2020年中考英语考前冲刺 (二)



    动词定式(to do)
    ① 基形式:to+动词原形
    否定形式:not + to + 动词原形
    ※ 情况to省略
    ② 句法功:作语表语宾语宾语补足语定语状语
    ③ 定式疑问词whatwhichwhenwherehow连相名词性句
    ① 基形式:动词原形 + ing
    ② 句法功:动名词起名词作句中担语表语宾语定语
    ① 动词面动词定式动名词
    ② 动词面动词定式作宾语动名词作宾语



    1 2019 • 四川省江市—Where is Mike
    —I saw him _________ with Mr Smith in the hallways just now
    A to talk B talking C talked D talks
    解析句意:——Mike里——刚见走廊里Smith先生谈话考查动词非谓语A to talk动词定式B talking动名词现分词C talked式分词D talks第三称单数根I saw him ____ with Mr Smith in the hallways just now知里考查see法see sb do sth见某做某事强调着做整程see sb doing sth见某正做某事强调正进行根just now(刚刚)里应该刚刚见走廊里Smith先生正谈话强调正进行动作应该see sb doing sth选B
    to do作宾语动词(词组)

    (1)想拒绝忘记 (wantwould like refuse forget)
    (2)需努力学 (need try learn)
    (3)喜欢意帮助 (like agree help)
    (4)希决定开始 (hopewish decide beginstart)
    2 2019 • 江苏省镇江市To my surprise Daniel’s parents allowed him _________ Shanghai Disneyland with me
    A to visit B visiting C visit D visits
    解析句意:令吃惊Daniel父母允许起海迪士尼乐园参观to visit动词定式visiting动名词visit参观拜访动词原形visits第三称单数形式句话中句型allow sb to do sth"允许某做某事"应选A
    3 2019 • 云南省昆明市Yunnan Museum is such an interesting place that many kids have fun it
    A visiting B to visit C reading D to read
    解析句意:云南博物馆非常趣方孩子喜欢参观have fun doing sth 做某事乐趣根such an interesting place that many kids have fun 知句意:云南博物馆非常趣方孩子喜欢参观选A
    4 2019 • 四川省遂宁市These foreigners are practicing Chinese
    A to speak B speaking C speak D speaks
    解析句意:外国正练说汉语practice doing sth表示练做某事选B
    5 2019 • 蒙古呼浩特市It is wise Linda to make up her mind to play an instrument
    A for learning B for to learn
    C of learning D of to learn
    解析句意:琳达说明智做法定决心学会演奏乐器with……起by通in……for四者介词learn学动词原形定式to learn动名词定式learn It’s adj
    forof sb  to do sth 某说…样for 前面adj描述do面sthof adj形容sbit is adj of sb to do里形容词形容性格特征nicekind cleverfoolishsmart形容it is adj for sb to do普通形容词hardimpossibleimportant 空格for答案应for题干琳达说明智做法定决心学会演奏乐器知第空格for第二空格to learn答案应forto learn选D
    盼(look forward to)惯(be used to)完毕(finish)
    想(feel like)花费(spend)练(practice)
    忍俊禁(can’t help)介意(mind)

    1 (2019届安徽合肥168中学九年级中考模考)Last night we arrived home very late ________ the door locked
    A finding B to find C found D only to find
    2(2019年贵州省遵义市达兴中学中考英语练)—I have trouble ________ math and I’m so worried Could you help me
    —Sure I’d be glad to
    A learning B to learn C learn
    3(福建省龙岩市新罗区龙岩初级中学教育组团20192020学年九年级第二学期期中考)________ a good sleep David drinks a glass of milk every night
    A Have B To have C Having
    4 (天津市河北区20192020学年度初中毕业生学业考试)Luxun decided ________ the Chinese people become healthy and strong so he became a doctor
    A help B helped C helping D to help
    5(2019届黑龙江省牡丹江理局北斗星协会九年级中考三模)He made a box _____ the school things
    A keep B to keep C keeping
    6(2019年春季山东省济南市孙集中学等校初三英语结业水考试模拟)If you want _______ jazz please go to the Fantastic House
    A listen to B hear
    C to listen to D to listen
    7(2019届山东省滨州市滨城区九年级第二次模拟)David enjoys ____ music at weekends but I prefer ________ for a picnic
    A listening togo out B listening toto go out
    C to listen toto go out D listen togoing out
    8 Why not your teacher for help when you can’t finish it by yourself
    A ask write B to ask writing
    C ask writing D asking write
    9 How terrible The truck hit the wall to avoid the child
    A hurt B to hurt C hurts D hurting
    10 The old photo made Mary her best friend Lily
    A thinking of B to think of C think of D thinks of

    1 D 解析句意:昨晚晚家结果发现门锁A finding现分词发现B to find 动词定式发现表示结果C found动词式分词发现D only to find结果发现 (表达出意料愉快意思)根语意知句表"结果""出意料"意选D
    2 A 解析句意:——学数学困难担心帮?——然乐意短语have trouble doing sth:做某事困难结合句意知选A
    3 B 解析句意:睡觉卫晚喝杯牛奶A 动词原形B 动词定式C 动名词根David drinks a glass of milk every night 卫晚喝杯牛奶知卫喝牛奶目睡觉题动词定式作目状语选B
    4 D 解析句意:鲁迅决定帮助中国变健康强壮成名医生A help帮助原形B helped帮助般时态C helping帮助现分词D to help帮助动词定式短语decide to do sth表示决定做某事根题意选D
    5 B 解析句意:保存学品制作盒子处表示目动词定式to keep选B
    6 C 解析句意:果想听爵士音乐请奇妙屋listen to听表示动作物动词短语hear听见表示结果物动词listen听表示动作物动词want to do sth想做某事面接宾语jazz选C
    7 B 解析句意:周末David喜欢听音乐更喜欢外出野餐listening to听动名词形式to listen to动词定式go out外出动词原形to go out动词定式going out动名词第空格前动词enjoyenjoy doing sth喜欢做某事先排CD第二空前prefer意思更喜欢prefer to do sth应选B
    8 C 解析考查非谓语动词句意:够独立完成工作时候什老师请求帮助?题考查固定句式Why not do sthfinish doing sth完成做完某事根句意应选C
    9 D 解析句意:怕卡车避免伤孩子撞墙avoid doing sth避免做某事结合句意知答案D
    10 C 解析句意:张旧片玛丽想起朋友莉莉make sb do sth某做某事省略to动词定式作宾语补足语答案C

    1 He asked me to give up working on this math problem It’s too difficult Here "give up working" means ________
    A go on working B stop working C stop to work D work out
    2 Please don’t forget ________ the room while I am away in Beijing
    A clean            B to clean                
    C cleaned                   D cleaning
    3 —Please remember ________ the light when you leave the room
    —OK I will
    A to turn off                  B turning off                
    C to turn on                  D turning on
    4 Doctors tell people ________ their hands often and to stay home if they feel ill
    A to wash                 B washes                  C wash                       D washing
    5 —Shall we go shopping
    —Sorry I have lots of homework ________
    A do                         B to do                  C doing                       D does
    6 The fruit salad tastes delicious Could you tell me ________
    A where to do it         B when to do it        
    C what to do                  D how to do it
    7 My bag is old Let’s go to that shop ________ a new one
    A to buy                     B buy                        C buying
    8 The teacher told the boys ________ football in the street It is dangerous
    Ato not play                B not to play              C not playing           D not play
    9 A mobile phone of this type costs too much You’d better ________
    A wait                        B waiting                  C waited                    D to wait
    10 —What’s your plan for the summer holidays
    —I’ve no idea but I’ve decided ________ at home and have a good rest first
    A stay                      B to stay                    C stayed                D staying
    11 Since few years ago all the supermarkets have ________ free plastic bags
    A to stop to provide                  B to stop providing
    C stopped to provide           D stopped providing

    1 B 解析句意:放弃解答道数学题太难里"放弃解答"意味着……go on doing sth继续做某事stop doing sth停止做某事stop to do sth停做某事work out解决give up doing sth放弃做某事放弃做停止做意思答案B
    2 B 解析forget to do sth忘记做某事forget doing sth忘记做某事句想表达忘扫房子to do形式
    3 A 解析题考查remember接动名词动词定式法动词短语辨析remember加动名词表示"记做事"remember加定式表示"记做某事"题意"离开房间时"推断"记关灯"排CD"remember to do"表示"记做某事"选择A
    4 A 解析题考查动词定式动词tell接定式作宾语补足语"tell sb to do
    5 B 解析题考查动词定式作定语法答语句意:起作业做"动词定式修饰lots of homework作置定语选择B
    6 D 解析题考查"疑问词+动词定式"法题意"水果沙拉尝起吃"推断问"告诉做"方式提问疑问词how选择D
    7 A 解析题考查动词定式作目状语句意:书包旧家商店买新吧商店目买新书包动词定式表达选择A
    8 B 解析题考查动词定式否定形式句意: 老师告诉男生街踢足球样危险"告诉某做某事""tell sb not to do sth"选择B
    9 A 解析题考查省to动词定式had better加带to动词定式had better do sth表示"某做某事"选择A
    10 B 解析decide to do sth决定做某事decideto do形式定式形式to do定式作decide动词宾语
    11 D 解析题考查动词stop接动名词动词定式法stop doing sth表示"停止正做事"stop to do sth表示"停止手中事做外件事"题意应选D

    感叹句:What +(aan)+ adj + 名词 + 语 + 谓语
    How + adjadv + 语 + 谓语
    ① 表示承关系列连词andnot onlybut (also)等
    ② 表示选择关系列连词oreither…or…等
    ③ 表示转折关系列连词butyethowever 等
    ④ 表示果关系列连词so
    ※ 中考列句考查集中连接词考生备战2020中考时注意列连词法
    ① 引导词:that(省略)ifwhetherwhowhosewhat等
    ② 语序:宾语句陈述语序
    ③ 时态:a 句现时句根实际需种时态
    b 句时句应该时
    c 句叙述客观事实格言等时般现时
    ④ 句语Iwe谓语动词thinkbelievesuppose等时否定应前移
    ※ 宾语句中考必考点备战2020中考时考生必须牢固掌握引导词语序时态法
    ① 定语句关系词关系代词关系副词
    ② 常见关系代词包括thatwhichwho(宾格whom格whose)等关系副词wherewhenwhy等
    ③ 关系代词关系副词起连接作时作定语句重成分
    ※ 备战2020中考时考生尤注意定语句关系代词关系副词法区中考般方面设题

    ① 时间状语句(常引导词when while before after until(till) since等)
    ② 条件状语句(常引导词if unless等)
    ③ 原状语句(常引导词because as since 等)
    ④ 结果状语句(常引导词so…that… such…that…so接形容词副词such接名词)
    ⑤ 目状语句(常引导词so that in order that等)
    ⑥ 步状语句(常引导词though although even if even though等thoughalthough引导步状语句but连)
    ⑦ 较状语句(常引导词thanas…as…not as…as…等)
    ※ 备战2020中考时考生必须种法记住灵活运尤注意状语
    ① So does is heSo he does is:文提某做某事处某种状态(肯
    定句)时表达样So doesis he表达第句容强调so he doesissoindeed表示"确实确"
    ② Neither Nor doesis heNeither Nor he does is:文提某没做某事
    处某种状态(否定句)时表达没Neither Nor doesis he表达第句容强调Neither Nor he does is
    ※ 倒装句然年必考常涉考生备考时注意两

    ① 肯定形式:a 行动词原形+成分
    b Be动词+成分(形容词名词介词短语等)
    c Let+宾语+动词原形+成分
    ② 否定形式:a Don’t+行动词原形+成分
    b Don’t be+成分(形容词名词介词短语等)
    c Let开头祈句Let前加Don’tLet宾格
    ※ 备战2020中考时考生注意祈句肯定否定形式尤注意Let开头

    1 2019 • 广西北部湾济区—Do you know____________
    —Yes we’ll take a bus there
    A when we will go the museum tomorrow B when will we go to the museum tomorrow
    C how we will go the museum tomorrow D how will we go to the museum tomorrow
    解析句意:——知道明天样博物馆?——公汽车考查宾语句根Do you know______知题考查宾语句宾语句三素:连接词宾语句语序时态根宾语句陈述语序知BD选项均疑问语序排When什时候时间提问how样方式方法提问根答语Yes we’ll take a bus there知处应方式提问排A选项选C
    2 2019 • 黑龙省庆市Excuse me could you tell me ____________
    A where is the railway station B how can I get to the railway station
    C where the railway station is D how do I get to the railway station
    3 2019 • 湖北省黄石市—I wonder ____________ in Guangzhou in two hours
    —Of course The high speed train is very fast
    A When I can arrive B When can I arrive
    C whether I can arrive D whether can I arrive
    解析句意:——想知道否两时达广州——然高铁非常快题考查宾语句宾语句陈述句语序排BDWhen I can arrive什时候达whether I can arrive否达根Of course知问"否两时广州"选C
    4 2019 • 甘肃省天水市The teacher asked Li Hua ____________
    A why is he late for class B why he is late for class
    C why was he late for class D why he was late for class


    5 2019 • 黑龙江省庆市The book __________ I read last night was fantastic
    A that B what C whose D who
    解析句意:昨晚读书真太棒句考查定语句关系词A that先行词物句中作语宾语B what引导定语句C whose先行词物句中作定语D who先行词句中作语宾语句先行词book指物that引导选A
    6 2019 • 吉林省中考Mr Brown is a teacher __________ is strict with all is students
    A which B who C where
    解析句意"布朗学生严格老师"题考查定语句A指物句中作语宾语B指句中作语宾语C表示方句中作点状语句话中先行词a teacher指句中作语选B

    7 2019 • 贵州省贵阳市—Yan Ning is one of 25 foreign associates(院士) in the US National Academy of Sciences
    —___________ excellent she is
    A What an B What C How
    8 2019 • 青海省中考___________ useful advice you gave us
    A What B What a C How
    解析句意:建议啊分析句子结构知考查感叹句感叹句中what修饰名词how修饰形容词副词根useful advice 知句型结构:What +形容词+数名词+语+谓语动词句中advice消息数名词选A

    9 2019 • 青海省中考___________ on the grass It’s a rule of the park
    A Step B Don’t step C To step
    解析根句意:踩草公园规矩 知句子否定祈句don’t+动词原形开头选B

    10 2019 • 甘肃省天水市—Peter has made great progress in English recently
    —___________ He has been studying so hard these days
    A So have he B So he has C So he have D So has he
    解析句意:——彼英语方面取重进步——确天直努力学so +助动词be动词情态动词+语表示前面说情况适合者意思"……"前句语so+语+助动词be动词情态动词表示前面情况种肯定意思"确"根"He has been studying so hard these days"知彼取进步里表示确实样so+语+谓语排CD句子时态现完成时语hehas选B

    1(2019届四川省苍溪县东溪片区九年级学期第次月考)I wonder _____________ June is a good time to visit Hong Kong
    A that B when C whether
    2 (湖北省十堰市部分学校2019届九年级3月月考)This is a heartwarming story about a boy______ saved his mother’s life
    A which B whom C who D whose
    3(2019届安徽省蚌埠市固镇县第三中学九年级学期第次月考)—Do you know _____________ the 2020 Summer Olympic Games will be held
    —Yes In Tokyo Japan
    A when B how C why D where
    4 (2019武汉市江夏区第中学初中部中考模拟)—Can I join you
    —Sure we are discussing _____________
    A why we like the movie B who should we go with
    C how can we get there D when shall we go for a picnic
    5 (2019广东省初级学业水考试中考英语模拟)The Hollywood blockbuster A Star Is Born starred by Lady Gaga has received many praises around the world And the music is fantastic too _____________ the movie is
    A What wonderful B How wonderful
    C How a wonderful D What a wonderful
    6(2019届江苏省盐城市丰区九年级第二次质量检测)—Jane won the first prize in the English speech contest
    —_____________ big progress she has made She used to be weak in English
    A How B How a C What D What a
    7 It was because I like you ________________ I speak out frankly
    A that B why C because D who
    8 —I don’t like horror films They’re terrible
    A Either I do B Neither I do
    C Either do I D Neither do I
    9 Tony ____________ play with the mobile phone while you’re walking in the street
    A don’t B doesn’t C won’t D can’t
    10 "Tom ____________ rubbish into the river You’re polluting it"said Mrs White
    A not throw B don’t throw
    C not to throw D never to throw

    1 C 解析句意:想知道六月否参观香港时间题考查宾语句引导词句意表示否whether引导选C
    2 C 解析句意:关男孩暖心事挽救妈妈生命A which意思指物作语作宾语B whom意思谁指句中作宾语C who意思谁指定语句中作语D whose意思谁指属指属某物根先行词boy空格面词语saved知空格处需作语词语填空综述空填who选C
    3 D 解析句意:——知道2020年夏季奥运会里举办?——日东京根In Tokyo Japan知处讨点where选D
    4 A 解析考查宾语句句意:——加入?——然正讨什喜欢部电影宾语句语序陈述语序BCD疑问句语序知排A陈述句语序选A
    5 B 解析句意:LadyGaga演莱坞片明星诞生全世界受赞誉音乐棒部电影真太棒里感叹句感叹形容词how排AD结构how+形容词+语+谓语根题意选B
    6 C 解析考查感叹句法句意:——Jane英语演讲赛中第名——取进步啊英语差根big progress she has made知里考查感叹句句中心词progress数名词big形容词里修饰progress根What+形容词+数名词复数数名词+语+谓语选C
    7 A 解析题考查强调结构强调结构It iswasthat题强调状语句意:坦率讲喜欢
    8 D 解析考查倒装句句意:——喜欢恐怖片太怕——根句意第二句说"喜欢"neither前置情况句子倒装选D
    9 A 解析句意:托尼走街时候玩手机don’t doesn’t语第三称单数时候won’t会will not缩写can’t会祈句托尼句子语否定祈句句首应该don’t选A
    10 B 解析句意:"汤姆河里扔垃圾污染"怀特夫说根句意题干分析题应祈句否定句动词原形前加don’t选B

    1 ________ exciting experience we had in Hong Kong Disneyland
    A What an B What C How D How an
    2 ________ delicious your supper is
    A How B How an C What D What an
    3 It was raining heavily ________ we decided to stay at home and watch TV
    A but B or C because D so
    4 I’d like to know ________
    A when will he graduate from university
    B whether he will receive higher education
    C that he has been studying for 20 years
    D what subject is he good at
    5 No one knows ________ in the future
    A what will be happen B what it will happen
    C what will it happen D what will happen
    6 The first thing ________ I should do is to work out a study plan for the next term
    A which B that C what D if
    7 Is this the factory ________ he worked ten years ago
    A that B which C where D the one
    8 —Helendo you know if Martin ________ to my party next week
    —I think he will come if he ________ free
    A will comewill be B will comeis
    C comeis D comeswill be
    9 —It’s very hotbut quite wet today
    A So it is B It is so C So is it
    10 Please ________ these things to your brother He is at school
    A bring B to take C take

    1 A 解析考查感叹句法句意:香港迪士尼次激动心历根知experience表示"历"数名词单数What an开头选A
    2A 解析考查感叹句句意:晚餐太吃处感叹形容词deliciousHow选A
    3D 解析考查列句连词句意:雨决定家里电视butor者because so句意知so引导结果状语句选D
    4 B 解析考查宾语句句意:想知道否会接受高等教育宾语句陈述语序排AD句意知处表示"否"应该ifweather引导选B
    5 D 解析考查宾语句时态语序句意:没知道会发生什宾语句陈述语序in the future知般时选B
    6 B 解析考查定语句法句意:应该做第件事情制订出学期学计划先行词身alleverythingsomethingnothinganything等定代词时先行词序数词形容词高级the lastthe only等修饰时先行词物时连接词thatwhich
    7 C 解析先行词"the factory"句中充点状语"he worked in the factory ten years ago"关系词选where
    8 B 解析考查状语句时态句意:—海伦知道马丁周否会参加聚会?—想果空话会根语境前if引导宾语句谈周事情应般时第二if引导条件状语句句般时句应般现时表示选B
    9 A 解析考查倒装句意:—天热潮湿—确so it is表示文容强调so is it表示""根句意知应选A
    10 C 解析考查祈句句意:请东西带弟弟学校take…to表示远bring…to表示远祈句动词原形开头选C




    1 词语搭配法:根词语惯搭配确定正确答案
    2 语法判断法:通语法分析选择正确答案选项名词应根文确定该名词单复数否格等选项动词应考虑时态语态搭配非谓语形式等
    3 语境分析法:根文具体语境利学知识时积累生活常识等选出符合情景选项
    4 排法:时难选空试着选项逐代入空白处然进行综合较选出恰答案
    1 解记叙文六素
    2 明确作者写作目
    3 读懂作者观点态度
    4 弄清作者叙述视角

    典例 2019 • 江苏省泰州市

    I will never forget May 15 2011 That night my car crashed 16 a tree and everything has changed ever since
    I lost most of my right 17 and I was left bleeding with several broken bones At the hospital my body was 18 but my mind was still very clear I just kept 19 myself to hold on Life must go on since I was still 20
    Two weeks later I was allowed to go home 21 I left the hospital the fight was far from over My left leg was badly hurt in that accident as well as a result I had to receive different 22 during the next few years And soon more of my right leg had to be cut off This made it harder to wear my artificial leg(假肢) so I donated it to another girl who couldn’t 23 one The joy of being able to provide this gift for someone else was 24 than the happiness I felt on any day I could wear it myself
    People often tell me they are 25 of me for staying strong But in my mind being strong has always been my only 26 On the day I left the hospital I made a promise to 27 to make good use of every day to live life to the fullest I am not only confident but I hope to help those around me In 2017 I 28 started modeling My dream is that one day a little girl will see me in a magazine and say Wow she only has one leg but she is beautiful 29 confidence and bravery
    My dream is simple to 30 every man woman and child to know and believe that they are
    16 A toward B over C upon D into
    17 A arm B ear C eye D leg
    18 A calm B strong C weak D ill
    19 A teaching B telling C leading D advising
    20 A alive B lively C live D lovely
    21 A Since B So C Because D Although
    22 A operations B gifts C prizes D thoughts
    23 A offer B afford C borrow D accept
    24 A greater B smaller C less D fewer
    25 A afraid B tired C proud D guilty
    26 A chance B choice C wish D trouble
    27 A the doctor B the girl C myself D my friends
    28 A often B even C seldom D also
    29 A because of B instead of C more than D better than
    30 A allow B order C invite D encourage
    16 D解析句意:天晚车撞树切变A toward面B over直立位置外C upon强调数目数量D into撞根That night my car crashed a tree and everything has changed ever since 天晚车……树切变结合选项知应该选择into撞crashed into a tree:撞树符合语境选D
    17 D解析句意:失部分右腿左腿流血处骨折A arm手臂B ear耳朵C eye眼睛D leg腿根My left leg was badly hurt in that accident as well左腿次事中受重伤知失部分右腿选D
    18 C解析句意:医院身体虚弱头脑清醒A calm镇静B strong强健C weak虚弱D ill舒服根I lost most of my right and I was left bleeding with several broken bones知作者次事中受重伤医院里应该虚弱选择weak虚弱选C
    19 B解析句意:断告诉坚持A teaching教学B telling告诉C leading带路D advising劝告根I just kept myself to hold on断……坚持知应该选择telling告诉符合语境选B
    20 A解析句意:生活必须继续活着A alive活着B lively生气勃勃C live居住D lovely爱结合段语境知作者失条腿然活着生活继续题选择alive活着选A
    21 D解析句意:然离开医院场战斗远没结束A SinceB SoC BecauseD Although句子I left the hospital句子the fight was far from over间存着转折关系选择Although符合语境选D
    22 A解析句意:左腿次事中受重伤接年里接受手术A operations手术B gifts礼物C prizes奖品D thoughts想法根And soon more of my right leg had to be cut off 快右腿截肢知截肢需动手术题选择operations手术语境:作者接年里接受手术选A
    23 B解析句意:假肢难穿捐买起女孩A offer提供B afford买起C borrow入D accept接受根I donated it to another girl who couldn’t ___8___ one 捐……女孩知应该选择afford买起语境:捐买起假肢女孩选B
    24 A解析句意:送份礼物快乐天戴快乐A greaterB smallerC less较少D fewer较少结合段语境知作者腿戴假肢假肢捐赠意买起假肢女孩感天戴快乐选A
    25 C解析句意:常说坚强豪A afraid害怕B tired疲倦C proud骄傲D guilty感疚根People often tell me they are of me for staying strong 常说坚强……知应该选择proud骄傲符合语境选C
    26 B解析句意:坚强直唯选择A chance机会B choice选择C wish希D trouble忧虑根On the day I left the hospital I made a promise to to make good use of every day to live life to the fullest 离开医院天许承诺充分利天生活知时起作者选择坚强应该选择choice选择符合语境选B
    27 C解析句意:离开医院天许承诺充分利天生活A the doctor医生B the girl女孩(赠假肢女孩)C myselfD my friends朋友根I am not only confident but I hope to help those around me 仅信心希帮助身边推知作者许承诺充分利天生活选C
    28 B解析句意:2017年甚开始做模特A often 常B even甚C seldom少D also根In 2017 I started modeling 2017年……开始做模特知应该选择even甚符合语境选B
    29 A解析句意:哇条腿信勇敢漂亮A because ofB instead of代C more than……更重D better than……短语confidence and braveryshe only has one leg but she is beautiful原应该选择because of符合语境选A
    30 D解析句意:梦想简单:鼓励男女孩子知道做样A allow允许B order命令C invite邀请D encourage鼓励根My dream is simple to every man woman and child to know and believe that they are 梦想简单: 男女孩子知道做样知应该选择encourage鼓励符合语境选D
    典例二 2019 • 甘肃武威市
    Lucy and Matt’s mum is a doctor The children and their dad were 21 last Monday evening Mum 22 and said I 23 do some more work here at the hospital Ask Dad 24 your dinner Oh no  said Matt Dad 25 cook The family 26 some food in the kitchen cupboards They found some onion potatoes and 27 What can we make with these asked Matt I’m very 28 I think I could eat a horse Then Lucy said I know We can make 29 Matt was not happy He said I don’t like soup I want pasta and meatballs Sorry Matt Dad said We haven’t got any pasta or meatballs We
    30 have these vegetables to eat for dinner Lucy and Dad made the soup Then the 31 of them sat down and started Eating
    Lucy asked Matt So 32 do you think of it It’s fantastic I 33 it Matt answered Can I have 34 bowl of soup please 35 they all laughed What an able cook Dad is
    21 A at home B in a zoo C on a farm D in a restaurant
    22 A phoned B came C arrived D left
    23 A had to B have to C didn’t have to D don’t have to
    24 A to eat B to buy C to make D to finish
    25 A won’t B mustn’t C needn’t D can’t
    26 A look for B looked for C is looking for D have looked
    27 A apples B meat C carrots D fish
    28 A tired B excited C sad D hungry
    29 A soup B salad C meatballs D hamburgers
    30 A hardly B only C still D even
    31 A two B three C four D five
    32 A what B how C why D when
    33 A don’t care about B hate C love D can’t stand
    34 A other B the other C others D another
    35 A Or B But C And D Because
    21 A解析句意"周晚孩子爸爸家"A 家B动物园C农场D饭店根I  do some more work here at the hospital Ask Dad your dinner知妈妈医院工作妈妈爸爸家做饭选A
    22 A解析句意"妈妈电话说:医院做更工作爸爸做晚餐"题考查动词辨析A电话BC达D离开根I do some more work here at the hospital知妈妈医院妈妈电话选A
    23 B解析句意"妈妈电话说:医院做更工作爸爸做晚餐"题考查时态根句子知直接引语根ask知般现时表示""have todon’t have to必选B
    24 C解析句意"妈妈电话说:医院做更工作爸爸做晚餐"题考查动词辨析A吃B买C制作D完成根Oh no said Matt Dad  cook 知表示
    25 D解析句意"马特说:爸爸会做饭"题考查情态动词辨析AB禁止C需D会根文章知妈妈爸爸做饭根Oh no知表示"爸爸会做饭"选D
    26 B解析句意"家厨房碗柜里寻找食物"题考查时态语态A般现时B般时C现进行时D现完成时look for接宾语根全文知般时选B
    27 C解析句意:找洋葱土豆胡萝卜题考查动词辨析A苹果B肉C胡萝卜D鱼根We  have these vegetables to eat for dinner"晚饭吃蔬菜"知空处应填蔬菜选C
    28 D解析句意:非常饿认吃匹马题考查形容词辨析A疲惫B振奋C悲伤D饥饿根I think I could eat a horse "吃匹马"知表示"饿"选D
    29 A解析句意"做汤"题考查名词辨析A汤B沙拉C肉丸D汉堡包根He said I don’t like soup"喜欢汤"知露西说做汤选A
    30 B解析句意:晚仅仅吃蔬菜AB仅仅C然D甚根We haven’t got any pasta or meatballs"没意利面肉丸"知晚仅仅吃蔬菜选B
    31 B解析句意"然三坐开始吃饭"题考查数词辨析A二B三C四D五根文章知妈妈家爸爸露西马特家三选B
    32 A解析句意:露西问马特:认样?题考查疑问词辨析A什B(问方式)C什(问原)D什时候(问时间)根It’s fantastic I  it知问"认汤样?"what do you think of it选A
    33 C解析句意:爱题考查动词动词短语辨析AB憎恨C爱D法忍受根It’s fantastic知爱选C
    34 D解析句意:吃碗?A接数名词复数B两者中C接名词D接单数名词根空bowl句意知译"碗"范围another选D
    35 C解析句意:笑题考查连词辨析A否者B(表示转折)C(表示列承)D(引导原状语句)根文意知马特吃碗笑表示承选C
    A2019 • 湖北省咸宁市
    John was driving through a small country town feeling quite lost and 14 He was happy when he saw a small 15 coming up on the right side of the road John quickly 16 his car and walked inside the restaurant
    John saw a blackboard with a 17 written on it It said "Today’s Special(特价菜) Vegetable Soup with Fried Chicken and Roast Potatoes"
    "Wow that sounds pretty good" John thought to 18 He decided that he would try this special
    "I’ll take the special" John said to the waiter when he came over to 19 John’s order
    But a few minutes after receiving his order John called the waiter 20 to his table
    He was 21 "Is this the special It says vegetable soup but there are no 22 in this soup at all It also says fried chicken but the chicken isn’t 23 And it says roast potatoes but these potatoes aren’t roasted — they’ve been boiled What is going on here"
    The waiter was not used to 24 people from the city He wasn’t quite sure what to say to this angry customer But he finally found a way to answer the man "My good man" the waiter said while looking down at John over his glasses "that is the reason why it is so 25 "
    14 A full B lucky C hungry D proud
    15 A shop B restaurant C hospital D factory
    16 A drove B parked C sold D bought
    17 A book B dictionary C diary D note
    18 A himself B herself C itself D themselves
    19 A put B take C bring D cancel
    20 A back B on C up D away
    21 A happy B satisfied C angry D shy
    22 A carrots B tomatoes C beans D vegetables
    23 A boiled B cooked C fried D cut
    24 A agreeing with B going with C fighting with D dealing with
    25 A delicious B special C good D perfect
    B2019 • 江苏省宿迁市
    At the age of 16 Einstein failed in several exams because he often played with some bad kids One weekend morning Einstein carried a fishing net and prepared to go fishing with those 16 his father stopped him and said to him calmly" Einstein you were spending too much time 17 so you failed in the exams I’m 18 about your future with your mother"
    "What are you worrying about Jack and Robert also 19 but they went fishing as usual"
    "My boy you can’t think so" Looking at Einstein his father said lovingly "There is a 20 in our hometown I hope you can listen to it carefully"
    "There were two cats playing on the roof 21 they fell into the chimney(烟囱)When they climbed out of the chimney one cat’s face was dirty 22 the other’s face was clean Seeing the dirtyfaced cat the cleanfaced one thought its own face was also dirty so it quickly ran to the riverside and washed its 23 The dirtyfaced cat saw the cleanfaced one thinking its own face was clean as well so it walked happily in the street"
    "Einstein 24 can be your mirror(镜子) Only you are your own mirror Some of the kids are not strict with themselves If you take them to be your mirror even a 25 person may become stupid" Hearing this Einstein was ashamed and lay down his fishing rod and returned to his small room Since then Einstein’s face turned red He put down his fishing net and returned to his small room
    After that Einstein often took himself as a mirror to be 26 with himself and kept telling himself " I am special so I needn’t be as common as others" This was why Einstein 27 in his career
    1000 people have 1000 kinds of wishes in life Different wishes will produce different 28 about life You can learn from other people but you can 29 follow others completely
    You must see yourself clearly and know what you want to get Your future doesn’t 30 how others act but on what you are going to act
    16 A adults B kids C teachers D artists
    17 A playing B working C reading D studying
    18 A excited B curious C worried D crazy
    19 A checked B passed C dreamed D failed
    20 A song B story C speech D saying
    21 A Luckily B Hopefully C Suddenly D Naturally
    22 A while B or C so D for
    23 A mouth B tail C nose D face
    24 A somebody B nobody C anybody D everybody
    25 A poor B rich C lazy D clever
    26 A tired B angry C strict D satisfied
    27 A regretted B graduated C succeeded D survived
    28 A ideas B reasons C mistakes D secrets
    29 A sometimes B often C always D never
    30 A try on B depend on C live on D insist on

    14 C解析句意:约翰开车乡村镇感非常迷茫饥饿A full饱B lucky幸运C hungry饥饿D proud骄傲根John quickly his car and walked inside the restaurant 约翰快车停走进餐厅知约翰开车乡村镇时应该感非常迷茫饥饿选择hungry饥饿符合语境选C
    15 B解析句意:路右边家餐馆映入眼帘时高兴A shop商店B restaurant餐馆C hospital医院D factory工厂根John quickly his car and walked inside the restaurant 约翰快车停走进餐厅知约翰高兴路边餐馆选择restaurant餐馆符合语境选B
    16 B解析句意:约翰快车停走进餐馆A drove开车B parked停车C sold卖D bought买根John was driving through a small country townwalked inside the restaurant 知约翰走进餐馆应该车停选B
    17 D解析句意:约翰见块写着菜谱黑板A book书B dictionary词典C diary日记D note便签注释根It said "Today’s Special(特价菜) Vegetable Soup with Fried Chicken and Roast Potatoes" 面写着:"天特色菜:蔬菜鸡汤烤土豆"知里应该写着菜谱黑板客知道天菜谱里note引申"菜谱"选D
    18 A解析句意:"哇听起错"约翰心里想A himselfB herselfC itselfD themselvesthought to oneself:心里想John男性单数选A
    19 B解析句意:服务员问约翰点什时候说"点特色菜"A put放B take走C bring带D cancel取消take order:点餐选项符合语境排选B
    20 A解析句意:点完餐分钟约翰侍者回桌子A back回B on……C upD away离开根to his table知应该服务员回桌子旁应该选择back回符合语境选A
    21 C解析句意:生气A happy高兴B satisfied满意C angry生气D shy羞怯根文描述"Is this the special It says vegetable soup but there are no in this soup at all It also says fried chicken but the chicken isn’t And it says roast potatoes but these potatoes aren’t tasted — they’ve been boiled What is going on here"说蔬菜汤汤里根没蔬菜说炸鸡鸡肉油炸说烤土豆土豆烤煮知写相符点欺骗味道约翰应该生气选C
    22 D解析句意:面写蔬菜汤汤里根没蔬菜A carrots胡萝卜B tomatoes番茄C beans豆类D vegetables蔬菜根It says vegetable soup but表示转折知蔬菜汤汤里根没蔬菜选D
    23 C解析句意:炸鸡鸡肉油炸A boiled沸水煮B cooked烹调C fried油炸D cut划破根It also says fried chicken but表示转折知名炸鸡鸡肉应该油炸做炸鸡选C
    24 D解析句意:服务员惯城里交道A agreeing with意B going with……起C fighting with……架D dealing with……交道根The waiter was not used to people from the city 服务员惯城里_______文句子He wasn’t quite sure what to say to this angry customer 太确定该愤怒顾客说什知应该选择dealing with……交道符合语境选D
    25 B解析句意:终找方法回答"伙计"服务员透眼镜低头着约翰说"什特原"A delicious美味B special特C goodD perfect完美段应该服务员特殊菜找理应该选择special特符合语境选B
    完形填空题单项选择题出篇意思较完整短文做该题型试题时首先应跳空格通读全文全文背景联系句子文进行推理判断4选项中选出项进行试填考生词义法固定搭配逻辑推理文联系等方面考虑应全文通览遍细心检查选答案否短文连贯前呼应词句通短文意思完整检查时应语法惯法逻辑推理事情发生情节等方面进行考虑达准确误目第1题考查形容词辨析句意:约翰开车乡村镇感非常迷茫饥饿A full饱B lucky幸运C hungry饥饿D proud骄傲根John quickly his car and walked inside the restaurant 约翰快车停走进餐厅知约翰开车乡村镇时应该感非常迷茫饥饿选择hungry饥饿符合语境选C第10题考查动词辨析句意:炸鸡鸡肉油炸A boiled沸水煮B cooked烹调C fried油炸D cut划破根It also says fried chicken but表示转折知名炸鸡鸡肉应该油炸做炸鸡选C
    16 B解析句意:周末早晨爱斯坦着渔网准备孩子起钓鱼考查名词辨析A 成B 孩C 教师D 艺术家根文he often played with some bad kids知选B
    17 A解析句意:花太时间玩考试格考查动词辨析A 玩耍B 工作C 阅读D 学根开头At the age of 16 Einstein failed in several exams because he often played with some bad kids知选A
    18 C解析句意:妈妈担心未考查形容词辨析A 兴奋B 奇C 担心D 疯狂根文you were spending too much time playing so you failed in the exams知爸爸妈妈担心worry about符合句意选C
    19 D解析句意:杰克罗伯特格常样钓鱼考查动词辨析A 检查B 通C 梦想D 失败also根句意语境知杰克罗伯特没考格ABC三项意思合句意选D
    20 B解析句意:家乡事考查名词辨析A 歌曲B 事C 演讲D 谚语根文两猫事知story符合句意选B
    21 C解析句意:突然掉进烟囱考查副词辨析A 幸运B 希C 突然D 然根they fell into the chimney知ABD三项意思合句意知选C
    22 A解析句意:烟囱里爬出时猫脸脏猫脸干净考查连词辨析A 表连接列结构B 者表选择C 表结果D 表原句两猫进行根句意结构语境知选A
    23 D解析句意:脏脸猫干净脸脏快跑河边洗脸考查名词辨析A 嘴巴B 尾巴C 鼻子D 脸so引导结果状语句根文Seeing the dirtyfaced cat the cleanfaced one thought its own face was also dirty知干净猫脸脏快跑河边洗脸选D
    24 B解析句意:爱斯坦没成镜子考查定代词辨析nobody没表否定anybody否定句疑问句somebody某表示确定everybody根文Only you are your own mirror知没成镜子选B
    25 D解析句意:果成镜子聪明会变愚蠢考查形容词辨析A 贫穷B 富C 懒惰D 聪明even甚表步根even a clever person may become知会变愚蠢选D
    26 C解析句意:爱斯坦常作面镜子严格求考查形容词辨析A疲倦B 愤怒C 严格D 满意be strict with某严格求根句意语境知ABD三项意思合句意选C
    27 C解析句意:爱斯坦事业成功原考查动词辨析A 遗憾B 毕业C 成功D 幸存in his career事业根Einstein often took himself as a mirror to be strict with himself知事业成功原选C
    28 A解析句意:愿会产生生观考查名词辨析A 想法B 原C 错误D 秘密about life关生根句意语境知ideas符合句意选A
    29 D解析句意:学永远完全考查副词辨析A 时B 常C总D 表否定but表转折根follow others completely知完全never符合句意选D
    30 B解析句意:未取决做取决算做考查动短语词辨析A试穿B 赖取决C ……活D 坚持根but on what you are going to act知depend on符合句意选B

    An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden He took care of his 1 all the time watering and fertilizing(施肥) them
    One day a young man went by the 2 He looked at the beautiful flowers imagining how happy he could be if he lived in such a beautiful place Then suddenly he found the old gardener was 3 He was very surprised about this and asked "You can’t see these flowers Why are you busy taking care of them every day"
    The old man smiled and said" I can tell you four 4 First I was a gardener when I was young and I really like this job 5 although I can’t see these flowers I can touch them Third I can smell the sweetness of them As to the last one that’s 6 "
    "Me But you don’t know me" said the young man
    "Yeah it’s 7 that I don’t know you But I know that flowers are angels that everybody knows We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us"
    The blind man’s work opened our eyes and 8 our hearts which also made his life happier It was just like Beethoven who became deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical works Beethoven himself couldn’t 9 his wonderful music but his music has 10 millions of people to face their difficulties bravely Isn’t it one kind of happiness
    1 A flowers B trees C vegetables D grass
    2 A study B garden C kitchen D balcony
    3 A blind B famous C smart D friendly
    4 A stories B conclusions C excuses D reasons
    5 A And B But C Second D Third
    6 A me B you C my mother D my son
    7 A true B hard C cool D fair
    8 A broke B hurt C pleased D treated
    9 A write B hear C play D believe
    10 A changed B discovered C encouraged D made
    I sat with my friend in a wellknown coffee shop As we enjoyed our coffee a man entered and sat down beside us He called the waiter and ordered "Two cups of coffee 1 of them there on the wall "We heard this with great 2 and saw that he was served with one cup of coffee but he paid for two As soon as he left
    the waiter 3 put a piece of paper on the wall saying "A Cup of Coffee" While we were still there two other men had two cups of coffee but paid for three 4 the waiter did the same thing It seemed that this was usual at this place However it was something strange for us Since we had nothing to do with the 5 we finished our coffee paid and left
    After a few days we again had a 6 to go to this coffee shop While we were enjoying our coffee a man entered The way this man was dressed did not match the 7 of this coffee shop As he seated himself he looked at the wall and said "One cup of coffee from the wall "The waiter served coffee to this man with the same 8 The man had his coffee and left without paying The waiter took off a piece of paper from the 9 and threw it in the dust bin Now there was no 10 for us The great kindness for the people in need shown by the people of this town filled up our eyes with tears
    1 A both B neither C one D none
    2 A joy B interest C effort D fear
    3 A quickly B suddenly C wisely D properly
    4 A Instead B Again C Indeed D Anyway
    5 A shop B waiter C matter D men
    6 A hurry B time C wish D chance
    7 A style B standard C furniture D color
    8 A respect B courage C result D custom
    9 A board B table C bill D wall
    10 A choice B clue C doubt D hope

    1 A 解析联系面beautiful flowers知处指直顾花flowers花
    2 B 解析联系句描述知年轻花园选 Bgarden花园
    3 A解析根"You can’t see these flowers"知老园丁盲blind瞎
    4 D解析联系文描述知处指告诉四原reasons原选D
    5 C解析联系文知处指第二原选CSecond第二
    6 B解析联系文"Me But you don’t know me"知原you
    7 A解析句意:认识真true真实真
    8 C解析结合语境知处指心里高兴pleased……高兴选C
    9 B解析联系"became deaf""his wonderful music"知处指贝芬听见美妙音乐hear听见
    10 C解析句意:音乐鼓舞数百万勇敢面生活encouraged鼓励鼓舞
    1 C解析面叙述知该顾客喝杯墙记杯one
    2 B解析第次遇样事作者行然感兴趣选Binterest兴趣
    3 A解析句意:离开服务员快张写着"杯咖啡"纸贴墙quickly快速
    4 B解析批顾客做样事服务做样事Again次次
    5 C解析句意:件事没关系喝完咖啡付钱离开matter事情
    6 D解析句意:天机会次家咖啡店chance机会
    7 B解析句意:衣装咖啡馆风格协调style风格款式选A
    8 A 解析句意:"喝杯墙记着咖啡"服务员样礼数提供咖啡respect尊敬
    9 D解析根"One cup of coffee from the wall"知服务员墙取张纸wall墙
    10C解析作者咖啡店服务员记墙咖啡处理程"杯墙咖啡"感疑惑doubt 怀疑疑惑疑问

    Ø 功词连接词连接代词连接副词关系代词等
    Ø 具语法变化普通词动词时态语态名词数代词格形容词副词级等

    Ø 固定搭配短语词组中特定词
    Ø 义词义词等易混淆词
    Ø 根文意思结构必须填入确定词
    Ø 考查学阅读理解力 
    Ø 考查学语法知识 
    Ø 考查学综合运英语知识水实践力

    典例12019 • 广西省百色市
    Once upon a time there was a hungry fox that was looking for something to eat He was very 1 No matter how hard he tried the fox could not find any food 2 he went to the side of the forest and looked for food there He found a big tree 3 a hole in it
    Inside the hole was a package The hungry fox thought that there 4 be food in itand he became very happy He jumped into the hole and when he 5 the package he saw there 6 lot of food in it
    The fox happily began to eat After the fox had finished 7 he felt thirsty and decided to leave the hole 8 drink some water However no matter how hard he tried he could not get out of the hole Do you know 9 ?Yes the fox had eaten so much food that he became 10 big to go through the hole
    1 A happy B excited C hungry D glad
    2 A Finally B Before C While D After
    3 A from B over C with D of
    4 A shall B will C can D might
    5 A open B opened C opens D opening
    6 A is B are C was D were
    7 A eat B ate C to eat D eating
    8 A and B but C then D or
    9 A what B why C who D how
    10 A very B too C so D also
    1 C解析考查形容词句意:久前饥饿狐狸正寻找吃东西非常饿选项中happy意开心excited意激动兴奋hungry意饥饿glad意高兴结合句意狐狸饥饿选C
    2 A解析考查副词句意:森林边寻找食物选项中Finally意终Before意……前While意……时候After意……结合句子结构知处简单句句beforewhileafter均引导时间状语句排finally符合题意选A
    3 C解析考查介词句意:找棵带洞树选项中from意……over意……方越with意带of意关属结合句意知处填入with恰意带……选C
    4 D解析考查情态动词句意:饥饿狐狸认洞里许会食物选项中shall意will意can意够might意许根文意狐狸发现洞没进说猜测洞中会食物填入might合适意许选D
    5 B解析考查动词句意:跳进洞中开包裹时候许食物选项中open动词原形意开openedopen式分词opensopen三单形式openingopen现分词结合文章知整事采般时态动词open应变式opened选B
    6 C解析考查be动词句意:开包裹包裹里面食物选项中isbe动词单数形式arebe动词复数形式wasbe动词式单数形式werebe动词式复数形式文通篇般时be动词应采式was者werethere be结构中be动词单复数取决名词题干中there be面名词a lot of food 意许食物数名词视单数be动词选was选C
    7 D解析考查动词句意:狐狸吃完选项中eat动词原形意吃ateeat式to eat动词定时eatingeat动名词形式题考查finish法finish接名词代词动名词应填入eating选D
    8 A解析考查连词句意:感渴决定离开洞穴喝水选项中and意but意then意然or意者结合句子意思离开洞穴喝水间没转折关系联关系选连词andthen副词连接两句子选A
    9 B解析考查特殊疑问词句意:然样尝试够洞中出知道什? 选项中what意什why意什who意谁how意样结合句意处填入why合适选B

    10 B解析考查副词句意:狐狸吃太太胖出洞选项中very意


    典例22019 • 四川省贡市
    My name is Paul I was a 1 boy One morning I woke up and realized I was not 2 I decided to do something to put my name in the Guinness Book of World Records
    3 my dream I thought of something I could do First I tied my arm around my back and wanted to be the person who 4 the farthest with one arm But as soon as I got in the water I sank(沉)
    Then I stuffed 5 in my mouth and tried to be the person who put the most cookies in his mouth However when cookie 17 went in I got sick
    Finally 6 a Friday evening I ran to the bathroom and filled up the tub (浴盆) with water I decided to be the person who took the world’s longest bath It was a perfect idea 7 all that I had to do was to sit there The first three hours was great I drank soda and ate potato chips 8 in the water so long made me look like I was 80 But I was determined
    An hour later my brother shouted outside the bathroom that the record for the longest bath in the world was 9
    than a month Feeling 10 I got out
    Maybe I will never be in the Guinness Book of World Records But that’s OK I am still special
    1 A 16 years old B 16yearsold C 16yearold
    2 A good B famous C interesting
    3 A To achieve B To put C To act
    4 A swam B run C jumped
    5 A cakes B candies C cookies
    6 A on B in C at
    7 A until B because C if
    8 A Walking B Being C Making
    9 A less B fewer C more
    10 A on B up C down
    1 C解析考查复合形容词句意:16岁男孩boy名词前面加形容词16yearold表示16岁复合形容词选C
    2 B解析考查形容词句意:天早醒发现 _______ 根面 I decided to do something to put my name in the Guinness Book of World Records 决定做点什名字列入吉尼斯世界纪录 知作者想出名famous选B
    3 A解析考查动词句意:_______ 梦想想做事 猜测出实现选A
    4 A解析考查动词 句意:首先胳膊绑背想成胳膊 _______ 远根面But as soon as I got in the water I sank水沉知游泳选A
    5 C解析考查名词句意:然饼干塞进嘴里试图成饼干放进嘴里根面when cookie 17 went in知填cookies选C
    6 A解析考查介词句意:星期五晚具体某天晚on选A
    7 B解析考查连词句意:完美意_______ 做坐里前表示果because选B
    8 B解析考查动词句意:水里呆久起80岁表示状态being选B
    9 C解析考查形容词句意:世界洗澡时间长纪录月根than知较级more选C
    10 C解析考查形容词句意:情绪 _______出 根前面三次尝试失败知情绪低落 选C

    A(2017 • 河北唐山市滦南县青坨营镇初级中学九年级模)
    "I will think of it" It is easy to say this but do you know what great things have come from 1 We cannot see our own thoughts or hear or taste or feel them but we do feel the 2 our thoughts have
    Sir Isaac Newton was seated in his garden 3 a summer’s evening He was thinking about something else when he saw 4 fall from a tree He began to think In trying to understand why the apple fell he 5 how the earth the sun the moon and the stars were kept in their places
    A boy named James Watt sat quietly by the fireplace watching the lid (盖子) of the tea kettle as it moved up and down He began to think he wanted to 6 why the steam in the kettle moved the heavy lid From that time he went on thinking and thinking and when he became a man he 7 the steam engine successfully From then on it could do the work of many horses 8
    Next time when you see a steam boat or a steam mill remember that it would 9 have been built without the hard thinking of someone
    Boys when you have a 10 lesson to learn don’t feel discouraged and help yourselves before asking someone to help you Think and by thinking you will learn how to think to some purpose
    1 A saying B thinking C writing D reading
    2 A power B method C pressure D reason
    3 A in B at C on D for
    4 A a lid B an orange C an apple D a leaf
    5 A described B invented C complained D discovered
    6 A look out B take out C find out D turn out
    7 A increased B improved C repaired D influenced
    8 A hardly B busily C heavily D easily
    9 A never B ever C still D yet
    10 A possible B difficult C simple D useful

    文讲述思考重性思考见摸着带伟发明发现Isaac NewtonJames FergusonWalt Disney善思考会发现创造遇困难灰心勤脑会创新
    1 B 解析考查动词语境理解句意:说容易知道什伟东西源思考?A saying说讲B thinking想思考C writing 写书写D reading读前句提think思考句讲听尝摸想法推测出句讲思考选B
    2 A 解析考查名词语境理解句意:真够感受思想力量A power力量B method方法C pressure 压力D reason理原文列举三位伟善思考取伟成感受思考力量选A
    3 C 解析考查介词语境理解句意:夏天傍晚牛顿坐花园里A in 某时段B at某时刻C on某天某天某时D for时长表示计……达……A summer’s evening夏天傍晚指具体某天傍晚介词on选C
    4 C 解析考查名词语境理解句意:苹果树落时正思考事情A a lid盖子B an orange桔子C an apple苹果D a leaf片树叶句里:why the apple fell知苹果掉选C
    5 D 解析考查动词语境理解句意:努力理解什苹果落程中发现球太阳月球星星位置A described描述B invented 发明C complained抱怨D discovered发现Invent指发明出存东西discover发现身存未发现东西宇宙中星球身存前未发现discover选D
    6 C 解析考查动词短语语境理解句意:想找出什水壶里蒸汽移动重重盖子A look out心外B take out出取出C find out找出查明D turn out结果牛顿想通思考找出中原选C
    7 B 解析考查动词语境理解句意:长成功改进蒸汽发动机A increased增加B improved改进改善C repaired 修理修补D influenced影响通研究思考提高蒸汽发动机性选B
    8 D 解析考查副词语境理解句意:时起轻易做许匹马工作A hardlyB busily忙碌C heavily 沉重D easily容易机器轻易做前动物做工作选D
    9 A 解析考查副词语境理解句意:次见艘蒸汽船蒸汽机时记没某努力思考绝会建成A never绝B everC still旧D yet然没努力思考绝什发明选A
    10 B 解析考查形容词语境理解句意:孩子困难功课学时感灰心A possibleB difficult困难C simple简单D useful学中遇困难时灰心选B

    Much meaning can be carried clearly with our eyes so it is often 1 that eyes can speak
    Do you have such kind of 2 In a bus you may look at a stranger but not too long And if he 3 that he is being looked at he may feel uncomfortable The same in daily life If you are looked at for more than necessary you will look at yourself up and down to see if there is 4 wrong with you If nothing goes wrong you will feel 5 toward the person who is looking at you that way Eyes do speak right
    Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite But sometimes things are different If a man looks at a woman for more than 10 seconds it may mean that he wishes to attract(吸引) her attention to make her understand that he 6 her When two people are in a conversation the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time 7 make sure that the listener does pay attention
    8 what he or she is speaking Lovers will enjoy looking at each other or being looked at for a long time to show something that 9 cannot express
    Clearly eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the place 10 you stay
    1 A spoken B said C told D talked
    2 A experience B eyes C mind D news
    3 A found B knew C finds D saw
    4 A anything B something C everything D nothing
    5 A happy B angry C sad D thankful
    6 A loves B hates C thanks D looks at
    7 A in order the B so that C in order to D for
    8 A for B of C with D to
    9 A eyes B words C minds D body
    10 A which B that C where D there


    1 B 解析考查动词speak说讲say说tell告诉talk交谈It is said that说固定句型选B
    2 A 解析考查名词experience历eyes眼睛mind思想news新闻文讲体验历选A
    3 C 解析考查动词found 找 knew知道finds 找saw见if引导条件状语句时般现时选C
    4 A 解析考查定代词anything 事something某事everything件事 nothing没事if引导条件句中应anything选A
    5 B 解析考查形容词happy愉快angry生气sad悲伤thankful感激根文知选B
    6 A 解析考查动词loves爱hate恨thanks感谢look at根文结合常识知男长时间注视位女性时说明喜欢选A
    7 C 解析考查短语in order to表示目动词原形选C
    8 D 解析考查介词pay attention to注意固定短语选D
    9 B 解析考查名词eyes眼睛words 话minds思想body身体根句意眼睛表示语言法表示容选B
    10 C解析考查关系词which thatwhere里there题考查定语句先行词the place表点句中作状语引导词where选C

    A lawyer his BMW and his arm
    A lawyer opened the door of his BMW when suddenly a car came along and hit the door ripping it off completely When the police arrived at the scene the lawyer was complaining bitterly about the damage to his precious BMW "Officer look what they’ve done to my Beeeemer" He whined "You lawyers are so materialistic you make me sick" retorted the officer "You’re so worried about your stupid BMW that you didn’t even notice that your left arm was ripped off"




    1 试题难度保持基稳定
    2 强调考生通篇理解力部分题需全文出发根前语境行文逻辑做出判断体现出 "突出语篇"命题风格 
    3 考查容实词中词考查例稍微变动观三年中考题动词名词形容词副词代词等实词例始终稳定占80左右   

    典例2019 • 山东省青岛市
    A gift is necessary when one is invited to visit friends in China After greetings the gift should be passed immediately to the host Remember that usually Chinese people will not open the gift in front of the person who gives ____11____ To show the respect it may be ____12____ to explain what the gift is Bringing some nutrients and tonics (营养品补品) to the elders in the family is a good idea You can ____13____ prepare some small gifts for the spouse (配偶) or kids of the host The host usually makes full ____14____ by carefully tidying up the house and _____15_____ a lot of delicious dishes ____16____ the meal is well prepared the host may say to the guest politely "My preparation is not enough please excuse me for my poor treat" As a guest you should make the host believe that there is plenty to eat by praising the food
    While eating the elders will use chopsticks to _____17_____ food for guests as a tradition and ask them to eat _____18_____ As a guest you should accept their goodwill readily But nowadays the younger people do the traditional way less
    After dinner tea and fruit are usually served When the guests are to leave the host may still politely ask them to stay They don’t have to take it ______19______ and they can try to find a good time to leave This doesn’t mean that leaving early is always a good idea as the host may feel that the guests are not satisfied with the treat Finding the right time to leave _____20_____ the situation
    11 A it B them C that
    12 A necessary B careful C comfortable
    13 A too B also C either
    14 A plans B decisions C preparations
    15 A enjoying B cooking C washing
    16 A But B Although C Because
    17 A cut up B eat up C pick up
    18 A more B less C many
    19 A completely B seriously C probably
    20 A works out B sticks to C depends on
    11 A解析句意:通常中国会送礼物面前开礼物A itB themC that处it指代前面礼物the gift答案A
    12 A解析句意:表示尊重需解释送礼物什A necessary必B careful心C comfortable舒适接受礼物意思开送礼物时送礼表示尊重必解释送礼物什答案A
    13 B解析句意:配偶孩子准备礼物A too肯定句中B also肯定句中C either否定句中三选项单词""意思句肯定句排C选项too通常句子末尾also句中答案B
    14 C解析句意:通常会精心整理房间烹制许美味佳肴做充分准备A plans计划B decisions决定C preparations准备精心整理房间烹制美味佳肴客做准备答案C
    15 B解析句意:通常会精心整理房间烹制许美味佳肴做充分准备A enjoying喜欢享受B cooking烹饪C washing洗做饭菜动词cook答案B
    16 B解析句意:然饭菜准备丰盛会礼貌客说:"准备够请原谅招周"A ButB AlthoughC Because根语境理解前句表示转折关系准备充分会礼貌客说招周敬请原谅前句子"然"句子""althoughbut句子中时出现前中although答案B
    17 C解析句意:吃饭时候长辈会传统筷子客夹食物求吃点A cut up切碎B eat up吃光C pick up捡起起筷子作夹东西答案C
    18 A解析句意:吃饭时候长辈会传统筷子客夹食物求吃A more更B less更少C many许中国饮食俗会客吃点较级形式答案A
    19 B解析句意:必太回事试着找时机离开A completely完全B seriously严肃C probablytake somebodysomething seriously相汉语"认真某某事某某事真"意思答案B
    20 C解析句意:找合适离开时间取决具体情况A works out计算出B sticks to坚持C depends on取决客选择时离开根时具体情况定答案C
    完形填空考查单词语法句式等综合力学生说难点篇文章中定量生词通语法关系猜测整句句义然做题 求足够单词量整句握力首先花分钟进行整体阅读弄清楚时间物情节提倡做时学中注意积累固定句型考试时准确判断出相应知识点果考查名词动词词义辨析定结合文找出相关信息切记耐心第6题考查连词辨析but表示转折关系列连词although属连词引导步状语句because引导原状语句根语境理解前句表示转折关系排C答案中国热情客国度然招饭菜丰盛会客客套番连词位置出现前句开头连词although引导步状语句答案选B
    Mr Jackson was our science teacher On the first day of class he gave us a talk about an animal called wampus He told us that the wampus lived on earth millions of years ago during the Ice Age and died out because of the change of climate(气候) We all listened carefully and took 16 of everything he said Later we had a 17
    When the exam paper was 18 to me I was surprised and sad There was a big red X through each of my answers I failed But how come 19 on the test paper I had written down 20 Mr Jackson said in class
    Then I realized that no one 21 the exam at all What had happened
    Very simple Mr Jackson explained I had made up all that story about the wampus There had never been any such animal so the information in your notes was not correct Do you expect to get 22 marks for incorrect answers
    There was no need to say we were 23 What kind of test was this What kind of teacher was he
    How could we believe he gave us so much information about an animal that had not been there at all How was it possible 24 us students to doubt what the teacher taught us
    The zeros on your papers will be 25 in your grade books he said And he did it
    Through this 26 Mr Jackson hoped that we would learn something Teachers and books are not always 27 In fact no one is He told us not to let our mind go to sleep Instead we should keep thinking all the time and speak up if we think there are 28 in our teachers' words or in books
    We should 29 the habit of doubting and the ability to decide by ourselves What a special 30 he gave us
    16 A books B notes C supports D messages
    17 A discussion B question C test D plan
    18 A returned B directed C added D compared
    19 A Anyway B Luckily C Anywhere D Bravely
    20 A when B whether C why D what
    21 A refused B pushed C passed D praised
    22 A useful B high C exact D low
    23 A polite B glad C modern D angry
    24 A with B over C for D of
    25 A recorded B described C collected D circled
    26 A experience B notice C introduction D progress
    27 A interesting B right C active D silent
    28 A decisions B reasons C points D mistakes
    29 A repeat B risk C develop D move
    30 A report B promise C model D lesson
    16 B解析考查名词语境理解句意:仔细听着说句话做笔记A books书籍B notes笔记C supports支持D messages信息根句意:仔细听着说句话……知处应该"做笔记"take notes做笔记选B
    17 C解析考查名词语境理解句意:进行次测试A discussion讨B question问题C test测试D plan计划根文When the exam paper was 3 to me知处应进行次测试选C
    18 A解析句意:试卷交时惊讶难A returnedB directed指导C added增加D compared较根There was a big red X through each of my answers知试卷发答案选A
    19 A解析句意:样试卷已杰克逊先生课堂说话记考查副词语境理解A Anyway样B Luckily幸运C Anywhere方D Bravely勇敢根文:试卷已杰克逊先生课堂说话记知处应填副词"样"答案选A
    20 D解析句意:已杰克逊先生课堂说话记考查连接代词语境理解A when…时候B whether否C why什D what什根题干I had written down ___5___ Mr Jackson said in class知处引导宾语句空格处句中充宾语what引导答案选D
    21 C解析句意:然意识没通考试考查动词语境理解A refused拒绝B pushed推C passed通D praised称赞根句意:然意识没___6___考试联系文语境知没通考试答案选C
    22 B解析考查形容词语境理解句意:认正确答案会高分?A usefulB high高C exact精确D low低根文There had never been any such animal so the information in your notes was not correct知处Mr Jackson问"认正确答案会高分?"选B
    23 D解析考查形容词语境理解句意:说生气A polite礼貌B glad高兴C modern现代D angry生气根文What kind of test was this What kind of teacher was he结合文语境知学生生气选D
    24 C句意:学生怀疑老师教东西呢?考查介词语境理解A with……起B over……C forD of……It's +形容词+for sbto do sth固定句型意思"某说…………"答案选C
    25 A解析句意:说:"文零会记录成绩表里" 考查动词语境理解A recorded记录B described描述C collected收集D circled环绕根面in your grade books知零分成绩会记录成绩表里答案选A
    26 A解析句意:通次历杰克逊先生希学东西考查名词语境理解A experience历B notice通知C introduction介绍D progress进步根句意通次……杰克逊先生希学东西联系文语境知处应"历"答案选A
    27 B解析句意:老师书总正确考查形容词语境理解A interesting趣B right正确C active动D silent沉默根文 In fact no one is推知处说"老师书总正确"答案选B
    28 D解析句意:相反果认老师话书中错误应该直思考声说出考查名词语境理解A decisions决定B reasons理C points点D mistakes错误根前面Instead we should keep thinking all the time and speak up推知处应"果认老师话书中错误"答案选D
    29 C解析句意:应该养成怀疑惯做决定力考查动词语境理解A repeat重复B risk险C develop养成D move移动根面the habit知应"养成惯"答案选C
    30 D解析考查名词语境理解句意:特课啊A report报告B promise希C model模型D lesson功课教训通整篇文章理解知Mr Jackson学生非常特殊课里作者总结感叹结合选项知D选项符合题意选D

    1 通读全文解意
    2 瞻前顾逐步填空
    3 认真复查适调整
    (1) "固定搭配法"解完形填空题 
    (2) "谓致判断法" 解完形填空题 
    (3) "词义辨析法" 解完形填空题 

    (2019﹒山东济南市初中综合素质测试模拟)You may think that English dictionaries have been used for many many centuries In fact an English dictionary you 1 today wasn’t made until the Qing Dynasty(清) Three men did most of the 2 work on dictionaries They spent nearly all their lives trying to 3 words for their dictionaries For them it was a wonderful journey The largest dictionary in the world is Oxford English Dictionary The 4 for editing (编纂) this dictionary came form an important meeting in Britain in 1857 twentytwo years later Oxford University asked James Murray to be the editor( 编者) of its new dictionary
    Murray had never been to 5 at the age of fourteen he left his village school in Scotland and taught himself while working in a bank
    6 he became a great teacher After Oxford gave him the job Murray had a small 7 in his garden to do the work Every morning Murray got out of bed at five o’clock and 8 in it several hours before breakfast Often he would work into the night Murray hoped to finish the new dictionary in ten years But after five years he was 9 adding words for the letter " A" He worked on the dictionary 10 he was very old Fortyfour years later in 1928 other editors finished the dictionary
    1 A use B write C copy D read
    2 A easy B relaxing C early D safe
    3 A spell B invent C collect D make
    4 A word B idea C use D prize
    5 A school B cinema C village D college
    6 A Later B Before C After D Though
    7 A table B desk C shop D house
    8 A slept B looked C worked D talked
    9 A already B still C usually D always
    10 A if B because C until D since

    1 A 解析考查动词语境理解事实英文字典直清出现usewrite写copy抄写read读
    2 C 解析考查形容词语境理解字典编撰程中做早期工作easy容易relaxing放松early早safe安全
    3 C 解析考查动词语境理解花生时间字典搜集单词spell拼写invent发明collect收集make制作完形填空需读懂句意辨析动词词意
    4 B 解析考查名词语境理解编撰部字典想法1857年英国次会议提出word 单词idea想法意usprize奖
    5 D 解析考查名词语境理解文知Murray没学school学校cinema电影院village村子college学
    6 A 解析考查副词语境理解成位伟教师Later Before前 After ……Though
    7 D 解析考查名词语境理解文"Murray五点钟起床房子里工作时吃饭"知做项工作花园里建房子table桌子desk桌子shop商店house房子题关键根文语境文语境判断句句意
    8 C 解析考查动词语境理解Murray五点钟起床房子里工作时吃饭slept睡觉looked worked工作talked交谈
    9 B 解析考查副词语境理解五年然A增添单词already已still然usually 通常always总
    10 C 解析考查连词语境理解事字典编撰工作直老if果becauseuntil直since

    The ability to forgive others is a great thing that can certainly help to make life happier for everyone However some people think that it is very 1 to do and they don’t know how to forgive others especially their family and friends This is all 2 they don’t understand the meaning of "forgiveness "
    In the dictionary "to forgive "means"to 3 feeling angry with somebody that has done something bad to you" I’m happy that many people have 4 in doing this I have succeeded too and I know how hard it is
    I lived with a friend for two years During that time he did cause me many 5 I easily got angry when communicating with him However we 6 had a talk about our problems When he pointed out that I wasn’t treating him like a friend I was 7 I never knew that I also needed to be forgiven for doing something wrong I thought however 8 I might get I did love my friend deep in my heart Then I understood the saying "To love is to forgive" And when we 9 each other we feel great After that long talk we both 10 those bad moments Our friendship became fresh again
    Now I understand the meaning of forgiveness better
    1 A late B difficult C strange D useless
    2 A why B when C because D that
    3 A stop B suffer C keep D consider
    4 A spent B continued C succeeded D enjoyed
    5 A dangers B mistakes C questions D problems
    6 A firstly B finally C suddenly D always
    7 A surprised B excited C satisfied D bored
    8 A worried B frightened C angry D nervous
    9 A control B help C protect D forgive
    10 A learn B forget C imagine D consider

    1B 解析考查形容词句意:然认难做知道原谅里表示难做原谅ddifficult困难选B
    2 C 解析考查疑问词句意:理解原谅意思里表示原
    3A 解析考查动词句意:字典里原谅意思做错事停止生气短语stop doing sth表示停止做某事根题意选A
    4 C 解析考查动词句意:开心许已成功做样事情succeed in doing表示成功做某事根题意选C
    5 D 解析考查名词句意:期间做造成许问题里烦恼问题选D
    6 B解析考查副词句意:然关问题交谈finally
    7 A 解析考查形容词句意:指出朋友时候惊讶surprised吃惊选C
    8 C 解析考查形容词句意:原认样生气心里深深爱位朋友
    9 D 解析考查动词句意:彼原谅方时候感forgive原谅选D
    10 B 解析考查动词句意:长时间交谈两忘记时刻forget忘记

    "袜子"变身 关"袜子"语
    1 sock away 存钱
    约八十年前许信银行钱放妥方知道谁想出藏钱说成钱藏袜子里产生天讲惯语:sock away
    2 sock in (气候关系)关闭(机场)
    里sock指wind sockwind sock飞机场常见种指示风谓风袋风袋轻头开口头系杆子风会迎风飘起指示风吹方sock in回事呢二战期间时机场特军机场风袋决定机场否关闭天公做美风袋吹起种情况机场sock insock in关闭机场直天气转重新开放意思
    3 knock your socks off 令兴奋已事
    Knock敲意思Knock your socks off意思相中国成语 "叹观止 "字面解释件事感十分惊讶震撼力袜子腿震




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    2020年中考英语考前冲刺 (四)

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