
    Different things usually stand for different feelings Red for example is the color of fire heat blood and life People say red is an exciting and active color They associate(发生联系) red with a strong feeling like 1 Red is used for signs of 2 such as STOP signs and fire engines Orange is the bright warm color of 3 in autumn People say orange is a 4 color They associate orange with happiness Yellow is the color of __5__ People say it is a cheerful color They associate yellow too with happiness Green is the cool color of grass in __6__ People say it is a refreshing color In general people __7__ two groups of colors warm colors and cool colors The warm colors are red orange and __8__ Where there are warm color and a lot of light people usually want to be __9__ Those who like to be with __10 _ like red The cool colors are __11_ and blue Where are these colors people are usually worried Some scientists say that time seems to __12 _ more slowly in a room with warm colors They suggest that a warm color is a good __13_ for a living room or a __14_ People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly __15 colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly
    1 A sadness B anger C administration D smile
    2 A roads B ways C danger D places
    3 A land B leaves C grass D mountains
    4 A lively B dark C noisy D frightening
    5 A moonlight B light C sunlight D stars
    6 A summer B spring C autumn D winter
    7 A speak B say C talk about D tell
    8 A green B yellow C white D gray
    9 A calm B sleepy C active D helpful
    10 A the other B another C other one D others
    11 A black B green C golden D yellow
    12 A go round B go by C go off D go along
    13 A one B way C fact D matter
    14 A factory B classroom C restaurant D hospital
    15 A Different B Cool C Warm D All
    1.B根文strong feeling知anger合文意
    2.C文列举例子STOP signs fire engines属危险信号选择danger
    7.Cspeak面接某种语言作宾语say面常接说话容tell宾语般talk about sth意谈某事物C正确选项
    8.B根文yellow解释说明yellow属warm color
    10.Dothers相other people意another指other one单独the other one指外
    12.Bgo around意处走动go off 意离开爆炸go along意前进进行go by意走流逝根文意应选go by
    Charlie came from a poor village His parents had __1__ money to send him to school when he was young The boy was very sad Mr King lived next to him He found the boy __2__ and had pity on him and lent some money to him So the boy could go to school He studied hard and __3__ all his lessons When he finished middle school the man introduced him to his friend in the town And he began to work
    Once Mr King was seriously hurt in an accident Dying he asked Charlie to take care of his daughter Sharon The young man __4__ and several years later he married the girl He loved her very much and tried his best to make her happy He often bought beautiful clothes and delicious food for her He was good at cooking and he cooked __5__ for her So she became very fat and she felt it difficult to walk And one day she found there was something wrong with her heart Her husband wasn’t at home and she had to go to __6__ at once The doctors looked her over and told her __7__ eat meat sugar chocolate and things like these She was afraid __8__ the doctor’s words and wrote all the names of the food on the paper When she got home she put the list on the table and __9__ When she returned home that afternoon she found many kinds of food meat sugar and chocolate in the kitchen Charlie was busy __10__ there As soon as he saw her he said happily I’ve bought all the food you like dear
    1 A no B some C much D enough
    2 A lazy B clever C careful D hard
    3 A did well in B was poor at C was working D was good for
    4 A was angry B thought hard C agreed D said No
    5 A a little B a few C many D a lot
    6 A rest B sleep C hospital D work
    7 A should B would C to D not to
    8 A to remember B to forget C to catch D to teach
    9 A slept B went out C cooked D ate
    10 A reading B seeing C cooking D writing
    1 A查理家境贫困父母没钱资助学选no
    2 B根文查理负众说明聪明学选clever
    3 A查理学刻苦利完成学业说明门功课成绩较选did well inD选项介词错正确词组was good at
    4 C根文查理娶金先生女妻精心呵护说明查理意金先生请求选agreed
    5 D根文妻子胖走路说明食物吃外食物数名词a lot of修饰
    6 C心脏应医院检查文指出检查正医生选hospital
    7 D病营养剩引起医生应吃肉糖果类食物选not to
    8 B害怕忘医生指示写纸选to forget
    9 B文相应里应填went out
    10 C擅长烹饪查理菜买回肯定忙着爱妻做饭cooking正确答案
    Why do I want to go to college No one has ever asked me __1 _ a question But many times I have asked myself I have __2__ a whole variety of reasons __3__ important reason is that I want to be a better man
    Many things make human beings different __4__ or better than or even superior to animals
    One of the most important things is __5__ If I fail to receive higher education my education __6__ As I want to be a fully __7__ man I must get a wellrounded education which good colleges and universities are supposed to __8__ I know one can get educated in many ways but colleges and universities are _
    _9__ the best places to teach me how to educate myself Only when I am welleducated will I be a better human being and __10__ fit into society
    1 A quite B so C such D another
    2 A come up with B agreed with C been fed up with D got on well with
    3 A Most B The most C More D Much
    4 A to B around C between D from
    5 A education B weather C temperature D science
    6 A finished B don’t finish C will not finish D has finished
    7 A develop B developed C developing D experience
    8 A improve B graduate C hear D provide
    9 A between B among C inside D outside
    10 A can good B may better C be able to better D be able to best
    1 Csuch常定冠词名词前修饰数名词数名词表示类种such正确选项
    2 Acome up with意提出找出agree with意意be fed up with意……厌倦get on well with意……相处根文意A正确选项
    3 B文讲找种样原中重原应……里应important高级选the most
    4 D固定结构be different from 表示……
    5 A段着重说明教育发展中作学教育中位作总括句空应填education
    6 C含条件状语句复合句意果受更高等教育法完成学业选will not finish正确选择
    7 B里选作定语选项分词developed表示成熟正确选项
    8 D学应提供高等教育方 provide符合文意正确选项
    9 B介词among表示包括……正确选项
    10 C前半句相应里应较级may better意思be able to better正确选项
    Farley worked for the Canadian government One day he was __1__ to learn more about wolves Do wolves kill lots of caribou(北美驯鹿) Do they kill people
    They gave him lots of food and clothes and guns Then they put him on a plane and took him to __2__ The plane put him down and went away There were no houses or people in this place But there were lots of animals and lots of wolves
    People tell terrible stories about wolves They say wolves like to kill and eat people Farley remembered these stories and he was __3__ He had his gun with him__4_
    Then one day he saw a group of wolves There was a mother wolf with four baby wolves A father wolf and another young wolf lived with them
    Farley watched these wolves every day The mother was a very __5__ mother She gave milk to her babies She gave them lessons about life They learned how to __6__ food The father wolf got food for the mother The young wolf __7__ the children They were a nice happy family—wolf family Farley did not need his __8__ any more In a short time he got on well with the family Farley watched them for five months He learned that many stories about the wolves were __9__ Wolves do not eat people and they do not eat many large animals And he also learned bad things about men It was men who killed many caribou and wolves
    Later Farley wrote a book about wolves He wanted people to __10__ them and not to kill them
    1 A seen B told C heard D found
    2 A a small town B a big city C a far place D a lonely village
    3 A afraid B happy C angry D tired
    4 A at times B all the time C once a week D every afternoon
    5 A bad B good C hungry D thirsty
    6 A cook B make C get D pick
    7 A shouted at B looked into C laughed at D played with
    8 A food B clothes C gun D plane
    9 A not good B not true C not easy D not clear
    10 A grow B have C teach D understand
    狼历世视凶残动物事实否确呢?带着疑问Farley进行实考察狼进行零距离接触 改变观点文告诉学会根事实说话
    1 BFarley政府工作员文知 派进行调查研究狼性选told
    2 C根文飞机Farley送没房屋方 说明方城市镇村庄a far place正确答案
    3 A狼吃恐怖事孤身Farley带应afraid
    4 BFarley害怕 枪应始终离身all the time意直始终
    5 B根文描述狼妈妈孩子喂奶孩子进行训练见位妈妈选good
    6 C狼猎取食物 烧食物 生产食物get合文意正确答案
    7 Dshout at意……声喊look into意调查观察laugh at意嘲笑……三词组符文意play with意……起玩耍合文意正确答案
    8 Cthe nice happy wolf familyFarley害怕需枪选择gun
    9 B亲身体验听相违背说明前关狼说法 选not true
    10 Dunderstand意解合文意正确答案
    Many people think that Americans 1 their cars almost more than anything else When 2__ people are fourteen years old they want to have their __3_ cars They don’t ask for a car from their 4__ So many of them work in _5_ time during their last year of high school to buy a car Learning to 6 _ and getting a driver’s license may be one of the most exciting things in a young person’s life
    Some people almost 7 _ go to a doctor when they are ill But they will __8_ their cars to a garage as soon as they think there is a 9 On Saturdays or Sundays some people may 10 most of their time washing and repairing their cars
    1 A prefer B love C drive D play
    2 A little B big C old D young
    3 A new B own C expensive D cheap
    4 A friends B teachers C parents D brothers
    5 A free B busy C study D good
    6 A make B mend C wash D drive
    7 A always B never C often D usually
    8 A take B carry C pull D lift
    9 A question B wrong C mistake D problem
    10 A cost B get C spend D use
    1 B通文事例难出美国汽车般喜欢love it较贴文章意思
    2 D常识十四五岁应称年轻应说young
    3 B根文想通索获取轿车想拥汽车选own
    4 C果说想索汽车话先父母亲开始应选parents
    5 A十四五岁年轻学工作占应学期间空隙应选free
    6 D想获驾先学开车应选drive
    7 B文车子问题修理相应病医生应选never
    8 Acarry应搬运push 推lift 意思举提起合文意take sth to 某意……带……
    9 D选择名词 表示汽车障毛病 选problem
    10 Cspend some time doing sth固定搭配意花时间干某事
    Who designed (设计) the first helicopter (直升飞机) Who __1__ of the most famous pictures in the world Who knew more about the human body than most __2__ There is an answer __3__ all these questions Leonardo de Vinci (达芬奇)
    Leonardo may have been the greatest genius (天) __4__ have ever known He lived in Italy around the year 1500 but many of his inventions seem modern to us today For example one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter Of course he couldn’t __5__ a helicopter with the things he had But scientists say his idea would have worked
    But Leonardo __6__ an inventor He was one of the greatest artists of his day By the time he was twenty years old he was called a master ( 师) painter and as he got older he became __7__ more famous Sometimes he drew a hand ten different ways __8__ he was ready to paint
    Many of Leonardo’s wonderful paintings are still with __9__ today You may know one of his most famous works the __10__ woman known as the Mona Lisa
    1 A took B made C painted D invented
    2 A artists B doctors C painters D people
    3 A to B of C for D from
    4 A the scientists B the artists C the world D people
    5 A draw B paint C work D build
    6 A was just B wasn’t just C wasn’t D was no longer
    7 A less B no C even D very
    8 A before B after C because D when
    9 A him B us C them D you
    10 A interesting B crying C smiling D surprising
    3.A介词to常表示应关系问题答案惯表达an answer to a question
    4.D达•芬奇应世知道天中伟the world 般指相第三称单数people正确选项
    5.Ddrawpaint合文意 work物动词直接接宾语时代达•芬奇做应制造飞机选择build
    6.B句起承启作意达•芬奇仅仅名发明家选择 wasn’t just
    10.C达•芬奇名作━━Mona Lisa画中物面部神秘微笑名扬天选smiling
    Once a king showed two men a large basket in the garden He told them to fill it with water from a well After they __1__ their work he left them saying When the sun is down I will come and see your work
    At last one of them said What’s the use of doing this foolish work We can __2__ fill the basket __3__ man answered That is none of your business The first man said You may do as you like but I am not going to work at __4__ so foolish He __5__ his bucket and went away The other man said no word and kept on carrying __6__ At last the well was almost __7__
    As he poured the last bucket of water into the basket he saw a bright thing in it He picked it up It was a beautiful gold ring Just then the king came __8__ he saw the ring he knew that he had found the kind of man he wanted He told him to keep the ring for himself You __9__ so well in this little thing he said __10__ now I know I can believe you with many things
    1 A finished B did C began D had
    2 A ever B never C easily D no
    3 A The other B Another C One D A second
    4 A anything B something C nothing D everything
    5 A picked up B put away C took away D threw away
    6 A water B basket C well D work
    7 A full B empty C filled D clean
    8 A While B As soon as C Before D Since
    9 A have done B will do C do D are doing
    10 A what B why C when D that
    3.A两者中the other加名词表示
    4.Cthe first man想离开觉干功选择nothing意事某项工作
    5.Dpick up意捡起pick away意放take away意取走throw down意扔掉丢弃较贴文意正确选项
    8.Bwhile引导句时句应延续性动词beforesince符合文意as soon as…表示……正确选项
    9.A国王诚实做事情表扬应完成时态have done
    10.D国王讲句话含 so……that结构复合句意……致选that
    Food is very important Everyone needs to __1__ well if he or she wants to have a strong body Our minds also need a kind of food This kind of food is __2__ We begin to get knowledge even __3__ we are very young Small children are __4__ in everything around them They learn __5__ while they are watching and listening When they are getting older they begin to __6__ story books science books… anything they like When they find something new they love to ask questions and __7__ to find out answers What is the best __8__ to get knowledge If we learn by ourselves we will get __9__ knowledge If we are __10__ getting answers from others and do not ask why we will never learn well When we study in the right way we will learn more and understand better
    1 A sleep B read C drink D eat
    2 A sport B exercise C knowledge D meat
    3 A until B when C after D so
    4 A interested B interesting C weak D better
    5 A everything B something C nothing D anything
    6 A lend B read C learn D write
    7 A try B have C refuse D wait
    8 A place B school C way D road
    9 A little B few C many D the most
    10 A often B always C usually D something
    4.A孩知识接受事物产生兴趣词组be interested in sth 表示……感兴趣interesting形容令感兴趣事物选择interested
    5.B孩子耳听眼观程中常会学东西everything绝化 nothinganything 合文意应选 something
    9.D面方法起作者认独立学佳方法佳方法然应获知识选择the most
    10.Bbe always doing sth 意总干某事
    Someone says Time is money But I think time is __1__ important than money Why Because when money is spent we can get it back However when time is 2 it’ll never 3 That’s 4 we mustn’t waste time
    It goes without saying that the 5 is usually limited Even a second is very important We should make full use of our time to do 6__ useful
    But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time They spent their limited time smoking drinking and __7 They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own __8
    In a word we should save time We shouldn’t 9 today’s work for tomorrow Remember we have no time to 10
    1 A much B less C much less D even more
    2 A cost B bought C gone D finished
    3 A return B carry C take D bring
    4 A what B that C because D why
    5 A money B time C day D food
    6 A nothing B something C anything D everything
    7 A reading B writing C playing D working
    8 A time B food C money D life
    9 A stop B leave C let D give
    10 A lose B save C spend D take
    1.D该句中音节形容词important较级应 more important even修饰较级选 even more important
    5.B时间流逝悄声息应选 time
    7.C该句列举浪费时间例子四选项中playingsmoking drinking 相提选playing
    9.Bleave意留剩根文意天事留明天做选 leave
    Nasreddin was a poor man so he tried to grow __1__ he could in his own garden so that he would not have to buy so many in the market
    One evening he heard a noise in his garden and looked out of the window A white ox had got into the garden and __2__ his vegetables Nasreddin at once took his stick ran out and chased the ox but he was too old to catch it When he got back to his garden he found that the ox had ruined most of his precious vegetables
    __3__ while he __4__ in the street near his house he saw a cart with two white oxen which looked very much like the one that __5__ his vegetables He was carrying his stick with him __6__ he at once began to beat the two oxen with it As neither of them looked more like the ox that had eaten his vegetables than the other he beat both of them equally hard
    The owner of the ox and cart was drinking coffee in a __7__ coffeehouse When he saw __8__ Nasreddin was doing __9__ his animals he ran out and shouted What are you doing What have those poor animals done to you for you to beat them like that
    You keep out this Nasreddin shouted back This is a matter between me and one of these two oxen He knows very well __10__ I am beating him
    1 A so many vegetables B many vegetables
    C as many as vegetables D as many vegetables as
    2 A was eating B ate C had eaten D has eaten
    3 A Next day B Next morning
    C Last morning D The next morning
    4 A walks B waked C was walking D walking
    5 A ruined B had eaten C ate D had ruin
    6 A so B and C but D or
    7 A beside B nearby C near D near by
    8 A that B which C why D what
    9 A for B to C with D on
    10A reason B when C why D because
    1.D惯语as many as possible 意合文意正确选项
    2.A进行时强调正进行动作根文意Nasreddin牛正吃蔬菜选 was eating
    3.D指某天第天第二天早晚应the next daymorningevening 应选The next morning
    4.C句动作进行程中句动作发生时句常进行时态选择was walking
    5.B牛吃蔬菜贫农街前事文章身讲事指应完成时选had eaten
    8.D里需引导词引导saw宾语句时句子里作do宾语选 what
    9.Bdo sth to sb结构中to面常接动作象
    10.C牛问Nasreddin牛原里需引导词引导 knew宾语句句中作状语根文知里应填 why
    Tom grows the nicest vegetables and fruits and the most beautiful flowers in the village Plants grow in Tom’s garden all through the __1__ and they are much __2__
    Tom cuts some flowers for his sitting room table eats some fruits and vegetables but he __3__ most of them in the market His vegetables fruit and flowers are so __4__ and beautiful that they sold much more __5__ in the market than those of other villagers
    How does Tom grow these beautiful things He is so __6__ that he just sits under his orange tree with his radio
    He __7__ the music all day
    That is quite true Tom __8__ things in spring summer autumn and winter After that he sits with his radio And everything __9__ It is the music that does the work Tom knows more clearly that music makes the biggest vegetables and the most beautiful flowers Plants love __10__ as much as people
    1 A week B month C season D year
    2 A better B worse C less D later
    3 A buys B sells C borrows D lends
    4 A dear B bad C big D small
    5 A politely B quickly C slowly D carefully
    6 A angry B busy C tired D lazy
    7 A listens to B hears C watches D speaks
    8 A fills B plants C throws D makes
    9 A does B moves C grows D plays
    10A work B rain C stories D music
    1 D根文汤姆春夏秋冬会园子里种种植物说明园子里年头长着植物year正确选项
    2 A明显汤姆植物园村子里余应应较级better
    3 B根文意汤姆市场应卖种植花水果蔬菜选sells
    4 C里应选择褒义形容词修饰汤姆蔬菜水果选big
    5 B蔬菜水果长市场卖快quickly正确选项
    6 D根文汤姆没花时间理园子坐树听音乐选lazy
    7 A表示听音乐动作应listen to
    8 B根文意汤姆春夏秋冬园子里种种植物选plant
    9 Cgrows里表示园子里切断生长
    10 D文讲音乐园子里切美说明植物样喜欢音乐选music
    For several years Americans have enjoyed teleshoppingwatching TV and buying things by phone Now teleshopping is starting in Europe In some __1__ countries people can turn on their __2__ and shop for clothes jewelry food toys and __3__ things
    Teleshopping is becoming popular in Sweden __4__ the biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in fifteen European countries and in one year it makes 10 million In France there are two teleshopping channels and the French __5__ about 20 million a year in buying things through those channels
    In Germany __6__ last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for one hour every day Then the government allowed more teleshopping Other channels can __7__ for telebusiness including the largest American teleshopping company and a 24hour teleshopping company German __8__ are hoping these will help them sell more things
    Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without __9__ With all the traffic problems in cities going shopping is not an easy thing But at the same time other Europeans __10__ like this new way of buying things They call __11__ junk on the air Many Europeans usually worry about the quality of the things __12__ on TV They think high quality is the most important thing and they don’t believe they can be sure about the quality of the things __13__
    The need of high quality means that European teleshopping companies will have to be __14__ the American companies They will have to be more careful about __15__ of the things they sell They will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see by themselves
    1 A European B Asian C American D African
    2 A lights B switches C radios D TVs
    3 A some else B another many C the other D many other
    4 A Such as B For example C For teleshopping D It is like
    5 A takes B cost C spends D spend
    6 A to B until C unless D by
    7 A begin B leave C open D turn on
    8 A people B women C businessmen D officials
    9 A to go out B going out
    C to buy things D buying things
    10 A still B don’t C even D won’t
    11 A teleshopping B TV C radio D telephone
    12 A appearing B coming out C for sale D to buy
    13 A in the shop B on TV C they bought D by this way
    14 A the same with B different from
    C as big as D larger than
    15 A the number B the quality C the places D the buyers
    1 A文讲电话购物法欧洲开始起步句承接文欧洲情况作进步介绍应选European
    2 D电话购物法应通电视选择物品然电话订购 应选TVs
    3 Delse副词修饰名词作定语the other things意商品合文意选项many other things意许商品正确选项
    4 Bsuch as中as介词该词组列举时面常直接接名词名词性短语for example列举时面例子常逗号隔开B正确选项
    5 D分析句子难发现句spend money in dong something结构语the French第三称复数应spend原形
    6 B该句子表示德国天电话购物法仅频道播放时种情况直持续年表示某状态直持续某点时间应until + 点时间
    7 C里open表示开放开张营业句表示电影频道电话购物实行开放政策进行电话购物
    8 C明显电话购物法商销售产品提供极佳渠道句表达商愿
    9 Bwithout介词面应动词ing形式根文意going out应正确选项
    10 B根句开头But文容里提电话购物持反态度选don’t
    11 A喜欢电话购物法称垃圾应选teleshopping
    12 C担心电视正销售产品质量AB意思for sale表示售正确选项
    13 B电话购物法令担心电视展销商品质量商店里商品已买手商品选on TV
    14 B根文欧洲购物观念美国电话购物公司采取措施固定结构be different form意……正确答案
    15 B根文消费者关心质量电话购物公司必须质量倍加心选择quality
    Last Friday after doing all the family shopping in the town I wanted to have a rest before catching the rain I __1__ a newspaper and some chocolate and __2__ into the station coffee shop It was a cheap selfservice place with long tables to __3__ at I put my heavy bag down on the floor __4__ the newspaper and the chocolate on the table and then went to get a cup of coffee
    When I came back with the coffee There was someone __5__ in the next seat __6__ was a boy with dark glasses and old clothes and __7__ bright red at the front He had started to eat my chocolate
    Naturally I was rather uneasy about him but I didn’t want to have any __8__ I just read the newspaper tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate The boy looked at me in __9__Then he took a __10__ piece of my chocolate I could hardly believe it Still I didn’t say anything to him When he took a third piece I felt more angry than uneasy I thought Well I shall have the last piece And I got it
    The boy gave me a strange look then __11__ up As he left he shouted out There’s something __12__ with that woman Everyone looked at me __13__ I didn’t want to quarrel with the boy so I kept quiet I did not realize that I had __14__ a mistake until I finished my coffee and was ready to __15__ My face turned red when I saw my unopened chocolate under the newspaper The chocolate that I had been eating was the boy’s
    1 A stole B bought C sold D wrote
    2 A went B sat C seated D looked
    3 A sit B seat C lie D laugh
    4 A pushed B took C put D pulled
    5 A jumping B playing C sitting D sleeping
    6 A He B It C Who D What
    7 A cut B washed C covered D colored
    8 A coffee B trouble C chocolate D matter
    9 A carelessness B anger C surprise D happiness
    10 A first B second C very D last
    11 A stood B took C cried D looked
    12 A strange B wrong C OK D funny
    13 A and B but C so D while
    14 A spelt B corrected C made D found
    15 A finish B leave C jump D shop
    1 B消磨时间买报纸巧克力选bought
    2 A文章推理出走进家咖啡店应选went
    3 A to sit at 作tables置定语意旁边坐桌子
    4 C常理应报纸等放桌子推拉桌子应选 put
    5 C文知回时发现开始吃东西说明坐桌旁选 sitting
    6 A文知方男子he指代
    7 D头发应染成红色应选colored
    8 B面样男子想惹麻烦trouble合文意正确选项
    9 C文知吃男子巧克力引起方某反应较四选项根文名词surprise较合时情形
    10 B惯语a second + 名词常表示
    11 A根文意知男孩起身走选择stood
    12 B男孩生气必定说发泄话较四选项wrong佳选择
    13 B男孩骂导致家想争吵见反应文描述气氛恰恰相反选择but构成转折关系
    14 C固定搭配make a mistake意犯错误
    15 B 喝完咖啡准备离开时发现错应选leave
    Rosa liked making up stories She was so __1__ that her classmates believed her from time to time In fact the whole class believed her At first she supposed it was __2__ Now as she got up to __3__ before the class She knew that make –believe stories had some way of coming back to make you sad
    Rosa’s parents were separated Nine months out of the year Rosa lived with her mother in an apartment on Anderson Street But when summer __4__ she went to her father’s farm in Arizona
    The farm was great Rosa rode horses and __5__ with some farm work Her father however was so __6__ that he couldn’t find time to go places with her When she arrived each summer her father would __7__ her at the airport and take her out to eat And the day she went back to the __8__ he would always buy her a present
    When summer came to a close Rosa __9__ to her mother At school she heard lots of stories her friends told about their family trips Rosa wished she had a __10__ to talk about
    Not long after __11__ began Rosa was looking through travel magazines in the school library They talked about many exciting __12__ like England and Germany When Rosa’s friends asked what she had done that summer she made up something that was not __13__ Remembering the travel magazines she had looked at she told her classmates that she and her father had gone to __14__
    When the class began studying England Mr Thomas asked Rosa to tell all the things she could __15__ about her trip to England
    1 A afraid B worried C sure D happy
    2 A joke B fun C turn D game
    3 A talk B teach C show D travel
    4 A passed B arrived C lasted D changed
    5 A made B played C helped D did
    6 A weak B pleased C busy D lonely
    7 A show B visit C meet D send
    8 A farm B city C family D school
    9 A wrote B called C moved D returned
    10 A family B school C teacher D farm
    11 A meeting B school C summer D talk
    12 A people B cities C languages D places
    13 A interesting B true C long D same
    14 A England B Germany C farm D home
    15 A think B see C remember D read
    1 C罗莎谎言常学信真说明骗时信心强握选择sure
    2 B文罗莎欺欺相应开始认骗件快乐事选择fun
    3 A根文意件事意识骗实骗种意识时伙交谈时更强烈选talk
    4 B夏天时罗莎会爸爸农场度假选arrive
    5 Chelp with sth 意帮助干事情
    6 C爸爸没时间陪方游玩说明爸爸忙选busy
    7 C里meet表示爸爸机场接
    8 B农场度假结束罗莎应返回城里选city
    9 D根文意暑假结束罗莎返回妈妈身边选 returned
    10 A文相应朋友谈假期家旅游罗莎希拥完整家庭
    11 B假期结束新学期开始文讲学校里事情选school
    12 D文例子城市语言两国家选places
    13 B问起夏天旅游情况时编织真实事情骗家选true
    14 A文老师讲英国旅行情况说明骗家英国选England
    15 C老师罗莎事情进行回忆讲述选remember
    Most parents I suppose have had the experience of reading a bedtime story __1__ their children And they must have realized how difficult it is to write a __2__ children’s book Either the author has aimed (定目标) too __3__ so that children can’t follow what is in his ( or more often her ) story __4__ the story seems to be talking to the readers
    The best children’s books are __5__ very difficult nor very simple and satisfy(令满意) the __6__ who hears the story and the adult(成年) who __7__ it Unfortunately(幸) there are in fact few books like this __8__ the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not __9__ to solve This may be why many of the books regarded as __10__ of children’s literature(文学) were in fact written for __11__ Alice in Wonderland is perhaps the most obvious(明显)of this
    Children left for themselves often __12__ the worst possible interest in literature Just leave a child in a bookshop or a __13__ and he will more willingly choose the books written in an unimaginative (非想象 ) way or have a look at the most children’s comics(连环图书) full of the stories and jokes which are the rejections of teachers and rightingthinking parents
    Perhaps we parents should stop __14__ to brainwash(洗脑)children into accepting(接受)our taste in literature After all children and adults are so __15__ that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the same books So I suppose we’ll just have to compromise(妥协)over the bedtime story
    1 A to B in C with D around
    2 A short B long C bad D good
    3 A easy B short C high D difficult
    4 A and B but C or D so
    5 A both B neither C either D very
    6 A child B father C mother D teacher
    7 A hears B buys C understands D reads
    8 A but B however C so D because
    9 A hard B easy C enough D fast
    10A articles B work C arts D works
    11 A grownups B girls C boys D children
    12 A are B show C find D add
    13 A school B home C office D library
    14 A going B liking C trying D preferring
    15 A same B friendly C different D common
    1 Cread to somebody 意读某听to面接动作象
    2 D根文知存困难孩子书写选 good
    3 C书中容孩子法理解说明作者目标定高选 high
    4 C前文either 应里应or either…or 意义…………
    5 B半句nor 应里应neither neither…nor… 意…………
    6 Asatisfy宾语读事成年外然听事孩子选child
    7 D孩子听事越越少家长讲事成读事选reads
    8 C前两句形成果关系应so引导结果状语句
    9 B文讲书越越少说明发现书非容易事选easy
    10 B名词 works 意作品
    11 A根面举例子文意现认孩子读作品实际成年写选grownups
    12 Ashow interest in something 意……感兴趣
    13 B孩子选书点般书店图书馆选library
    14 Dtry to do something 意想法设法做某事符合社会实际情况正确选项
    15 C家长期孩子门会接纳观点两者相选择different
    Mrs Ball had a son His name was Mick She __1__ him very much and as he was not a __2 __ child she was always __3__ that he might be ill __4__ she used to take him to see the best __5__ in the town four times a year to be looked __6__
    During one of these __7__ the doctor gave Mick all kinds of tests and then said to him Have you had any __8__ with your nose or ears recently Mick __9__ for a second and then answered Yes I __10__
    Mrs Ball was very __11__ But I’m sure you have __12__ told me that Mick She said worriedly Oh really Said the doctor __13__ And what trouble have you with your nose and ears my boy Well answered Mick I always have trouble with them when I’m __14__ my sweater off because the __15__ is very tight
    1 A loved B hated C missed D cared
    2 A rich B clever C strong D happy
    3 A afraid B surprised C glad D sure
    4 A which B for C but D so
    5 A player B teacher C doctor D lawyer
    6 A round B over C for D after
    7 A talks B years C visits D stays
    8 A answer B thing C word D trouble
    9 A waited B thought C stood D looked
    10 A did B will C have D do
    11 A excited B interested C pleased D surprised
    12 A already B just C never D always
    13 A angrily B seriously C happily D carefully
    14 A turning B taking C keeping D putting
    15 A collar B nose C mouth D ear
    6.Blook over固定词组意检查
    8.Dhave trouble with sth 意某方面麻烦惯语
    10.C医生问题现完成时态作出回答应现完成时:Yes I have
    14.Btake a sweater off意脱毛线衣
    The computer plays an important part in our everyday life It is one of the great __1__ in the world in the __2__ century It works for us not only at home in the offices in big shops __3__ at schools Today it is used __4__ many ways It really __5__ the world large wealth (财富) and happiness
    The first computer in the world was __6__ Enid It was built in America in 1946 It was __7__ and heavy __8__ it was born it has been developing very fast Until now it has gone __9__ four periods(时期阶段)and changed a lot There’re many kinds of computers Computers are getting smaller and smaller and computing faster and faster It becomes more and more __10__
    The computer can do most of the things __11__ the people It can help us to __12__ about the real world more quickly to learn __13__ we want to learn and to think __14__ ourselves __15__ a student in the twentyfirst century you must work hard at it
    1 A inventions B discoveries C robots D inventors
    2 A twentyfirst B twenties C twelfth D twentieth
    3 A also B but also C too D either
    4 A in B to C by D over
    5 A takes B helps C gets D brings
    6 A found B invented C called D bought
    7 A easy B small C large D light
    8 A For B Until C When D Since
    9 A by B across C through D against
    10A serious B harmful C dangerous D helpful
    11A for B to C at D with
    12A set B tell C know D talk
    13A what B that C which D who
    14A of B about C out D for
    15A For B Be C As D To
    1. Aone of 数名词复数形式根文章意思知答案A
    2. D表达第世纪应该序数词+century根常识计算机二十世纪产物A项二十世纪实际符合
    3. B固定搭配not only…but (also)… 意思…………答案B
    4. Ain many ways固定法表示许方面
    5. D根文章意知答案D表示带财富快乐
    6. CEnid名字called
    7. C根常识知老式计算机庞笨重填large
    8. D该句句意诞生日起发展非常迅速since意思时态句呼应正确选项
    9. C动词短语go through表示历……
    10. D
    11. A介词for+宾语表示做事选A
    12. Cknow about表示解侧重关某某事具体情况
    13. Alearn面接宾语句连接词句中做learn 宾语whatthat宾语句中纯连词起连接作做句子成分
    14. Dthink of表示想起认think about表示考虑think out表示想出根文章含义答案应D
    15. C介词as表示作正确选项
    You may think there is only sand in the desert of the world __1__ it is not true In the desert as we know there is a little __2__ but it is not __3__ for most plants Still we can see some plants _
    _4__ in the desert
    There is __5__ in some places in the desert We __6__ these places oases In the oases there are villages and towns People grow __7__ kinds of crops in the fields there
    People __8__ live outside the oases They have camels sheep and other animals These animals depend __9__ the desert plants for their food and do not need __10__ water
    The __11__ are useful to the desert people in many ways They eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals They use the camels for carrying water food tents and something else
    The people of the desert have to keep moving from place to place They must always look 12 grass or desert plants for their animals When there is no more food for their animals they move to __13__ place The desert people are __14__ No man in the desert would ever refuse __15__ the people in trouble and give them food and water
    1 A and B but C or D so
    2 A rain B rains C wind D winds
    3 A good B good enough C enough good D enough
    4 A live B to live C lives D lived
    5 A stones B plants C wood D water
    6 A say B tell C call D find
    7 A every B all C a D one
    8 A also B too C either D still
    9 A with B in C on D by
    10 A a little B few C much D any
    11 A water B plants C crops D animals
    12 A at B for C up D after
    13 A other B the other C the others D another
    14 A well B friend C friendly D carefully
    15 A help B helps C helping D to help
    1 B空白部分两句构成转折关系选择列连词but
    2 B沙漠中风雨少rain词数名词复数形式rains表示雨水应选rain
    3 D里讲沙漠中点点雨水满足数植物生长需选择enough
    4 Asee sb do sth意见某做某事里应省to 动词定式
    5 D沙漠出现绿洲根原水选water
    6 Ccall 里意……称……正确选项
    7 Bevery aone 面应该接数名词单数放kinds 前面all kinds of 意种样
    8 A表示时too 般放肯定句末either放否定句末also 放句中正确选项still 合题意
    9 C固定说法depend on意
    10 C动物沙漠中生存说明适应里雨水稀少气候动物样需太水选择much
    11 D通读段难发现段承文接着讲述动物途选animals
    12 B固定说法look for 意思寻找
    13 Dother 接数名词时应复数形式the other 接数名词单数时表示两者中合文意
    14 C根文沙漠里会拒绝帮助说明彼友
    15 D固定搭配refuse to do sth意拒绝干某事
    Once upon a time a rich man wanted to make a trip (旅行) to another town He tried not only to take things to sell but also to take money to 1 things with He 2 to take ten servants with him They would 3 the things to sell and the food to 4 on their trip Before they started a little boy ran up to 5 and asked to 6
    with them
    The rich man said to the little boy Well 7 may go with us 8 you are the smallest the thinnest and the weakest of all my 9 you can’t carry a 10 load (担子) You must 11 the lightest one to carry The boy thanked his master and chose the biggest load to carry That was bread
    You are 12 said his master That is the biggest and the heaviest one The boy said 13 and lifted the load gladly
    On the trip they walked for days and at last they got to the town All the servants were tired 14 the little servant Do you know 15 Most of the bread was eaten during the trip and a little was left when they arrived at the town
    1 A eat B buy C change D get
    2 A decided B liked C hoped D tried
    3 A take B bring C carry D borrow
    4 A cook B eat C buy D drink
    5 A them B the servants (仆)
    C the road D the rich man
    6 A stop B stay C go D talk
    7 A you B he C I D they
    8 A Since B If C Because D But
    9 A family B guests C servants D things
    10 A heavy B light C small D difficult
    11 A eat B choose C pick up D understand
    12 A brave B right C clever D foolish
    13 A sorry B nothing C angrily D goodbye
    14 A besides B of C except D with
    15 A who B him C that D why
    文讲述聪明男孩事求加入位富旅行意 选择担子时似愚蠢选择重担子恰恰聪明处挑面包途中边走边吃达目时已剩阅读
    1 B位富仅带东西卖带钱买东西解道题时注意句中and前容进行较
    2 A根想法决定带十仆件事完全决定没必希带……努力带……CD合题意
    3 Ccarry句中意携带运送take 意带走bring意带句意运送卖东西路吃食物文第1011两题句子提示
    4 B参第3题
    5 D男孩找位富求起走选 the rich man
    6 C参第5题
    7 A富意男孩行
    8 D句文转折关系意仆中瘦弱挑重担选but
    9 C参第8题
    10 A参第8题
    11 B句意选择挑轻担子pick up意捡起合文意选choose
    12 D仆选择重担子感愚蠢选foolish
    13 B听话男孩什没说高兴挑起担

    14 C男孩聪明仆累坏
    15 DDo you know why 文章引出原告诉读者中奥妙
    Peter’s job was to examine cars when they crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not smuggling anything into the country Every evening he would see a factory worker coming __1__ the hill towards the frontier __2__ a bike with a pile of goods of old straw on it When the bike __3__ the frontier Peter would stop the man and __
    4__ him take the straw off and untie it Then he would examine the straw very __5__ to see __6__ he could find anything after which he would look in all the man’s pockets __7__ he let him tie the straw again The man would then put it on his bike and go off down the hill with it Although Peter was always __8__ to find gold or other valuable things __9__ in the straw he never found __10__ He was sure the man was __11__ something but he was not __12__ to think out what it could be
    Then one evening after he had looked __13__ the straw and emptied the worker’s pockets __14__ usual he __15__ to him Listen I know you are smuggling things __16__ this frontier Won’t you tell me what it is I’m an old man and today’s my last day on the __17__ Tomorrow I’m going to __18__ I promise I shall not tell __19__ if you tell me what you’ve been smuggling The worker did not say anything for __20__ Then he smiled turned to Peter and said quietly Bikes
    1 A towards B down C to D up
    2 A filling B pulling C pushing D carrying
    3 A arrived B appeared C came D reached
    4 A ask B order C make D call
    5 A carefully B quickly C silently D horribly
    6 A that B where C how D whether
    7 A before B after C first D so
    8 A lucky B hoping C thinking D wondering
    9 A had been B hidden C hiding D have been
    10 A nothing B something C everything D anything
    11 A taking B smuggling C stealing D pushing
    12 A possible B strong C able D clever
    13 A through B thoroughly C upon D up
    14 A like B more C then D as
    15 A told B cried C ordered D said
    16 A cross B past C across D into
    17 A thing B work C job D duty
    18 A rest B back C retire D retreat
    19 A everyone B anyone C no one D someone
    20 A moment B long time C sometime D some time
    3.D里表达达边界意arrive come物动词直接接 the frontier选reached
    4.Caskorder接定式复合结构时动词前应to make接定式复合结构时动词前to省根文应选make
    10.D句中否定词never文意决定里应选 anything
    12.C固定结构be able to do sth 意够干某事
    13.A惯语look through 意彻底检查
    14.Das usual固定短语意象常样
    15.Dtell order面应直接接作宾语表示告诉某命令某say应say to sb said正确选项
    16.C.里应选择介词构成介词短语句中做状语介词past 表 across 强调边边into 表示进入……里面 根文意across应正确选项
    17.Con the job常短语意执行公务
    19.B根句中否定词not 文意应选anyone
    20.D句说明工回答彼问题前沉默会A选项应a moment C选项表示某点时间 D选项表示段时间会正确选项
    A strange thing happened to Henry yesterday He was on a bus and to __1__ So he stood up and rang the bell __2__ make sure the driver heard him he rang it twice but the bus __3__ stop And the conductor came and shouted __4__ him
    The conductor was __5__ angry and spoke __6__ fast that Henry didn’t understand __7__ The bus stopped at the next bus and Henry got off As he got off he heard someone said I think he __8__ a foreigner
    When Henry got __9__ he told his wife about it
    __10__ times did you ring the bell his wife asked
    Twice said Henry
    Well that’s the signal (信号) __11__ the driver __12__ on His wife explained only the conductor __13__ to ring the bell twice That’s why the conductor __14__ so angry
    Henry nodded(点头) __15__ he said
    1 A got off B gets off C get off D get on
    2 ATo B At C In D with
    3 A doesn’t B don’t C didn’t D wasn’t
    4 A in B on C of D at
    5 A so B as C at D because
    6 A so that B that C so D why
    7 A words B a word C speech D song
    8 A was B isn’t C is D am
    9 A to home B at home C in home D home
    10 A How many B How much C How long D How
    11 A to B at C on D for
    12 A to go B go C went on D goes
    13 A allowed B is allowed C was allowed D allow
    14 A got B gets C is getting D gotten
    15 A I seen B I saw C I see D I did
    1 C文意思知准备车选get off
    2 A两次电铃目希列车员听见里应动词定式表示目选to
    3 C文章讲述发生事情应般时选didn’t
    4 Dshout at sb 意某吵嚷选at
    5 A文章知列车员生气副词so修饰angry文that 构成固定搭配so…that… 意思…………
    6 C题解
    7 B根文意知列车员话客句没听懂选a word
    8 C直接引语里般现时选is
    9 Dgot接物动词直接接副词home意家
    10 A分析四选项how many接数名词复数
    11 D里for表示种限定指专门驾驶员信号
    12 A根文意知两次车铃提醒司机继续前进信号动词定式作置定语选to go
    13 B列车员allow间构成动关系里应动语态选is allowed
    14 A列车员生气情况已发生般时选got
    15 C根文意位客知道列车员生气原 应说I see
    Allan was worried This was his first time to go traveling 1 He didn’t know how to find his seat 2 he went to the air hostess(空姐) and asked Could you help me I can’t find my seat The air hostess showed 3 the seat and told him 4 and fasten the seat belt(系安全带) She told Allan not to move about when the plane was going up And she also said that Allan’s ears might feel 5 strange but he didn’t need to 6 it because many people felt 7 that When the plane was flying very high Allan could stand up and walk around He could 8 read books newspapers or see films The air hostess would
    __9__ food and drinks Allan would enjoy the flight and 10 soon
    1A by ship B by air C by car D by bus
    2A yet B or C but D so
    3A him B me C her D he
    4A stand up B sleep C to sit down D sit down
    5A a little B little C a bit of D bit
    6A worrying B be worried C worry about D worry
    7A in B for C as D like
    8A neither B either C both D also
    9A hold B take C bring D carry
    10 A arrive home B arrive to home C get to home D reach at home
    1.B文讲述Allan第次飞机时情况 选by air
    2.D根文意 Allan找座位 问空姐里构成果关系应 so引导结果状语句
    3.AAllan男士选 him充show宾语
    4.Ctell sb to do sth意思某干某事选to sit down
    5.Aa little修饰形容词表示点……
    6.C need to面应接动词原形 worry接物动词直接接宾语 选 worry about
    7.Dlike that意样
    8.B固定结构either…or… 意者……者……
    9.C根文意空姐食物饮料客 选bring
    10.A里home副词前面应接物动词选择arrive home
    What is the best way to study This is a very important question Some Chinese students often 1 very hard 2 long hours This is a 3 habit (惯) but it is not a better way to study A good student must 4 enough sleep enough food and enough rest Every 5 you 6 to take a walk or play basketball or pingpong or sing a song When you 7 to your studies you’ll find yourself 8 than before and you’ll lean more
    Perhaps we can 9 that learning English is like taking Chinese medicine we mean that like Chinese medicine the effects(效果) of your study 10 slowly but surely Learn every day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine
    1 A play B study C sleep D think
    2 A at B in C for D with
    3 A best B better C good D bad
    4 A have B do C want D make
    5 A month B week C hour D day
    6 A want B hope C need D wish
    7 A begin B return C go D are
    8 A stronger B weaker C strong D week
    9 A say B guess C talk D know
    10 A return B come C give D get
    2.C介词for常段时间连 句中作状语
    5.D文take a walk play basketball日常活动day正确选项
    6.Ctake a walk play basketball活动必学余进行选need
    7.B根文意休息 应重新返回学 开始学 选return
    8.A句中than知应选较级根文意锻炼身体 身体应更加强壮 选stronger
    10.B根句effects will come just like Chinese medicine文意知come正确选项
    Mr Green was ill and went to the hospital A doctor __1__ and said Well Mr Green you are going to __2__ some injections and you’ll feel much better A nurse will come __3__ give you the first one this evening and then you’ll __4__ get another one tomorrow evening __5__ a young nurse came to Mr Green’s bed and said to him I am going to give you your __6__ injection now Mr Green Where do you want it
    The old man was __7__ He looked at the nurse for a __8__ then he said __9__ has ever let me choose that before Are you really going to let me choose now
    Yes Mr Green the nurse answered She was in a hurry Where do you want it
    Well then the old man answered __10__ I want it in your left arm please
    1 A looked for him B looked him over
    C looked after him D looked him up
    2 A get B give C make D hold
    3 A so B but C or D and
    4 A must B can C had better D have to
    5 A In the morning B In the afternoon
    C In the end D In the evening
    6 A first B one C two D second
    7 A confident B surprised C full D hungry
    8 A hour B minutes C year D moment
    9 A Somebody B Anybody C Nobody D people
    10 A with a smile B in time
    C in surprise D with tears in his eyes
    1 Blook for sbsth 意寻找……look after sb 意料……look up sb意……look over sb意检查某贴文意正确选项
    2 A医生格林先生进行注射格林先生动作接受者应选get
    3 D空白部分前面I come 面give形成承接关系应 and连接
    4 Dmust 时根文章意思应选have to
    5 D文this evening相应In the evening应正确选项
    6 Aone 填入空白部分显画蛇添足根文第次注射应first
    7 B老护士提问应感surprised 文提没问样问题
    8 D护士提问 老思考会 应选moment
    9 C老感奇怪 没问样问题 应选nobody
    10 A老想捉弄护士常理 应带着微笑取笑 应选with a smile
    Today was a very important day France played __1__ Senegal (塞加尔) in the opening match of the World Cup Soccer fans were very __2__ watching the match on TV To our great surprise France was __3__
    Today football has become very __4__ in China after a __5__ wait China is in the World Cup for the first time __6__ we should support them Said some people In our school many students enjoy __7__ it My __8__ and I often go to the football field after class
    This afternoon there was a __9__ football match in our school __10__ team played against No1 Middle School __11__ they were all very big and strong it was a __12__ game between the two teams with the result 00 last time Today our school played much __13__
    In the first half of the match __14__ team kicked a goal but in the second Li Ming from our school kicked a goal We won 10 at last I’m so __15__ I can’t get to sleep tonight
    1 A with B against C to D at
    2 A good at B pleased to C interested in D boring in
    3 A beaten B knocked C fought D hit
    4 A welcome B popular C useful D usual
    5 A 44day B 44week C 44month D 44year
    6 A or B but C so D yet
    7 A buying B playing C drinking D looking
    8 A students B teachers C classmates D parents
    9 A happy B wonderful C funny D famous
    10 A Their B Her C Your D Our
    11 A Because B And C As D Though
    12 A mistake B luck C draw D game
    13 A better B well C vest D worse
    14 A neither B either C both D none
    15 A lucky B pleased C unhappy D worried
    1 B固定结构 play against sb 意……进行赛
    2 Cbe good at 意擅长……be pleased to 面应接动词原形D项说法意思be interested in 意……感兴趣符合文意正确选项
    3 Abeat sb 意击败某符合文意正确选项
    4 B事实说明足球中国越越流行选popular
    5 D家知道次等时间应44年选 D
    6 C两句意思形成果关系应so引导结果状语句
    7 Bplay football 意踢足球
    8 C常理放学起踢足球应学选classmates
    9 B通读文场紧张方胜利告终足球赛赛刺激精彩应选wonderful
    10 D根文章赛城队支城队间进行选our
    11 D分析句子前句句步状语句应选Though
    12 C根半场0:0分知半场局告终选draw
    13 A文中知队表现非常满意much常修饰较级选择better
    14 Aneither表示两者either表示两者中意both表示两者none表示三者三者半场双方没进球选neither
    15 B队获胜然高兴选pleased
    The computer is fast and never makes a mistake while people are too slow and full of mistakes sometimes That’s __1__ people often say when __2__ talk about computers For over a quarter of a century scientists have been __3__ better and better computers Now a computer can __4__ a lot of __5__ jobs wonderfully It is __6__ used in factories hospitals post offices and airports A computer can report decide and control in almost __7__ field Many computer scientists are thinking of _
    _8__ the computer think like a man With the help of a person a computer can __9__ pictures write music talk with people play chess recognize voices translate languages and so on Perhaps computers will __10__ really think and feel Do you think the people will be afraid __11__ they find that the computer is too clever to listen to and serve the people No people will __12__ better use of the computers in __13__ future Man is __14__ the master of the computer The computer works only __15__ the help of man It cannot take the place of man
    1 A that B what C how D why
    2 A we B they C you D people
    3 A loving B taking C making D thinking
    4 A have B get C do D offer
    5 A everyday B every day C each day D some day
    6 A widely B wide C great D deeply
    7 A either B all C both D every
    8 A producing B ordering C making D building
    9 A take B look at C draw D put
    10A one day B a day C any day D the other day
    11A when B that C how D while
    12A chose B get C take D make
    13A a B an C the D
    14A often B never C always D sometimes
    15A with B under C by D for
    1.B里需表语句引导词句中作say宾语代文容 what意思语法合文意正确选项
    4.Cdo a lot of jobs意思干许事情余三动词皆合文意
    5.A词组every day意思天some day指某天形容词everyday意思日常合文意正确选项
    8.Cmake作役动词时面应接定式复合结构定式省tomake sb do sth选择make
    10.Athe other day指某天one day指某天指某天里讲设想选one day
    12.D固定结构make use of意思利
    13.Cin the future意思正确选项in future意思合文意
    15.A固定结构with the help of意思……帮助
    It was very cold that day It was __1__ heavily and the ground was covered with __2__ snow The shepherd thought it was dangerous to __3__ the hill and it was difficult for the sheep to find some __4__ there So he decided to stay in the __5__ room He put some hay(干草) in a pen(围栏) __6__ the sheep could eat it when they were __7__ The dog who felt cold outside lay on the __8__ hay and soon went to sleep
    At noon the sheep wanted to eat the hay They were __9__ afraid of the dog and __
    10__ could get close to it At last the __11__ sheep came to the hay Before he started to eat the dog heard it and opened his eyes He barked(吠) loudly to __12__ him The sheep ran away __13__ Looking at the unnatural(情) dog the sheep began to talk __14__
    What a selfish(私) dog said one of the sheep He cannot eat the hay and yet refuses to __15__ those who can to eat
    1 A raining B snowing C blowing D shining
    2 A thick B thin C beautiful D big
    3 A play on      B live on     C climb up     D go to
    4 A cake B grass C fruit D vegetables
    5 A cold         B cool         C hot         D warm
    6 A in order to B so as to C so that D in order
    7 A hungry       B sick       C full         D free
    8 A hard          B soft        C thin        D wet
    9 A both B either C all D neither
    10 A none         B neither     C any             D some
    11 A smallest        B youngest    C weakest      D strongest
    12 A meet          B greet         C warn         D receive
    13 A easily B happily C sadly D quickly
    14 A angrily       B happily       C quietly          D politely
    15 A let           B ask          C forget        D allow
    1 B文知天雪
    2 A文说天着雪应该覆盖着厚厚雪
    3 C学会选go to the hill较climb up the hill者更符合常理意种天气爬山危险
    4 B根常理羊难找草
    5 D天冷牧羊想呆温暖房间里英语里般hot room
    6 C面完整句子in order toso as toso that意便面完整句子
    7 A全句意牧羊干草放围栏里便羊饿时候吃
    8 B躺软草soft恰
    9 C羊害怕狗三者all
    10 A没羊接
    11 D终强壮羊敢前弱胆量?
    12 C狗声想警告羊绝问候
    13 D羊赶紧离开副词妥
    14 A敢吃草私里气愤谈
    15 D句学会选let注意面to eat 没let sb to do sth说法allow sb to do sth意允许吃吃(草)
    Mr and Mrs Harris had always spent their summer holidays in a small hotel at the seaside near their hometown One year however(然) Mr Harris made a lot of 1 in his business 2 they decided to go to a foreign country and stay at a really good 3
    They flew to Rome and 4 at a 5star hotel late in the evening They thought they would have to go to bed hungry because in that 5 hotel where they had been used to stay in the past no meals were served (供应) 6 seven in the evening They were 7 to be told that the hotel served dinner until ten
    Then what are the times 8 meals asked Mrs Harris
    Well madam we serve breakfast from seven to eleven lunch from twelve to three 9 from four to five and dinner from six to ten
    But that hardly 10 any time for us to see the city said Mrs Harris
    1 A mistakes B time C friends D money
    2 A but B so C though D yet
    3 A hotel B place C city D restaurant
    4 A stayed B got C arrived D reached
    5 A small B big C foreign D good
    6 A on B after C during D until
    7 A tired B interested C surprised D worried
    8 A with B on C at D of
    9 A drink B tea C beer D food
    10 A takes B does C has D leaves
    2.Bmade a lot of money文go to a foreign country构成果关系 选so
    3.A文住进a 5star hotel相应里应选择hotel
    4.C表示达目reach直接接宾语 get应加介词to arrive接物动词应加介词inat接宾语arrive正确选项
    5.A根文章第句前住small hotel里应选small
    8.Dof常表示关系the times of the meals表示顿饭供应时间
    Friends are very important in our everyday life Everyone 1__ friends We all like to feel close to someone __
    2__ is nice to have a friend to talk laugh and do things with 3 sometimes we need to be alone We don’t always want people 4 But we would feel lonely if we __5__ had a friend
    No two people are 6 Friends 7 don’t get on well That doesn’t mean that they no longer like each other Most of the time they will make up (言) and become 8 again
    Sometimes friends move away Then we feel very 9 We miss them very much but we can 10 them and write to them And we can __11 new friends It is encouraging to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them
    There’s more good news for people who have friends They live __12__ than people who don’t Why Friends can make us feel happy __13__ happy helps you stay well Or it could be just done that someone cares If some one cares about you you take 14 care of 15
    1 A loves B hates C needs D becomes
    2 A It B He C There D Someone
    3 A Hardly B Nearly C Suddenly D Certainly
    4 A alone B away C all over D around
    5 A ever B never C just D really
    6 A friendly B kind C just the same D quite different
    7 A always B sometimes C often D usually
    8 A friendly B good C pleased D friends
    9 A angry B sad C happy D alone
    10 A call B ask C tell D talk with
    11 A look for B find C make D know
    12 A longer B shorter C slower D faster
    13 A Smelling B Being C Sounding D Making
    14 A less B better C little D no
    15 A you B your C yours D yourself
    1.C根文friends are very important 知道需朋友 选needs
    2.A里应it做形式语代面真正语to have a friend
    4.D根句we need to be alone知道时希周围直相伴选around
    6.C根句意世界没两相选just the same
    8.D根半句they will make up知道产生分歧朋友会初选friends
    10.A根常识思念朋友时通电话写信朋友联络 选call
    11.Cmake friends固定结构意思交朋友
    12.A根句中good news 知道里应该长寿句中than 知道应填较级选longer
    13.B根题意心情助身体健康里动名词短语充语happy形容词前面应添be动词选 being
    Suppose(假设) you are going to Boston and you 1 the city
    before If someone 2 you about the interesting places in the city you __3 to get some ideas of what you will see But don’t have a
    4__ idea of where these places are or of how to find 5 However 6__ someone has a map of the city and 7 you the main roads and buildings you may say Oh now I see I can find my way with 8__ trouble at all Working in math is somewhat(点) like trying to find your way 9 a new city Perhaps the words may tell you some information and you have 10 it but you can’t see any clear road 11 the answers
    Maybe you 12 a kind of map of the main roads in maths 13__ you find your way Explore(探究)what lies in maths and 14 to find
    the main roads They will 15 you to the answer If you can find the map the maths problems will be easily worked out
    1 A are going to visit B once visited
    C have never visited D have ever visit
    2 A answers B shows C meets D tells
    3 A begin B like C learn D refuse
    4 A clever B clear C strange D wrong
    5 A someone B Boston C them D it
    6 A if B though C whether D since
    7 A helps B gives C passes D shows
    8 A not B no C some D much
    9 A of B to C in D around
    10 A thought over B heard about
    C written down D talked with
    11 A with B for C of D to
    12 A need to have B don’t need C needn’t D in need of
    13 A help B to help C helps D help with
    14 A try your best B take your place
    C look up D walk on
    15 A keep B send C lead D ask
    1.C文表明:点熟悉城市说明前没选have never visited
    2.Dshow意带领某参观某某展示某物tell sb about sth 意告诉某关……情况根文知tell正确选项
    5.C指代文出现interesting places应them
    7.Dshow sb sth意……某合符文意正确选项
    10.A做数学题时肯定题目中信息进行思考应选thought over
    11.Dthe road to the answers意解决问题路径to正确选项
    12.A根文列举根图找名胜例子知做数学题目需图应选need to have
    13.B里应该动词定式to help you find your way作目状语合符句意
    14.Atry one’s best to do sth意思某努力做某事正确选项
    15.Clead sb to某意思引导某达某
    Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country It’s beautiful but it’s hot in __1__ So I usually returned to my hometown when my __2__ began It is not big but it’s cool and quiet I could __3__ in the daytime and have a good sleep at night
    One day I had some __4__ to solve But I didn’t take the dictionaries home My father told me Charlie one of my __5__ had a good library I went to his house at once We didn’t see each other after I __6__ middle school At first he didn’t recognize me He __7__ me up and down And then he called out Oh dear It’s you Fred
    Of course we were __8__ to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and __9__ Later on he showed me around his library It wasn’t big but there were a lot of nice books in it And the dictionaries I __10__ were in them too At last I said __11__ you lend some dictionaries to me please
    I’m sorry I don’t lend any books to __12__ said the young man
    Are you afraid I’ll __13__ them
    No I’m not I’m afraid you won’t __14__ them to me Look All the books are not __15__ but borrowed
    1 A spring B summer C autumn D winter
    2 A birthday B Saturday C Sunday D holiday
    3 A study B play C rest D run
    4 A words B sentences C problems D stories
    5 A brothers B sisters C aunts D classmates
    6 A finished B heard C saw D met
    7 A lifted B carried C looked D pulled
    8 A angry B happy C worried D sad
    9 A doctors B teachers C workers D drivers
    10 A looked for B read C wrote D looked at
    11 A Need B Must C May D Can
    12 A other B the other C others D another
    13 A lose B sell C throw D know
    14 A pay B return C use D look after
    15 A made B picked C won D bought
    1 Bhot应该指夏天天气情况
    2 D学生暑假回家度假
    3 A学生暑假应该忘学
    4 Csolve problems意解决问题
    5 D根文知
    6 Afinish middle school表示中学毕业
    7 Clook sb up and down表示量某时look作物动词
    8 B老学相见然高兴
    9 B学间谈象般应该学老师
    10 A根文知正寻找字典
    11 D里指征求意见can
    12 C泛指复数
    13 A怕书弄丢
    14 B根文知书愿怕象样书
    15 D书买
    Mr Wang teaches English in a middle school He likes his work very much He wanted 1 a teacher even when he was a young boy
    There are six classes in a school day at Mr Wang's middle school Mr Wang teachers five of these six classes 2 his free hour from 2 to 3 in the afternoon Mr Wang 3 meet with parents check students' homework and 4 many other things So Mr Wang works hard from the moment he gets to school early in the morning until he leaves for home late in the afternoon and his free hour is not free at all
    In his English lesson Mr Wang sometimes teaches poems (诗) He likes poems very much and he likes Li Bai’s poems 5 of all
    In his fifth class today Mr Wang taught a poem He wrote the poem on the blackboard and read it As soon as he finished 6 the poem the students began to ask questions He answered all the questions Then he asked his students to talk about the poem 7 one wanted to stop when the bell rang
    8 home Mr Wang thought about the fifth class He was happy about what he did as a teacher Every one of his students 9 the poem When they started to talk they forgot about the time He did not have to make them 10 He only had to answer their questions and help them understand the poem
    1 A was B being C to be D be
    2 A In B At C To D On
    3 A has to B has C able to D will
    4 A take care for B care of
    C take care of D be careful of
    5 A better B good C well D best
    6 A reading B to read C read D doing
    7 A Not B No C Have no D Any
    8 A By the way B To his way
    C On his way D In the way
    9 A liked B asked C had D wanted
    10 A learning B to learn
    C learn D leant
    Mr Wang位英语老师热心教育忙教学工作负责课堂善启发学生回答问题讨问题回家途中沉浸课堂活跃气氛回忆中
    1 C语法结构 want面定式
    2 B时间点面介词at
    3 Ahas to意思必须里引出做事
    4 C固定短语
    5 D句面 at all较范围高级
    6 Afinish面动名词
    7 B课堂学生积极发言没想停
    8 Con one’s way home意思回家路
    9 A学生受老师影响开始爱诗歌
    10 C语法结构:make sbdo sth
    Many animals use some kinds of language They use signals(信号) and the signals have meanings For example __1 a bee has found some food it goes 2 its home 3 is difficult for a bee to tell __4 bees where the food is speaking to them but it can do a little dancing This tells the bees where the food is and 5 it is
    Some animals show 6 they feel by making sounds It is not difficult to tell if a dog is angry because it barks Birds make several different sounds and 7 has its meaning Sometimes we humans make sounds in the same way We make sounds like Oh to 8 how we feel about __9__ or we 10 something on our feet
    We humans have languages We have words These words have meaning of things action feeling or ideas We are able to __11__ each other information to tell other people 12 we think or we feel By writing down words we can remember what has happened or 13 messages to people far away
    Languages like people live and die If a language is not used by people it is called a dead language This language cannot live and grow because 14 speaks it
    A living language of course is often spoken by people today It grows and changes with time New words are created and some old words have 15 meanings
    1 A because B since C when D as
    2 A out of B back from C away from D back to
    3 A It B This C That D He
    4 A each other B another C the other D others
    5 A how long B how far away C how many D how old
    6 A why B which C how D what
    7 A each B every C all D some
    8 A show B say C talk D speak
    9 A everything B something C nothing D anything
    10 A put B drop C fall D set
    11 A give B put C show D take
    12 A that B which C what D why
    13 A send B bring C push D get
    14 A someone B no one C anyone D everyone
    15 A new B right C real D good
    4.Cthe other bees蜜蜂
    13.Asend messages固定搭配表示发送信息
    It’s never easy to admit(承认) you are in the wrong We all __1__ to know the art of apology Think how often you’ve done wrong Then count how many __2__ you’ve expressed clearly you were __3__ You can’t go to bed with an easy mind if you do __4__ about it
    A doctor friend Mr Lied told me about a man who came to him with different kinds of signs headaches heart __5__ and insomnia (失眠) __6__ some careful exams Mr Lied found nothing ___7__ with him and said If you don’t tell me what’s __8__ you I can’t help you The man admitted he was cheating his brother of his inheritance(遗产) Then and there the __9__ doctor __10__ the man write to his brother and __11__ his money As soon as the __12__ was put into the post box the man suddenly cried Thank you he said to the doctor I think I’ve got __13__
    An apology can not only save a broken relationship(关系) but also make it __14__ If you can think of someone who should be __15__ an apology from you Do something about it right now
    1 A decide B have C need D try
    2 A mistakes B people C ways D times
    3 A sorry B weak C sad D wrong
    4 A something B anything C nothing D everything
    5 A trouble B matter C illness D problem
    6 A Before B After C Till D Since
    7 A well B wrong C good D bad
    8 A hurling B changing C touching D worrying
    9 A clever B silly C good D kind
    10 A made B helped C saw D let
    11 A returned B gave C kept D paid
    12 A paper B box C money D letter
    13 A better B well C sick D worse
    14 A never B worse C stronger D harder
    15 A given B received C known D forgotten
    1 C里指必解道歉门艺术
    2 Dtimes里表示次数
    3 A根文承认错误决非易事道歉更门艺术时作者建议读者计算少次清楚表达歉意选sorry
    4 C果错误什做 睡觉会睡
    5 A里表示心脏毛病
    6 B
    7 Bnothing wrong 表明生理没问题 文知道点
    8 D
    9 A名聪明医生 提出面方法
    10 Dmade 具强制性意思 选let sb do sth
    11 A文知骗哥哥遗产 欠钱治心病
    12 D根面post box知里指寄出封信
    13 B实没病 解决心理问题子觉 转 选well better
    14 C道歉仅挽救破碎际关系 增强间联系harder指具体事物坚硬 处
    15 Agive sb an apology意某道歉
    Mr and Mrs king have lived in our town for nearly twenty years They have a bookshop by the bus station They’re __1__ to everybody and have a lot of friends They often _
    _2__ the poor students and sell them some books cheaply So there’re many young men in their shop Of course people __3__ them and their friends often call on (拜访) them and __4__ them We can always hear their rooms are full of __5__ and quarrel
    It was a Friday evening Mr and Mrs King were going to have a picnic on the island the next __6__ It was a little far from our town So they had to __7__ earlier than usual to catch a six o’clock train After __8__ a few friends came to see them while they were cooking some __9__ and drinks for the picnic Mr king and his wife had to stop __10__ them They talked a lot and few of them looked at the __11__ on the wall Mr and Mrs King were anxious (焦急) but they couldn’t tell the visitors about it The woman thought for a few __12__ and had an idea She said to her __13__ Oh it’s eleven o’clock You’d better stop talking dear Our guests are anxious to __14__
    Mr king heard this and stood up and said __15__ to the visitors and they left soon
    1 A had B polite C cold D careful
    2 A help B hurt C hit D watch
    3 A know B understand C meet D like
    4 A play with B fight with C talk with D catch up with
    5 A cry B shout C noise D laugh
    6 A morning B afternoon C evening D laugh
    7 A go to work B get up C go to sleep D open the shop
    8 A breakfast B lunch C supper D meal
    9 A clothes B bags C books D food
    10 A receive B to receive C receiving D to accept
    11 A phone B photo C clock D picture
    12 A minutes B days C weeks D months
    13 A visitor B husband C brother D father
    14 A go home B go to bed C go shopping D have a rest
    15 A hello B goodbye C sorry D nothing
    委婉谢绝客事 时容易遇事
    1 B根文have a lot of friends推断友(friendly)
    2 A帮助穷困学生
    3 D根文知喜欢
    4 Ctalk with 表示聊天
    5 D家里总充满欢笑
    6 A根文赶早班车知早
    7 B赶早班车早起选get up
    8 C星期五晚晚饭
    9 D正第二天野餐准备食物饮料
    10 B停(手中事)做某事stop to do sth外receive sb 表示接某
    11 C聊兴致忘时间忘墙钟
    12 A里指短时间
    13 B
    14 A表示时间已早客肯定着急回家
    15 C丈夫客道歉表示忘时间样客会尴尬
    Martin Henfield talks about some of his experience(历) as a twin when we were small my mother dressed us __1_ the same clothes That was bad enough and we didn’t like it But we went on our first camping trip it was even __2__ We were only ten years old and while __3_ went into their sleeping bags for the _4__ we were not happy to snuggle(偎) inside a double sleeping bag my mother made for us
    At school our classmates __5__us Henfield One and Henfield Two so people ___6__ even see our difference according to our initials because __7__ of us were MO It was only when I went to _8___ and began to have my own friends that I started to feel my own freedom of identity(身份)
    Before I went to college during my secondary school __9__ I __10__ to a job on a building site My twin brother Mike Henfield didn’t wor
    k One day I asked my boss Can I have a week _11__ Certainly he said but you won’t have the job when you 12__ back I didn’t want to __13__ the job So on Monday morning Mike went there in my _14__ jacket and hat and he worked for me for one week __15___ of them knew the difference
    1 A in B for C on D with
    2 A badder B worse C good D better
    3 A all boys B another boy
    C all the other boys D all the boys
    4 A day B holiday C night D midnight
    5 A called B knew C told D made
    6 A didn’t B needn’t C mustn’t D couldn’t
    7 A very B each C both D all
    8 A middle school B college C high school D school
    9 A holidays B week C weekend D holiday
    10 A received B got C find D made
    11 A off B free C on D back
    12 A came B will get C got D are
    13 A miss B lose C lost D losing
    14 A coat B shirt C shoes D trousers
    15 A None B Nobody C All D Each
    关双胞胎事 说明作双胞胎苦恼面 乐趣面 做完型填空时 抓住双胞胎非常相特点 容易理解中发生事情
    1 A某穿(衣服)应dress sb in
    2 B 根文知野营中情况时更糟糕
    3 Cthe other加名词复数表示剩余
    4 C睡袋应夜间
    5 A称呼某……call sb …
    6 D
    7 C根面系动词were 应both表复数
    8 B根文知 直学 种情况改变
    9 D指中学生涯假期
    10 B找份工作getfind a job 处应时
    11 Ahave a week off 休息星期
    12 DD项时态正确
    13 B
    14 D
    15 A没出时双胞胎交换B项带of
    Have you ever seen the advertisement Learn a foreign language in six weeks   1  give your money back Of course it   2  happens quite like that The only language   3  to learn is the mother language And think   4  practice is needed for that Before the Second World War people usually learned a foreign language 5 the literature(文学) of the country Now most people want to   6  a foreign language Every year millions of people start learning 7
    How do they do it Some people try at home 8 books and tapes others go to evening classes or watch TV programs 9 they use the language only 2 or 3 times a week learning it will   10  a long time like language learning at school A few people try to learn a language fast by studying for 6 or   11  hours a day It's much easier to learn the language in the country where it  12   But most people are   13   to do this and many people don't have to do so Machines and good books will be very   14  but they can not do the students' work   15  the language is learned quickly or slowly it is hard work
    1 A so B or C and D but
    2 A can't        B impossible   C never     D often
    3 A easily        B difficult       C able          D easy
    4 A how much    B how long   C how fast  D how many
    5 A studied    B to study   C s
    tudying   D study
    6 A talk     B tell      C speak     D say
    7 A them      B this   C that  D it
    8 A without     B with            C in            D by
    9 A If            B When          C Since         D Until
    10 A spend         B use            C take          D cost
    11 A some          B more         C other         D less
    12 A speaks        B is speaking  C spoke         D is spoken
    13 A able          B possible       C unable        D not possible
    14 A careful       B forgetful     C wonderful     D helpful
    15 A either        B whether      C what        D how
    1 B里or否意思
    2 C根作者观点种事绝发生impossible形容词符语法can’thappensoften意思作者意图相反
    3 D唯容易学语言母语里需形容词充置定语
    4 A修饰数名词how much全句意母语学需练况外语呢?
    5 B动词定式充目状语意学外语研究文学
    6 C说某种语言speakspeak Englishspeak Chinese
    7 Dit代指文说a foreign language
    8 B里with意思
    9 A作者里提出种假设果星期两次外语
    10 C固定短语意做某事花费某长时间
    11 B面省略than 6 hours意6时更时间
    12 Dit 代指文指foreign language动态
    13 C许做点里not possible语
    14 D机器书学英语说帮助
    15 Bwhether …or…固定短语
    I have tried many ways to be 1 I don’t wear a sweater when I 2 and two days ago I walked in the 3 without my shoes But so far nothing 4 Debbie once told me about a boy in her class who liked 5 school He would rub(摩擦) the end of the thermometer (温度计) until it went 6 to 39℃ Then he’d put it in his mouth and his mother would think he was 7 ill
    This morning I tried doing that but it 8 went above 35℃ and I rubbed it for ten 9 So I held the thermometer 10 the light on my desk and it went up to 40℃ I thought I’d put it in my mouth and walk downstairs like that 11 my mother would take it out and she would be 12 when she saw that I was rather ill
    The only trouble was I didn’t know the thermometer would be so 13 As soon as I put it into my mouth I burnt my tongue(舌头) I spit (吐) the thermometer out It fell 14 the floor but it 15
    1 A well B fine C ill D bad
    2 A could B should C must D might
    3 A water B rain C sun D wind
    4 A happens B happened C will happen D has happened
    5 A being away from B leaving
    C staying at D being out of
    6 A on B down C up D off
    7 A really B real C bad D badly
    8 A can’t B not C never D didn’t
    9 A seconds B hours C minutes D moments
    10 A near B near to C next D next to
    11 A When B Then C So D If
    12 A worried B surprised C happy D frightened
    13 A cold B hot C warm D cool
    14 A off B down C to D on
    15 A didn’t break B didn’t broke C wasn’t broken D was broken
    2.B里应选择情态动词should 表示该穿毛衣时候穿 实想冻出病
    4.Dso far常动词现完成时连表示目前止
    5.Aleave school表示辍学毕业离校动作be away from school表示学逃学状态
    10.Dnext to表示非常接
    11.BThen副词表时间承 三选项均引导句 选
    12.A妈妈知孩子生病 首先感担心
    13.B里表示烫 选warm
    14.Dfall on掉…… fall off 指某处摔 fall down落
    15.Cbreak物动词 语构成动宾关系动语态形式was broken
    Do you know Eskimos (爱斯基摩) Let me tell you something about their 1
    The Eskimos live near the North Pole (北极) There are only two 2 there winter and summer There are no spring 3 autumn there The winter nights are 4 You can't 5 the sun for more than two months even at noon The summer days are long For more than two months the sun never 6 and there is no night
    The Eskimos have 7 clothes They make their clothes from the skin of animals From these skins they make coats caps and 8
    Near the North Pole trees can't grow for it is too 9 there The Eskimos 10 make their houses from skins snow or stones (石头) When they 11 in storm and can't 12 home they make house of snow They 13 these snow houses when the storm is 14
    Life is 15 for the Eskimos but they still like to live there
    1 A work B life C holiday D families
    2 A weather B seasons C months D years
    3 A not B or C and D as
    4 A short B warm C long D cold
    5 A see B watch C look D look at
    6 A rises B goes up C drops D goes down
    7 A beautiful B metal C warm D cool
    8 A goods B drinks C medicine D shoes
    9 A cold B hot C dry D wet
    10 A will B should C never D have to
    11 A go out B go over C keep on D get on
    12 A get back B got off C get on D get in
    13 A make B leave C stay D break
    14 A over B coming C going D hard
    15 A easy B interesting C hard D lucky
    1 B根文知里介绍爱斯基摩生活(life)
    2 B根wintersummer判断
    3 Bnoor表示两者否定
    4 C句话推断答案冬夜长太阳没白天正北极气候特征
    5 Asee表示结果watchlook表示动作
    6 D夏天白昼长没夜晚太阳山选 go down
    7 C穿暖衣服抵御严寒
    8 D里指动物皮做衣服鞋帽
    9 A北极冷
    10 D表示客观原特殊材料建房
    11 A表示外面遇风暴时
    12 A风暴回家
    13 B雪造房遇风暴回家风暴然离开雪房子
    14 Abe over表示结束
    15 C种恶劣气候条件生活艰难困苦选hard
    Life in the twentyfirst century will be very 1 Many changes will take place but 2 will the changes be
    The population is growing 3 There will be many 4 in the world and most of them will live 5 than people in the twentieth century
    Computers will be much smaller and 6 and there will be at least one in every 7 And 8 studies will be one of the important subjects in school then
    People will work 9 and they will have more free time for sports watching TV and travelling 10 will be much easier and cheaper And many more people will go to 11 countries for holidays
    There will be changes in our 12 too Maybe no one will eat meat every day instead they eat more fruit and vegetables Maybe people will be 13 Work in the future will be different too 14 and hard work can be done by robots Because of this 15 will not have enough work to do This will be a problem
    1 A interesting B hard C different D beautiful
    2 A why B how C when D what
    3 A slowly B fast C quietly D suddenly
    4 A people B workers C scientists D doctors
    5 A long B longer C happy D lucky
    6 A more useful B useful C helpful D less useful
    7 A hospital B factory C home D town
    8 A science B maths C English D computer
    9 A fewer hours B more hours
    C eight hours D more than eight hours
    10 A Seeing doctors B Going to the cinema
    C Shopping D Travelling
    11 A rich B other C poor D small
    12 A food B clothes C fruit D drinks
    13 A fatter B thinner C healthier D more pleased
    14 A Safe B Easy C Simple D Dangerous
    15 A a few people B all the people
    C many people D some people
    1 C讲二十世纪发生系列变化变化生活变前选C
    2 D变化会变化呢?What里充表语
    3 B众周知口增长速度快
    4 A文知里指口增选people
    5 B生活条件惯改变寿命会更长longer正确选项
    6 A电脑发挥更作选较级more useful
    7 C电脑走进家户
    8 D节讲电脑选D
    9 A根文知更时间娱乐证明工作时间减少选fewer hours
    10 D根文for holidays知里说旅行
    11 B条件更够国家旅游选other
    12 A根句知里讲饮食变化
    13 C饮食惯发生变化更加健康
    14 Dhard列词应选择dangerous
    15 C工作机器完成许面着失业危险





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