
    It was on March 11 The family’s dog Jobe 41 Teresa Wiederin’s wrist in his mouth and led her to the living room Her son Dominic 19 lay in a 42 under an allergy attack and gasping for 43 His father quickly drove him to the 44 from the chair
    The first time Dominic saw Jobe he had 45 idea how important the dog would become to him Driving home from his summer job two years ago he noticed a weaklooking 46 dog along the road Without thinking too much he 47 his car and let he dog in
    Dominic asked his parents to 48 the dog But they didn’t agree especially 49 a vet said the dog’s was in bad condition However after the vet reassured that the dog’s problems were 50 they accepted the black dog Their son named it after Job in the Bible and 51 him back to health
    Jobe would soon have the chance to return the 52 Dominic had his first allergy attack four months later 53 he was with friends at a barbecue restaurant It was later determined that the reaction was 54 by spices in the barbecue sauce He was 55 to the emergency room The teen soon learned that some food can make 56 difficult to breathe
    Now Jobe watches 57 his owner The dog is gentle sensitive and 58 staying close to Dominic day and night I can be at peace his mother says knowing that Jobe is on 59 watching Dom
    Her son puts it more 60 I saved him he says Now Jobe saves me
    41 A saw B took C bit D heard
    42 A sofa B bed Cbox D chair
    43 A breath B food C water D money
    44 A school B factory C hospital D grocery
    45 A a B an C no D the
    46 A black B white C yellow D red
    47 A started B stopped C stepped D speeded
    48 A pat B rise C walk D keep
    49 A before B after C during D with
    50 A dangerous B incurable C treatable D infectious
    51 A pushed B dashed C nursed D caused
    52 A favor B flavor C flower D flour
    53 A where B which C who D when
    54 A caused B led C resulted D arose
    55 A took B rushed C led D showed
    56 A that B this C it D its
    57 A on B for C out D over
    58 A aggressive B preventive C ambitious D protective
    59 A duty B business C sale D leave
    60 A scarcely B simply C likely D hardly
    41 B 解析考查动词根文中wrist in his mouth知处表示Jobe嘴叼起Teresa手腕带起居室take sthin one’s mouth结构选B
    42 D 解析考查名词根第44题from the chair知时Dominic正躺椅子选D
    43 A 解析考查名词根第56题difficult to breathe知时Dominic事物敏呼吸困难选A
    44 C 解析考查名词根第55题to the emergency room知处表示父亲迅速送医院选C
    45 C 解析考查形容词根文章段DominicJobe评价推测出开始时候知道收养条狗什处选C
    46 A 解析考查形容词根第50题the black dog知A项符合题意选A
    47 B 解析考查动词根第46题前Driving home知处表示时车停狗进车里选B
    48 D 解析考查动词根第50题they accepted the black dog知处表示Dominic请求父母收留条狗选D
    49 B 解析考查连词根But they didn’t agree especially 49 a vet said the dog’s was in bad condition知特Dominic父母听医生话愿意收留条狗选B
    50 C 解析考查形容词根However after the vet reassured that the dog’s problems were 50 they accepted the black dog 知医生确认条狗治愈时候Dominic父母接受选C
    51 C 解析考查动词根文中back to health知处表示Dominic悉心顾条狗直痊愈止选C
    52 A 解析考查名词根第51题分析Jobe would soon have the chance to return the 52 知处表示Jobe快机会报答恩惠选A
    53 D 解析考查定语句根前文中表示时间短语four months later知处when引导定语句选D
    54 A 解析考查动词根文中by spices in the barbecue sauce知处表示敏食物中香料引起选A
    55 B 解析考查动词根文中emergency room知时Dominic紧急送急救选B
    56 C 解析考查代词处it作形式宾语代文中to breathe构成make +it+adj+to do结构选C
    57 D 解析考查介词根第58题staying close to Dominic知Jobe时着Dominicwatch over意选D
    58 D 解析考查形容词根前文中gentle文中staying close to Dominic知条狗温柔敏感善保护选D
    59 A 解析考查名词根第57题分析知时Jobe正护Dominic选A
    60 B 解析考查副词根文中Dominic简短回应知Jobe关系评价非常简洁选B
    About a half mile behind our house lay a pond When winter came the pond was a ( n) 41 place One day when 42 covered it my brother Harry said to me 43 walking across
    The ice looked 44 and no water showed through it but I 45
    Go ahead Andy my little sister Harry urged Try it You are 46 than I am If the ice 47 we can run and 48 on it It'll be fun
    I wanted to 49 Harry and I thought about the fun of a long slide on the ice I began to take 50 steps across the pond
    In the middle of the pond the ice gave way with a sudden crack The next thing I knew was I was 51 on to the edge of a hole in the ice by arms outstretched(伸开)on the ice From my 52 down I hung in icy water
    I looked at Harry on shore I can't get out I 53 He turned and ran from the pond As I looked at his back I wondered Is he running for help or is he running away and 54 me to slip to the bottom
    I was 55 to see him bend and 56 a large fallen oak branch He ran with it towards the 57 At the edge he lay on his stomach 58 the branch before him and wriggled(蠕动) towards me When the long top branch was 59 I seized it
    Hand over hand I 60 myself from the hole Harry wriggled backward towards shore dragging the branch I hung on to the branch and wriggled towards shore Off the pond we ran towards the house
    41 A crowded B inviting C quiet D important
    42 A ice B water C dust D snow
    43 A Consider B Imagine C Avoid D Try
    44 A transparent B thin C solid D beautiful
    45 A waited B hesitated C refused D fled
    46 A lighter B smarter C calmer D stronger
    47 A contains B falls C breaks D holds
    48 A ski B slip C slide D roll
    49 A please B protect C ignore D frighten
    50 A shaky B big C careful D quick
    51 A standing B hanging C floating D swinging
    52 A shoulders B head C eyes D mouth
    53 A urged B requested C responded D screamed
    54 A allowing B leaving C forcing D advising
    55 A surprised B excited C disappointed D amused
    56 A put away B cut down C pick up D break off
    57 A hospital B pond C house D station
    58 A placed B caught C dragged D pushed
    59 A in safety B on end C within reach D beyond recognition
    60 A devoted B applied C adjusted D pulled
    答案4145 BADCB 4650 ADCAC 5155 BADBA 5660 CBDCD

    Many of us have characteristics coming from our families Maybe we have our father's eyes or grandmother's hair color But there are still other elements of our personalities picked up by ___21___our parents such as our mother's love of cleaning or our dad's ___22___ of humor
    Researchers learn there are usually three kinds of people from their ___23___
    The first kind of people are the joboriented (求职目)who ___24___ to regard a job as simply a way to make money They ___25___ to working day after day and don't think it interesting for them to do anything else If you have a joboriented father you may ___26___ work this way However you'll not ___27___ hold the viewpoint if you grow up close to your joboriented mother
    The second are the careeroriented who see their jobs as a place to gain ___28___ They don't mind working overtime In fact some ___29___ their jobs so much that they are feeling more
    comfortable in the ___30___ than at home They are always ___31___ of making progress in their work Being close to a careeroriented father ___32___ you'll carry on your father's ___33___ enough having a mother with this viewpoint seems to have little ___34___
    The third are the callingoriented who consider their jobs as a way to have a ___35___ effect on the world They are more ___36___ improving the world around them than ___37___ a large salary These people usually come from homes ___38___ both parents have abilities This ___39___ that adolescents need the support of both parents in order to have the confidence
    The good news is we still have our___40___ to find a career that suits us
    21 A inviting B nursing C protecting D modeling
    22 A scene B sense C right D gift
    23 A study B university C academy D classroom
    24 A attempt B manage C tend D offer
    25 A are supposed B are opposed C look forward D are linked
    26 A view B think C believe D imagine
    27 A frequently B constantly C probably D potentially
    28 A explanations B expressions C directions D achievements
    29 A addict B value C devote D contribute
    30 A club B office C cinema D pub
    31 A sad B curious C proud D afraid
    32 A equals B means C demands D shows
    33 A Worriedly B Surely C Carefully D Strangely
    34 A influence B evidence C justice D performance
    35 A negative B side C bad D positive
    36 A disappointed at B concerned about C puzzled at D confused at
    37 A paying B raising C earning D making
    38 A where B whose C which D that
    39 A suggests B insists C recommends D convinces
    40 A advice B difference C change D choice
    答案21 D 22 B 23 A 24 C 25 C 26 A 27 C 28 D 29 B 30 B 31 C 32 B 33 D 34 A 35 D 36 B 37 C 38 A 39 A 40 D

    As an intern (实医生) I grew to understand that nursing home (疗养) patients were a valuable part of my education —— not just from a 4l angle but for what they could 42 me personally
    Mr Smith was my first 43 to the nursing home His condition regrettably can probably exist in countless hospitals across our nation An acute illness had brought him to our nursing home years ago and his family 44 him shortly before he left hospital Helpless and unable to care for himself he had no 45 except for nursing home care 46 he lay until I met him when I was an intern
    Mr Smith was almost noncommunicative After transferring to the nursing home he 47 into a tense and 48 state waiting for his life to end All efforts to bring him back to the mainstream life were 49 Nurses faithfully tended to his physical needs while he 50 as a shell of flesh and bone completely 51 in life For three years I saw him every week Not once did I hear him speak a word Not once could I 52 his innermost thoughts
    On my last nursing home visit an idea struck me I brought my 53 into Mr Smith's room as part of a (n) 54 in pet treatment Something 55 occurred All of a sudden he sat up and started talking telling me of the days when he was a boy and had a dog 56 to my own He told me stories of adventures he and his dog had had For the first time I saw the soul 57 from what had been a living corpse (尸体)
    That experience taught me not to underestimate the ability of the simple things in life to 58 hearts when carefully made medicine has failed and never to forget that within even the weakest of human bodies lies a life that is precious indeed— 59 that needs to be 60 and honored even if it can’t speak for itself
    41 A mental B medical C personal D moral
    42 A guide B assist C teach D move
    43 A introduction B visitor C relation D friend
    44 A greeted B received C boycotted D abandoned
    45 A alternative B relative C means D desire 46 A which B what C unless D where
    47A formed B slipped C entered D brought
    48 A lonely B desperate C calm D exciting
    49 A without meaning B without doubt C in vain D in effect
    50 A looked B left C remained D showed
    51 A gone B abundant C short D 1acking
    52 A figure out B pick out C seek out D get out
    53 A dog B equipment C medicine D teacher
    54 A cure B drug C test D experiment
    55 A puzzling B amazing C bothering D disappointing
    56 A strange B related C similar D familiar
    57 A renew B awake C appear D step
    58 A touch B feel C hit D strike
    59A something Bone C anything D the one
    60 A treated B ignored C respected D cared
    答案41B 42C 43A 44D 45A 46D 47B 48B 49C 50C
    51 D 52A 53A 54D 55B 56C 57B 58A 59B 60C

    I'm a talker I 41 chatting and solve problems by talking them through This 42 perfectly well when I have people to talk to Under lockdown (封城)however I've only had my 43 Peter
    We not only lived worked and traveled together we 44 socialized together too Under the first UK lockdown our constant 45 began to feel uncomfortable For the first time in our 10 years together we needed to be 46
    I tried going on walks on my own but a short walk in the local park couldn't do the 47 Then an idea 48 me the semisolo hike
    Could we do a circular hike but walk in different directions which would give us the space and peace of a solo hike It felt like a 49 compromise so I told Peter about it He thought it was 50 but agreed to give it a try
    We started with a four — mile circle from Reeth and then 51 ways 52 I was aware of how close we were which 53 the appeal Walking alone offers freedom but here I was with my boyfriend nearby As I went on 54 I found myself very much alone I set my own pace and decided to take my 55
    With the warm sun shining and the 56 wind blowing my former life as a city girl felt ridiculous I sat on a rock feeling no need to 57 anymore
    I didn't see Peter on the way but 58 back where we started both of us 59 The semisolo hike has given us the 60 of time alone and in a year of constant closeness the joy of reuniting
    41 A make use of
    B pay attention to
    C take delight in
    D catch up with
    42 A happens
    B works
    C grows
    D seems
    43 A partner
    B visitor
    C brother
    D doctor
    44 A mostly
    B suddenly
    C originally
    D typically
    45 A loneliness
    B kindness
    C happiness
    D closeness
    46 A away
    B alone
    C absent
    D available
    47 A job
    B part
    C math
    D homework
    48 A found
    B woke
    C held
    D struck
    49 A promising
    B boring
    C shocking
    D moving
    50 A lovely
    B horrible
    C silly
    D reasonable
    51 A made
    B parted
    C changed
    D lost
    52 A For now
    B In advance
    C At first
    D On occasion
    53 A deepened
    B broadened
    C lessened
    D threatened
    54 A therefore
    B moreover
    C otherwise
    D however
    55 A time
    B picture
    C breath
    D turn
    56 A strong
    B cold
    C fierce
    D light
    57 A hike
    B talk
    C stand
    D watch
    58 A returned
    B refreshed
    C reunited
    D recreated
    59 A amazed
    B frightened
    C pleased
    D disappointed
    60 A lesson
    B result
    C hope
    D gift

    答案:4145 CBADD 4650 BADAC 5155BCCDA 5660DBCCD




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