厂房租赁合同 英文

    厂房租赁合 英文
      factory rental contract
      first party
      second party (tenant)
      dongguan city the property is owned by first party both parties have come to an agreement and first party is renting the factory and dormitory to second party both parties have already voice out about their requirement after signing the contract that means both parties have to follow and abide the rules accordingly the details of the rental agreement contract are as per follow
      :location of the rental factory
      二 the lease period from year month day to year monthday first three years are fixed last 2 years will have some adjustment 3 years later the rent are to increased by rmb per square meter
      the total lease period are years
      三:the factory area rental charges
      the whole building area includes factory dormitory and facility are about square meter(the actual usable space might not be square meter but rental fees are calculated by this square meter which was shown in this contract agreement) from year month day to year month day the rental charges are k rmb per month second party should pay for rmb to first party each month from to second party should pay for mb to first party each month first party are provide 2 months for renovation in this 2 months there will be no rental charges during the renovation period and the rental charges will only begins on
      methods for payment
      1 deposit for the factory after signing the contract second party should pay rmb as deposit within days second part will also need to pay rmb for the 1st month rental too after completing the contract agreement duration period second party has to paid the wages utilities bills rental and incurred bills and also did not break any of the rules in the agreements ( means second party did not break the contract or damage the factorystructure or the facilities) after the confirmation of the 1st party that everything is ok the deposit will be return back to the 2nd party by the 1st party and the contract ends too or else the deposit will be confiscated by the 1st party
      2 payment second party must pay the rent before on that month
      五:the requirement for the usage of the factory second party should take good care of the factory dormitory and the other facilities 2nd party should not change the structure or damage the building structure when second party want to change the structure of the factory second party should consult with first party and get the first party s consent first
      1 after signing the contract second party should buy insurance for the all the building of first party’s factory within days the insurance should be bought for continuous and full property insurance the insurance period should not be less than the contract rental duration the original of the insurance list should be kept by first party
      2 second party should indicate first party is the insurance s beneficiary in the insurance second party should not restrict in the insurance for the first party for those benefits claims
      3 if second party fail to buy the full insurance or continuously purchase first party has the right to buy the insurance for us but all the bills will be charges back to the second party and second party has to be responsible for all the charges
      4 in the effective period of the contract second party can’t end up or cancel the insurance using any reason if second party end up the insurance first party have rights to buy the insurance on 2nd party behalf the fees will also be charged to second party
      七 the responsibilities and duties for first party and second party
      1 first party s responsibilities and duties
      afirst party are provide a kva transformer
      b1st party will provide 2nd party the water supply in the factory and also till the entrance
      cfirst party will be responsible for the factory and dormitory fire protection and provide the qualified fire license
      2 second party s responsibilities and duties
      athe second party sets up the factory no matter own profit or loss the second party should get the legal business license and the operation should be legal
      bthe second party should pay for all the bills like public security department labour department insurance industry and commerce tax and water and electricity department
      cany business activities or the business dispute first party will not be responsible
      dto pay taxes lawfully
      esecond party are in charge of fire system and lift’ s repairmaintain and annual inspection the fess will be paid by second party
      f1st party will only be responsible to collect the rental fees from 2nd party other than that for the other kind of bills second party should be responsible to pay all the taxes and feesbills and that includes any requirement of the local government department
      gwhen the second party is not renting the factory anymore the facilities and transformer and the lift should be returned to first party the second party cannot remove or destroy the property or else second party has to pay the damages to the first party
      hthe factory are not allow to rent to other people without the first party’s written consent
      iwithout the written consent of first party’s approval second party can’t change the factory structure or decoration if the 1st party agrees to the renovation proposed by 2nd party after the lease period will be owned by first party
      八the responsibilities of breaking the contract
      1 in the lease period second party should pay the rent on time when second party didn’t pay it on time the late fee charges is per day if the second party did not pay the rent within days first party have the rights to end up the contract
      2the second party must observes & follow local laws if second party have the illegal operations and get caught the responsibilities and fines will be paid by second party
      3 first party will ensure the right to use the factory to 2nd party within the lease period and the operation carried out should be legal if due to any party who break this contract and causes any losses to another party the party who break this contract has to pay to another party the losses
      4second party will have to rent the factory accordingly to the lease period in the contract if second party breaks the contract the first party have the rights to confiscate the deposit if the first party loss are more than the deposit the first party can pursue 2nd party for those amount
      5the second party must be observe the 5th rule otherwise first party will ask the second party to pay for the damages
      九: the contract will be taken effect after both parties signed the contract if any parties the person in charge has change this contract will still be effective with no changes
      十:exemption clause
      1 in the case of incidents which cannot be prevent both parties will not be hold for any responsibilities
      2 in the case of fire and is cause by 2nd party due to misuse of the electricity power or some other reason the 2nd party will be held full responsibilities and have to pay for the damages to the first party if the fire was caused by 3rd party then the 3rd party will be held full responsibilities
      3 for all the property & stuffs that is store in the factory by 2nd party 2nd party has to be responsible for them in case of any damages or theft first party will not be responsible
      十conditions for breaking the contract
      when the following conditions occurred first party has the rights to end up the contract immediately confiscate the deposit and will not take any responsibilities
      1second party pay the rent later than days
      2second party did not pay the bills etc the taxes the workers’ salaries the water and electricity charges and so on & accumulate more than rmb
      3 second party did not abide to the contract for point 8th and 9th
      4 if 2nd party did not abide to this contact
      十二if any disputes in future both party should try to negotiate or discuss if cannot solve the dispute and come to an agreement then the case will be brought up to the court
      十三if any conditions need to be to add in after signing the contract both parties has to signed on the renewal contract
      十四there are 2 contracts altogether and each party holds one of them both contracts are effective for the law and orders
      2nd party hopes to sign the contract on after signing the contract 2nd party will use cash cheque to pay st party months rent for (months deposit +month rent)
      first party second party
      representative signature representative signature
      first party’s phone second party’sphone sign date year month day




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