五年级下册英语测试-Module 1过关检测卷∣外研社(三起)(含答案)

    Module 1关检测卷
    时间:40分钟 满分:100分
     Part 1 Listening 听 (30)
    (  ) 1 A friend       B field      C fire
    (  ) 2 A still B different C life
    (  ) 3 A work B world C warm
    (  ) 4 A radio B really C read
    (  ) 5 A enough B night C write
    二听录音列图片排序 (5分)

    (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  )
    (  )1 We live in a big city
    A B C
    (  ) 2There weren't many trees here ten years ago
    A B C
    (  ) 3 Where were you two hours ago
    A B C
    (  ) 4 My grandma talked about her life many years ago
    A B C
    (  ) 5 I watched a television programme about China last week
    A B C
    (  ) 1 A 十年前住里?   B 十天前里?
    (  ) 2 A 关英国节目 B 关中国节目[源Z+xx+kCom]
    (  ) 3 A 没电视机 B 没电话
    (  ) 4 A 没足够食物 B 没足够衣服
    (  ) 5 A 正农田里干活 B 正炉子做饭
    Part2 Reading and Writing
    1 village London is a big city
    2 radio The old man didn't have a telephone
    3 hope I miss my grandma
    4 month Where were you last week
    5 grandma Her mother went to Beijing three days ago [源学科网ZXXK]
    6 enough He has got strong legs
    (  ) 1 There is only one apple on the table
    (  ) 2 The tree was small ten years ago
    (  ) 3 My grandpa still works in the fields every day
    (  ) 4 There weren't many cars many years ago
    (  ) 5 His uncle lives in a big city

    A B C D E
    (  ) 1 Be careful The bus is ________
    A come      B coming      C came
    (  ) 2 There weren't________ computers many years ago
    A much B some C any
    (  ) 3 Many things are different ________ the past
    A to B from C of
    (  ) 4 He worked ________ England last year
    A in B on C at
    (  ) 5 —What ________ you do last weekend
    — I ________ my homework at home
    A did did B do did C did do
    (  ) 6 I didn't ________ TV last night
    A watch B to watch C watched
    (  ) 7 Let's talk ________this question(问题)
    A with B about C at
    (  ) 8 There were no bikes________ buses many years ago
    A and B with C or
    1 The little dog ________ (have) got strong legs
    2 Ten years agomy uncle ________ (live) in Shanghai
    3 My grandma couldn't ________ (read) books
    4 What did you ________ (do) there yesterday
    5 This old lady has four ________ (grandchild)
    6 Thank you for ________ (give) me the birthday present
    九阅读短文选择正确答案(10分) (建议时:5分钟)
    The world is changing very fast In the pastmy grandparents lived in a small house It was very old They didn't have enough food or clothes There was a small tree beside the house There weren't any televisions or telephones Now they live in a big and beautiful house They've got lots of food and clothes They watch TV every day They can use the computertoo They are very happy now
    (  ) 1 There was a small ________ beside the house
    A dog       B tree      C cat
    (  ) 2 My grandparents didn't have enough________
    A food B trees C A and B
    (  ) 3 There weren't any televisions or ________
    A telephones B radios C books
    (  ) 4 My grandparents can use the ________ now
    A car B radio C computer
    (  ) 5 The world is changing very________
    A fast B far C clean
    提示词汇:five years ago one television a computer 
    a bright (明亮) house  a nice car[源学*科*网Z*X*X*K]
    Module 1关检测卷
    1 field 2 life 3 work 4 radio 5 write
    二1 We've got lots of food
    2 They lived in a small house ten years ago
    3 My mum is cooking on a fire
    4 It's a programme about schools
    5 The old man worked in the fields yesterday
    三1 We live in a big house
    2 There were many trees here ten years ago
    3 Where were you two months ago
    4 An old lady talked about her life many years ago
    5 I watched a television programme about China last night
    四1 Where did you live ten years ago
    2 It's a programme about England
    3 She didn't have a telephone
    4 We didn't have enough clothes
    5 She is working in the fields
    1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 C
    二3 4 2 5 1
    三1 C 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 C
    四1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A
    五1 city 2 telephone 3 miss 4 week 5 mother 6 strong
    六1 D 2 E 3 B 4 A 5 C
    七1 B  点拨:动词come­ing形式表示进行动作
    2 C 点拨:any否定句中
    3 B 点拨:短语be different from 表示……
    4 A
    5 A 点拨:时间状语知助动词实义动词式
    6 A 点拨:didn't动词原形
    7 B
    8 C  点拨:or否定句中连接两列成分
    八1 has 点拨:语第三称单数动词第三称单数形式
    2 lived 点拨:表示十年前居住某动词式
    3 read 点拨:情态动词否定式couldn't动词原形[源学科网ZXXK]
    4 do 点拨:般时特殊疑问句中助动词式实义动词原形
    5 grandchildren  点拨:four知名词复数形式
    6 giving 点拨:介词动词时必须动词­ing形式
    九1 B 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 A
    Hello I'm Lingling Five years ago we lived in a small and old house There was only one television in my home There wasn't a computer But now we live in a big and bright house I have a computer I can learn a lot from it There are two televisions in my home My father has a nice car He often drives me to school




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