2019届高三一轮复习人教版英语book7unit1-5测试卷 无答案

    Unit 1
    1 Which statement is true according to the passage___________
    A Yang was an architect
    B Y was a bowling master
    C Yang was blind and almost deaf
    D Yang wasn’t disabled
    2 Yang was annoyed at first because___________
    A he was made fun of
    B he felt clumsy
    C he couldn’t do outdoors
    D he couldn’t talk to his parrot or tortoise
    3 Though disabled Yang___________
    A assisted and encouraged his sister to adapt to his disability
    B studied dictation well with the help of his handy laptop
    C helped to abolish slavery
    D made a lot of money by designing software
    I 识词辨意(根单词写出中文意义)
    1 dictation___________ 2 noisy___________ 3 bench___________
    4 microscope___________ 5 fellow___________ 6 software___________
    7 parrot___________ 8 tank___________ 9tortoise___________
    10politics___________ 11slavery___________ 12dignity___________
    13 lap___________ 14profit___________ 15assistance___________
    16community___________ 17 bowling___________ 18 literature___________
    II 拼写拓展(根中文词性拼写单词)

    1 ___________ vi&vt 辞职辞(工作 职位等)
    ___________ n 辞职
    2 ___________ n 伴伙
    ___________ n 伴陪伴客朋友 群公司
    3 ___________ vt 祝贺庆贺
    ___________ n祝贺贺词
    4 ___________ n 毕业毕业典礼
    ___________vt&vi ()学毕业获(学士)学位
    5 ___________ adj 足够充分
    ___________ adv 充分
    6 ___________ n (接)方法通路接性
    ___________ adj接进入

    7___________ n赞成认
    8 ___________ n 公司
    ___________ adj坚固坚定
    9 ___________ n 鼓励奖励
    ___________ vt 鼓励
    10___________ n 行品行
    ___________ vt 指挥理持
    ___________ n (乐队)指挥售票员列车长导体
    11___________ n 伤残力
    ___________ adj伤残
    ___________ n 力
    12 ___________ n 雄心野心
    ___________adj 雄(野)心
    13___________ adj适合适宜
    ___________ n 合适适合
    14 ___________ adj益受益
    15 ___________ vt 适应改编
    ___________ n 适应改编
    16 ___________ n 缺席某处
    ___________ adj缺席场
    17 ___________ vt悦惹恼
    ___________ adj颇生气
    ___________ adj令悦
    III 语境应(根提示单元单词正确形式填空)
    1 Though c____________ and slow Ben was still crazy about sports especially playing basketball
    2 She is an o____________ and lively person and never keeps things locked inside her
    3 The reason for the manager’s a____________ was illness I shall be in charge when he is not here
    4 One of her a____________ is to become a lawyer
    5 The people without a ticket are denied e____________
    6 P____________ is the scientific study of the human mind and the reasons for people’s behavior
    7 Cycling is highly b____________ to health and the environment
    8 He kept talking about his failure over and over again which a ____________me a lot
    9 Her e____________ gave me a great sense of uplift(进)
    10 The wind dropped so we had to r____________ the boat back home
    11 Dogs have been human being’s c____________ for thousands of years
    12 The young a____________ was thought highly of for designing the new building for IBM
    13 She has never been back to her old school since g____________
    14 She proudly displayed her degree c____________ to her parents at graduation
    15 Does this door open inwards or o____________
    16 The only a____________to the farmhouse is across the fields
    17 It’s very ____________(方便) to have a toolbox in the house
    18 The b________ of a building is a floor built partly or completely below ground level
    19 If a fire break out you should try to escape by means of the fire e_________
    IV 短语应(短语正确形式填空)
    suitable for be beneficial to in other words adapt to cut out
    out of breath all in all sit around as well as in many ways
    make fun of never mind congratulate on meet with

    1 We________ you beforehand ___________ your success
    2 The two theories differ from each other___________
    3 The boss told me to find a chance in another company— ____________ I lost my job
    4 It is wrong to____________ the disabled
    5 Don’t be discouraged when you____________ difficulties
    6 She seems especially ____________ the job
    7 Some animals have an outstanding ability to ____________ changing environments
    8 At last he____________ the first chapters
    9 They have nothing to do but ____________ chatting
    10 She is a talented musician _______ a creative photographer
    11 By the time i got to the top of the hill i was quite ____________ and felt tired
    12 A good diet ____________ heath
    13 ____________ Next time I’m sure you can do it better
    14 Sometimes she may lose temper but ____________ she is an excellent teacher
    V 写作应(根汉语翻译)
    1 父亲世设法企业营成功
    2 次事严重残疾然没放弃抱负
    3 烦恼找适合种场合裙子
    4 次遇困难父亲安陆建议鼓励
    5 总说数老没钱医治视力糟糕
    6 没喜欢嘲笑
    7 缺乏证警察释放
    8 新鲜空气益健康
    9 学校辞职接受意更具挑战性工作
    10 应该废项陋俗

    Unit 2
    1 Why did the wife want to divorce the navy officer
    4 Why couldn’t the navy officer accompany his wife
    5 What did he do to get their holy affection back
    I 识词辨意(根单词写出中文意义)
    1 apron___________ 2 overweight___________ 3 theoretical___________
    4 navy___________ 5 biochemistry___________ 6 framework___________
    7 thinking___________ 8 haircut___________ 9cushion___________
    10bedding___________ 11necklace___________ 12counter___________
    13cuisine___________ 14digital___________ 15mailbox___________
    16armchair___________ 17grand___________ 18holy___________
    19parttime___________ 20receiver___________ 21chapter___________

    II 拼写拓展(根中文词性拼写单词)

    1___________ n(撰写)传记传记文学
    2___________adj 较年幼资历较浅位较低
    ___________ n年少者晚辈等级较低者
    3 ___________ n天特殊力干
    4 ___________n 离婚断绝关系
    ___________ vt 离婚脱离
    5 ___________ vt&vi 服
    ___________vi&vt 服违抗
    6 ___________n评价评定
    ___________ vt评估评价
    7 ___________ vt细仔细检查粗略浏览扫描
    8 ___________ vt宣布声明表明宣称
    9___________n 妒忌羡慕
    ___________adj 嫉妒羡慕
    10___________n 喜爱爱感情
    ___________adj 表示关爱爱心

    11__________n 渴欲渴求
    ___________adj 称心合意
    12___________n 满意满足令满意事
    ___________vt 满意满足
    ___________adj 令满意符合求
    ___________adj 感满意
    13___________vt 警觉惊恐惊动
    ___________n 警报惊恐
    ___________adj 担心害怕
    14___________n 情(心)
    ___________adj 表示情
    15___________adj 优雅高雅讲究
    ___________n 优雅
    16 ___________n 喜爱恩惠
    ___________vt 喜爱偏袒
    ___________adj 特喜爱
    ___________n 特喜爱物

    III 语境应(根提示单元单词正确形式填空)
    1 F____________ refers to books and stories about imaginary people and events rather than books about real people or events
    2 Wang Xue earned a 1000____________(奖金)for being the best salesperson of the year
    3 She made with(挤出)the tears and tried to win everyone’s s____________
    4 An e____________woman should be pleasing and graceful in appearance or style
    5 A few newspapers and magazines were p____________on the table blocking my view
    6 The thin hard areas at the end of each of your fingers are f____________
    7 It is ridiculously a____________to believe that the number 13 is unlucky
    8 I’m sure he is dead but the a____________ thing is that i did see him yesterday
    9 It was reported that President Clinton had an a____________ with Monica Lewinsky
    10 He is rich and i am poor I couldn’t help e____________him
    11 It is dark outside and let me a____________you home
    12 You had better ask an appraiser(估价师)to a____________the building’s value properly before you buy it
    13 They d____________ to legally end their marriage
    14 The young man was in love with the girl but just was too shy to express his a____________ for her
    15 To the teacher’s s____________ his students did very well in their studies and made great progress
    16 I set the a____________clock for 7 o’clock
    17 His occupation as the Minister of Foreign A____________ required him to deal with many different types of people
    18 True independence allows children to know how to gain what they d____________by themselves and become owners of their own happiness
    IV 短语应(短语正确形式填空)
    Test out leavealone turn around ring up set aside in all be bound to

    1 ____________those apples ____________ They’re for your sisters
    2 The engineer wanted to ____________his new robot____________in the lab
    3 we____________Robert but got no reply
    4 ____________and let me look at your back
    5 He ____________come because he always keeps his word
    6 The hotel manager____________two pleasant rooms for us
    7 We have 9 subjects to learn____________
    V 写作应(根汉语翻译)
    1 起更职员理
    2 服命令军职责
    3 认艺术应该政治分开
    4 成功父母满意
    5 种新药首先动物身做实验
    6 村民时警报没水淹
    7 出生残疾情
    8 教师应偏爱学生
    9 14岁童必须成陪伴
    10 政府宣布进入紧急状态
    11 羡慕成功
    12 请私事
    13 请说明理
    14 争取天少抽出时学新词汇
    15 极音乐天赋

    Unit 3
    1 How did Mark feel at first when he saw the seal
    2 Why did the seal come to Mark
    3what kind of relationship do you think it was between Mark and the seal

    I 识词辨意(根单词写出中文意义)
    1 seal___________ 2dive___________ 3tide ___________
    4dimension ___________ 5seaweed ___________ 6 flashlight___________
    7 cell___________ 8jog ___________ 9seaside ___________
    10net___________ 11steep ___________ 12tasty ___________
    13 grey___________ 14 suck___________

    II 拼写拓展(根中文词性拼写单词)

    1 ___________adj 纯纯粹纯洁
    ___________n 纯净纯洁
    2 ___________adj 意识知道
    ___________n 知道意识兴趣
    ___________adj 知道没意识
    3 ___________adj(口)整齐匀称
    4 ___________adj 狭窄限狭隘
    ___________adj 宽宽阔
    5 ___________adj锐利锋利敏捷
    ___________vt&vi ()变锋利削尖磨快
    6 ___________vt 恐吓&vi受惊吓
    7 ___________adj敬畏令畏惧
    ___________n 敬畏惊惧
    8 ___________n 养老金退休金
    ___________n 领取养老金者
    9 ___________n保存保护
    ___________vt保护保藏 10___________vi思考&vt映射反射思考
    ___________n 反映影沉思

    11 ___________adj年年度计算
    ___________n 年刊年鉴
    ___________adv 年
    12 ___________vt 场见目击
    13 ___________n 住住宿
    ___________v 提供住宿
    14 ___________n岸海滨
    ___________adv&adj 海()离岸()
    15 ___________n 深(度)深处
    ___________adj 深
    16 ___________vt 催促极力张驱策
    ___________adj 急迫催促强求
    17 ___________vt 放弃遗弃抛弃
    ___________adj 抛弃遗弃
    18 ___________n 关系血缘关系交

    III 语境应(根提示单元单词正确形式填空)
    1 He introduced his speech with a humorous a____________
    2 The school’s a____________reunion is held on July every year
    3 Good t____________between the players is the key to our basketball team’s winning the championship
    4 There are several types of s____________ some of which can attack people swimming
    5 There is a r____________between diet and cancer so you should pay more attention to what you eat
    6 She bit her l____________nervously trying not to cry
    7 The government stresses on the c____________of our natural resource and takes measures to protect them
    8 Tom and I have o____________views on our teacher I think he is excellent while Tom believes he is awesome
    9 Hotel a____________is included in the price of your holiday
    10 It’s hoped that the t____________willl enable scientists to see deeper into the universe than ever before
    11 Glass r____________light naturally
    12 We kept working not being a____________that it was getting dark
    13 I was almost a____________to death when he told me there was a snake in my sleeping bag
    14 The river is s____________here so we can walk across
    15 He gashed(割伤)his hand on a s____________piece of rock The wolf stared at me with its bright eyes
    16 Polar bears live in the Arctic rather than the A____________
    17 This street is too n____________to let two cars run at the same time
    18 What I said was____________(纯粹)my imagination You should not take it seriously
    19 I had a very v____________dream which really upset me
    20 A b____________is a line that marks a limit between two countries
    IV 短语应(短语正确形式填空)
    yell out helpout reflect on be aware of scareinto abandon oneself to
    Upside down be scared to death

    1 Don’t touch his wound which will make him____________in pain
    2 Organizing the school trip will be a lot of work so i need some volunteers to____________
    3 When the dog barked Tom____________because he was always scared of dog
    4 After his wife died he____________great sorrow
    5 Though she____________the fact she just could not face it
    6 Did you____________the consequences of your behaviour
    7 They ____________the little boy____________stealing foods in the supermarket
    8 If you turn the table____________everything on it will fall on the ground
    V 写作应(根汉语翻译)
    1 谁目击次事?
    2 昂贵住宿费伦敦学生生活困难
    3 邮局银行面
    4 敌军狼狈逃窜
    5 椅子拖窗口边
    6 湖深?
    7 朋友力劝申请份工作
    8 杰克逊辆旧车扔
    9 失业时父亲帮拜托困境
    10 反省错误
    11 意识危险
    12 生动描述部队生活
    13 心胸狭窄
    14 办公室正装修东西 乱七八糟
    15 没存心惊吓

    Unit 4

    1 What was the remote village like
    6 What did the astronaut do to help the villagers
    7 What did the villages think of his deeds

    1 airmail_____________ 2 fortnight____________ 3 roof_____________
    4 rectangular_______________ 5 broom____________ 6tin____________
    7 grill______________ 8 Jar_____________ 9sinff_____________
    10 interpreter______________ 11angle_____________ 12ox_____________
    13 weekly________________ 14weed____________ 15rectangle___________


    1____________adj 愿:志愿 ___________________n 志愿者:义工
    2_____________vt买购买 ___________________n 买购买
    3______________n种子萌芽 ________________n 秧苗树苗
    4_____________v 缝制缝合
    5___________n裁缝 ________________vt 剪裁:缝制
    6____________adj 政治政 ___________________ n 政治学
    7_______________vt 分配分发 _________________n 分配:分发:分布状态
    8._____________adj 财务:金融 ___________________n 财政:资金
    9_________________n 安全:保护:保障 ___________________adj 安全
    10_______________ vi 工作:运转:做手术
    _______________vt 操作
    _________________ n 操作营:手术
    __________________n 接线员:操作员
    11________________ adj 泥泞 ________________n 泥土
    12________________ adj 关:切题 _________________adj 关:切题
    13________________vtvi 调整 _____________adj调整 ____________n调整:调节:适应
    14__________adj软:柔软 ________________adv柔软:轻柔
    15___________ vi 参:参加 ________________n 参:参加
    16_____________conj 否:然 _______________adv 方法
    17______________n 安排:排列 ________________vt安排:排列
    18_______________n 梳子 _______________vi梳(发)
    19________________n 宇航员:太空 ______________n 天文学
    20_________________vt捐赠 ______________n 捐赠

    1A small baby has no c_____________ of right and wrong
    2She didn’t p____________ in the discussion In other words she didn’t take part in it
    3It will take quite a while for foreigners to a_____________ to our way of life
    4Study harder from now on O___________ you will fail in the next exam
    5As a club member you can enjoy all the benefits and p_______________
    6The volunteer doctor team worked in a r___________ village which was very far away from cities and difficult to get to
    7Direct and other r____________ evidences all proved his being involved in this case
    8The train drew away and the old couple were left alone on the p__________ who came to see their only daughter off
    9Her job is doing p______________ such as writing or dealing with letters reports and records
    10An a___________ is someone who travels and works in a spacecraft
    11In order to find the book you need as quickly as possible you had better look it up in the c____________ of the library first
    12If the soil is not right then the s___________ will not grow
    13The boy climbed up the t_____________ of the tree and broke a branch
    14A t_____________ is a farm vehicle that is used to pull farm machinery and to provide the energy needed for the machinery to work
    15The t___________ took my measure for a new suit
    16I’m not p___________ for I take no interest in politics
    17A c_____________ is much smaller than a hospital but people can also receive medical advice or treatment there
    18Jack and Kim have been married for 20 years They plan to celebrate their twentieth wedding a____________ in Grand Hilton Hotel

    make a donation drink a toast to be in need of adjust to donate to
    hear from in need dry up dry out be dying to the other day
    participate in

    1How often do you ____________________ yours son —Never
    2They expected him to _________________ the ceremony
    3They used to __________________ large sum of money ________________ the Red Cross every year
    4My eyes haven’t _________________________ the dark yet
    5Those ________________ should be helped
    6The sun will soon _________________ the roads
    7Water the flowers regularly and don’t let the soil ____________________
    8You got a full mark I ________________ know how you make it
    9Julie borrowed my note _______________ saying that she would return it soon
    10We all ___________________ the bride and the groom at the wedding
    11If you ____________________ anything don’t hesitate to let me know
    12She ___________ of ¥10000 to the Children’s Hospital

    Unit 5

    1 Why did Nannan go to study in America
    2What difficulties did Nannan come across about her study
    8 What difficulties did Nannan come across in her routine life

    I 识词辨意(根单词写出中文意义)
    1 inn___________ 2 tomb___________ 3 academic___________
    4 Rugby___________ 5 seminar___________ 6 videophone___________
    7 Bachelor’s degree___________ 8 minibus___________ 9 optional___________
    10 drill___________ 11oilfield___________ 12 agent___________
    13cage___________ 14bark___________ 15battery___________
    16destination___________ 17essay___________ 18tutor___________
    II 拼写拓展(根中文词性拼写单词)

    1 ___________vt 占占领占
    2 ___________n 常规日常事物
    3 ___________adj丰富充裕
    4 ___________vt&vi 统治支配理
    ___________n 总督省长方长官州长
    5 ___________n舒适安慰
    6 ___________n 代品代品
    ___________vt 代
    7 ___________n需需求
    ___________vt 赖需求想

    8___________n 草稿草案
    ___________vt 草拟起草
    9 ___________vt承认确认答谢
    10 ___________vt反驳驳斥
    11 ___________n演讲讲课
    ___________vi 演讲讲课
    12 ___________n资格资历
    ___________vt&vi ()具资格()合格
    ___________adj 资格适合胜
    13 ___________n 准备预备
    ___________vt准备 vi筹备进行项准备工作
    14 ___________vt推荐建议
    ___________n 推荐劝告建议

    III 语境应
    1 Judging from the long q___________in front of the cinema’s ticket office this movie is a great draw
    2 In 1958 Guangxi Zhuang A___________Region was set up
    3 From that story comes the i___________ Draw a snake and add feet to it
    4 We are determined to defend our m___________at all costs
    5 A l___________is a talk someone gives in order to teach people about a particular subject usually at a university or college
    6 The boy’s hands were n___________after an hour outside on such a cold day
    7 In the c___________we serve ourselves with dishes
    8 The s___________who owns the small shop was fined for giving short weight
    9 There are plenty of small industrial e___________in the Pearl River Delta(三角洲) economic circle
    10 A v___________is an official document which allows you to enter or leave a particular country
    B 词适形式填空
    1 He has helped raise enough funding for his project relying n his ___________(qualify) and fame in the academic community
    2 The sports suit is worth buying as they are ___________(comfort) to wear
    3 He is outstanding among people of the same ___________(occupy)
    4 Cindy ___________(acknowledge) her mistake and apologized immediately
    5 She was too ___________(occupy)with her own work to help her colleagues
    6 The new equipment can meet almost all our ___________(require)
    7 A good frien can be a great___________(comfortable )when you feel upset
    8 They have made___________(prepare)to leave for Guangzhou
    IV 短语应(短语正确形式填空)
    Keep it up adjust to fit in with as far as one is concerned be occupied with
    Make preparations for substitute for make an apology day in and day out parallel to out of the question settle in

    1 After entering the college he couldn’t ___________living on his own
    2 ___________ and you will succeed in time
    3 Lisa ___________the preparation for her final exam these days
    4 Nothing can ___________the love of a mother
    5 As far as i know he doesn’t ___________his classmates
    6 ___________i think doing exercise is beneficial for your health
    7 All the student athletes are busy in___________the coming sports meet
    8 That businessman was devoted to his enterprise___________and finally he achieved a great success
    9 The road runs___________the railway
    10 Most college students from remote areas choose to ___________the city after graduation
    11 If you keep on eating like this losing weight is___________
    12 If you are late you should ___________to the teacher
    V 写作应(根汉语翻译)
    1 时买新车价格太高
    2 国家解放(liberate)前西方统治
    3 已安顿新房子里
    4 读演讲草稿驳斥
    5 厨师建议食油代黄油
    6 资格做项工作
    7 国家正备战
    8 知道安然恙件令宽慰事
    9 承认透位女士钱包
    10 发动机说车错
    11 忙书写
    12 说话道歉
    13 锻炼成日常生活部分
    14 意见相似
    15 国家然资源丰富





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    高三语文 语言运用复习(一) ——辨析并修改病句 班别: 姓名: 【学习目标】 1.明确语病搭配不妥的类型:主谓搭配不妥、动宾搭配不妥、主宾搭配不妥、修饰成份...

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    中考化学一轮复习-溶液(word版 无答案)

     2022中考化学一轮复习 第九单元 溶液 检测题 一.选择题1. 下列有关溶液的说法正确的是(   ) A . 盐水的沸点比水低B . 溶液都能导电C . 只有固体能作溶质D . 溶液的各部...

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    高三一轮复习学习计划指导  第一轮复习大多安排在升入高三至次年2月底,历时近7个月。通过拉网式分章节的复习,完成高考必备的知识积累和基本解题能力的训练。一轮复习时间最长,是高考复习和高考能否取...

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    读后续写技能---动作的细节描写描写与arm(手臂)有关的动作读短文找出与“arm”相关的动作表达He ran to the door, waving his arms. However, s...

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    1.下列关于甲烷的说法中,不正确的是( )A.甲烷分子具有正四面体结构B.甲烷分子中的四个C-H键相同C.甲烷分子是平面正方形结构

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    下列叙述不正确的是A.第一步反应比第二步反应快 B.上述两步反应的△H均小于0C.Fe*是反应的催化剂 D.总反应为CO+N2O=N2+CO2

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    语法填空小题专练(二)-无提示词填空 届高三英语一轮复习

    高中英语语法填空单句专练(二)——无提示词提示:无提示词可以考虑:1. 冠词 名词之前,泛指 a/an 特指:the2. 介词要牢记搭配,注意有些介词的“小词大意”。3. 代词(人称代词,...

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    一、基础知识过关检测1、词汇过关1. n.探险家,勘探者→ v.探测,探险→ n.勘查,考察2. adj.好奇的,求知...

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    高考英语一轮复习:词法(七)姓名:__________ 班级:__________学号:__________一、单选题1.Many people cycle to work _______ t...

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    高考英语一轮复习:词法(六)姓名:__________ 班级:__________学号:__________一、单选题1.The prices of this kind of wine ___...

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    高考英语一轮复习:词法(八)姓名:__________ 班级:__________学号:__________一、单选题1.I suggested the person ______to be ...

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    高考英语一轮复习:词法(九)姓名:__________ 班级:__________学号:__________一、单选题1.Last year was the warmest year on r...

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    高考英语一轮复习:句法(四)姓名:__________ 班级:__________学号:__________一、单选题1.—Many students won't take part in t...

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    阅读汇编(C) To live in the United States today is to gain an appreciation for Dahrendorf’s declarati...

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