right
    —Thank you
    —That’s OK
    — Excuse me where’s the hospital
    —Turn left and then left again It’s on the left side of the street
    —Thank you
    — Excuse me where’s the museum
    —Go straight ahead It’s on the left opposite the park
    —Thank you
    —That’s all right
    —Excuse me where's the cinema
    —Turn left and it’s on the right It’s next to the church
    —Thank you
    —That’s OK
    4 3 1 2
    8 Make a dialogue Put the sentences in the correct order Then listen and check编话写序号听听核答案
    —Excuse me where’s the new cinema
    —The new cinema That s easy It’s opposite the supermarket
    —Sorry but where’s the supermarket
    —Turn left then right You can see it
    —Thank you Byebye
    3 5 1 6 2 4
    Step3 Homework
    1 登陆优教步学网听课第7页7部分录音3遍
    2 读英语事书1020分钟
    Starter unit
    Where’s the … It’s…

    Unit1 School is great fun 教学设计
    1 听懂认读课程单词:Chinese Maths English Science Music Art History PE Drama French Geography ICT 完成英文课程表
    2 正确运句型Which school do you go to How many pupils are there in your class How many subjects do you have at school What is your favourite subject What do you often do What do you like doing in English 等谈学校生活
    3 正确理解运句型I likelove doing I often…介绍完成相关练
    4 老师指导读懂短文完成相关务
    1 Answer the questions答答
    Step 1 Free Talk:老师名学生进行关school life问答:Who’s your English teacher How is heshe 等
    Step 2 学生开课第8页根课问题进行两问答谈学校生活
    2a Read about Lake School读读
    2b Listen and read again Tick True or False听听读读勾勾
    Step l 学生开课第8页阅读短文整体感知短文容
    Step 2 学生阅读完2b句子老师播放录音学生初步判断句子正误
    Step 3 学生开课第8页次阅读短文根相关信息查
    Step 4 全班核答案请做学说出理老师适时教授新容:drama history等
    Step 5 播放录音数遍学生采种形式朗读短文男女生读开火车读分组 读等选出23组进行展示老师适时予评价
    Step 6 组活动求学生根课中5问题进行问答选出12组进行展示老师适时予指导评价
    School is great fun
    By Mary Chen
    I come from China I go to Lake School on North Island In our class there are 23 pupils 12 girls and 11 boys This year we will have two new subjects Drama and History Ms Howard will teach us Drama I am her fan Mr Washington will teach us History We all love sports Most pupils in our class like pop music Four boys and two girls have pets Our classroom is great We like our teachers
    School is great fun
    1T 2F 3T 4F 5F 6T
    3 Listen and learn the words for school subjects听听学学
    Step l 老师呈现课程表播放录音学生根单词发音图片初步理解单词含义







    Step 2 老师播放录音数遍选出数名学生老师余学生读采取种形式操练男女生读开火车读分组读等学新单词
    Step 3 老师呈现课程表学生根图片描述周三周四课程







    Step 4求学生设计周五课程完成课程表选出名学生全班汇报余学生做记录
    Step 5组活动引导学生根完成课程表What’s your favourite daysubject What subject do you like I like 等句型讨喜欢科目选出23组进行展示
    Chinese Maths English Science Music Art
    History PE Drama French ICT Geography
    4a Listen and fill in the days听听写写
    4b Play the game Guess what day it is 玩玩猜猜
    Step l老师出示张课程表选出数名学生进行话:What day is it today What’s your favorite daysubject What have you got on Monday Do you like Why
    Step 2学生开课第10页仔细观察题目弄清题意然阅读天课程
    Step 3老师播放录音引导学生根听关键词答案写方框
    Step 4 师生核答案请做学说出理
    Step 5老师选出名学生讲台示范余学生根描述猜出天课程然组活动选出组进行展示
    (Kevin and Christine are talking about their timetable)
    Kevin Christine what have we got tomorrow
    Christine Let me think tomorrow is Thursday On Thursday we’ve got PE and then French I’m not sure about the third lesson
    Kevin It’s Science
    Christine No I think it’s Maths
    Kevin You're right What's your favourite day Christine
    Christine Tuesday
    Kevin Why’s that
    Christine Because I like Geography and Music And I love Science And what’s your favourite day
    Kevin I’ve got two favourite days Monday and Wednesday My favourite subject is History and we've got it on Monday and Wednesday Have we got French homework for tomorrow
    Christine Yes we have got to learn the new words
    Monday Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Friday
    5 Read and guess What are their favourite subjects Then write out the words读读猜猜写写
    Step l 学生开课第11页仔细观察题目弄清题意
    Step 2 学生阅读根朋友描述写出3问题答案
    Step 3 组活动两组问答形式相互交流讨回答容师生核答案老师适时予指导强调:I likelove doing…第三称单数表达方式
    Step 4 采种形式朗读短文全班读分组读读等
    Step 5 老师示范呈现科目课相关句型描述喜欢课程提出课程关3问题引导学生回答
    Step 6 四组活动描述喜欢科目提问余回答选出数组进行展示老师适时予指导评价
    Alison –music JeffArt MarkPE ClairMaths SueChinese SimonICT TomScience KateDrama
    6a Read Then listen and repeat 读读说说
    6b Read again Then complete the sentences 读读完成句子
    Step l 学生开课第12页阅读两段文回答问题:What are Sandra and Mario’s favourite subjects 初步解意
    Step 2老师提问:What do they like doing 然逐句播放录音学生读回答问题进步解文章容
    Step 3学生通次阅读短文完成6b练
    Step 4师生核答案老师引导学生注意第称第三称表达方式
    Step 5 采种形式阅读短文全班读分组读读次巩固文容
    Step 6 老师示范仿文描述学校生活学生根实际情况进行描述展示
    In my English class there are twelve pupils eight girls and four boys Our teacher's name is Mrs Blasco She is a very nice teacher English is my favourite subject I like reading stories and listening to cassettes best

    This year my favourite day at school is Thursday We have got History English Maths and PE I like History very much Our History teacher is very nice In English I like singing songs and playing games best English is great fun
    1 has her likes 2 has his likes His likes thinks
    7a Read and tell what Mario likes doing in English读读说说
    7b Talk in class谈谈
    Step 1 老师通问题What can we do in English 引导学生回答:We can sing songs work in groups practise dialogues learn new words say chants read stories watch cartoons act in plays…适时板书教授短语
    Step 2 学生开课第13页带着问题What does Mario like doing in English阅读句子回答老师引导学生注意I like doing…法第三称表达方式
    Step 3 采种形式阅读短文全班读分组读读
    Step 4 三组活动提问:What do you like doing in English 回答 第三称转述
    8 Write your own timetable in English写写
    Step l 学生开课第13页仔细观察题目弄清题意
    Step 2 学生根班级课程表完成表格师生核答案
    Step 3 引导学生句型描述课程表:On Monday we’ve got I love I like …I often…然选出数名学生进行展示
    1 In there pupils and This teacher our pop music comics collect Four pets is we English
    2 Betty doesn’t like listening to music
    Jim doesn’t like writing texts
    Bob likes using the computer
    Ann likes reading stories
    Unit2 Big cities教学设计
    1 听懂the Great Wall the Palace Museum Tower Bridge the London Eye the
    White House the Smithsonian Castle指认图片根图片认读短语
    2 正确运take the firstsecondthird leftright等表达方式指路听懂理解关问路表达方式
    3 听懂理解朗读城市国家短文完成相关练
    4 解明信片正确书写格式
    5 解国家城市相关背景知识
    1a Listen and point听听指指
    1b Listen and match听听连连
    1c Listen and read听听读读
    Step 1 老师视听形式呈现1a容数遍展示景点图片步播放景点名称录音
    Step 2 学生开课第14页观察题目弄清题意然老师播放录音学生完成1a务适时学六景点名称
    Step 3 播放1b录音学生完成1b连线练师生核答案然老师引导学生采取方式朗读三句子适时教授capitalWashington DC US UK 等相关容
    Step 4 老师逐句播放录音数遍学生读学culture popular等相关容
    Step 5 采取种文朗读文全班读分组读读等老师适时予指导
    Step 6 老师播放没声音1a图片示范描述引导学生进行练次巩固学容
    Step 7 老师呈现国家区图片学生尝试描述老师适时予评价 1a录音稿:
    the Great Wall the Palace Museum Tower Bridge the London Eye
    the White House the Smithsonian Castle
    1b & 1c录音稿:
    Beijing is in the north of China It is the capital of the country There are many interesting places in Beijing The Great Wall and the Palace Museum are the most popular

    London is the capital of the UK The city is full of history and culture The British Museum Tower Bridge Big Ben and the London Eye are great fun to visit

    Washington DC is the capital of the US It is home to the famous White House and the Smithsonian Museums You can feel the history and culture of the country here
    2 1 3
    2 Emma is in London Match the pictures with the postcards连连
    Step l 学生开课第16页阅读根三张明信片容完成连线练
    Step 2 师生核答案请做学说出理
    Step 3 逐句播放录音数遍学生读适时学in the middle of at the moment等相关容
    Step 4 采取种形式朗读文容全班读组读读等引导学生总 结出明信片书写格式
    Step 5学生尝试朋友写张明信片然老师选出23进行展示适时予评价
    Dear Mike
    Guess where we are today We are looking at the Palace The Queen lives there She’ s not at home today Tomorrow we’ll be back in Manchester


    Dear Mike

    It’s great There are so many big shops There are lots and lots of people Guess where we are at the moment


    Dear Mike

    I like it here Today we’re in the middle of London We’re walking around Hyde Park It’s so big Next we are going to Big Ben and Tower Bridge

    3a Read and learn读读学学
    3b Who gets the correct answer Listen and tick 听听勾勾
    Step l 老师出示3b图引导学生仔细观察学录音中出现相关名
    Step 2 老师呈现某图中位置通问答形式(Excuse me how can we get to Excuse me how can we get to …from here Go straight ahead then Thank you very much You’re welcome)引导学生复问路指路表达方式
    Step 3 次变换图中位置老师通问答形式适时教授take the first secondthird leftright表达方式引导学生学操练
    Step 4 学生开课第17页阅读3a容弄清题意3b图中找出关键名做记号
    Step 5 播放录音数遍学生根关键词完成听力练
    Step 6 师生核答案请做学生说出理
    Mum Excuse me how can we get to the National Gallery from here
    Man Go straight ahead then take the first right Go straight ahead again and then take the third street on the left
    Mum Thank you
    Man That’s OK

    Dad Excuse me can you tell me the way to the National Gallery
    Girl Go straight ahead cross Piccadilly Circus into Regent Street Then take the second street on the right
    Dad Thank you very much
    Girl You’re welcome

    Emma Excuse me can you tell me the way to the National Gallery
    Woman OK Take the first left and then the third right Go straight ahead to Trafalgar Square where the National Gallery is
    Emma Thank you very much
    Woman No problem
    4a Look at the photo and do the New York quiz 测测
    4b Read and check读读核答案
    Step l 学生开课第18页仔细观察4a图片老师引导图片说出相关信息:This is New York It’s a big city等
    Step 2 学生阅读5问题根图片纽约解作出回答老师巡视予指导
    Step 3 学生通阅读4b文查5问题答案然全班核适时学解twin towers World Trade Centre相关背景知识
    Step 4老师播放录音学生逐句读采取形式朗读全班读组读 读等老师适时予指导评价
    New York City is a busy city by the sea in the US It is also one of the biggest cities in the world The twin towers in the photo were the tallest buildings in the city But they were hit by two planes and fell down in 2001
    5a Listen and read听听读读
    5b Read again and then tick True of False读读勾勾
    Step 1老师播放5a录音学生通回答What is the passage about 初步解文章意
    Step 2 老师提问:What do you know about Wuhan from this passage 次播放录音学生逐句读回答问题进步解文章容
    Step 3学生通阅读短文完成5b练师生核答案请做学说出理
    Step 4采取形式朗读短文全班读男女生读组读等
    Step 5老师示范仿文描述城市特征学生猜出名然学生尝试描述城市全班开展游戏
    Wuhan is a big city in China It is a city of rivers The Changjiang River runs across the city from west to east and the Han River enters the Changjiang River here Wuhan is also a city of lakes because there are many lakes in the city And the East Lake is the biggest There are many beautiful parks around the lake
    1 True 2 True 3 False 4 False 5 False
    1 Dear great There shops lots people are palace Queen Love
    2 go straight ahead take the second left take the first right turn right turn left
    3 Dialogue 1 Take the first left and then take the next right The cinema is opposite the bus stop
    Dialogue 2 Take the first left and go straight ahead The post office is on the left Dialogue 3 Go straight ahead and take the third right
    Dialogue 4 Go straight ahead and take the third left Then go straight ahead and take the second left
    Unit3 Festivals教学设计
    1 老师指导听懂理解朗读短文完成相关练
    2 图片提示听懂理解事
    3 理解学唱歌曲Halloween song
    4 通阅读知晓万圣节感恩节等国外节日相关俗解中西方文化
    1 Read the texts about festivals Then listen and repeat读读 听听说说
    Step l 老师呈现节日图片提问:What festival is it When is it What do
    we often do on this day引导学生说出节日解
    Step 2 学生开课第20页阅读两段短文通回答问题What festivals are they初步解文章意
    Step 3老师提问What do you know about MidAutumn Festival and Thanksgiving from the passage 学生次阅读短文找出相关信息回答问题进步理解短文容
    Step 4老师播放录音学生逐句读助图片学get together moon cake
    Step 5学生采形式朗读短文全班读分组读分段读等
    Step 6老师分呈现中秋节感恩节图片引导学生描述选出进行展示老师予指导评价
    Step 7老师示范描述节日余节日名称全班开展游戏
    MidAutumn Festival
    The 15th day of the Chinese lunar August is a very important festival in China It’s MidAutumn Festival On this day the moon is full and bright Families get together and eat moon cakes People far from home look up at the moon and think about their families

    The fourth Thursday in November is a holiday in the USA It’s Thanksgiving On this day families get together and have a big dinner People usually eat turkey sweet potatoes and other vegetables Many people will meet in the streets and enjoy their holiday together Everybody has fun
    2 Read the story and find out more about Thanksgiving读读找找
    Step l 学生开课第21页仔细观察图片说出节日名称根学知识谈谈感恩节
    Step 2 老师求学生通阅读找出更感恩节相关信息全班汇报交流解感恩节历
    Step 3 播放录音学生逐句读适时学native build hunt wild turkey plant corn invite等相关容
    Step 4 学生采形式朗读事全班读分组读男女生读等
    Step 5 引导学生描述感恩节历俗全班展示汇报老师予指导评价
    It is 1620 The Mayflower lands in America The ship comes from England The people on the Mayflower are looking for a new home It is winter The people from England are cold and hungry Native Americans help them to build houses They show them how to hunt for wild turkey They show them how to catch fish Later when it warm again they show them how to plant corn The people want to thank the Native Americans and have a big party They invite the Native Americans They call their party Thanksgiving
    3a Listen and read the text听听读读
    3b Answer the questions答答
    3c Read the text again Then put the sentences in the correct order 读读排排序
    Step l 老师播放关万圣节种图片引导学生谈万圣节解 Step 2 老师播放录音学生通回答What do the children often do at Halloween初步感知短文容
    Step 3 学生开课第22页带着3b5问题阅读短文找出答案
    Step 4 师生核答案请做学说出理适时教授dress up witches trick or treat等
    Step 5 学生分组阅读短文完成3c排序练全班核答案
    Step 6 采取形式朗读短文全班读分组读男女生读等
    Step 7 老师引导学生根学容描述万圣节相关俗请23名学生汇报老师予指导评价
    On 31st October children in Britain and the USA dress up as witches monsters or ghosts They go from house to house and ring the door bell When the door opens they call out Trick or treat
    Most people give the children a treat often chocolates or other sweets Some people don’t give the children anything Then the children play a trick They come back ring the door bell again and run away
    1 Halloween is on 31st October
    2 The children dress up as witches monsters or ghosts
    3 They go from house to house and ring the doorbell
    4 When the door opens they call out Trick or treat
    5 Most people give the children a treat often chocolates or other sweets
    3 4 5 1 2
    4 Listen and sing the song听听唱唱
    Step l学生开课第23页仔细观察图片阅读话通回答问题 What festival is it What do you know about it 学歌曲做铺垫
    Step 2老师播放录音学生初步感受歌曲旋律容
    Step 3老师次播放录音数遍学生尝试唱歌曲重点学第三段老师助图片动作帮助学生理解操练歌词
    Step 4学生次演唱歌曲采种形式师生唱男女生唱分组 唱等
    Step 5老师示范引导学生创编新歌曲谈谈节日选出23组进行展示老师予指导评价
    Halloween song
    Who’s there
    It's us
    Who’s that
    It’s us The witches monsters and the ghosts

    Give us a treat (oh yeah)
    Give us a treat or
    We’ll play a trick on you

    It’s trick or treat (oh yeah)
    It’s trick or treat (oh yeah)
    It’s trick or treat or
    We'll get you too

    It’s the last night of October
    We knock on every door
    But sometimes people lock us out
    And then they can hear us shout

    Give us a treat (oh yeah)
    Give us a treat (oh yeah)
    Give us a treat or
    We’ll play a trick on you
    It’s trick or treat (oh yeah)
    It’s trick or treat (oh yeah)
    It’s trick or treat or
    We’ll get you too
    5 A story—A surprise事——惊喜
    Step 1老师播放录音学生通回答问题:When does the story happen 初步感知事容
    Step 2学生开课组分角色朗读图片15通回答问题:What do they get What are they doing解事起
    Step 3 学生听图片6~9录音回答问题:What do the children find at Mr Pearson’s house 解事发展适时学strangeladder等词语老师次播放述部分录音学生逐句读模仿录音中语音语调
    Step 4 学生带着问题How do they help Mr Pearson 朗读图片1018解事结局老师继续播放录音请学生感情读老师适时教育学生遇事冷静机智想办法解决
    Step 5 全班采取种形式朗读事全班读分角色读等
    Step 6 老师引导学生尝试表演事选出23组进行展示老师适时予指导评价
    Together Hi Emma
    Emma Hi Sarah Hi Mike and Patrick
    Together Ring the door bell Mike
    Mike OK
    Together Trick or treat Trick or treat
    Woman Here you are children
    Together Oh great Thank you
    (Half an hour later)
    Sarah Let me see what you’ve got
    Patrick Chocolates sweets and lots of peanuts
    Emma Now let’s go to Mr Pearson's house
    (Five minutes later)
    It's dark
    There is nobody at home
    Come here
    Look There is a light on upstairs
    That’s strange There is a ladder
    And the window upstairs is open
    Sarah What can we do
    Patrick I’ve got Dads mobile phone
    Emma Let’s call the police
    Mike We’re at 29 Bridge Street There is nobody at home but there is an open window at the back And there is a ladder
    Policeman OK We’ll check it out
    (Ten minutes later)
    Policemen OK children Your names and addresses please
    Policemen Thank you Go home now please
    Emma Look
    Policeman Police Come down
    Mr Pearson Good evening officer I left my key in the house and locked myself out
    Together Oh it’s Mr Pearson
    Policeman Well done children
    Mr Pearson Hello detectives Have a treat
    Together Thank you Mr Pearson
    1 fourth holiday Thanksgiving members together turkey sweet potatoes vegetables
    2 (1) F (2) F (3) T (4) T (5) F (6) F (7) F (8) T (9) F
    3 (1) Ring the door bell
    (2) Here you are children
    (3) There’s nobody at home
    (4) That’s strange There’s a ladder
    (5) OK We'll check it out
    (6) Thank you Go home now
    (7) Police Come down
    (8) Oh it’s Mr Pearson
    (9) Hello detectives Have a treat
    Unit4 Accidents教学设计
    1 掌握规动词式was had broke went cut put found came saw fell等
    2 初步理解运时般疑问句Did heshe回答
    3 根图片听句子补全话What’s the matter with you My hurt(s) 运句型交流关伤痛信息
    4 根图片事情节发展句子排序讲述事
    5 助图片读懂事Bad luck for Tony够正确朗读表演
    6 解称代词he物代词his意义基法
    7 学唱英语歌曲Take care
    1 Look listen and read听听读读
    Step l老师利图片课件创设情境引出单元话题:Accidents学生理解学说单词
    Step 2学生开课第32页仔细观察两幅图片老师问题引导学生初步理解:Who are they Are they OK What’s the matter 等
    Step 3老师播放录音学生感知短文容
    Step 4老师次播放录音学生图片提示理解短文容老师设计问题引导学生深入理解短文判断错
    1 Joel had an accident when he was eight
    2 He broke his head and his left arm
    3 He was in hospital for five weeks
    4 Joseph was on holiday with his parents last year
    5 He cut his hand when he went swimming
    6 His mum put a bandage round his foot
    Step 5 师生核答案老师助图片课件帮助学生理解学说新单词broke cut broken bottle bandage等
    Step 6老师设计动词原形式配活动帮助学生初步学规动词式:go—went isam—was have—had break—broke cut—cut put—put等
    Step 7 学生阅读短文老师设计相应活动帮助学生巩固短文容: Choose and fill in the blanks
    broke had hospital was right bike
    When Joel _______eight he_________an accident with his He_______his leg and his _______arm He was in_________for four weeks
    went put cut parents bottle
    Last year Joseph was on holiday with his ________ One day he______ swimming
    He _______his foot on a broken ________ His mum ________a bandage round it
    Step 8 学生老师指导意群进行朗读
    When I was eight I had an accident with my bike I broke my leg and my right arm I was in hospital for four weeks

    Last year I was on holiday with my parents One day I went swimming I cut my foot on a broken bottle My mum put a bandage round it
    2 Fill in he or his Then read and check填填读读核答案
    Step l老师设计活动帮助学生复巩固称代词物代词hehissheher
    _______ (HisHer) name is Mike
    _______ (HeHis) is ten year old
    _______ (HisHer) name is Fu Xuetong
    _______ (HeShe) likes reading
    Step 2 学生开课第32页阅读短文完成填空练老师巡视指导
    Step 3 师生核答案
    Step 4 学生声朗读短文老师注意引导学生意群进行朗读
    Step 5老师提问学生根第二部分短文容进行回答:
    T Did Joel have an accident when he was eight Ss Yes
    T Did he break his left arm Ss No He broke his right arm
    Step 6重复话次确保学生理解问句然引导学生尝试句子Did he… 提问
    Step 7采取师生话学生话等种形式操练话
    Step 8学生桌活动互相问答交流短文容
    Step 9根学生活动情况请23组学生进行展示
    1 he his He his his He 2 his he He his
    3a Look at the pictures Put the sentences in the correct order写序号
    3b Listen and check听听核答案
    3c Listen again and read听听读读
    Step l 利课件图片逐步呈现事中场景引导学生进行预测想象:
    What can you see in the picture What did the children see

    What can you see in the picture What did the children see

    What did the children Who did they call Did the police come quickly
    want to do

    Who was at the window What did he want to do

    What happened then
    程中老师应鼓励学生胆想象表达纠正学生时态错误 Step 2老师根学生事想象描述进行纳伴体态语事进行描 述学生初步理解事情节程中体会动词式变化: break—broke find—found come—came see—saw fall—fell call—called go—went put—put want—wanted
    Step 3 学生开课33页老师指导图认读句子图片相应句子配标号老师先示范根图片容寻找相应句子标号 :
    1 The children went to Mr Snow’s house
    Step 4 老师播放录音学生感知事容核答案
    Step 5 次播放录音师生核答案利课件图片句子配 Step 6 第三次播放录音学生模仿读进步熟悉事容
    Step 7 老师采取形式帮助学生图复述事根中心词提示复述事等

    1__________went to_________ 2_________ a ladder__________
    Step 8 老师示范图复述事注意引导学生定完全书句子: The children went to a house There was a ladder in the garden (in front of the house)等等
    Step 9 学生两组指图复述事老师巡视指导
    Step 10 根学生练情况请23组学生进行演示
    The children went to Mr Snow’s house
    They found a ladder in his garden
    They called the police
    The police came quickly
    They put the ladder away
    The children and the police saw a man at the window
    The man wanted to get down the ladder
    He fell from the window
    The man broke his right leg
    9 3 1 5 7 2 4 6 8
    4 Listen and sing the song 听听唱唱
    Step l老师播放录音利体态语帮助学生初步感知歌曲容
    Step 2老师次播放录音出示组课件图片帮助学生理解歌曲容利组形成图片帮助学生理解歌曲名Take care:心翼翼走路心摔跤闯红灯遵守交通规等
    Step 3分段理解学歌曲容
    第步:1) 播放歌曲第二段采取选择正确图片方式帮助学生理解请学生学说歌词:Which one is safe

    核答案程中引导学生学说:rulesafe wear your helmet put on your pads等初步解祈句:Listen Take care Keep to these rules Wear Don’t forget to…等
    2) 学唱歌曲第二段
    第二步:1) 播放歌曲第三四五段采样方法帮助学生理解学生学说歌词:put on your belt look left and right in the street please remember to 等
    2) 学唱歌曲第三四五段
    Step 4第四次播放录音学生完整学唱歌曲配简单动作
    Step 5利图片课件呈现生活中规师生合作改编歌曲
    Step 6学生分组活动选择学务:演唱歌曲创编歌曲
    Step 7老师根学生分组活动情况选出23组进行表演展示予积极评价
    Take care
    Listen everybody
    To what I have to say
    Listen well
    And keep to these rules
    Hey hey

    Take care when you ride your bike
    Wear your helmet so that you’re safe
    Take care when you roller blade
    Don’t forget to put on your pads

    Listen everybody
    To what I have to say
    Listen well
    And keep to these rules
    Hey hey

    There is another thing I want to say
    Please remember to put on your belt
    When you ride in a car
    Oh yeah
    And look left and right in the street

    Listen everybody
    To what I have to say
    Listen well
    And keep to these rules
    Hey hey
    5 A story—Bad luck for Tony事——托尼坏运气
    Step l老师利课件图片节选事中场景引导学生事情节进行预测程中充分发挥学生想象力老师应予学生积极鼓励评价:

    Step 2老师播放录音学生边听边图片初步感知事意引导学生说出事名字Bad luck for Tony
    Step 3老师次播放录音引导学生边听边思考核图片排序结果
    Step 4老师引导学生逐步学事

    通填空问答等方式帮助学生理解事第部分:Where does Tony’s family go What is Tony going to do What’s the matter with Tony 等引导学生事中理解学说单词campsite blood等

    老师引导学生阅读事第二部分回答问题:What does Tony need Does the people there help them Why Who helps them Is there a doctor in the village Where is the doctor 感情朗读物话老师采物图片说话连线判断正误等方式引导学生理解事第三部分
    Step 5老师次播放录音学生读事注意模仿录音中语音语调
    Step 6老师设计活动学生选择:1)六组分角色感情读课文2)选择事中某部分表演事3)图片板书提示组合作完整表演事
    Step 7 老师选12组学生进行展示予积极评价
    (The Harris family went on holiday)
    Attendant Welcome Here's your key
    Mum This is a lovely campsite Let’s stay here for a while
    Tony Yes let’s do that The beach looks great for snorkelling
    (Several days later)
    Tony I'm going down to the beach
    Mum OK
    (Half an hour later)
    Mum Oh no There is blood on your foot
    Tony I cut my foot down at the beach
    Dad Let me see It’s a deep cut You need a doctor
    Mum Here is a bandage
    Tony Ouch that hurts
    Dad Excuse me is there a doctor in the village
    (The people in the village didn’t understand English)
    (Finally Tony's dad finds a boy and a girl who speak English)
    Dad Excuse me is there a doctor in the village
    Girl No there isn't but there is one in the next village
    Boy I can come with you and show you
    Dad That’s very kind
    Doctor Your cut needs or six stitches It mil hurt
    Tony OK
    Tony Thank you doctor
    Doctor That’s all right Was it bad
    Tony Well
    Doctor No swimming for a week OK
    (Tony couldn’t go snorkelling but he wasn’t unhappy The boy and the girl often came and played games with him)
    (Two weeks later)
    Girl Don’t forget to write
    Tony No I won’t
    Boy See you again next year
    6 Complete the dialogues Then listen and check完成话听听核答案
    Step l 老师利图片体态语创设情境引导学生理解学话:What’s the matter with you My hurt(s)情境中操练话
    Step 2 学生开课第37页老师引导图根问题What’s the matter with回答HisHerhurt(s)
    Step 3 学生图片提示独立完成补全话练
    Step 4 老师播放录音学生核答案
    Step 5 老师次播放录音师生核答案理解句子:I’ve got earache I’ve cut my finger
    Step 6 学生听录音读话模仿语音语调
    Step 7 学生分角色朗读话
    Step 8 老师根学生学情况学生表演话创设情境创编话 录音稿
    Doctor What's the matter with you
    Sue My knee hurts

    Doctor What’s the matter with you
    Peter I’ve got earache

    Doctor What’s the matter with you
    Liz My arm hurts

    Doctor What’s the matter with you
    Tony I've cut my finger

    答案:Peter I’ve got earache
    Liz My arm hurts
    Tony I’ve cut my finger

    7 Read the safety poster Then design your own safety poster 读读设计海报
    Step l 老师利图片课件创设情境帮助学生理解学说单词safety
    Step 2 学生开课第37页老师引导文字提示读出poster容:Safety is as easy as ABC Always be careful老师带领重复次直熟练朗读止
    Step 3老师示范引导学生设计关安全海报图文茂Safety is as important as our eyes等句子
    Step 4学生互相讨请位学生试着说说句子老师应予积极鼓励恰指导
    Step 5学生组合作设计海报老师巡视指导
    Step 6老师根学生活动情况请组学生展示介绍海报
    1 Situation 1 hospitalopposite the parkbroken legplaster
    Situation 2 doctornext to the police stationproblem with her armbandage
    2 I was on holiday in broke my went to the doctor put my in plaster
    3 Picture 1 12 6
    Picture 2 2 57
    Picture 3 3 10 1 4
    Picture 4 9 75
    Picture 5 11 8
    Picture 6 13
    1 录音稿
    Situation 1
    Tourist 1 Excuse me can you tell me the way to the hospital
    Woman The hospital …er …yes Go straight ahead It’s not far from here At the end of this road on the left It’s the big yellow building opposite the park
    Tourist 1 Straight ahead The big yellow building on the left opposite the park
    Thanks a lot
    Woman You’re welcome
    Tourist 1 How are you now Philip
    Philip It hurts Dad I hope we’ll get to the hospital soon
    Tourist 1 It must be here Careful Philip
    Philip Ouch
    Doctor 1 Good afternoon What can I do for you
    Tourist 1 Good afternoon doctor We are on holiday here This is my son Philip Doctor 1 Hello Philip
    Philip Good afternoon
    Doctor 1 What’s the matter with you Philip
    Philip My leg I was playing football…and now
    Doctor 1 Let me see Mm
    Philip Ouch
    Doctor 1 Does it hurt a lot
    Philip Yes Ouch
    Doctor 1 That’s OK It’s broken I’m afraid We’ll put it in plaster And you can’t play football for six weeks
    Philip OK Thanks doctor

    Situation 2
    Tourist 2 Excuse me is there a doctor in this village
    Man Yes the doctor’s house is over there Next to the police station
    Doctor 2 Hello please come in What can I do for you
    Tourist 2 This is my daughter Susan She went for a bike ride yesterday evening
    And she had a little accident Now her arm hurts
    Doctor 2 Hello Susan
    Susan Hello doctor
    Doctor 2 Sit down here please Mm yes I can understand that it hurts
    Fortunately your arm isn’t broken I'll put a bandage round it I think that looks OK now And here is some medicine for Susan as well
    Tourist 2 Thanks doctor
    Doctor 2 Please come back in a week
    Tourist 2 Thanks a lot doctor
    Doctor 2 No problem All the best Susan You’ll be OK again soon Bye now
    Susan Byebye
    Tourist 2 Bye
    Unit5 Animals in danger教学设计
    1 运It is It has got It liveseats Its fur is 等句型描述动物信息
    2 运句型Has it got…Does it live eat Is it…进行猜测动物游戏
    3 听懂读懂关动物信息短文完成猜测动物名称选择正确答案判断句子正误等活动
    4 听懂读懂关pandathe South China Tiger海报解生活性生存状态体验爱护动物情感
    5 助图片读懂事The kingfishers够正确朗读表演
    1 Listen read and guess what animals they are 听听读读猜动物
    Step l 老师利图片课件创设情境参观动物园出示动物身体部分图片引发学生猜测What animal is it
    Step 2 学生听第段录音初步感知描述动物特征语句猜测What animal is it 老师课件展示elephant图片出示文学生认读
    Step 3 学生听第二三四段录音猜测录音容描述什动物老师利课件展示cow polar bear horse图片
    Step 4 学生句子It has got It eatslives …等描述elephant cow polar bear horse 特征
    Step 5老师设计图填写单词补充句子等活动进步巩固短文容
    It has got _________ legs It eats other ________ Its fur is _________It lives in the _________
    Step 6 播放第五段录音学生猜测动物认读文老师利课件进行图片帮助学生理解:It’s smaller than a tiger
    Step 7 播放第六段录音学生次体会较级句型:It’s smaller than a sheep
    Step 8 学生开课38页听录音模仿读全文
    Step 9老师6动物图片意摆放黑板请位学生抽取张教师背学生运句型Has it got… Does it liveeat… Is it… 进行猜测
    Step 10 老师板书核心句型:Has it got … Does it liveeat … Is it …
    Step 11 学生两组运板书句型开展游戏活动
    Step 12 根学生活动情况请23组学生进行展示
    It has got four legs It has got a long nose It's a very big animal It lives in Africa and Asia
    It has got four legs It eats grass It lives on a farm It gives us milk
    It has got four legs It eats other animals Its fur is white It lives in the Arctic
    It has got four legs It eats grass It lives on a farm People ride it
    It has got four legs It eats other animals It’s smaller than a tiger It lives in Africa and Asia
    It has got four legs It eats grass It’s smaller than a sheep Foxes like to eat it
    2 Listen and read Then choose the best answer听听读读选择答案
    Step l 老师出示图片容提问:What is it 学单词kingfisher
    Step 2 老师次播放录音采取分段听方式助图片课件学生充分理解文第部分(前两行)容:Kingfishers are beautiful birds They live in many countries of the world They eat small fish
    Step 3 老师提问:Why are kingfishers in danger 学生开课读文第二部分 (第二行)画出答案学新单词:dirty problem build nest riverbank change quiet
    Step 4 学生开课相第39页完整阅读短文独立完成选择练师生核答案
    Step 5老师次播放录音学生模仿读
    Kingfishers are beautiful birds They live in many countries of the world They eat small fish Kingfishers are in danger The water in many rivers is dirty There are no fish in them so there is no food for the kingfishers There is also another problem Kingfishers build their nests in holes in riverbanks When people change the rivers and build new riverbanks there is no quiet place for birds to make holes for their nests
    3 Look at the animals in danger below Try to find out why they are in danger 想想
    Step l老师播放搜集濒危动物视频图片学生解濒危动物生存状况激发学生保护动物情感
    Step 2 学生模仿kingfishers短文尝试运学句型介绍濒危动物信息老师予积极评价
    4 A story—The kingfishers 事—翠鸟
    Step 1 老师物头呈现黑板进行介绍:Emma and Mike are good friends They like animals In this story they try to help an animal What is it
    Step 2 老师播放录音学生初步感知事通学生回答引出事题:The kingfishers
    Step 3 老师播放第部分录音(Pictures 13)学生边听边思考回答老师问题:Are there any kingfishers this year Why Why not 学生选择:A The water is dirty B There are lots of fish in the river C They need holes in riverbanks to make nests学生做出选择操练句型:They need holes in riverbanks to make nests
    Step 4 老师次播放第部分录音学生逐句读模仿录音中语音语调 Step 5 老师引导学生面事情节进行预测:What do they do
    Step 6 老师播放第二部分录音(Pictures 49)学生初步感知部分情节容
    Step 7老师次播放第二部分录音学生边听边思考乱图片重新排序:

    ( ) ( ) ( )

    ( ) ( ) ( )
    Step 8 学生操练部分重点句型:We want to help the kingfishers Why don’t you come and help us Let’s make the hole for the nest here Do you think the kingfishers will come here Emma It’s a quiet place
    Step 9 学生分角色朗读第二部分
    Step 10 老师播放第三部分录音(Pictures 1012)学生闭眼想象听场景注意物语音语调
    Step 11学生读第三部分事体会Aren’t they sweet 语气
    Step 12老师完整播放录音学生读注意模仿语音语调
    Step 13组活动分角色朗读表演请12组学生表演
    Fisherman There are no kingfishers this year
    Girls Why not
    Fisherman I don’t know The water is OK There are lots of fish
    Emma Let’s find out about kingfishers on the web
    Mike Good idea
    Emma Ah here it says how we can help the kingfishers
    Mike Right They need holes in riverbanks to make nests
    Boy Where are you going
    Emma To the river We want to help the kingfishers
    Emma Why don’t you come and help us
    Boy No that’s boring
    Girl See you
    Emma Let’s start digging here
    Mike OK
    Emma Let’s make the hole for the nest here
    Mike All right
    (Five hours later)
    Mike That was a lot of work
    Emma Yeah
    Mike Do you think the kingfishers will come here Emma
    Emma I think so It’s a quiet place
    Mike Let’s not tell anyone
    Emma OK
    (Three months later)
    Boy Who is that behind the bush
    Girl I think it’s Emma and Mike
    Boy What are you doing here
    Emma Be quiet and have a look
    Boy Wow baby birds
    Emma Aren’t they sweet
    5 Listen and read the posters听听读读
    Step l 老师利视频图片展示关熊猫信息学生开课第42页听录音初步感知关熊緙信息初步感知海报文表达形式
    Step 2 老师结合海报教授:bamboo around the world
    Step 3 老师设计活动学生进步熟悉熊猫信息短文填空
    The panda lives in ______ It eats ________ It has beautiful _______ It is _______ and ______ People around the world love pandas But they are in great danger Let’s join in to help them
    Step 4 老师次播放录音学生逐句读注意句子Let’s join in to help them朗读语气
    Step 5 老师出示华南虎相关视频图片鼓励学生模仿熊猫海报尝试设计张海报教师提供相关句型:It lives…It eats…It has…It is…等
    Step 6 老师播放华南虎海报录音学生体会海报表达形式
    Step 7 老师次播放录音学生读
    Step 8 组活动:选择动物制作海报老师选出23组进行展示 录音稿:
    Let’s help pandas
    The panda lives in China It eats bamboo It has beautiful fur It is black and white People around the world love pandas But they are in great danger Let’s join in to help them
    Save China’s tigers
    We all know Toby the Tiger and love him But do you know the South China Tiger The South China Tiger lived in many parts of China But people can only see them in the zoo today Let’s help to save China’s tigers
    6 Listen and read Then tick True or False听听读读勾勾
    Step l 老师利视频图片展示关黑犀牛信息学词汇black rhino
    Step 2 老师播放录音学生开课第43页边听边思考:Where does it live What does it eat Why is it called black rhino Why do people kill them
    Step 3 学生短文中理解学新单词句子:It eats fruit and leaves Black rhinos love mud and they often take baths in the mud People kill rhinos and sell their horns Then other people make medicine out of the horns and get a lot of money for it They say this medicine helps when you are ill but that is not true
    Step 4 学生独立完成阅读判断题全班核答案
    Step 5 老师次播放录音学生逐句读
    The black rhino lives in East Africa It eats fruit and leaves The black rhino is not black It is grey Why is it called black Black rhinos love mud and they often take baths in the mud When they come out they look black People kill rhinos and sell their horns Then other people make medicine out of the horns and get a lot of money for it They say this medicine helps when you are ill but that is not true
    1T 2F 3T 4T 5T
    7 Look at the pictures Tell your partner what Li Ping did last Saturday and what he didn’t do Then change roles 说说互换角色
    Step l 老师出示图片学生认读相关短语:went to the zoo went to the cinema等
    Step 2 老师引导学生介绍图片信息:Yesterday was Saturday Li Ping didn’t go to the zoo He went to the cinema
    Step 3 两组开展活动选出23组学生进行展示
    1 Picture 1 no kingfishers I don’t know are lots of fish
    Picture 2 find out web
    Picture 3 says how They need
    Picture 4 Where are want to
    Picture 5 don’t you boring
    Picture 6 Let’s make
    Unit6 Children of our world 教学设计
    1 听懂读懂介绍孩子信息描述完成句子配图文配填写名等活动
    2 运want to描述想做事
    3 学唱英语歌曲We are the children of this world
    1a Listen and read 听听读读
    1b Read again and match Then read the sentences 读读连连
    Step 1 师生话:Where are you from Where do you live Have you got any pets What is it 等
    Step 2 老师利图片引出单元话题:Children of our world
    Step 3 老师出示图片介绍物:CarlosAna
    Step 4 老师播放录音学生开课第44页填写表格中城市名国名信息

    Step 5师生核表格信息教授城市名RecifeTucuman国家名Brazil Argentina发音
    Step 6学生阅读第部分尝试回答问题:
    1 When does Carlos get up every day
    2 Does he like his fish How do you know
    Step 7 学生回答问题找出Carlos珍贵东西老师引导学生通阅读句子 Before I go to school I feed my fish My fish are beautiful 理解单词 precious意思教授发音
    Step 8 学生操练句子:They are very precious to me 老师示范precious造句例:I like reading books My books are very precious to me 学生模仿造句
    Step 9 学生听录音齐读第部分
    Step 10 老师尝试学生图表格容进行表述
    Precious thing
    Step 11 学生阅读第二部分根短文容句子进行判断改错:
    1 Ana and her friends sometimes listen to music in the classroom
    2 CDs are the most precious things to Ana
    Step 12 师生核答案学生表格里填写Ana珍贵东西
    Step 13 学生听录音读第二部分
    Step 14 学生分组朗读全文
    Step 15 学生独立完成1b练老师巡视加指导
    Step 16 师生核答案学生声朗读句子
    Step 17 老师布置作业:1)朗读短文2)模仿短文谈谈What is precious to you
    I’m Carlos I live in Recife in Brazil I get up at half past seven every day Before I go to school I feed my fish My fish are beautiful They are very precious to me

    I’m Ana I’m from Tucuman Argentina I love music I have lots of CDs Sometimes some friends come to my place and we listen to my CDs together That's great fun My CD player is my most precious thing
    2 Read and match Fill in the numbers Then listen and check 读读连连写数字听听核答案
    Step 1 老师提问 What’s your precious thing 学生句型My precious thing(s) isare进行回答
    Step 2 学生开课第45页阅读句子完成配练
    Step 3 老师播放录音核答案引导学生注意前句子间逻辑关系
    Step 4 学生分组朗读句子
    Step 5 学生两组模仿部分容描述珍贵东西老师巡视加指导
    Step 6老师挑选23组全班进行展示予积极评价
    1 Tom’s precious things are his books He loves reading
    2 Sue’s precious things are her stamps She has got more than 300
    3 Bill’s precious thing is his TV He likes watching sports and cartoons
    4 This old watch is precious to Carl It was his grandfather’s
    5 Lily’s precious thing is her dog It is so cute
    6 Granny’s precious things are her old photos She often looks at them and thinks back to the things in the past
    3 Listen to the interviews Then answer the questions听听答答
    Step 1 师生话:When do you get up How do you go to school When does school start How many subjects do you have at school What is your favourite subject What’s the most precious thing for you 等
    Step 2 老师出示图片介绍物EricaJeff带读名
    Step 3 老师提出问题引导学生物信息进行猜测:Who loves playing the guitar 等
    Step 4 老师播放录音学生整体感知录音容
    Step 5 老师次播放录音学生开课第45页完成补全句子练
    Step 6 师生核答案学生声朗读句子回答问题:Who loves playing the guitar
    Step 7 学生分组谈EricaJeff老师巡视加指导
    Step 8 老师挑选23全班展示予积极评价
    Interviewer Hi What’s your name
    Erica I’m Erica
    Interviewer Erica where are you from
    Erica From Limerick in Ireland
    Interviewer What can you tell listeners about your day Erica When do you get up
    When does school start
    Erica I get up at half past seven School starts at nine o’clock
    Interviewer And how do you get to school
    Erica I walk
    Interviewer Alone
    Erica No With a group of friends
    Interviewer Do you like school
    Erica Yes I do Er I like the clubs at my school best
    Interviewer The clubs
    Erica Yes There are four clubs We have a biology club a photo club a dance club and a volleyball club I'm a member of the photo club We meet every Friday from two to four o’clock Sometimes we walk around in town with our teacher to take photos I like that
    Interviewer That sounds very interesting One last question What’s the most precious thing for you
    Erica The most precious thing That’s easy My camera
    Interviewer And what’s your name
    Jeff:I’m Jeff
    Interviewer Where are you from Jeff
    Jeff I’m from London
    Interviewer What’s in this bag Jeff A guitar
    Jeff Yes that’s right
    Interviewer Is it yours
    Jeff It is I love playing the guitar
    Interviewer Really How often do you play
    Jeff Every afternoon I always do my homework first Then I play the guitar And
    sometimes I play with my dad
    Interviewer Does he play the guitar too
    Jeff No he plays the piano And when he has time we sometimes make music together in the evening when he comes home
    Interviewer Excellent So your guitar is very important for you isn’t it
    Jeff Absolutely I have a dream One day I want to write my own songs I want to play in a band and sing my own songs
    4a Listen and read Then match the photos with the texts听听读读连连
    4b Read and fill in the children’s names读读写写
    Step 1 老师学生话:Where do you live When do you get up How do you get to school What do you often do after school How many pupils are there in your class 等
    Step 2 学生开课第46页听录音初步感知文容圈出四孩子名字学说名Samshaad Lena MarkJimmy
    Step 3学生阅读第部分文完成练:
    1 She gets up at_____
    A seven B six C eight
    2 She helps her _____in the garden
    A mother B father C brother
    3 She goes to school______
    A by bus B on foot C by bike
    4 There are_____ pupils in her class
    A 15 B 52 C 25
    5 Her precious things are ______
    A chickens B pony C books
    Step 4 师生核答案
    Step 5 老师播放第部分录音学生读
    Step 6 学生阅读第二部分文判断列句子正误改错:
    1 Lena is 14
    2 She starts work with her father at 730
    3 She goes to school by bike
    4 Her family is very poor
    5 Some older boys take her fruit and don’t give her money
    6 She dreams of having her own shop
    Step 7 师生核答案学生声朗读正确句子
    Step 8 学生两组阅读第三四部分文:学生A阅读第三部分学生B阅读第四部分
    Step 9 两组相互交流阅读信息学生A阅读第三部分学生B通问题解学生A读容(问题仅供参考老师问题写黑板提供学生进行询问学生B发挥)询问信息记录:
    1 What’s the child’s name
    2 Where is he from
    3 How old is he
    4 When does he get up
    5 Does he go to school
    6 What’s the most precious thing for him
    1 What’s the child’s name
    2 How old is he
    3 Where does he live
    4 How does he go to school
    5 What does he always do in the afternoon
    6 What does he dream of
    7 What’s his most precious thing
    Step 10 学生A学生B记录信息进行整理组根记录相互介绍 MarkJimmy老师巡视加指导
    Step 11老师挑选34全班展示予积极评价
    Step 12学生组朗读全文根容相应图片标号
    Step 13学生读4b部分句子方框写应孩子名字
    Step 14 师生核答案
    Samshaad is twelve She lives in India She gets up at six o’clock in the morning Then she helps her mother in the garden behind their house She also feeds the chickens At eight o’clock she walks to school In her class there are fiftytwo children Samshaad loves learning She wants to have a good job when she is older so school is very important for her There is no bookshop or library near Samshaad’s home so her books are precious things

    Lena is from Ghana in Africa She is thirteen She gets up at five o’clock Then she starts working with her father At half past seven Lena gets on her bike She rides into town She sells mangoes and bananas in the streets Sometimes older boys take her fruit and run away Then Lena is very unhappy Her family needs the money Lena has a dream One day she wants to have her own little shop

    Mark is from Western Australia He is twelve He lives on a farm The nearest town is 400 kilometres away so Mark cannot go to school Every morning he gets up at eight o’clock His lessons on TV start at nine Mark learns the same things as the children in town Once a month his teacher comes to the farm and studies with him Mark helps his father a lot on the farm Mark has his own horse called Sprinter In the afternoon he often rides around the farm He loves his horse very much

    Jimmy is twelve He is American He lives in Honolulu Hawaii His parents came to Hawaii from China fourteen years ago Jimmy was born in Hawaii He gets up at half past seven School starts at nine He goes to school by bus In the afternoon he always plays soccer He is in the boys’ team at his school Jimmy dreams of playing in the American national team one day His most precious is a football with the signature of a famous American player
    1 Mark 2 Lena 3 Jimmy 4 Samshaad
    5a Listen and sing the song 听听唱唱
    5b Listen and repeat the sentences 听听读读
    Step 1 老师提问Do you like our world Why Why not 学生表达观点
    Step 2 老师播放录音学生整体感知歌曲容
    Step 3 学生听第段录音理解歌曲容图片帮助学povertysorrow grownup
    Step 4 学生听录音学唱第段
    Step 5 学生听第二三段录音学唱歌曲理解句意
    Step 6 老师播放录音学生完整唱歌曲
    Step 7 学生组操练歌曲老师选出23组全班表演予积极评价 Step 8 学生听5b录音读句子
    We are the children of this world
    We’re the children of this world
    We’re the grownups of tomorrow
    Let’s make the world a better place
    Without poverty and sorrow

    Why don't you stop the wars
    And build more schools
    How can we learn
    To live together

    We want to listen
    To each other
    We want to live
    In peace forever

    We’re the children of this world
    We’re the grownups of tomorrow
    Let's make the world a better place
    Without poverty and sorrow
    1 Why don’t you stop the wars and build more schools
    2 We want to listen to each other
    3 We want to live in peace forever
    Step 1 老师引导学生画泡中句型提示谈谈情况鼓励学生适进行拓展
    Step 2 学生组操练老师巡视予指导
    Step 3 老师选出23名学生全班展示予积极评价
    累西腓(Recife)位西洋岸伯南布哥州首府巴西东北部城市 累西腓500年历史古巴西外交流窗口累西腓2014年巴西世界杯办城市
    1 Mark His lessons on TV start at nine Once a month his teacher comes to the farm and studies with him His horse is called Sprinter
    Samshaad She lives in India She helps her mother in the garden In her class there are fiftytwo children
    Jimmy He is American In the afternoon he always plays soccer He gets up at half past seven
    Lena She lives in Ghana She sells bananas in the street One day she wants to have her own little shop

    Revision1 教学设计
    5 听懂读懂关学校课程城市节日等话题信息
    6 复巩固第13单元容
    7 练熟悉常见语搭配
    1 Discuss questions about school in groups谈谈
    Step 1 老师通提问Which school do you go to Which class are you in 学生交谈复关school life相关容
    Step 2学生开课第26页根课10问题开展两组活动仿方框里文谈校园生活
    Step 3老师选出23组进行展示予适时指导评价
    2.Read the words Then circle in matching colours读读圈圈
    Step l 全班进行头脑风暴游戏:老师说出subject学生说出相关科目单词类推
    Step 2学生开课第26页观察题目弄清题意完成练
    Step 3师生核答案请做学说出理
    subject Art Maths Science PE Music
    places capital cinema classroom museum train station supermarket
    festivals Christmas Halloween Thanksgiving Spring Festival
    food fish potato vegetable sweets corn
    numbers third first second fourth
    3a Find their favourite days找找
    3b Answer the questions答答
    Step 1老师呈现张班级课程表学生通回答What subjects do we have on Monday What’s your favorite subject Why 复关课程相关容
    Step 2 学生开课第27页阅读根朋友描述找出喜欢天
    Step 3 师生核答案请做学生说出理
    Step 4 学生声朗读周周五课程表然开展二组活动完成3b练老师适时予指导评价
    Claire Friday
    Frank Wednesday
    Bob Monday
    Diana Tuesday
    4a Listen and read Then number the pictures听听读读标序号
    4b Fill in the place names写名
    Step l 学生开课第28页仔细观察4a图老师播放录音学生初步感知话
    Step 2 学生阅读话根关键信息找应图片标序号
    Step 3 师生核答案请做学说出理
    Step 4 学生根图片话写出相应单词完成4b练全班核答案
    1 — Excuse me where’s the park please
    — Go straight ahead
    2 — Excuse me where’s the police station
    — Take the first right
    3 — Excuse me where’s the supermarket
    — Go ahead Then take the second left
    4 — Excuse me where's the cinema
    — Go straight ahead Take the third right
    5 — Excuse me where’s the No 1 Hospital
    —Take the first left
    6 — Excuse me where's the museum
    — Go straight ahead Then take the second right
    5 4 3 2 1 6
    hospital supermarket park cinema police station museum
    5 What’s wrong Correct the sentences and write them in your notebook找找改错误写写
    Step l 学生开课第29页阅读6句子
    Step 2 找出句中错误方做记号改正师生核答案选出做学说出理
    Step 3 学生声朗读正确句子写笔记
    1 The MidAutumn Festival is always in lunar August
    2 The moon is full and bright at MidAutumn Festival
    3 Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday in November
    4 People usually eat a big dinner at Thanksgiving
    5 On 31st October children in Britain and the USA dress up as witches monsters or ghosts and go from house to house
    6 Most people give the children chocolates or sweets at Halloween
    6 Read and tick True or False读读勾勾
    Step l 学生开课第29页朗读短文解文章意
    Step 2 学生根5问题次阅读短文找出相关信息完成练进步理解短文容
    Step 3 师生核答案选出做学说出理
    Step 4 老师播放录音学生逐句读然采形式朗读短文全班读分组读读等
    Sydney is not the capital of Australia but it is the biggest city of the country It is also the most beautiful city in Australia It has got lots of interesting places to visit Sydney Opera House is the most popular Sydney is famous for this opera house and the 2000 Summer Olympic Games
    1 True 2False 3 True 4 False 5 True
    7a Listen to the six questions Then number the answers听听标序号
    7b Listen and check Then read听听核答案读读
    Step l 学生开课第30页阅读6句子老师引导初步预测6问题
    Step 2 老师播放录音数遍求学生完成7a练予听力指导
    Step 3 老师次播放录音学生查然全班核答案请做学说出理
    Step 4 学生分组活动两组朗读6句子老师予适时指导
    Question 1 Which city is the biggest in China
    Question 2 Which city is the capital of the UK
    Question 3 Where is London
    Question 4 What do people usually eat at Thanksgiving
    Question 5 Where will the children go and visit in London
    Question 6 What are the people from the ship doing
    1 Shanghai is the biggest city in China
    2 London is the capital of the UK
    3 It is in the south of England
    4 They usually eat turkey sweet potatoes and other vegetables
    5 They will go and visit Tower Bridge and the London Eye
    6 They are looking for a new home
    2 5 1
    4 3 6
    8 Tick the words which go together Then read all the expressions勾勾读读
    Step l 学生开课第30页仔细观察表格弄清题意
    Step 2 学生仿例子完成表格师生核答案然全班朗读表格中短语 Step 3 老师示范listen to Englishthe radio类推引导学生说出更动词短语
    答案:get on the bike get off the bike drink milk eat potatoes
    9a Listen and read Xiao Yu’s composition 听听读读
    9b Read again and then answer the questions 读读答答
    Step l 老师播放录音学生通回答问题What is the passage about 初步解文章意
    Step 2 老师呈现9a两幅图片引导学生说出两幅图处
    Step 3 学生开课第31页带着9b中4问题阅读短文完成练
    Step 4 全班核答案请做学说出理
    Step 5 老师次播放录音学生逐句读然采取形式朗读文章全班 读分组读等
    Step 6 学生老师引导尝试描述Today’s WuhanYesterday’s Wuhan城市选出干学生进行展示老师予指导评价
    I live in Shenzhen a city by the sea It is clean and beautiful It is also a busy city There are many tall buildings in the city Kingkey 100 is the tallest It is over 440 metres high I love my home city

    But more than 30 years ago it was a very small town There were only some small shops in the streets There were not any tall buildings Most people were fishermen Life was hard at that time
    1 Yes it is
    2 Yes there are
    3 No it wasn’t
    4 No there weren’t
    1 复关身体部位单词
    2 听懂读懂关accidents animals in danger children of our world等话题信息
    3 读懂简单英语海报判断句子正误尝试制作海报传达信息
    4 懂常见标志牌相应英语表达正确配
    5 运句子Don’t …提醒劝告遵守种规
    6 复形容词较级
    1 Listen and tick Find the missing words听听勾勾找找
    Step l 老师助学生身体复身体部位名称
    Step 2学生开课第50页图片提示进步复身体部位英文名称
    Step 3老师播放录音学生独立完成听音钩练
    Step 4师生核答案
    Step 5学生根录音图片中找出缺单词句子The missing words are
    Step 6学生缺单词mouth face hand写图中物相应身体部位
    hair arm stomach head leg toe foot eye nose elbow knee shoulder
    mouth face hand
    2a Listen and tick听听勾勾
    2b Listen again and fill in the numbers Then read听听写数字读读
    Step l老师播放录音学生初步感知录音容利课件图片呈现短文中关键信息帮助学生理解短文容by bike in Great Street broke the right arm the hospital next to the school等老师作讲解
    Step 2学生初步感知录音容基础开课第51页老师指导快速理解问题
    Step 3 老师次播放录音学生根录音容独立完成练勾出正确答案师生核答案
    Step 4 学生快速浏览2b中句子根录音容句子标序号师生核答案
    Step 5学生听录音读
    This coming Xiaogang went to work by bike But he didn’t keep to the rules He rode on the left of the street So he had an accident in Great Street He fell off his bike and broke his right arm The police took him to the hospital next to our school
    1 In Great Street 2 A bike accident 3 He broke his right arm
    4 Beside our school
    3 5 1 6 2 4
    3 Think and match Then read and keep to the rules想想连连读读守规
    Step 1 老师利课件图片创设情境帮助学生认识交通标志理解学说关交通规短语句子:Stop and wait when the light is red等
    Step 2 学生开课第51页阅读句子根交通规左右两边句子连线
    Step 3 师生核答案
    Step 4 学生声朗读句子
    Step 5 老师引导学生进步交流谈谈知道交通规
    4a Listen and read Colour the frames听听读读涂涂

    First look
    Stop and wait
    Ride your bike

    on the right of the street
    then cross the street
    when the light is red

    4b Read and fill in the names of the animals 读读填填
    4c Fill in bigger than or smaller than Then read 填填读读
    Step 1 学生开课第52页观察图片正确说出三种动物名称:cat panda rabbit尝试学语言描述动物程中老师纠正学生语言表达中错误应予学生积极评价
    Step 2 老师播放录音学生初步感知录音容求学生简单复述听信息
    Step 3 老师分段播放录音学生猜测 What animal is it
    Step 4 学生阅读三段文字判断分描述种动物根文字图颜色相应动物图片边框涂色
    Step 5 师生核答案
    Step 6学生声朗读三段文字
    Step 7通游戏活动老师帮助学生进步熟悉二种动物描述: Listen and guess老师说出:It lives in China It eats bamboo学生迅速说出动物:panda
    Step 8 学生阅读4b句子填写动物名称
    Step 9 师生核答案学生声朗读句子
    Step 10 老师设计活动帮助学生复较级表达:bigger thansmaller than the biggest等判断句子正误:The panda is bigger than the rabbit ( T )
    The polar bear is smaller than the panda ( F )等
    Step 11 学生独立完成4c填空练
    Step 12 师生核答案学生声朗读句子
    It’s black and white It eats bamboo It's smaller than the polar bear It lives in China
    It has got two long ears and a small mouth It eats grass and it eats vegetables too It runs fast
    It has got bright eyes It can see in the night Its favourite food is fish It likes eating mice too Many people keep them as pets
    cat 蓝色边框 panda 绿色边框 rabbit 黄色边框
    1 panda 2 cat 3 rabbit
    1 smaller than 2 bigger than 3 smaller than 4 bigger than
    5 Can you find the two hidden animals Write the first letter of each word找找写写
    Step l 学生开课第53页根图片横线写出单词
    Step 2学生单词第字找出谁快找隐藏动物单词tiger horse
    答案 tea ice cream green egg run
    hair open ruler schoolbag ear
    tiger horse
    6 Listen and read听听读读
    Step l 老师播放录音学生初步感知话
    Step 2 学生开课第53页读话尝试根短文容提问:Who’s the girl Where is she from How old is she 等师生核答案
    Step 3 老师次播放录音学生读
    Step 4 学生两组分角色朗读话
    Step 5 老师鼓励学生简单句子表达读感受
    A Who’s the girl in the picture
    B She’s Lena
    A Lena looks lovely Is she an American girl
    B No she isn’t She’s from Africa She’s thirteen
    A Oh she’s as old as me
    B Yes but she can’t go to school like you Her family is very poor so she has to work every day
    A She is only thirteen and has to work What does she do then
    B She gets up at 5 o ’clock in the morning and starts working with her father
    Then she rides into town and sells fruit in the streets
    A Poor Lena I think she wants to go to school very much
    B Yes she often dreams of studying at school And she's got another dream
    A What is it
    B She wants to have her own little shop one day
    7 Fill in the words in their correct forms Then tell your partner the reasons 填填说说
    Step 1 学生读句子单词正确形式填写横线
    Step 2 师生核答案复般现时动词变化形式
    Step 3 学生根句子容相互提问进行展示
    1like likes 2 goes go 3 study studies
    8a Listen and read the texts of 4a Unit 6 听听读读
    8b Read out the questions loud 读读
    Step l老师播放录音学生边听边读课文
    Step 2学生扮演Samshaad Lena MarkJimmy老师运8b问句学生提问:What’s your name How old are you Where are you from When do you get up What do you often do What is your dream
    Step 3学生开展组活动问句进行话交流老师选出23组进行表演
    Samshaad is twelve She lives in India She gets up at six o ’clock in the morning Then she helps her mother in the garden behind their house She also feeds the chickens At eight o’clock she walks to school In her class there are fiftytwo children Samshaad loves learning She wants to have a good job when she is older so school is very important for her There is no bookshop or library near Samshaad’s home so her books are precious things

    Lena is from Ghana in Africa She is thirteen She gets up at five o’clock Then she starts working with her father At half past seven Lena gets on her bike She rides into town She sells mangoes and bananas in the streets Sometimes older boys take her fruit and run away Then Lena is very unhappy Her family needs the money Lena has a dream One day she wants to have her own little shop

    Mark is from Western Australia He is twelve He lives on a farm The nearest town is 400 kilometres away so Mark cannot go to school Every morning he gets up at eight o’clock His lessons on TV start at nine Mark learns the same thin as the children in town Once a month his teacher comes to the farm and studies with him Mark helps his father a lot on the farm Mark has his own horse called Sprinter In the afternoon he often rides around the farm He loves his horse very much

    Jimmy is twelve He is American He lives in Honolulu Hawaii His parents came to Hawaii from China fourteen years ago Jimmy was born in Hawaii He gets up at half past seven School starts at nine He goes to school by bus In the afternoon he always plays soccer He is in the boys’ team at his school Jimmy dreams of playing in the American national team one day His most precious thing is a football with the signature of a famous American player
    9 Match the sentences Fill in the numbers连连写写
    Step l 学生阅读句子独立完成练
    Step 2师生核答案
    Step 3学生声朗读句子
    Step 4学生仿部分容precious造句
    4 5 7 1 6 2 3
    10 Listen and read Talk with your friends about how you can help save the animal听听读读说说
    Step l老师播放录音学生文中找圈出图片动物名称学说单词snow leopard
    Step 2学生阅读全文画出问题答案:
    1 Where do they live
    2 Why do people kill them
    Step 3老师播放录音学生读
    Step 4 学生分组讨:How can we help save snow leopards
    Step 5老师选出23班里阐述观点予积极评价
    It is very difficult to see snow leopards They live up in the mountains of the Himalayas The snow leopard has beautiful fur There is one big problem people kill snow leopards They want to get the beautiful fur and sell it 
    11 Read the two posters Then tick or cross读读判断正误
    Step l 学生阅读两张海报独立完成判断练
    Step 2 师生核答案
    Step 3 学生分组制作海报老师巡视加指导
    Step 4 老师学生制作海报贴教室进行展示学生进行介绍老师应予积极评价
    1 ××√
    2 √ √ ×
    12 Read the signs Then match读读连连
    Groupwork 组活动
    Step l学生观察标志牌阅读句子独立完成配练
    Step 2师生核答案
    Step 3学生声朗读句子
    Step 4学生分组讨:面列种情况时应该说什?引导学生Don’t进行表述
    Step 5老师挑选23全班谈予时评价
    1 Don’t swim here
    2 Don’t turn left
    3 Don’t use your mobile phone here
    4 Don’t walk this way
    5 Don’t enter





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