**外研版八年级上module7单元试题及答案 (1)


    Class: Name  Marks (满分100分)

    单项选择 (题20题题1分20分)
    (  )1 — What are you doing Linda
    ﻩﻩ— I’m reading  book book is about adventures
    A a An      ﻩ B an The
    C a The    D the A
    ( )2 I lived in a small village the river I often swam in it when I was young
    ﻩA by      ﻩﻩB in
    C at   ﻩ D between
    ( )3 — Excuse me can you tell me how to get to the zoo 
    — I’m going there too You can me
    ﻩ A. help     ﻩB follow
    ﻩ C understand ﻩD answer 
    (   )4ﻩ—The weather is very these days.
    — Yes it doesn’t rain for months.
    A. hot B fine
    ﻩC coldﻩ D dry
    ( )5ﻩThere is in today's newspaper. You needn’t read it
    ﻩ A nothing important
    B. important nothing
    C. something important
    ﻩ D everything important
    ( )6 — What did Daming say just now?
    ﻩ— Sorry I don’t know I  to music and didn’t hear it
    ﻩ A. am listening   B listen
    C was listening D will listen
    ( )7ﻩ— Look An old woman can't cross the street
    — Yes let’s help her walk the street
    ﻩﻩA over B across
    ﻩC cross D off
    ( )8ﻩ— Did you hear a little boy in the next room
    Yes but don’t worry He is OK now
    ﻩ A cried    ﻩﻩB to cry
    C crying   ﻩD cries
    ( )9 — What happened
    — Bad luck I was walking a stone hit me on the head
    A After   B While
    ﻩC Because     ﻩD If
    ( )10  Were you watching TV at 9:30 last night
    ﻩﻩ— I was playing chess
    ﻩA Yes I was ﻩB No I didn’t
    C Yes I did D No I wasn't
    ( )11 — What time is it now
    ﻩ— Let me look at my . Oh it’s five Let's go home
    ﻩA watch   B book
    C. mapﻩ D plan
    (  )12ﻩ— Why are you in such a hurry?
    ﻩ — My uncle will  Beijing in twenty minutes I'll meet him at the airport
    ﻩﻩA go out   ﻩB arrive in
    ﻩﻩC get off  ﻩﻩD take off
    (  )13. - Would you like to go shopping with me now
    Yes I’d love to I have nothing  at the moment 
    A. will do       ﻩB do
    ﻩC doing    ﻩﻩD. to do
    (  )14ﻩIt’s very nice of you me with my homework
    A helping        ﻩB help
    ﻩﻩC to help ﻩD helped
    ( )15 — Mum can I play computer games now
    ﻩﻩ  First of all you must finish your homework
    ﻩﻩA Sorry    ﻩB OK 
    ﻩC Good luck ﻩD Enjoy yourself
    (  )16. — Listen. What’s singing? The song is so beautiful
    ﻩ — Look It’s a yellow bird the tree 
    ﻩﻩA. in ﻩB as
    ﻩC for ﻩD into
    ( )17 — Do you know the book Harry Potter?
    — Yes it's very interesting
    ﻩA calls ﻩB calling
    C. to callﻩD called
    ( )18ﻩ— did Mr Green come to Beijing for
    — To visit his teacher in the primary school
    ﻩﻩA When ﻩB Why
    ﻩC What D How
    (  )19 Linda is only five She is young go to school 
    A very…to   ﻩﻩB so…that
    ﻩﻩC. too…to D too…for
    (  )20 - Look A man is running  the bus
    ﻩ — Oh that’s Mr Wang He’s trying to catch the bus to go to work 
    ﻩﻩA by   ﻩ B after
    ﻩ C in front of ﻩD past
    二完形填空 (题10题题1分10分)
    Lucy was an eightyearold girl She went to her grandfather’s house 21 her family in summer holiday She couldn’t 22 that day forever On the morning of July 3 she was playing hide—andseek (捉迷藏) with her two brothers. She wanted to be in the closet 23 she found a very different world in it The new world was in 24 and very cold She met a faun (半半羊神话物) and he even 25 her to drink some tea at his house
    Lucy stayed there for a long time and 26 She woke up (醒) the next morning and was so worried about her family They could think she was 27 She said goodbye to the faun and went back to 28 grandfather’s house
    Lucy was very 29 Her brothers didn’t even find she was missing Because it was still July 3 and still the same time in the 30 How could it be Was it true or was it just a dream Lucy herself couldn’t tell
    ( )21 A to B in
    C with D on
    (  )22 A remember ﻩB forget
    C name ﻩﻩD like
    (   )23 A but ﻩB if
    ﻩC so   ﻩD or
    (   )24. A spring ﻩB summer
    ﻩC autumn      D winter
    ( )25. A ordered   B made
    ﻩ C asked     D offered
    ( )26 A fell asleep B fell over
    C ran away  ﻩD walked about
    ( )27 A dead     ﻩﻩB ill
    C lost     D healthy
    (   )28 A his ﻩB. my
    C our D. her
    ( )29. A angry      B surprised
    ﻩ C sad     ﻩD excited
    ( )30 A night      ﻩB morning
    ﻩC afternoon D evening
    三阅读理解 (题15题题2分30分)
    Once two hungry mice entered a dairy (乳品店). As they were looking for something to eat they fell into a large jar full of milk They did not know how to swim Soon they started drowning (淹没)
    Both of them tried their best to stay above the milk One of the mice said Friend I think we are going to drown No one can help us now I wish God would send someone to help us
    The other mouse said Do not be afraid my friend We must not lose heart We must keep trying 
    But a few minutes later the first mouse gave up (放弃) hope He did not try so he drowned The other mouse saw his friend drowning in the milk and felt very sorry.
    He kept moving his legs to try to keep afloat With great effort the mouse climbed out to safety The mouse realized that God helps those who help themselves
    ( )31ﻩThe two mice went to the dairy because they were
    A thirsty ﻩ B hungry
    ﻩﻩC tired     ﻩ D weak
    ( )32 Why did the first mouse die early
    ﻩ A. Because he gave up hope too early
    B. Because he was weaker than the second one
    ﻩC Because he was ill before he fell into the jar
    D Because he was too hungry
    (  )33ﻩWhat did the second mouse feel when the first one died
    ﻩ A Happy   ﻩB Excited
    ﻩ C Angry   ﻩD Sad
    ( )34ﻩWhat does the underlined word afloat mean in Chinese
    ﻩﻩA 浸满水ﻩ ﻩB 远离
    ﻩC 漂浮D 沉默
    (  )35. From the story we can learn .
    ﻩA mice could help themselves
    ﻩB God helps those who help themselves
    C God would send someone to help us
    D do not be afraid when we meet danger

    One day a farmer took his horse to the town for sale and hoped to bring some money home On his way he saw an old woman She looked weak so the farmer carried her on his horse Before the woman said goodbye she gave the farmer a ring She told him that the ring had magic power and could make any dream come true But he could make only one wish.
    Later the farmer sold his horse and began to walk home Then he met an old friend and went to his friend’s house to take a rest After drinking some wine (酒) the farmer talked to his friend about the ring. The friend asked him to drink more wine to celebrate his good luck The farmer drank too much and then fell asleep The friend took the ring away and put another one in its place. After the farmer woke up and left the man took out the ring and said Fill the house with gold
    Lots of gold fell down like heavy rain and killed the man When the farmer got home he thought he should wait until his children grew older to decide what wish was the best So he hid (藏) it and forgot about it after several years 
    (  )36 The farmer went to the town to 
    A sell his horse B buy a horse
    ﻩC help a womanﻩD visit his friend
    (  )37 Why did the farmer fall asleep 
    ﻩﻩA Because he was very tired
    ﻩﻩB Because he talked too much with his friend
    ﻩC Because he was very happy
    ﻩﻩD Because he drank too much wine
    ( )38 What does the underlined word it" mean?
    ﻩ A The gold  ﻩB The horse
    C The friend  ﻩD The ring.
    (   )39 What do you think about the farmer’s friend? 
    ﻩﻩA He is very kind
    ﻩB He is very rich.
    C He is very greedy (贪心)
    ﻩD He is careless
    ( )40 Which is the best title for the story 
    ﻩA A Horse  ﻩ
    ﻩB. A Magic Ring
    ﻩC A Wish for Gold
    ﻩﻩD How to Be Famous

    (  )41 Mr Black wants to come to Beijing in August He wants to see the Beijing Opera very much. 
    (   )42 Betty and her boyfriend want to spend the weekend watching the play Teahouse They both like Chinese plays
    ( )43 Mrs Li wants her daughter to take some piano lessons during the coming summer holiday
    (  )44 Sally wants to buy some books about Chinese cooking
    (   )45 Allan and his friends like travelling in some cities in China They will have a trip in Beijing next week They need a taxi and a driver who can speak English well

    A. Charlotte’s Web It is a book about the story of a pig and a spider It mainly tells us the friendship and the love between them
    B Teahouse The play tells us the life in China between 1898 and 1945 It’s about the story of Wang Lifa and his customers
    C Children’s Activity Centre Singing lessons piano lessons and dancing lessons 
      Tel 6589982     Add No2 Zhongshan Road
    D. Beijing Opera Mei Lanfang’s brave fighting against the Japanese during the War of Resistance Against Japanese will interest you a lot
    E Chinese Book Centre: There are a lot of books newspapers and CDs about Chinese life and cooking
    F Taxi Provided: Beijing Business and Taxi Centre We have good English—speaking drivers
    G Great Car Selling Centre Different kinds of cars with different prices are on sale.
       Tel 7096498
    四短文填空 (题10题题15分15分)
    My best day at school was November 13 when I was in Grade Seven We (46) our School Day that day. That meant we didn’t have (47) It was exciting.
    Older students prepared some nice thingssuch as plays talent shows and a photo exhibition (展览) And they played a volleyball game(48) the teachers Can you guess who (49)
     the game The students did They were great Next we went to the photo exhibition There were different kinds of (50) Iliked the photos of nature (51) They were very beautiful so I (52) to learn photography (摄影). At last my friends and I went to the talent show Some students(53) and sang there They (54)all talented ()
    (55) our way back to our classroom my friends and I sang too That was so funny
    Turbo is a cartoon (动画片)
    Turbo is a little snail (蜗牛) He dreams of becoming the greatest racer (赛手) in the world On his trip to the Indy 500 he meets Tito Tito decides to help Turbo raise money and make his dream come true Michael Peña dubbed (配音) for Tito in the film.
    The following is part of his interview.
    TFK:What can you tell us about Tito your character in the film
    PEÑA Tito and his brother have a company called Dos Bros Tacos It's hard for them to raise money only by selling tacos(墨西哥夹饼) Tito is trying to make Turbo's dream come true He’s really optimistic (乐观). 
    TFK Why do you think kids will enjoy Turbo
    PEÑA It's an interesting story Turbo is really funny You have to try your best to go for what you want Don't let anyone knock you down
    Information Card
    ●Turbo’s dream is to become (56) in the world
    ● Turbo meets Tito on Turbo’s trip to (57)
    ● (58) decides to help Turbo raise money
    ● Michael Peña thinks the film is (59)
    ● The story tells us to (60)

    假阅读Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland书请根面点提示写篇80词左右英语短文简单介绍事表明书法

    1-5 CABDA ﻩﻩ6-10 CBCBD ﻩ1115 ABDCA
    16—20 ADCCB ﻩ21—25 CBADC ﻩ2630 ACDBB
    3135 BADCBﻩ 3640 ADDCB 41—45 DBCEF
    46 had ﻩﻩﻩ47. lessonsﻩﻩ48 against
    49 won ﻩ 50. photos ﻩﻩ51 best
    52. decided  wanted 53 danced ﻩ 54 were
    55 On
    56 the greatest racer
    57. the Indy 500 ﻩ
    58 Tito ﻩﻩ
    59 interesting
    60 try our best to go for what we want
    One possible version:
    This summer holiday I read the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Alice was a girl with fantastic imagination She followed the strange Mr Rabbit and walked into a new world Strange things were happening all the time Things could become big or small and the plants could speak too. She was excited but in the end she found that was just a dream
    This is an interesting book I like it a lot because the story is full of imagination and fun





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