


    4句: 1


    (置方式状语)(置点状语)(置时间状语) :
    This morning the naughty boy in red with his classmate was doing his homework that the teacher gave him carefully at home
    (前置状语)(前置定语)(语)(置定语) (状语) (谓语) (宾语) (置定语) (置状语)
    1+系+表 :a) I am a student b) she looks very nice
    2+谓 a) I am reading b) He often swims
    3+谓+单纯宾语 :a) Americans speak English b) Chinese people eat rice and vegetables
    4+谓+双宾 a) I gave her a present( I gave a present to her)b)He sings me a song( He sings a song for me)
    5+谓+宾语+宾语补足语 :a) Teachers ask students to study hard b) Everything makes us happy
    do sth(省to定式)

    + sbsth +

    look at(……)
    do sth(省to定式)

    + sbsth +

    + sbsth + to do sth


    + sbsth + (to) do sth with sth


    ask(求) want(想) tell(告诉) teach(教) invite(邀请) refuse(拒绝) order(命令) advise(建议) allow(允许) believe(相信) persuade(劝说) consider(认) command(命令) encourage(鼓励) remind(提醒) forbid(迫) permit(说服) warn(警告) promise(劝说) beg(祈求) ……

    + sbsth + to do sth

    定式作宾补列词省略to四(see watch notice look at)三役(let make have)
    二听(hear listen to)感(feel)半帮助(help)宾补变补to字定恢复
    8) 完成时:某时前动作影响结果简单说
    般 现 时
    past 般时 进行时 般 时 now 般 时 future

    现 完 成 时 现进行时
    完 成 时


    实义动词作谓语种变化全实义动词非谓语to do – ed – ing
    1)般现时:动词原形语第三称单数实义动词+(e)s 系词beam is are三种形式
    3)般时:willshall + 动词原形amisare going to + 动词原形
    4)时:would + 动词原形werewas going to + 动词原形
    5)现进行时:amisare + 现分词
    6)进行时:werewas + 现分词
    7)现完成时:has(单三)have + 分词
    8) 完成时:had + 分词

    词 例
    helphelps makemakes getgets swimswims
    2s x ch sh o结尾动词+es 读[iz]
    teachteaches gogoes fixfixes watchwatches washwashes guessguesses finishfinishes
    flyflies carrycarries studystudies
    hurryhurries worryworries
    B规变化 havehas

    词 例
    gogoing askasking study studying drinkdrinking
    rideriding makemaking havehaving taketaking
    give giving drivedriving
    swimswimming sitsitting runrunning getgetting
    stopstopping hithitting preferpreferring planplanning
    traveltravelling regretregretting beginbeginning
    lielying diedying tie(系)tying

    词 例
    1般情况词尾+ed清辅音读[t]元音浊辅音读[d]t te de d结尾+(e)d读[id]
    passpassed joinjoined plantplanted workworked
    rememberremembered foundfoundfounded
    celebratecelebrated inviteinvited movemoved
    arrivearrived decidedecided diedied lielied
    dancedanced agreeagreed

    shopshopped stopstopped preferpreferred
    dropdropped traveltravelled regretregretted
    trytried carrycarried studystudied hurryhurried

    词 例
    amwasbeen iswasbeen arewerebeen dodiddone gowentgone
    becomebecamebecome beginbeganbegun comecamecome drinkdrankdrunk
    ring rangrung runranrun singsangsung sinksanksunk swimswamswum
    costcostcost cutcutcut hithithit hurthurthurt letletlet putputput
    read[rid]read[red]read[red] setsetset shutshutshut spreadspreadspread
    buildbuiltbuilt digdugdug feelfeltfelt findfoundfound hashadhad havehadhad hearheardheard holdheldheld lay(蛋)laidlaid leadledled leaveleftleft lendlentlent loselostlost makemademade meanmeantmeant meetmetmet paypaidpaid rebuildrebuiltrebuilt retellretoldretold saysaidsaid sellsoldsold sendsentsent sitsatsat standstoodstood stickstuckstuck telltoldtold spendspentspent
    understandunderstoodunderstood winwonwon
    bringbroughtbrought buyboughtbought catchcaughtcaught fightfoughtfought
    teachtaughttaught thinkthoughtthought
    burnburntburnedburntburned dreamdreamtdreameddreamtdreamed
    hanghunghangedhunghanged learnlearntlearnedlearntlearned
    lightlitlightedlitlighted speedspedspeededspedspeeded
    shineshoneshinedshoneshined smellsmeltsmelledsmeltsmelled
    spellspeltspelledspeltspelled spitspitspatspitspat
    keepkeptkept sleepsleptslept sweepsweptswept
    bearboreborn beatbeatbeaten blowblewblown breakbrokebroken
    choosechosechosen drawdrewdrawn drivedrovedriven eatateeaten
    fallfellfallen flyflewflown forgetforgotforgottenforgot freezefrozefrozen
    getgotgottengot gowentgone growgrewgrown givegavegiven
    hidehidhiddenhid knowknewknown lie(躺放)laylain
    mistakemistookmistaken overeatoverateovereaten rideroderidden riseroserisen seesawseen shakeshookshaken showshowedshown sinksanksunk
    speakspokespoken stealstolestolen taketooktaken throwthrewthrown
    wearworeworn writewrotewritten
    willwould shallshould cancould maymight mustmust(式had to代)
    (1)系动词be (现时:amisare 式:waswere 分词:been)
    (2)感观性系动词look(起) feel(感) smell(闻起) sound(听起) taste(尝起)
    (3)变化系动词get(变) turn(转变) go(变成) become(变成成)
    (4)保持变系动词keep(保持) stay(保持停留) remain(保持)
    (5)相be系动词 seem(似) appear(似) prove(证明)
    do(式did) have(式had) shall(式should) will(式would)
    may() can(会) be able to() must(必须定) have to(必须)
    should(应该) had better(……) would rather(宁愿) dare(敢) ought to(应该) need(需)
    shall(第第三称表示征求方意愿) used to(常常)
    时 态
    时 间 状 语
    always often usually sometimes on Sundays every day in the evening every month once a year twice a month等
    yesterday the day before yesterday last month last year 段时间 + ago this morning just now in 1990 in the spring of 2011等
    tomorrom tomorrow morning the day after tomorrow next week this afternoon this evening tonight in+段时间 soon by the year 2020 by the end of this term等
    now these days at the moment looklisten开头祈句等
    at seven o’clock yesterday evening at thisthat time last night this morning last night all the morning all the day whenwhile引导时间状语句表示程句句等
    for + 段时间 since + 时间点since引导时间状语句 yet already just before never recently so farthese years this morning this week all this years in the lastpast ten years today now等
    by last week by the end of last term when引导时间状语句(句时)等
    B 时态基法
    I 般现时基法:
    (1) 表示常性惯性动作存状态表示语特征性格力爱等表示客观真理:
    –What do you do 做什工作?I’m an engineer I work in a company in Wuhan I like my job very much工程师武汉家公司工作喜欢工作
    There are seven days in a week 周七天
    Our teacher told us light travels faster than sound 老师告诉光声音传播速度快
    (2) 时间状语句条件状语句中句般时句般现时表示 :
    I will see you as soon as I get there 里会
    If you come this afternoon we’ll have a party 果天午举行宴会
    (3) 表示时间表拟定安排时发生事情动作仅限begin come leave go arrive start return stop close等少数动词 :
    The meeting begins at seven 会议七点开始
    II 般时基法
    (1) 某时间发生动作存状态 :
    I bought a new shirt yesterday 昨天买件新衬衫
    Ann invited me to her birthday party last night 昨天晚安邀请参加生日聚会
    (2) 具体时间常性惯性动作 :
    Daming always walked to school last term 学期明总步行学
    (3) 谈已情况时般时 :
    Lu Xun was a great writer 鲁迅伟作家
    (4) 动作发生时间清楚情况根文判断动作发生应般时 :
    –I must be on Channel 2 Try that 肯定第二频道试试
    I tried that But I still can’t get anything 试什没
    III 般时基法
    (1)shallwill + 动词原形表示某时间发生动作存状态Will种称shall第称否定句中will not缩写won’t shall not缩写shan’t
    a) will表示客观规律必然会发生事情表示种倾:
    Crops will die without water 庄稼没水会死
    b) 表示说话时决定马做动作(半听方话作出反应)时will :
    –Lily is ill in hospital 莉莉生病住院 I’ll see her this afternoon 天午
    (2)be going to + 动词原形表示计划安排观算观意图做事根现迹象判断发生事Be going to结构般表示较 :
    We are going to visit the Great Wall next Sunday 算星期天游览长城
    Look at the clouds It’s going to rain 云快雨
    (3) come go start leave fly move begin arrive等位置迁移词常进行时表 :
    The train is leaving soon 火车快开
    IV 现进行时基法
    (1) 表示现(说话瞬间)正进行发生动作强调时刻句子常look listen can you see can’t you see等提示词 :
    They are talking now 现正谈话
    –Listen who is crying in the room –Let’s go and see –听谁正房间里哭 –吧
    (2) 表示前段时间活动现阶段正进行动作 :
    They are working these days 天正工作
    (3) 动词come go begin start move win等现进行时表示较发生动作:
    I am coming
    (4) 时句中常常没具体时间状语需根文判断现进行时 :
    –Where is Gina Is she at home –No She is having a meeting at school
    (5) 短暂性动词表示状态行动词:see hear smell taste like love hate want hope would like have(表示属译成) know forget remember等进行时
    V 进行时基法
    (1) 表示某时刻某段时间正进行发生动作 :
    They were playing football at ten o’clock yesterday morning 昨天午十点正踢足球
    –I called you at half past nine this morning but there was no answer天午九点半电话没接
    Oh sorry I was shopping with my cousin in the supermarket 哦抱歉时正表妹超市购物
    (2) Whenwhile引导时间状语句中进行时运
    a) 句动作发生句动作程中句般时句进行时 :
    When the fire broke out all the students were sleeping soundly 火灾发生时学生熟睡中
    b) 句动作发生句动作程中句般时句进行时 :
    The telephone rang whenwhile I was taking a bath 洗澡时电话响
    c) 果句句动作某时间进行着发生着句句进行时 :
    He was talking to me while he was watching TV 边电视边谈话
    My father was watching TV while my mother was cooking 爸爸电视妈妈做饭
    VI 现完成时基法
    (1) 表示发生完成动作存状态现产生影响结果种法现完成时常already never ever just yet等时间状语连表示确定时间状语连 :
    She has left already已离开(现影响结果:现里)
    He has eaten nothing today 天什没吃(现影响结果:现定饿)
    (2) 表示已开始直持续现动作状态种法现完成时常表示某时刻开始直延续现(包括现)时间状语these days for + 时间段 since + 时间点等连:
    She has been a teacher for 20 years 已20年老师
    How long have you lived here 里住久?
    (3) 非延续性动词comegoleavefinishendbuysellmarrydie等完成时肯定句表示时间段状语连(否定句) :
    I have come to Beijing for half a year(错)
    I have been in Beijing for half a year() 北京半年
    We haven’t met for 5 years 已5 年没见面
    (4) havehas been to表示某说话时已回说话点havehas gone to表示某现没回说话点havehas been in表示某呆段时间 :
    Mary has never been to the Great Wall 玛丽未长城
    Tom has gone to the bookshop 汤姆书店
    (5) 现完成时般时区:现完成时属现时侧重动作现造成影响产生结果(说目前情况表达动作言外意)般时侧重动作状态现关 :
    Henry has lived in China for 2 years 亨利已中国住2年(目前情况)
    Henry lived in China for 2 years 亨利中国住2年(前事情)
    VII 完成时基法
    句语句中 :
    The girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous for she hadn’t flown before
    The plane had taken off when we got the airport 达飞机场时飞机已起飞
    谓语谓语动词动词作谓语做成分马想非谓语动词非谓语动词没时态称数变化非谓语动词包括:定式(to do)ing形式(现分词动名词)分词三种(法见词法部分)


    () 般句式:陈述句(肯定句否定句)疑问句:(般特殊选择否定反意)
    前升降语调回答Yes No选啥答啥重
    [问词: what which who(whom) whose(代词) how where when why(副词)]

    1 陈述句:说明事实陈述法包括肯定否定两种形式 :
    a) Jack and I are good friends 杰克朋友
    b) The little boy isn’t good at swimming 男孩擅长游泳
    2 疑问句
    (A) 般疑问句:联系动词be助动词情态动词放语前yesno回答读音升调 :
    1) –A re they playing basketball on the playground –Yes they are No they aren’t
    2) –Can they borrow books from the library –Yes they can No they can’t
    3) –Does he have many English novels in his family –Yes he does No he doesn’t
    家英文说? 没
    4) –Did his father go to France last year –Yes he did No he didn’t
    爸爸年法兰西? 没
    5) –Will you pass on a message to her –Yes I will No I won’t
    愿意传递消息?愿意 愿意
    6) –Would you like a cup of milk please –Yes I’d like to No thanks
    想杯茶?想 谢谢
    7) –Has he finished his homework –Yes he has No he hasn’t
    完成作业? 完成 没完成
    (B) 选择疑问句:句式疑问句+or连接选择部分yesno回答 直接回答 语调 前升降:
    1) –Is he a teacher or a student –He is a teacher 老师学生?老师
    2) –Does Kate want this apple or that pear –She want that apple 凯特想苹果梨?想苹果
    3) –Did the students visit the farm or the factory –Factory 学生参观农场工厂?工厂
    4) –Which is bigger the sun or the moon –The sun is 太阳月亮? 太阳
    5) –Who is the older Tom or Jim –Jim is 汤姆吉姆?吉姆
    (C) 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词疑问部分+般疑问句直接回答读时降调 :
    1) –Who is he –He is Lily’s father –谁?莉莉爸爸
    2) –What are on the desk –The books are on it 桌子什?书面
    3) –Which one is Maria’s –The best one is hers –玛利亚?
    4) –Whose is this cup –It is yours 茶杯谁?
    5) –WhomWho did you talk with just now –My grandma 刚谁谈话?奶奶
    6) –How do you go to school –I often go to school on foot –学?常走着学
    7) –How many birds are there in the tree –There are 5 birds in the tree –树鸟?树5
    8) –How much water is there in the bottle –There is a little in it –瓶子里少水?里面点
    9) –How long has he lived here –He has lived here since 2009住长时间?2009年住
    10) –How far is the factory from here –It is 2 kilometers –工厂远?两公里
    11) –How soon will the woman go to the shop – In 5 minutes 位妇女久商店?5分钟
    12) –How often do you go swimming in summer –Once a week –夏天久游次泳?周次
    13) –How wide is the river –It is 10 meters wide 条河流宽?10米宽
    14) –What time does your mother get up –She gets up at five –妈妈点起床?5点钟起床
    15) –When did you come to school yesterday –At seven o’clock –昨天什时候校7点
    16) –Where do the children sometimes play football On the playground 孩子时踢足球?操场
    17) –Why didn’t he come to school –Because he was ill in bed 什没学?病床
    18) –What kind of cakes do you want–I want the cakes with nuts in them 想种蛋糕?想带坚果
    19) –What size shoes do you wear –I wear size 43 shoes 穿号鞋?穿43号鞋
    20) –How many times a month do you go to visit him –Four times 月次?四次
    (D) 否定疑问句:加强语气方提出建议邀请法系动词be助动词情态动词连否定副词not起放语前译难道……?yesno回答时汉语惯yes译成no译成英语回答前肯肯前否否惯千万弄错:
    1) –Aren’t they beautiful –Yes they are 难道漂亮?()漂亮
    2) –Can’t you see I’m a teacher –No I can’t –难道出位教师?没出
    3) –Isn’t it a wonderful skirt –Yes it is No it isn’t 难道件裙子?
    4) –Haven’t you been to Dalian –Yes I have No I haven’t –难道没连?没
    5) –Why don’t you do your homework –Because I haven’t copies –什做作业?没
    (E) 反意疑问句
    1句式:陈述句 + +意义相反简短问句 + ?
    1)陈述部分含few little never nothing no seldom nobody hardly neither too…to… no one
    a) You will never forget it will you 永远会忘记件事?
    b) There is nothing on the table is there 桌子什没?
    c) There is little milk in the bottle is there 瓶子里没牛奶?
    d) Nobody saw her in the room did hethey 没见房间里?
    e) The waiter hardly has a day off does he 服务员天假请?
    f) He made few mistakes in his speech did he 演讲中没犯错?
    g) Tom is too excited to speak is he 汤姆太激动说话?
    2)陈述部分指定代词everyone everybody someone no one somebody nobody等作语简略
    问句语强调全部时they强调体时he陈述部分指物定代词everything something nothing等作语时简略问句语it陈述部分语this thatthese those时简略问句语单数
    a) Someone wants to see you doesn’t he 想见?
    b) Everyone is having a good time aren’t they 玩高兴?
    c) Everything begins to grow fast in spring doesn’t it 春天万物开始快速生长?
    3)陈述部分里通加前缀缀构成否定含义词(:untrue 真实unhappy高兴 unknown知名 unlikeunfair公unfit适合disagree意 disobey服 disable力 dishonest诚实 dislike喜欢 impolite 没礼貌impossible careless粗心 helpless助 fearless畏惧)简略问句然否定形式:
    a) It is impossible for us to recite so many new words in an hour isn’t it
    b) Bejing Opera is unpopular with the young people isn’t it 京剧年轻中受欢迎?
    c) He is unfit for his job isn’t he 适合工作?
    d) That’s unfair isn’t it 公?
    4)祈句绝部分省略语you前面陈述否定简短问句will you?表示提示建议肯定陈述简短问句won’t you提出警告 :
    a) Come to school earlier next time will you won’t you 次早点学校?
    b) Don’t shout at your brother will you 弟弟声呵斥?
    5)Let’s开头祈句省略语we简短问句shall weLet us开头祈句省略语you祈句简略问句will you :
    a) Let’s go and climb the hills shall we 爬山?(里us包括说话双方提建议)
    b) Let us help you will you 帮助?(里us包括说话方请求)
    a) What you said is wrong isn’t it 说错?
    b) To learn English well isn’t easy is it 学英语容易?
    c) Practising speaking English every morning will do you good won’t it
    7)陈述部分havehave to时疑问部分助动词do相应形式进行反义疑问have讲时助动词外have进行反义疑问陈述部分had better (not) 时疑问部分had :
    a) Jim has a new computer hasn’t he doesn’t he 吉姆台新电脑?
    b) All of the children had a nice time didn’t they 孩子玩高兴?
    c) Kate has to help her father on the farm doesn’t she 凯特农场帮助爸爸?
    d) We’d better stay at home today hadn’t we 天呆家里?
    e) He’d better not tell her about that had he 告诉件事?
    8)陈述部分谓语动词wish表示征求意见时简略问句may :
    a) I wish to have another piece of cake may I 想块蛋糕?
    b) I wish to go home now may I 想现回家?
    9)陈述部分含情态动词must时疑问部分根must含义确定must作定必须讲时疑问部分needn’t 陈述部分mustn’t表示禁止时疑问部分may 强调动作完成疑问部分havemust作定准表示猜测时疑问部分根must面动词原形选相应形式:
    a) You must go home right now needn’t you 必马回家?
    b) You mustn’t walk on grass may you 许草走知道?
    c) You must have seen the film haven’t you 想必部电影?
    (1) You must be tired aren’t you 定累吧?(猜测)
    (2) He must be a doctor isn’t he 准位医生?(猜测)
    (3) He must have met her yesterday afternoon didn’t he 想必昨天午见?(猜测)
    [must have + 分词强调情况推测(般时间状语)简短问句didn’t]
    10) I am开头陈述句amnot缩略疑问部分常aren’t I代
    a) I am right aren’t I 正确?
    b) I’m one of your old friends aren’t I 位老朋友?
    11)陈述部分谓语used to结构时疑问部分didn’tusedn’t:
    a) He used to live in London usedn’t he didn’t he 住伦敦?
    b) There used to be a cinema here before the war usedn’t there didn’t there 战争前家电影院?
    12)陈述部分含宾语句复合句果句语I 句谓语动词 think believe suppose wonderexpectimaginehope等想法关词时(句思想行需求证实)应反意句果句语二三称时反意句:
    a) She says that I did it doesn’t she 说做?(反意句)
    b) I don’t think that they’ll return next month will they 认月回?(注意否定前移)
    c) I suppose he is serious isn’t he 想严肃?
    d) I hope that you’re taking care of him aren’t you 希顾?
    e) You think she is a good teacher don’t you 认位老师?(反意句)
    13)there be句型反义疑问句简略部分般there作语 itthey:
    a) There was an English movie yesterday evening wasn’t there 昨天晚放映部英文电影?
    b) There will be a class meeting this afternoon won’t there 天午开班会?
    14)陈述部分dareneed时果dareneed实义动词简短问句谓语动词do适形式果dareneed情态动词简短问句谓语动词dareneed :
    a) We need to do it don’t we 需做件事?( We need do it needn’t we )
    b) You daren’t go there dare you 敢?( You don’t dare to go there do you )
    5 反义疑问句答语:
    事实回答事实肯定Yes+ 肯定形式简略回答句式事实否定No + 否定形式简略回答句式前肯肯前否否必须致果反义疑问句陈述部分否定句根汉语句式回答惯Yes + 肯定形式肯定回答中yes翻译成No + 否定形式否定回答中no翻译成 :
    a) –The weather here is very cold isn’t it 里天气冷?
    Yes it is 冷 No it isn’t 冷
    b) –You don’t like summer do you 喜欢夏天?
    Yes I do 喜欢 No I don’t 喜欢
    (二) 特殊句式
    (A) there be句式
    1 there behave(has)区:there be表示某某物某时某事存have(has)表示属拥:
    a) There is an apple tree in the yard 院子里棵苹果树(某物存某)
    b) There will be a sports meeting next week 周运动会(某事存某时)
    c) She has some storybooks 事书(拥)
    2 there be句型结构:there be + sthsb(语) + 介词短语(简记:某物某处)
    a) There’s ice on the lake 湖冰 b) There are no child in the family 家庭没孩子
    3 there be谓语动词称数时态种变化变be变换句式助be :
    时 态
    谓 语 结 构
    there isare
    there waswere
    there will be there isare going to be
    there isare + 语 + doing + 介词短语
    there havehas been
    含情态动词 there + 情态动词 + be
    a) There was a meeting in our school yesterday 昨天学校召开次会议(般时)
    b) There will be a new movie shown(分词) on Sunday 星期天放新电影(般时)
    c) There have been many great changes in our country since then 国家发生巨变化(现完成时)
    d) Look There is a big plane flying in the sky 天空飞机飞(现进行时)
    e) There must be a mistake somewhere 定什方出错(含情态动词)
    f) There will be snow on high ground won’t there –Yes there will 高会雪?(反义疑问句)
    g) There isn’t going to be an English film this evening 天晚没英语电影(时否定句)
    h) Are there seven days in a week – Yes there are 周七天? (般疑问句)
    4there be句型特殊疑问句:
    (1) How many +数名词复数 + arewere there + 介词短语 ?
    (2) How much + 数名词 + iswas there + 介词短语 ? :
    a) How many people(复数) are there in the room 屋里少? Around 30 约30
    b) –How much food is there in the fridge 冰箱里少食物? A little 点
    2)某处什提问句型:What + iswas + 介词短语 ?(what作语单数) :
    a) What’s in the box –There may be some cards in it 盒子里什?卡片
    5there be原:be联合语中保持谓致 :
    a) There is an apple tree and some pear trees in the yard 院子里棵苹果树梨树
    b) There are some pear trees and a apple tree in the yard 院子里梨树颗苹果树
    6某含存意义词:live stand lie follow come enter seem to be happen to be等代be
    a) There seems to be a heavy snow this afternoon 天午似场雪
    b) There stands a big tree over there 边棵树
    c) There lived an old man in the village 村庄里住着位老
    (B) 感叹句
    aan + 形容词 + 单数名词
    What + 形容词 + 复数名词 + (语 + 动词) +
    形容词 + 数名词

    How + 形容词副词 + (语 + 动词) +

    How + 语 + 谓语 +

    感叹句麻烦how what应提前名词短语whathow 形副紧相连语动词变省常见
    4做选择how what题两招:
    a) What a beautiful flower (this is) 朵美花啊
    b) What bad weather (it is) 度糟糕天气啊
    c) What delicious mooncakes (they are) 吃月饼啊
    d) What an exciting sport it is to climb the mountains 爬山项趣运动啊
    e) What hard work you have done 做辛苦工作啊
    1) How heavy the box is 箱子真重啊
    2) How beautiful the flowers are 花漂亮啊
    3) How I wish to join the football club 想加入足球俱乐部啊(How + 语 + 谓语 + )
    4) How you are working 工作真卖力(How + 语 + 谓语 + )
    5) How lovely a baby it is 爱婴啊
    6) How happily the children are flying kites 正放风筝孩子开心啊
    7) How wlde the streets are 街道真宽啊
    5 两种感叹句互相转换 :
    How lovely a baby it is What a lovely baby it is 爱婴啊(感叹句中果中心词数名词单数形容词修饰时whathow引导感叹句常互相转换注意冠词位置)
    (C) 祈句
    1肯定形式:1) Please + 动词原形 2)动词原形…… please 3)动词原形 +
    2否定形式:Don’t + 动词原形
    3祈句应答语willwon’t表示意愿做愿意做 :
    a) Please tell the truth or I am not going to leave the room 请告诉真相否离开屋子
    b) –Tom help yourself to some fish –Thank you汤姆便吃鱼 谢谢
    c) –Don’t be late for the meeting next time –Sorry I won’t 次迟起会
    d) Don’t speak Chinese in your English class 英语课讲汉语
    e) –Write to me when you get home –I will 家写信会
    4祈句时掉语you表示厌烦命令等语气 :
    a) Don’t you be late again 迟
    b) You be quiet 消停点
    c) You get out of the room 屋里滚出
    5Let’s…祈句提建议包括说话双方省略语weLet us方提请求包括方省略语you :
    a) –Let’s go and have a look at the fashion show –Great Let’s go 时装表演吧极走吧
    b) –Mom Let us go and watch it –You can’t It’s dangerous 妈妈吧危险
    1here there开头倒装句:语名词完全倒装语代词完全倒装:
    a) Here you are (完全倒装)
    b) Here we are (完全倒装)
    c) Here are the twins 双胞胎(完全倒装)
    d) There goes the ball 球(完全倒装)
    2so neithernor引导倒装句:
    1) so表示肯定neithernor表示否定果引导句子语前句语样表示句前句情况相译……样……样完全倒装果引导句子语前句语样表示文赞许肯定确定等含义译成确确样完全倒装情况简记:
    2)种倒装句选文相应助动词情态动词系词be时态 :
    A 情况相语完全倒装
    a) Mike learns a lot about Internet And so do I 迈克特网学
    b) He can drive a car So can I 会开车会
    c) I’m here said Jim And so is Jack 吉姆说:吉姆
    d) – I went to Sanya last week – So did I –周三亚
    e) – I’m going to play basketball sfter school What about you – So am I 放学篮球呢?
    (1) Mr Lee has never been to America NeitherNor has Mr Wang李先生没美国王先生没美国
    (2) –Would your younger brother go for a picnic this Sunday –If I don’t go NeitherNor does he
    B 语两意件事完全倒装
    a) –What a fine day today –So it is –天气啊确
    b) –Kangkang studies well –So he does –康康学确
    (1) –Your father hasn’t gone to school –NeitherNor he has
    (2) Mr Zhang can’t speak Japanese –NeitherNor he can
    (三) 谓致
    1 意义致原:根句子意思判断语单数复数谓语动词应语保持称数致
    1) 注意身s结尾名词:maths数学(英式)physics news等句子中作语时谓语
    动词应第三称单数形式 :
    a) Maths is a very useful subject 数学门非常学科
    b) I don’t think the news in the newspaper is true 认报条消息真
    2) 表示时间长度价格重量等名词短语作语时应作整体名词复数形式谓语动词应该第三称单数形式 :
    a) Three years has already passed quickly 三年时间快
    b) Fifty yuan is enough 五十元足够
    3) family class police team group government(政府) crowed(群) population(口群众) crew(全体员) company(公司) audience(听众读者) committee(委员会) 等集合名词作语强调整体概念时谓语动词第三称单数形式强调中成员时谓语动词复数形式 :
    a) His family is moving next month 家月搬走
    b) His family enjoy watching football match 家爱足球
    c) Class Five is better than Class Four 五班四班
    d) Class Five are all out on the playground 五班学生出操场
    e) The football team is great 足球队伟
    f) The football team are having bath now 现足球队员正洗澡
    4) people词表示()意时集体名词总表示复数意义没单数形式做民族讲时单复数分 :
    a) Look Three American people are standing under that tree 三美国正站棵树
    b) There are 56 peoples in China 中国56民族
    5)the + 姓氏名词复数表示……家……夫妇作语时谓语动词应复数形式 :
    a) The Blacks enjoy working in China 布莱克家夫妇喜欢中国工作
    6) some any all more most the rest 分数百分数等作语谓语动词指代名词数致:
    a) All of the work has been finished 工作已完成
    b) It is said that 35 percent of the doctors are women 说35医生妇女
    d) Three fourths of the surface of the earth is the sea 球34海洋
    7)the number of + 名词复数作语意思……数目谓语动词单数a number of +名词复数作语意思量……谓语动词复数 :
    a) The number of chairs in the room is ten 屋椅子总10
    b) A large number of people have come to see the exhibition 许参观展览会
    8) and连接两名词指事物概念(两名词限定词)谓语单数果指两两事物概念(两名词限定词)谓语动词复数果and连接两单数名词表示分割整体war and peace(战争) iron and steel(钢铁) truth and honesty(真诚) a watch and chain (块带链表) a knife and fork(副刀叉) a peasant and writer(农民作家)等作语时谓语动词单数形式:
    a) My old friend and schoolmate lives in Beijing 老朋友老学住北京()
    b) My old friend and the old schoolmate live in Beijing 老朋友老学住北京(两)
    c) Bread and butter is their daily food 黄油面包日常食(事物)
    2 形式致原:谓语动词语单复数形式保持致
    1) 连词andboth … and …连接列语面复数形式谓语动词:
    a) New York and Boston are American cities 纽约波士顿美国城市
    b) Both she and her sister like drawing pictures 姐姐喜欢画画
    2) 两部分构成物体shoes trousers(裤子) gloves(手套) glasses scissors(剪子)等复数名词作语谓语动词复数形式前面… pair of等修饰时谓语动词数取决pair等量词单复数形式 :
    a) Your trousers are on your bed 裤子床
    b) This pair of trousers is Licy’s 条裤子露西
    c) Here are some new pairs of shoes 里新鞋
    3) 语with along with (起) together with(起) as well as besides in addition to[……()] rather than like except but including (包括) 等连接短语时谓语动词称数原语保持致应受短语影响 :
    a) MrGreen with two students is standing outside the classroom 格林先生两学生正站教室外面
    b) All the students except Lin Tao are planting trees on the hills 林涛外学生山植树
    c) The old woman together with her two grandsons is crossing the road位老太太带着两孙子马路
    4) each either neither another the other (a) little much作语修饰语时谓语动词单数 :
    a) Each of the books costs five yuan 书价值5元
    b) Each student has his own desk 学生课桌
    c) Neither answer is right 两答案
    d) Either of the twins likes bread 双胞胎喜欢面包
    e) Much of what you said is true 说许话真
    5) every some any no 等构成复合定代词句子中作语时谓语动词单数形式 :
    a) Everything begins to grow fast in spring 春天万物开始迅速生长
    b) Nobody wants to make friends with him 没想交朋友
    c) Something is wrong with that machine 台机器毛病
    6) 单数名词代词动名词短语动词定式句句子中作语时谓语动词单数形式what引导语句表示复数意义时谓语动词复数形式 :
    a) Climbing hills is more interesting than having classes 爬山课趣
    b) To do is much more difficult than to say 做说难
    c) What the boy wanted are some books 男孩书
    3 原:谓语动词语称数保持致
    1) there be句型中here开头句子中谓语动词应面名词保持致面名词止时谓语动词称数应名词称数保持致 :
    a) There are twentytwo students and a teacher in this group 组里22名学生名老师
    b) There is a car and two jeeps behind the house 房子面辆汽车两辆吉普车
    c) Here are two oranges and some milk 里两橘子牛奶
    2) either … or …(者……者……) neither … nor … (…………) not only … but also …(…………) … or … (……者……)等连接列语时谓语动词应语称数保持致 :
    a) Either you or he has to stay at home this afternoon 天午者者必须呆家里
    b) Neither he nor I am a student now 现学生
    c) Has Lucy or you called me 露西电话?
    d) Not only we but also he is right that is to say he as well as we is right


    1列句结构: 简单句 + 列连词 + 简单句
    and both…and… not only…but also… neither…nor… as well as so when and (then)<延>
    but while however yet still
    or either…or… not…but…
    for so therefore
    1) 列关系
    (1) and
    a) Work hard and you will pass the exam 努力学吧会通考试
    b) They sat down and talked about something 作者谈着什
    (2) both … and ……………()both of……(两)
    a) Both my father and mother are teachers 父母老师
    b) Both of them like singing 两喜欢唱歌
    (3) not only … but also …仅…………
    a) He likes not only playing basketball but also playing football 仅喜欢篮球喜欢踢足球
    b) Not only you but also my brother likes playing football 仅弟弟喜欢踢足球
    c) Not only does he likes reading stories but also he can even wite some 仅喜欢事会写事呢
    ( not only … but also …连接两列语时谓语动词保持致b)连接两分句not only
    位句首时第分句必须倒装 c) )
    (4) neither … nor ……………
    a) He can neither speak nor read French 会说会读法语
    b) Neither you nor he is right 正确
    (5) as well as(外)……
    a) He as well as his children is happy 孩子非常幸福
    b) She is clever as well as beautiful 聪明漂亮
    2) 转折关系
    (1) but
    a) The boy is little but strong 男孩力气
    b) He failed many times but he didn’t despair 失败次气馁
    (2) while然
    a) Tom was rich while his brother was very poor 汤姆非常富然哥哥非常穷
    b) Some people love dogs while others hate them 非常喜欢狗然非常讨厌狗
    (3) however然外
    a) He was ill however he went to school 生病然旧学
    b) She leaves her bedroom windows open however cold it is(倒装) 天气冷敞着卧室窗户
    (4) yet然
    a) It’s very good yet I don’t like it 确喜欢
    b) I got up very early (and) yet I failed to catch the first bus 起早然没赶早班车
    (5) still直然
    a) I worked the whole night and still didn’t finish the work 工作整夜然旧没完成工作
    b) He is tired (but) still he will make another experiment 累然做实验
    3) 选择关系
    (1) or or else otherwise ( 否定句中or般else连书面语中常otherwise )然否
    a) Hurry up or you’ll be late for school 快点然学迟
    b) Study hard or you’ll fail in the exam 努力学否会考试格
    (2) either … or …者……者………………
    a) Either you come or he is right
    b) Either you come to my place or I go to yours 者者
    (3) not … but ……………
    a) His mother did not scold him but comforted him instead 母亲没责怪安慰
    b) He isn’t at school but at home today 天没学校家
    4) 果关系
    (1) for ( for连接句子前面推断提出根者说出前面事实想起补充说明原for列连词时置两列句句首放两分句间)
    a) They must be friends for they are always together 总起定朋友
    b) She doesn’t go to school today for she is ill 天没学()生病
    c) We had better stay at home for it is raining 呆家里正雨
    (2) so therefore ( 般书面文体中 )
    a) He failed in the exam so he was unhappy these days 考试格天总闷闷乐
    b) He didn’t work hard therefore he failed in the examination 学努力次考试格


    1)引导词:before after as when while since not…until as soon asonce等
    (1)before after when not…until as soon as引导时间状语句果事情没发生现(三种表现:(a)will+动词原形般时(b)祈句 (c)含情态动词般现时)果事情发生(两种表现:(a)般时 (b)现完成时):
    a) I’ll write to you as soon as I get to Beijing 北京写信(现)
    b) Tell her about it whenbeforeafter she comes back 回时前告诉(现)
    c) I can’t go home until I finish my homework 直完成作业回家(现)
    d) She couldn’t ride a bike until she was ten 直10岁会骑行车()
    e)After Michael left school she went to Li Kangkang’s home 迈克尔离校康康家
    f)His family has still lived in Sizhan after the boy started to study in Sizan Middle School
    (2)since(……)引导时间状语句句现完成时句般时 :
    a)She has never gone back since she came last month月没回
    a)While he was doing my homework the lights went out做作业时灯灭(动作)
    b)Someone called me up while your mother was at home 妈妈家时电话(状态)
    果while()引导句子句子动作相伴发生时when换两句子时态致般进行时 :
    a)I was listening to music whilewhen he was reading 听音乐书
    b)What were you doing while your mother was cooking 妈妈做饭时做什?
    (4) as(边……边时)引导句子句子动作相伴发生时态致 :
    a) She read a letter as she walked along the river河边边散步边读信
    b)The man rides a donkey as he reads a singing notebook 边骑驴边唱
    (5) once(旦……相as soon as)引导时间状语句句般现时 :
    a) Once you get into a bad habit you’ll find it hard to get out of it旦染坏惯想改掉难
    b)Well once they find people in need they decide on suitable ways to help them
    1)引导词:where () wherever () :
    a) Where there is a will there is a way志者事竟成
    b)Wherever we are we should work hard应该努力工作
    1)引导词:if unless (非果) as long as ()
    现句种假设条件般现时表达条件发生事情will+动词原形般时相时祈句情态动词+动词原形般现时表达 :
    a) If everyone obeys the traffic rules the road will be much safe
    b)Open the door if we are all here果开门
    c) We can go to Bali Old City by bike if it is fine tomorrow
    d)Unless you hurry up you’ll be late非快点否会晚
    e) You’ll make great progress as long as you stick to reading English every day
    1)引导词:because() since (然) as () for ()
    (语气because重次since as for语气弱)
    (1)because表示直接原理常表示必然果关系(回答why引导特殊疑问句because) :
    a) He looks tired because he studies late night and didn’t get enough sleep
    (2)since表示稍加分析推断出原as正式 :
    a) Since no one is against it let’s carry out the plan
    (3)as表示方已知道原 :
    a) As Maria wasn’t ready in time we began having the lesson without her
    (4) for引导时间状语句句首for提供理种补充性说明for前常逗号 :
    a) The days are short for it is December now白天短已12月
    1)引导词:so that (结果) so…thatsuch…that (…………) so ()
    2) so…that… such…that…句子结构:

    形容词 + aan + 数名词单数
    语 + 动词 + so + manyfew + 数名词复数 + that句
    muchlittle + 数名词

    aan + 形容词 + 数名词单数
    语 + 动词 + such + + that句
    形容词 + 数名词复数数名词 :
    a)Jane is so careful a girl that she has never left his school things at school
    b)She is such a clever student that every teacher likes her a lot
    c)The book was written in such simple English that we could understand it easily
    1)引导词:so that (便) so…that (……便……) in order that ()so that so…that…引导目状语句时句谓语动词常can could may might will would should 等情态动词 :
    a) Mingming bought so English books that he can study English better
    b)People started to wear clothes so that they could protect themselves from the sun wind rain and cold开始穿衣免受日晒风吹雨淋寒冷侵袭
    c)They sent the book by email in order that it might reach us in good time
    1)引导词:(al)though (然) but () however (反然) even though even if (然) no matter
    2)英语句式中thoughbut however时yet (然) still () 时
    a) The story is short but there are many new words in it
    b)Though the student studies hard his grade hasn’t been high yet
    1)引导词:as () just as () as if as though ()
    a)We should put on a short play just as did it at the English Corner last time
    b) We must do as our teacher told us必须老师说做
    c)She acted as ifas though nothing had happened装作什没发生
    1)较连词:than (……) as (……样) :
    a) Jack works harder than any of the others (work hard) in his class
    b) It is not asso easy as you think想容易
    (句子作宾语宾语句常接宾语句词:say tell ask think hear know hope guess believe decide wonder等动词afraid sure sorry glad happy等表语形容词)
    a) They are waiting for the bus (肯定句)He said He said (that) they were waiting for the bus(宾语句)
    b) Will Lucy be back soon(般疑问句)Do you know Do you know if Lucy will be back soon (宾语句)
    c) What did they think of(特殊疑问句)Do you know Do you know what they thought of (宾语句)
    d) Who are they waiting for(特殊疑问句)You know You know who they are waiting for (宾语句)
    1)that引导陈述句身词义省略 :
    a) Do you know (that) US college students created an online marketplace on campus
    知道两美国学生校园创办网市场?b) I think (that) he’ll all right in a few days 想天会
    2)if whether引导般疑问句含义否 :
    a) He wondered whetherif he passed this exam 想知道否通次考试
    b) I don’t know if it will rain tomorrow 想知道明天否雨
    a) He asked who could answer the question 问谁回答问题
    b) I don’t know whom you should depend on 知道该谁
    c) Tell me what you want 告诉想什
    d) He didn’t tell me when we would meet again 没告诉说明时候见面
    e) Could you tell me how I can get there 否告诉达里?
    f) None of us knows where these new parts can be bought 中没知道里买新零件
    1) 句般现时般时句需种时态 :
    a) MrGreen says that the snow was very heavy last month 格林先生说月场雪
    b) Do you know if they will come and have dinner with us 知道否会起吃饭?
    c) She will tell me (that) she has never been to Mount Emei 说没峨眉山
    2) 果句时句某种时态(时进行时时完成时) :
    a) He said there were no classes yesterday afternoon 说昨天午没课(句般时)
    b) He said (that) he was going to take care of the baby 说婴(句时)
    c) The scientists didn’t know why the dinosaurs had disappeared科学家知道恐龙什会灭绝(完成时)
    d) He wrote to tell me that they would leave for Beijing next month写信告诉月北京(时)
    3) 果宾语句表示客观真理然规律永远般现时受句时态限制 :
    a) Our teacher told us that the moon goes around the earth 老师告诉月球绕着球转
    b) She said (that) her father is twentyeight years older than her 说父亲28岁
    c) He said that there are four seasons in China 说中国四季节
    4) Could you tell me …句宾语句Could you tell me…委婉语气般现时句受限制:
    a) Could you tell me where the nearest hospital is 告诉医院?

    1)正式文体中whether直接or notif(口语中if) :
    a) I don’t know whether he will come or not 知道
    b) Do you know whether it is a bird or not 知道鸟?
    2)whether引导宾语句移句首if :
    a) Whether they will go to Beijing we want to know 想知道否北京
    3) 介词whether if :
    a) They are talking about whether he will win the game 谈否赢赛
    b) Everything depends on whether you agree with us 切取决否赞
    c) The prblem lies in whether he would like to teach you 问题否愿意教
    4)定式前whetherif :
    a) I don’t know whether to go 知道否
    a) They are discussing whether they will start at ten 正讨否十点钟出发
    a)He asked what was wrong with you问啦
    b)I want to know who is running now想知道谁现正跑
    1)关系代词:who whom whose which that
    (1)who指定语句中作语表语谓语动词称数必须先行词致that换 :
    Do you know the man who came to see Mr Li this morning 知道天早李老师?
    He is a man (whom) we should all learn from位应该学
    (3)whose指定语句中作定语 :
    I like to visit a place whose history is long喜欢参观历史悠久方
    (4)which指物定语句中作语宾语表语 :
    The necklace (which) she is wearing is beautiful带条项链真美
    (5)that指指物定语句中作语宾语表语时who whomwhich互换 :
    Is there anything (that) you want to say now 现说东西?
    The man that he watered the trees by the road yesterday is Tom’s father
    2)关系副词:when where why
    (1)when指时间定语句中作时间状语 :
    It was the day when I went天
    (2)where指点定语句中作点状语 :
    This is the place where I have ever visited参观方
    (3)why指原定语句中作原状语(先行词reason词) :
    This is the reason why I didn’t come理
    1)关系代词定语句中作宾语时省略果关系代词前介词时省略关系代词定语句中作语时省略 :
    Do you still remember the man (whowhomthat) we visited some years ago
    The train thatwhich was going to Beijing was late开北京火车晚点
    2)关系副词转换介词+关系代词形式 :
    This is the place where I was born This is the place whichthat I was born in
    This is the place in which I was born出生方
    I’ll never forget the day when we met for the first time I’ll never forget the day whichthat we met on for the first time I’ll never forget the day on which we met for the first time永远会忘记第次见面天
    (1)先行词everything nothing something anything all little much few等定代词时 :
    We should do all that is useful to the people应该做切民事情
    (2)先行词all every no some any little much等修饰时 :
    You can take any seat that is free坐空位子
    (3)先行词the only the very the same the last等修饰时(先行词时whowhom)
    Music is the only thing that interests me音乐唯令感兴趣东西
    (4)先行词形容词高级修饰时 :
    This is the best novel that I have read读说
    (5)先行词序数词修饰时 :
    This is your second time that you told us the story第二次讲事
    (6)先行词时含物时 :
    We talked about the things and persons that we were interested in 谈感兴趣事
    (7)句whowhom which引导特殊疑问句 :
    Who is the person that is standing at the gate 站门口谁?
    (1)关系代词前介词指物时 :
    This is the train by which we went to Beijing 坐北京班列车
    (2)先行词身that时 :
    What’s that which flashed in the sky just now 刚天空中闪什?
    5)指时先行词one everybody anybody everyone anyone等定代词时who引导定语句that :
    Is there anyone who can answer this question 会回答问题?
    句型句型两种句型完整句仅先行词关系代副弄清定whowhom定物which先关系代词that定定物领定时副词when定where准行reason前why定代词分明关系代副做成分唯作宾语省that which互换列情况均办that情况较先说说:定代词指事物全that准没错先行词前修饰千万whichwhich着急介词提前出席


    () 动语态:语动作执行者
    (二) 动语态口诀
    (三) 动语态结构:be + 动词分词
    (四) 动语态时态表达:动语态种时态be动词变化体现记住be种时态变化形式加动词分词
    时 态
    动 式 谓 语 结 构
    amisare + 分词
    waswere + 分词
    shallwillbe going to be + 分词
    amisare being + 分词
    waswere being + 分词
    havehas been + 分词
    had been + 分词
    含情态动词动语态:情态动词 + be + 分词
    :1) The machine is used now 台机器现(般现时)
    2) The machine was used yesterday 台机器昨天(般时)
    3) The machine will be used next week 台机器星期(般时)
    4) The machine is being used 台机器正着(现进行时)
    5) The machine was being used this morning 台机器天午着(进行时)
    6) The machine has been used 台机器直着(现完成时)
    8) The machine had been used by the end of last month 台机器月末(完成时)
    9) The machine can be used台机器(含情态动词动语态)
    (五) 动语态变动语态步骤
    1原动句宾语变动句语2原动句谓语动词变动结构:be + 分词
    3原动句语放动句面by短语形式出现指明做事物没必指明省略(说明:动语态变动语态时be称数根新语称数致时态原句保持致宾语反身代词时谓语表示状态物动词时动句变成动句) :
    a) The person took care of the child 顾孩子(动语态)

    The child was taken care of by the person孩子顾(动语态)

    b) They make bikes in that factory家工厂生产行车(动语态)
    语 谓语 宾语 状语
    Bikes are made in that factory (by them)家工厂行车制造
    语 谓语 状语 宾语
    (六) 动语态法
    1 物动词动语态物动词没动语态 :
    a) Great changes have been taken place in our hometown these years (错)
    Great changes have taken place in our hometown these years(正确) 家乡年发生巨变化
    b) This computer is belonged to me (错)
    This computer belonged to me(正确) 台电脑属
    2 短语动词构成动语态时短语拆开 :
    a) My grandfather is being taken care of by us爷爷顾着
    b) The task was carried out last week项务周提出
    3 带双宾语动句变动句时直接宾语作语间接宾语作语直接宾语作语时间接宾语前应加tofor(动词pass give post leave等词应加介词to 动词buy sing cook draw make等词应加介词for) :
    a) I’ll give her a present for her birthday She will be given a present for her birthday by me A present will be given to her for birthday by me 买份生日礼物
    b)My brother bought me a kite I was bought a kite by my brother A kite was bought for me by brother
    4 定式作see watch look at hear listen to feel notice 等感官性动词make let have please等役性动词宾语补足语原省to变动语态时加to(let外)(宾语补足语已变成语补足语) :
    a) We noticed a man enter the bank(动语态) A man was noticed to enter the bank(动语态)
    注意进入银行 注意进入银行
    b) The big boy made the little one cry this morning The little boy was made to cry by the one this morning
    男孩天午男孩弄哭 男孩天午男孩弄哭
    5情态动词动语态:含情态动词动语态结构情态动词 + be + 分词含情态动词动语态句式变换均助情态动词完成 :
    a) Should my homework be finished before six 作业应该六点钟前完成?(般疑问句)
    b) When must this work be done 项工作必须什时候做?(特殊疑问句)
    c) This bridge can be built next year can’t it 座桥明年建成?(反义疑问句)
    d) This work needn’t be done at once 项工作没必立做(否定句)
    6 明确表示动语态表示动作get代be动词 :
    a) My bike got(代was) stolen行车偷走
    (七) 动结构表示动意义
    1 open lock sell read write clean cut wash burn teach drive shut ride等物动词作物动词(相联系动词)时果语物动语态表示动含义 :
    a) This kind of skirt sells well 款裙子卖
    b) The car drives well 辆车开
    2 end cook do print copy sell work out等动词现进行时表示动意义 :
    a) The meat is cooking 正煮肉
    b) The book is printing 书正印刷中
    3 look taste smell sound等感观性系动词动形式表示动意义 :
    a) The dress looks nice on you 穿条裙子漂亮
    b) The dish tastes good 道菜味道
    4 be worth doing结构中doing动形式表示动意义 :
    a) The topic is well worth talking about 话题值讨
    5 want need require等动词表示需面常动名词动形式表示动意义相to be done:All these computers need repairing( All these computers need to be repaired) 电脑需修理
    6 某表示发生爆发传播物动词happen break out spread等动形式表示动意义 :
    a) The accident happened in 2010 事发生2010年
    (八) 动语态系表结构区:(般解)
    be + 分词系表结构动语态区:动语态表示语承受者动作系表结构表示语特点处状态 :
    a) The letter was written yesterday 信昨天写(动作)
    b) The letter is written in English信英文写(状态)
    c) The store is closed at five商店五点钟关门(动作)
    d) The store is closed today 商店天开门(状态)


    1 直接引原话直接引语需做改变书面引时必须加双引号转述原话间
    接引语般宾语句复合句表达 :
    a) John said I like reading storybooks 约翰说:喜欢事书(直接引语)
    b) John said that he liked reading storybooks 约翰说喜欢事书(间接引语)
    2 直接引语变间接引语
    1) 陈述句感叹句变成that引导宾语句口语中that常常省略句尾句号 :
    a) He often says China is great 常说:中国伟
    He often says (that) China is great 常说伟
    2) 般疑问句选择疑问句反义疑问句变成whether引导宾语句口语常if代whether注意陈述语序 :
    a) He says Is Tom an Englishman 说:汤姆英国?
    He asks whetherif Tom is an Englishman 问汤姆否英国
    3) 特殊疑问句常变成疑问词形引导词引导宾语句陈述语序句尾句号 :
    a) He said Where is she going 说:?
    He asked where she was going 问
    4) 祈句常变成带to定式作宾语补足语复合宾语根句子意思定式前面加tell ask order等动词结构:tell ask order sb to do sth果祈句否定句定式前加not :
    a) Tom he said to him Come here please 汤姆说请
    He asked Tom to go there 求汤姆
    b) Don’t smoke in the roomhe said to me房间吸烟说
    He told me not to smoke in the room 告诉房间吸烟
    5) 直接引语中时间状语变成间接引语时常做调整
    直 接 引 语
    间 接 引 语
    that day
    this morningafternoon …
    that morningafternoon
    the day before the previous(前) day
    (the) day before yesterday
    two days before
    the followingnext day
    (the) day after tomorrow
    two days after in two days time
    next week month …
    the next weekmonth …

    last weekmonth …
    the weekmonth before …
    6)词转换:this变成that these变成those here变成there come变成go
    7) 句动词时直接引语变间接引语逆推原理时态调整:
    直 接 引 语 转 换 成 间
    接 引 语 时 态 变 化
    例 句
    直 接 引 语
    间 接 引 语
    He said I’m afraid I can’t finish the work
    He said that he was afraid he couldn’t finish the work
    He said I’m using the knife
    He said that he was using the knife


    She said I’ll do it after class
    She said that she would do it after class
    He said I came to help you
    He said that he had come to help me

    She said I’ve not heard from him since May
    She said that she had not heard from him since May
    He said I had finished my home work before supper
    He said that he had finished his home work before supper

    8) 注意点变化:
    (1)陈述句中say to sb常变tell ask等带双宾语动词直接引语中称作适调整 :
    a) I don’t like computers Sarah said to her friends 喜欢电脑塞拉朋友说
    Sarah told her friends that she didn’t like computers 塞拉告诉朋友喜欢电脑
    b) He said to me Did you see him last night 说:昨天晚?
    He asked me whether I had seen him the night before 问前天晚否
    (2) 疑问句中say常变ask wonder(想知道) want to know等表示疑问词语 :
    a) What can I do for you Did he say to you 做设说
    He askedwonderedwanted to know what he could do for you 问想知道做什
    (3) 直接引语果客观真理变间接引语时时态变 :
    a) He said Light travels much faster than sound 说:光传播声音快
    He said that light travels much faster than sound 说光传播声音快
    b) A friend in need is a friend indeed mother said to me 患难朋友真正朋友妈妈说
    Mother told me that a friend in need is a friend indeed 妈妈告诉患难朋友真正朋友
    (4) 果转述here必改there动词come必改go果天转述yesterday tomorrow等时间状语必改变
    () 请求建议询问意见
    1 Would Do you mind + sth 意反介意某事吧?
    (形容词性物代词宾格代词)+doing sth?意反介意(某)做某事吧?
    回答: 肯定 No of course not Certainly not Not at all …
    否定 I’m sorry Sorry but … I’m afraid you can’t :
    a) –Do you mind myme smoking here –Of course not 反里抽烟吧?然
    2 had better + (not) + do… (简略式:’d better) ()做…… :
    a) You’d better go to see a doctor 医生
    b) You’d better not eat hot food 吃辣食物
    3 shouldshouldn’t + do… 应该应该 :
    a) You should go to see a doctor应该医生
    b) You shouldn’t stay at home应该呆家里
    4 WhatHow about + sth doing sth ……样? :
    a) How about some rice 米饭样?
    b) What about flying a kite with me 起放风筝样?
    5 Why not + do…(Why don’t youwe do sth缩略)什…… :
    回答: 肯定 Good idea All right OK …
    否定 No let’s … :
    a) –Why not have some milk 什喝牛奶呢? Good idea 意
    6 Shall we I + do… ?做……?
    回答: 肯定 Good idea All right OK Yes let’s …
    否定 No let’s … No I don’t think so No I don’t think we shall … No let’s not …… :
    a) –Shall we go to the park 公园? Good idea 意
    7 Let’s + do… (建议) Let us + do… (请求) 做……吧 :
    a) –Let’s go to the zoo 动物园吧OK 吧(let’s包括说话双方)
    b) –Mom Let us go swimming妈妈游泳吧No it’s danger太危险(let us包括说话方)
    8 Would you please (not) + do… 请()做……?(客气) :
    a) –Would you please not open the door 请开门? OK
    9 May I do… 做……? :
    a) –May I ask some questions 问问题?Sorry you can’t 起
    10Would you like + sth 想……?
    回答: 肯定 Yes please
    否定 No thanks :
    a) Would you like another one bowl 碗? No thanks I’m full 谢谢吃饱
    Would you like to do … 想做……?
    回答: 肯定 Yes I’d lovelike to
    否定 I’d love to but I’m afraid … I’ve no time I have to … …(理) :
    a) –Would you have dinner with me 想起吃饭? Yes I’d love to 愿意
    11 CanCould youI + do… 做…… ?(couldcan语气委婉) :
    a) –Could you tell me how to use it 告诉?Sure
    b) –Could I borrow your bike 行车? Sure Here you are

    (二) 祝贺祝愿:
    Have a good day time Have a good journey trip Good luck Enjoy yourself Best wishes to you
    Happy New Year Merry Chistmas Happy birthday Congratulations Well done
    Thank you You too The same to you [说明:祝贺节日时果双方(thank you) The same to you应答果拥直接Thank you]

    (三) 询问时间
    What time is it please What’s the time Can you tell me the time please Do you have the time please
    Have you got the time please
    询问星期:What day is it 询问具体天:What s the date

    (四) 询问天气
    1What … like … :
    What was the weather like yesterday What is the weather like today What will the weather be like tomorrow
    2 How … :
    How was the weather yesterday How is the weather today How will the weather be next week
    回答:It was is will be + 形容词 (里形容词:sunny wet dry windy rainy snowy cloudy等)

    (五) 问路
    1) 问路时先说Excuse me(扰起请问) 体现礼貌否理
    a) Excuse me Where is + 点
    b) Excuse me Is there + 点 near here
    c) Excuse me How can I get to + 点 ?
    d) Excuse me Which is the way to + 点 ?
    e) Excuse me Which bus goes to + 点 ?
    g) Excuse me Can you tell me + the way to how can I get to how to + 点 ……?
    2) 应答:具体 :
    (1) It’s over there (2) It’s about 500 meters from here (3) Go down this street until you see the tall red building
    (4) Turn right left at the first second crossing corner (5) You can’t miss it (6) You can take bus No103
    (7) You’d better take a taxt (8) Sorry I don’t know I’m a stranger here (9) Walk along this road then turn right It’s on your right (10) Go straight ahead and you’ll see it’s on your left

    (六) 电话
    1 电话常语:
    a) Hello May I speak to … b) Is that … speaking(注意:Are you … Who are you )
    c) Can I leave a message d) I’ll call back later again e) I’ll ring him her up again
    2 接电话:
    (1) Hello This is Tom speaking(注意:I am Tom) (2) Hello Who is that (3) Hold on please
    (4) Hold on a moment (5) Hold the line please (6) Tom isn’t here right now (7) Sorry but Tom is out
    (8) Can I take a message for you (9) I couldn’t get through (10) Sorry I’m afraid you have the wrong number

    (七) 问候
    1 A Hello Hi B Hello Hi
    2 A Hello How are you B Fine thank you And (how are) you A Very well thanks
    3 A Good morning afternoon evening B Good morning afternoon evening
    4 A Hi Jim B Hi Jack Nice to see you again
    5 AHi Sam How are you today B Oh hello Mike Fine thanks What about you
    6 Please say hello to your parents Please give my best wishes to your parents

    (八) 道道谢道歉
    1告前 客方表示离开:
    (1) I’m afraid I must be going now I’m afraid I must go now
    (2) I think it’s time for me to leave now I think it’s time for us to go now
    (1) Goodbye Byebye Bye (2) See you later See you tomorrow See you (3) Good night
    (1) Thank you Thanks a lot Thank you very much (2) Thank you for your help
    (3) It’s very kind nice of you (4) Thank you anyway all the time
    (1) It’s a pleasure (2) That’s OK That’s all right (3) You’re welcome (4) Not at all
    (1) Excuse me please (2) I beg your pardon 请原谅 请说遍
    (1) Sorry (2) I’m sorry for … (3) I’m sorry that …
    (1) That’s all right That’s OK Never mind It’s nothing It doesn’t matter
    (九) 病
    (1) What’s the matter (2) What seems to be the trouble (3) Do you have a fever (4) It’s nothing serious
    (5) How long have you been like this (6) Take this medicine three times a day (7) You’ll be wellall right soon
    (1) I feel terriblebad (2) I don’t feel well (3) I’ve got a coughheadache (4) I’ve got a pain here
    (5) There’s something wrong with my eyes (6) It hurts here (7) I can’t sleep well

    (十) 询问姓名
    1 What’s your name 2 May I knowhave ask your name 3 Your name please

    (十) 询问职业
    1 What is + sb 2 What s sb’s job 3 What doesdo + sb + do :
    What s your father What’s your father’s job What does your father do –He is a businessman

    (十二) 问感觉
    1 What do you think of … (物特点)2 How do you like … (物感受) :
    a) –What do you think of the meat 觉肉样? Delicious味道
    b) –How do you like the meat 觉肉样? Not bad 错

    (十三) 餐
    1 What would you like to have 2 Would you like something to eatdrink 3 Would you like some more …
    4 What’s your favorite food 5 Help yourself to some … 6 I’d like … 7 Thank you I’ve had enough
    8 Just a little please 9 I’m full thank you

    (十四) 询问毛病:
    1 What’s wrong What’s the trouble What’s the matter (with sbsth) (病麻烦事)
    2 What’s up (with sbsth) (尤指出现异常愉快事相What’s the matter ):
    What’ up with him?He is angry? 怒气
    3 Is there anything wrong (with sbsth) 某某物毛病?
    4 There is something wrong (with sbsth) 某某物毛病


    () 注意列常见短语中to介词加名词代词动名词情况
    1 help oneself to 便吃喝…… 2 prefer … to … ……更喜欢…… 3 look forward to 期盼……
    4 beget used to 惯…… 5 thanks to 亏…… 6pay attention to 注意…… 7 stick to 坚持……
    8 make a contribution to ……做出贡献

    (二) 英语中四说
    to to withto
    say(说) speak(讲说) tell(告诉讲述) talk(谈谈话)

    容 语种 事历
    sth aboutof

    (三) 英语中四花
    1 spend (花度) pay (付款) cost (花值) take (花掉)
    2 常句式:
    (1) sb + spend + 时间钱 + on sth I spent 5 yuan on the pen 花5元买钢笔
    (in) doing sth I spent 5 yuan (in) buying the pen 花5元买钢笔
    (2) sb + pay + 钱 + for sth I paid 5 yuan for the pen 花5元买钢笔
    (3) sth + cost + (sb) + 钱 The pen cost me 5 yuan 钢笔花5元钱
    (4) It + take + (sb) + 时间钱 + to do sth It took me 5 yuan to buy the pen 买钢笔花5元钱

    (四) be sure点通
    1 be sure + that句 相信……
    2 be not sure + ifwhether句 确信否……
    3 be sure to do sth 肯定做……
    4 be sure about ……握
    5 be sure of… 确信…… :
    a) I’m sure (that) he will help you 相信会帮助
    b) We are not sure ifwhether there are aliens 确信否外星
    c) It is sure to snow 天肯定雪
    d) I’m not sure about the English words 英语单词没握
    e) My sister is sure of winning the match 姐姐确信赢场赛

    (五) 阻止某做某事
    1 stop prevent sbsth (from) doing sth阻止某某物做某事(from省略)
    2 keep sbsth from doing sth阻止某某物做某事(from省略) :
    a) What can stop me (from) going if I want to go 果什阻止呢?
    b) Nothing will prevent us (from) reaching our aims 什阻止达目
    c) What’s more trees can keep water from running away 树木阻止水土流失

    (六) 希田野
    1 hopewish to do sth希做某事
    2 hopewish + that句 希某做某事
    3 wish sb to do sth希某做某事(处hope)

    (七) 想做某事
    1 want to do sth 2 would like to do sth 3 feel like doing sth

    (八) keep法结
    1 keep保持坚持保存保养活饲养行动词 :
    a) You can keep the book for two weeks 书两周
    b) My job is keeping animals on the farm 工作实农场里饲养动物
    2 keep 作联系动词 :Keep quiet please 请安静
    3 keep doing sth直做某事坚持做某事(间断)keep on doing sth 反复做某事(间隔)
    a) The boy kept crying before his mother came 妈妈前男孩直哭
    b) He kept on asking questions in the English class 英语课堂总提问题
    4 keep + sbsth + 形容词副词介词现分词分词(宾补)保持某某物…… :
    a) Close the door and keep the room warm 关门保持室温暖
    b) I’m very sorry for keeping you waiting so long 抱歉等长时间
    c) She always keeps the table covered 总蒙着桌子
    d) Doing sports can keep your health better 运动健康更
    e) Keep the dog in the room 狗出屋

    (九) 更喜欢宁愿
    1 prefer 宁愿更喜欢
    (1) prefer + 名词代词动名词 :
    a) He prefers musicitlistening to music 更喜欢音乐听音乐
    (2) prefer + sthdoing (sth) + to + sthdoing (sth) ……相更喜欢…… :
    a) I prefer volleyball to basketball 篮球相更喜欢排球
    b) She prefers singing to dancing 更喜欢唱歌喜欢跳舞
    (3) prefer to do sthrather than do sth 宁愿……愿…… :
    a) She preferred to walk there rather than go by car 宁愿走着愿坐汽车
    2 would rather 宁愿
    (1) would rather 情态动词接动词原形 :
    a) I would rather walk home 宁愿走着回家
    (2) would rather do (sth) than do (sth) 做……相宁愿做…… :
    a) I would rather watch sports shows than (watch) the others 节目相更喜欢体育节目
    b) I would rather die than tell you about it 宁愿死愿告诉件事

    (十) 玩高兴
    1 have a goodnicewonderfulgreat time 2 enjoy oneself 3 have fun (in)doing sth

    (十) 喜欢做某事
    1 likelove doing sth(惯爱) 2 likelove to do sth(次性喜) 3 enjoy doing sth (中享乐)
    4 be fond of sthdoing sth 5 be interesting in (兴趣)

    (十二) seem法结
    1 seem似联系动词appear相似
    seem + to do sth (表示推测)
    介词like引导短语 :
    a) She always seems sad 总伤心
    b) He seemed an honest man 似诚实
    c) He seems to have caught a cold似感
    d) It seems like years since I saw you last time 年没
    2 It + seem + that句as if句 :
    a) It seems that he is lying 撒谎
    b) It seems as if our team is going to win 队胜

    (十三) 脑瓜细脖译it作形式语句型
    1 it代定式作语 四金刚
    1) It + be + 形容词 + to do sth 做某事……样 :
    a) It is nesessary to learn foreign language 学外语必
    2) It + be + 形容词 + of sb + to do sth 某做某事真太……(说)
    (说明:该句型重点说样句型中形容词通常表示sb特征品格观感情态度样形容词:good kind nice wise polite clever right careful foolish silly stupid rude wrong cruel impolite careless 等通常样句型转换成定式作状语句子):
    a) It’s very kind of you to help me with my math 帮学数学真太(说呢)
    You are kind to help me with my math (义句)
    b) It’s silly of you to make friends with him 交朋友真太傻(说傻呢)
    You are silly to make friends with him (义句)
    3) It + be + 形容词 + for sb + to do sth 做某事某说真太……(说事)
    (说明:该句型说做某事某样句型中形容词通常表示to do sth客观情况
    样形容词:easy hard difficult important necessary possible impossible等 :
    a) It’s necessary for us to learn English well 学英语说必(说学英语必)
    b) It’s hard for him to finish the work in three days 说三天完成项工作难(说完成难)
    4) It + be + 名词 + for+名词代词动名词to do sth 做某事……某事说……该某…… :
    a) It’s a good season to swim in summer 夏天游泳季节( It’s a good season for swimming summer)
    b) It’s time for lunch 该吃午饭 ( It’s time to have lunch)
    c) It’s time to get up 该起床( It’s time for getting up)
    d) It’s time for you to go home 该回家(It’s time for…It’s time to do…合二)
    2 it代句作语 三足鼎立
    1) It + be + 形容词 + that句 ………… :
    (说明:该句型中it形式语that句真正语样形容词:important wellknow(众周知) right suitable(合适) true(真) impossible() necessary(必) strange(奇怪) possible() lucky(幸运)等 :
    a) It is important that you choose clothes that suit your shape 挑选适合体型衣服重
    b) It is impossible that everyone likes the same clothes 喜欢样衣服
    2) It + be + 分词 + that句 (说报道猜测……)……
    (说明:想避免说出动作执行者时采句式句式动词:say know believe suppose expect think report imagine等外表示说报道等 含义时
    peoplethey + sayreportthinkknowbelievesupposeexpectimagine… + that句sb is saidreportedthought
    knownbelievedsupposedexpectedimagined… + to do两种句型表达含义变) :
    a) It’s said that she is the best teacher in the school 说学校老师
    She is said to be the best teacher in the school(义句)
    b) It was reported that a plane dropped into the sea near Dalian 说架飞机坠落连海域
    They reported that a plane dropped into the sea near Dalian(义句)
    c) It’s guessed that Chinese team will win the game 猜测中国队赢场赛
    People guess that Chinese team will win the game(义句)
    3) It + be + 强调部分 + that句 …… 干什干什
    (说明:强调结构强调语宾语时间状语点状语唯独强调谓语果强调that换成whowhom) :
    a) I met Jack in the street yesterday 昨天街遇杰克
    强调句分强调句子中 I Kangkang in the street yesterday 请列句子:
    It was I thatwho met Jack in the street yesterday 昨天街杰克 (强调语)
    It was Jack thatwhom I met in the street yesterday 杰克昨天街遇 (强调宾语)
    It was in street that I met Jack yesterday 街昨天遇杰克 (强调点状语)
    It was yesterday that I met Jack in the street 昨天街遇杰克 (强调时间状语
    (十四) ……现长时间
    It has been + 时间段 + since …
    It is + 时间段 + since …… ……现已长时间 :
    时间段 + has passed since ……
    It has been It is15 days since we came here Fifteen days has passed since we came here已15天


    分 类
    特 点
    举 例

    We love our country热爱国家
    He teaches us physics教物理

    He is standing正站着
    My father often comes back late父亲常回家晚
    联 系 动 词
    The flowers look very beautiful花起漂亮
    She is a good student学生
    情 态 动 词
    I can swim会游泳
    Must I be here tomorrow 明天必须里?
    助 动 词
    I don’t know what to do知道该做什(构成否定)
    Jim has been to Beijing twice吉姆北京两次(构成时态)
    1 实义动词
    1) 物动词
    accept (接受) borrow () enjoy (喜欢) put (放) worry (担心) use () love (爱) hate(恨)等:
    1) I hope he would accept my invitation希够接受邀请
    2) You can borrow one book at a time from the library图书馆次书
    return () bring (带) give () hand (递) pass (递) pay (付款) post (寄) buy (买) find (发现)
    choose (选择) show (表现) teach (教)等:
    1) I returned him the storybook事书
    2) I’ll find you another chance会找机会
    hear (听) keep (保持) leave (留) make () call () name (命名) allow (允许)
    see (见) watch (注视) tell (告诉) believe (相信) think (认)等:
    1) Can you hear someone playing the piano next door听见隔壁弹钢琴?
    2) Mother often tells me to make friends carefully妈妈常告诫交朋友心
    appear (出现) arrive (达) come () die (死) fall (掉落) go () happen (发生) jump (跳) lie (躺) listen (听) look () stand (站) stay (留) sit (坐) wait (等) walk (走) 等 :
    1) The lost dog appeared again this morning丢失狗天早出现
    2) A traffic accident happened yesterday afternoon昨天午发生起交通事
    begin with……开始 care for关心顾 catch up with赶
    come from come in进 come on加油
    come out出版发表发行 fall behind落 find out找出查明
    get on相处进展 get out出离开 get along相处
    get over克服恢复原谅 get away赠送分发 go on继续
    go off发出响声 go out外出熄灭 go over仔细检查复
    grow up长 hold on to继续坚持保持 laugh at嘲笑
    have a good time玩高兴 hear of听说 listen to听……
    look at look after顾 look for寻找
    look forward to盼期 look over仔细检查(身体) look up(字典号码等中)查找
    make up编造组成 make up for补偿弥补 pass on传递
    pay attention to注意留心…… pay for……付款 pick up拾起
    point out指出指明 point to指 run off跑掉迅速离开
    put on穿戴 send for派请 send up发射发送
    sell out买完 sit down坐 take off脱起飞
    stand up起立 talk about谈 take out取出
    talk to sb某谈话 thanks to亏 turn on开
    turn off关 wait for等 turn to翻转
    wake up醒 write down写 worry about……担心
    1) 常联系动词:
    (1)完全系动词be(am is are was were been) 时译成时必译出变疑问否定助be:
    1) Is he an editor?位编辑?
    2) She isn’t in a red dress没穿红连衣裙
    a) 感观性系动词:
    feel (摸起感) smell (闻起) sound (听起) taste (尝起)look (起)
    b) 状态系动词:
    keep (保持) remain (保持) stay (保持) seem (似) appear (起) prove (证明)
    c) 状态变化系动词:
    become (开始变) get (变) go (变成) grow (渐渐变) turn (变) :
    1) He always kept silent at meeting 开会时总保持沉默
    2) Did the window remain open all the night?扇窗子整夜开着?
    3) She didn’t grow rich within a short time 没夜暴富
    4) Your idea proves right 想法证明正确
    情态动词表示说话某动作状态态度情态动词身定意义没称 数变化独
    1) cancould 法
    (1) cancould表示力技许建议请求性较委婉客气提出问
    1) Can you drive a car 会开车?
    2) This type of MP5 is my favorite but I can’t afford it 款MP5爱买起
    3) You can take both if you want 果想两着
    4) Could you show me the way – Of course I can –告诉?然
    5) Listen Helen is singing in the next room 听海伦正隔壁房间唱歌
    It can’t be Helen She has gone to Beijing 海伦已北京
    2) cancouldbe able to区
    (1) can表示力时be able to代
    (2) can现时时两种时态(现时表)常表示动物天形成永久性力
    (3) be able to力短时期力种时态尤指某次性力
    (4) 时态时waswere able to强调通努力成功做could表示具备力表明否实施:
    1) I shall be able to earn my living soon 快谋生
    2) The wounded man was still able to get to the village and was saved in the end
    3) I could read books when I was four 四岁时读书
    3) maymight法
    (1) may问句中表示征求意见陈述句中表示许较性等
    (2) might作may式单独情态动词表示礼貌请求等指
    1) May I take the magazine out of the reading room 杂志带出阅览室?
    Yes you mayYes pleaseNo you can’tNo you mustn’tNo you’d better not
    2) It may rain this afternoon 天午雨
    3) Might I use your pen for a while 会钢笔?
    4) If you were older you might understand 假年龄点会理解
    4) musthave to区
    (1) must表示观必须have to表示客观
    (2)must般现时否定回答needn’tdon’tdoesn’t have to(必)mustn’t(mustn’t含
    禁止意) have to种时态否定句疑问句中助助动词:
    1) You must bring your homework here tomorrow morning 明早定作业带
    2) Must I finish my work before I go home 回家前必须完成工作?
    Yesyou must 必须 No you needn’tyou don’t have to 必
    3) We mustn’t break the traffic rules 违反交通规
    5)maymight must can表示猜测判断
    (1) maymightmust肯定猜测may握性might性更must握性
    (2) can否定疑问猜测
    (3) may否定猜测can性稍:
    1) Look there must be some people in that room听屋里定
    2) Can that man be Mr Li 李先生?
    3) He can’t be Mr Li Mr Li is much taller I think he may be Mr Wang
    6) shallshould法
    1) Shall we go out for a walk 出散步?
    2) You should answer my question in English 应该英语回答问题
    3) They shouldn’t be so careless 该粗心
    4) My sister should be home by now 妹妹现应该家
    7) willwould法
    (1) will表示现意愿would表示意愿(2) Willwould第二称疑问句中would时
    1) Go where you will 愿意方
    2) He wouldn’t help me yesterday 昨天愿帮
    3) Won’t you take off your coat 衣脱掉?
    3) WillWould you please post the letter for me 请帮寄封信?
    8) need法
    (1) need作情态动词般否定句疑问句中情态动词need提问时肯定回答must否定回答
    needn’t(2) need作实意动词时种形式种句型中表示意义:
    1) You needn’t show her the answer to the question 必问题答案
    2) Need I finish my homework today 必须天完成作业?
    Yes you must No you needn’t 必须天完成必天完成
    3) Does he need to wash his hands 洗手?
    Yes he doesNo he doesn’t 洗必洗
    4) Did they need to do it yesterday 昨天需做件事?
    9) 复合情态动词否定疑问形式
    (1)ought to(应该)used to(常常……)否定形式oughtn’t tousedn’t todidn’t use tohad better(
    ……)would rather(宁愿)否定形式had better notwould rather not
    (2)ought to used to would rather had better疑问句形式ought useddid would had提语前
    do(式did) have(式had) shall(式should) will(式would)
    动词作谓语做成分马想非谓语动词非谓语动词没时态称数变化非谓语动词包括:定式(to do)ing形式(现分词动名词)分词三种
    1 首先准确握非谓语动词含义
    to do: 做 ing:进行常做 分词:动完成

    to do ing 分词

    2 然理解非谓语动词性质
    定式: 次性目性 否定式:not to do
    ing形式: 次性连续性 否定式:not doing
    分词:终止性动性 否定式:not+分词
    3 准确握句子成分
    1) 定式句法功
    (1) 作语
    a) To learn English well is very important It is very important to learn English well 学英语重
    (2) 作宾语
    want decide agree love like begin start forget等动词常定式作宾语语 + findfeel + it + 形容词 + to do sth
    句型中it形式宾语真正宾语面动词定式 :
    a) We agreed to start early 意早点出发
    b) She wants to be a doctor 想成名医生
    c) The man downstairs found it difficult to get to sleep 楼发现难入睡
    (3) 作宾语补足语
    tell ask want order teach invite warn wish help get等词面常接动词定式作宾语补足语:
    a) I tell him not to go there by bus 告诉公交车里
    动词定式作感官性动词役性动词宾语补足语省略to类动词纳感feel二听hear listen to三let make have四see watch notice look at变成动语态述结构中动词定式符号to保留(let外) :
    a) The boss makes them work 16 hours a day They are made to work 16 hours a day by the boss
    b) I heard her sing in the next room She was heard to sing in the next room by me
    (4) 作定语
    定式作定语通常放修饰名词代词面常列结构:定代词 + to dohave sth to doenough + 名词 + to do :
    a) The doctor said he could do nothing to help the boy 医生说男孩力
    b) I have a small bedroom to live in 卧室住
    c) There is enough room to put the big table 足够空间放张桌子
    (5) 作状语
    动词定式作状语表示原目结果等 :
    a) I am glad to see you here 高兴里见(原状语)
    b) To know more about tomorrow’s weather call 121 想知道更明日天气信息请拨121(目状语)
    c) The room is large enough to hold 1 000 people 房间足够容纳1 000(结果状语)
    (6) 作表语
    定式常作dream task way job hope等名词表语 :
    a) My dream is to be a scientist in the future 梦想名科学家(次性)(目性)
    b) Our task is to complete this work 务完成项工作(次性)(目性)
    c) Her job is to look after the old 工作顾老(次性)(目性)
    2) 动名词句法功
    (1) 作语 :
    a) Reading is important in learning English 学英语阅读重
    b) Looking after the patient is a nurse’s job 料病护士工作
    (2) 作表语 :
    a) His hobby is collecting stamps 爱集邮(次性)
    b) My greatest happiness is serving the people 幸福民服务(次性)
    (3) 作动词介词宾语 :
    a) Please stop writing 请写
    b) The teacher finished checking 老师批改完作业
    c) She sat there without speaking 坐讲话
    d) I look forward to seeing him again 盼次见
    (4) 作定语 :
    a) Does he work in the readingroom 阅览室工作?
    b) Our teacher use a very good teaching method 老师教学方法
    3) 分词句法功
    a) boiling water 沸水(正沸腾水)(正进行)boiled water 开水(已烧开水)(结束完成)
    b) developing country 发展中国家(正发展)(正进行)developed country 发达国家(发展完)(结束完成)
    c) an exciting film 步激动心电影(动)excited audiences 激动观众(动)
    d) I heard someone closing the door 听见关门(动含义)
    I heared the door closed 听见门关(动含义)
    (1) 作定语(单分词作定语常放修饰词前面时放修饰词面分词短语作定语放修饰词面) :
    a) I am reading an interesting book 趣书(修饰词前)
    b) I bought some painted chairs 买张油漆椅子(修饰词前)
    c) There is something missing 东西丢失(修饰词)
    d) Make sentences with the phrases given 短语造句(修饰词)
    e) Do you know the man sitting there 认识坐里?(修饰词)
    d) Everybody attended the meeting held last week参加星期举行会议(修饰词)
    (2) 作表语 :
    a) The story is very touching 事动
    b) The desks are broken 桌子坏
    (3) 作宾语补足语 :
    a) We saw him climbing a tree 见爬树(正进行)
    b) I am sorry to have kept you waiting 起久等
    a) I saw him go upstairs 见楼(强调楼全程)
    b) I saw him going upstairs 见正楼走(强调楼动作进行)
    c) I heard him sing a song 听唱首歌(唱歌全程)
    d) I heard him singing a song 听见唱歌(强调正唱歌)
    (4) 作状语 :
    a) Looking out of the window I saw some students playing there 窗户出见学生玩(时间状语)
    b) Being League members we are ready to help others 团员乐帮助(原状语)
    c) He came running back to tell me the news 跑回告诉消息(方式状语)
    d) The child fell striking his head against the door 孩子摔跤头门碰(结果状语)
    e) The boy sat in front of the farmhouse cutting the branch 男孩坐农舍前削树枝(伴状语)
    4 特注意定式动名词作动词宾语常表达
    (1)remember to do sth记做某事(某事没做) (2)forget to do sth忘记做某事(某事没做)
    remember doing sth记做某事(某事已做) forget doing sth忘做事(某事已做)
    (3)stop to do sth停做外件事 (4)go on to do sth接着做外件事(中间停顿)
    stop doing sth停止原先正做事 go on doing sth继续做原先做事(中间停顿)
    agree to do sth意做某事 ask to do sth求做某事 want to do sth想做某事
    would like to do sth想做某事 hope to do sth希做某事 wish to do sth希做某事
    learn to do sth学做某事 need to do sth需做某事 plan to do sth计划做某事
    choose to do sth选择做某事 fail to do sth忘记忽略做某事 manage to do sth设法做某事
    offer to do sth提供做某事 pretend to do sth假装做某事 determine to do sth决定做某事
    mean to do sth 意味着表明做某事refuse to do sth拒绝做某事 promise to do sth许诺保证做某事
    afford to do sth承担做某事 beg to do sth祈求做某事 attempt to do sth试图做某事
    值 喜欢话坚持 练 完成
    be worth preferenjoy keep practice go finish
    免 介意 忙碌话考虑 放弃 错吧
    can’t help mind be busy consider give up miss
    避免承认话建议 原谅 遗憾吧
    avoid admit suggest what about excuse regret
    5 注意动词定式ing形式重句型
    1) 疑问词 + 动词定式
    动词定式what who whose(定式动词带宾语时) when where how why(定式动词带宾语时)等疑问词连组成定式短语相没语句作语宾语表语等 :
    a) I don’t know what to do next 知道步做什( I don’t know what I do next)
    b) How to do it isn’t right 做( How I do it isn’t right)
    2) too … to …太…… ()……enough … to … 足够…… :
    a) I am too tired to walk any further 太累走动
    b) He was lucky enough to find a seat 够幸运找座位
    3) It iswas + 形容词 + forof sb to do sth :
    a) It is easy for me to speak English 说说英语容易
    b) It is foolish of you to do that 真傻做样事
    4) Would rather do sth than do sth 宁愿做……愿做…… (would rather作情态动词):
    a) I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema 宁家电视愿电影
    5) prefer to do … rather than (to) do … prefer doing … to doing …固定法表示宁愿……愿……
    a) He preferred to stay at home rather than go with us 宁愿呆家里愿起
    6) be busy doing sth意忙做某事be worth doing sth意值做某事 :
    a) He is busy doing his homework 正忙着写作业
    b) She is worth trusting 值信
    (三) 延续性动词结束性动词
    1 延续性动词:
    表示持续段时间动作状态表示时间段时间状语连:stay wait sleep lie read write sing study work live watch run stand draw wear walk teach speak talk be have know smoke等
    表示刹间动作动作旦发生便立停止肯定句中表示时间段时间状语连 :stop leave reach arrive finish kill die break open close receive join come find go see hear begin start lose fall get up go to sleep put on fall asleep wake up borrow lend marry等
    1) 果肯定句中含 for + 段时间 since + 时间点during + 时间名词等表示时间段时间状
    语谓语动词延续性动词 :
    (1) I once studied in Beijing for four years北京学四年
    (2) The Smiths have lived in China since 2009史密斯家2009年住中国
    (3) We stayed at home for two days since we came back回家呆两天
    (4) I learned a lot during my childhood时候学
    2) how long 提问句子中 :
    (1) How long can I keep this book 书长时间?
    (2) How long have you been here 长时间?
    3)until肯定句中表示某动作持续某时 :
    (1) He lives in the city until now直住城市
    (2) We’d better wait until the rain stops等雨停
    1)肯定句中表示时间段时间状语连否定句 :
    (1) He has already finished his work已完成工作
    (2) He hasn’t borrowed my money for 10 years yet已十年没钱
    2)进行时中表示重复行动 :
    (1) It is starting马开始
    (2) He is always leaving things about总处扔东西
    3)not…until(直…………) 连 :
    (1) The shop doesn’t open until 10 o’clock直10点家商店开门
    (2) I didn’t go to bed until my father came back直爸爸回睡觉
    4)含in + 某段时间表示某段时间中某时间点肯定句中 :
    (1) Chairman Mao died in 1976毛席1976年逝世
    buy – have die – be dead borrowlend – keep beginstart – be on open – be open close – be closed put on –
    wear put on(演) – be on become – be leavego – be away (from) come – be instay go out – be out join – be
    inbe a member of marry – be married go to sleep – be asleep get up – be up get to know – know take a cold
    catch a coldget a cold – have a cold等

    二 名词快乐集中营

    体名词 dog chair apple…
    数名词 集体名词 family class police…
    普通名词 物质名词 paper tea ink…
    名词 数名词 抽象名词 happiness information…
    专名词 China Michael Class5 WTO…
    情 况
    构 成 方 法
    读 音
    词 例
    + s
    清辅音读 s浊辅音元音读 zce se ze (d)ge读 iz
    son–sons day–days map–maps
    car–cars computer–computers
    boat–boats girl–girls
    2s x sh ch结尾词
    + es
    读 iz
    class–classes box–boxes
    brush–brushes matchmatches
    变yi + es
    读 z
    baby–babies country–countries
    数应f(e)变成v + es少数直接 + s
    ves读 vz
    fs读 fs
    knife–knives half–halves
    leaf–leaves shelf–shelves life–lives
    belief–beliefs roof–roofs
    辅音字母+o结尾名词般 +es元音字母+o结尾名词o结尾外词(photo piano等)般+s
    读 z
    hero–heroes potato–potatoes
    tomato–tomatoes zero–zero(e)s
    zoo–zoos kilo–kilos
    kangaroo–kangaroos radioradios
    child – children Chinese – Chinese deer(鹿) – deer fish(鱼) –fish foot – feet
    goose(鹅) – geese Japanese – Japanese man – men mouse(鼠) – mice
    people –people sheep(绵羊羊驯服) – sheep tooth – teeth
    (1)s结尾国单复数相 Chinese Chinese Japanese Japanese
    (2) 英国法国a变e EnglishmanEnglishmen FrenchmanFrenchmen
    (3) 余国家律加s :GermanGermans RussianRussians IndianIndians CanadianCanadians AmericanAmericans AustralianAustralians AsianAsians
    3) 合成名词复数形式
    两两名词构成合成名词变复数般名词变复数形式manwoman作修饰语合成名词前两词变sport作修饰语合成名词永远sports :
    banana tree – banana trees boy student – boy students sisterinlaw – sistersinlaw(合法姐妹) man teacher – men teachers woman doctor – women doctors sports sweater – sports sweaters sports meeting
    数名词时某表示计量普通名词连组成of短语表达量概念 a glass of milk two cups of tea a bag of rice three pieces of music
    1) 名词中表示关系词法形式名词格
    2) 名词格分类
    (1) 表示生命名词格名词词尾 + ’s s结尾名词词尾加 ’(2) 表示生命事物格常of短语构成 :
    my mother’s skirt妈妈裙子 Mary’s hair玛丽头发 children’s books孩子书my friends’ hometown
    朋友家乡 students’ bags学生书包
    a map of China张中国图the students of Class5五班学legs of the desk桌子腿
    (3) 表示某物时A and B’s形式表达表示某物分拥时A’s and B’s形式表达 :
    Jack Sam and Tom’s bedroom(三) Jack’s Sam’s and Tom’s bedrooms()
    (4) 表示时间距离天气价格国家城市团体时 ’s格 :
    ten minutes’ walk十分钟徒步路程 New Year’s Day元旦 today’s news天消息 China’s development中国发展 the world’s population世界口
    (5) 表示某家店铺办公室诊务室时 ’s格常省略面名词:
    at my uncle’s (house)叔叔家 at the doctor’s (office)诊里
    (6) 表示生命名词短语前of格 :
    a) the birthdays of the students in Kate’s凯特班学生日
    b) sound of children playing in the park公园里玩耍孩子声音
    (7)of + ’s格名词性物代词构成双重格 :
    a daughter of Mr Zhang’s张老师女 Tod is a friend of mine托德朋友
    较:a photo of Jane’s简片(简拥张片未必)
    a photo of Jane简片(简)
    4 类似名词格形式
    a) to表示属关系 :
    the key to the door门钥匙 the way to Sizhan四站路 the answer to the question问题答案 the secretary to the boss老板秘书
    b) from表示源 :
    Michael from America美国迈克尔 Maria from Class4四班玛利亚
    c) for表示原 : a ticket for drinking酒驾罚款单
    d) 物代词类似代词格 :his name名字 whose bag谁书包
    5 巧记名词
    1) 名词变复数口诀:
    爱吃土豆(potato)西红柿(tomato) f变vy变i仔细区
    2) f(e)结尾名词变f(e)v+es口诀:
    躲架(shelf)保(self) 命(life)半(half)片树叶(leaf)遮目光
    3) 串句巧记:o结尾名词变复数词尾+s
    4) 巧记国名词变复数口溜:
    5) 串句巧记or结尾名词:
    6) 常见数名词巧记:


    2(I we)第称(you)第二称第第二称外切物事第三称(he him she her it they them)

    称 格
    单 数
    复 数

    宾 格

    宾 格



    1) They wish us to look after them 希顾
    2) You she and I all enjoy music 喜欢音乐
    3) I and he are wrong 错
    4) We you and they should return on time 应该时回
    1) Where’s tea grown 什方种茶叶?–It’s grown in the southeast of China 中国东南部种植
    2) The baby is crying It might be hungry 婴哭饿
    2it代前面提事物文提情况避免重复 :
    1) He smokes in bed and I don’t like it 床抽烟喜欢样
    3it指天气时间距离等 :
    1) It’s very cold today 天非常冷 2)It’s ten o’clock now 现10点钟
    4it代作语宾语定式短语动名词短语句充形式语形式宾语 :
    1) It is important to read English every day 天读英语重
    2) It is no use discussing with Tom 汤姆讨件事情没
    3) I have made it a rule that I keep diaries 天写日记成惯
    (1) It’s + 形容词( + forof sb) + to do …
    It’s very important for us to learn English well 说学英语重
    (2) It’s one’s turn to do …
    It’s your turn to be on duty tomorrow 明天轮值日
    (3) It’s time to doforthat …
    It’s time to go to school 时间学

    类 称
    单 数
    复 数
    第 三 称
    名 词 性
    相形容词性物代词 + 名词面千万紧名词:
    1) I like my pen I don’t like hers(her pen) 喜欢钢笔喜欢
    2) Whose are those books – They are mine(my books) 书谁?
    3) She told me a classmate of hers would go to Japan 告诉位学日
    指示事物this that单数these those复数
    1 this these指代时间空间较事物that those指代时间空间相较远事物 :
    1) This is a map of China and that is a map of the world
    2that those指代文提事物this these指代文叙述事物 :
    2) Those are the books which may be useful to you 书许
    3) This is how we got to know each other 认识
    1) This is Kate Who’s that 凯特位?
    4询问敲门谁 :
    1)Who’s thatit 谁啊?
    1 常作宾语位语作语定语作列语部分(称作位语)
    称 数
    单 数
    复 数
    himself herself itself
    1) The children teach themselves English 孩子学英语
    2) As we all have grown up we should learn to look after ourselves
    3) She told the matter to Jim himself 件事告诉吉姆
    4) Mary herself opened the door 玛丽开门
    enjoy oneself玩愉快 learn … by oneself学 dress oneself穿衣
    by oneself独 help oneself to …便吃喝…… for oneself亲
    3反身代词作定语果表示属某时名词 + of one’s ownone’s+ own + 名词表达 :
    1) I have a car of my own 车
    2) Money of his own has gone 钱花光
    3) My father’s own money is a little 爸爸点钱
    词义 数

    each every


    the other


    1 someany
    (1) someany表示意思修饰代数名词修饰代数名词
    (2) some常肯定句中果谈话中求方出肯定回答 Would you … Could(Can) you… May I… Why not… How(What) about…等表示请求邀请委婉语气疑问句中some
    (3) any疑问句否定句中条件状语句中any表示someany肯定句中表示修饰单数数名词侧重全体:
    1) Some of these books are quite useful 书中
    2) Have you got any fresh fruit 新鲜水果?
    3) I haven’t any brothers 没兄弟
    4) WouldWill you please lend me some money 请问钱?
    5) If any person comes here we’ll ask him about it 果位告诉
    6) You may choose any student 选择学生
    2 muchmany
    muchmany表示许量意much修饰代数名词many修饰代数名词复数 :1) We have much homework to do every day 天专业做
    2) Many boys like playing soccer 许男孩子喜欢踢足球
    3 one itthat
    one指文中提类物中it指文提物that指前面提类物中特指事物that代名词数名词数名词one复数onesit复数they themthat复数those
    1) I don’t like this hat Show me a bigger one喜欢顶帽子顶点
    2) These students come from Australia while those ones come from China
    3) Where is my book I can’t find it 书?找着
    4) The population of China is larger than that of Japan 中国口日
    4 few a few littlea little
    fewa few修饰代复数名词few表示少否定含义(够)a few表示少肯定含义littlea little修饰代数名词little表示少否定含义(够)a little表示 少肯定含义 :
    1) A few people can live to 100 but few can live to 150少数活100岁没活150岁
    2) There is a little time left Hurry up 时间快点
    3) Bob couldn’t buy the dictionary because he had little money on him鲍勃买词典身没少钱
    5 both all eitherneither
    (1) both表示两者组成both ofboth … and …短语连接语谓语动词复数形式
    (2) all表示三者三者全体全部全组成all of短语作语谓语动词复数形式
    (3) either表示两方中方两者中组成either ofeither … or …(者……者………………)短语连接语谓语动词单数形式
    (4)neither表示两者两者中组成neither ofneither …nor …(…………)短语连接语谓语动词单数形式:
    1) –Which of the twin sisters is a doctor 双胞胎姐妹中位医生?Both are两
    2) All of the windows are open 窗子开着
    3) I have bought two books You can have either of them买两书
    4) –Do you like the pop star Zhou Jielun or the movie star Liu Dehua –喜欢流行歌手周杰伦电影明星刘德华?Neither I am not their fan 喜欢粉丝
    5) Either you or he has to study at home 必须家学(原)
    6) Neither he nor I am a student now 现学生(原)
    6 eachevery
    (1) each强调体作形容词作代词修饰代两两事物作语宾语定语位语
    (2) every修饰三三事物侧重指许事物中强调整体形容词词性面接名词代词作定语单独
    (3) eachevery形式单数eachof搭配everyof搭配:
    1) Each has one bag包
    2) Each student has his own dictionary 学生字典
    3) We have English class every day 天英语课
    4) Each of two girls is wearing a red dress 两女孩穿红裙子
    7 none no onenothing
    (1) noneno one没意思表示三者三者全部否定all互反意none作语谓语动词单数复数no one作语谓语动词单数
    (2) none指指物接of定语常回答how manyhow much引导疑问句
    (3) no one相nobody专指面接of定语常回答who引导疑问句
    (4) nothing仅指事物指代没限制:
    1)There are many people over thereI know none of them边许认识
    2) –How many books are there in the bag None 书包里少书没
    3) –Who is in the room –No one –谁房间里?没
    4) She knew nothing about it 知
    8 other the otheranother
    (1) other the other another作形容词接名词代词作定语作单数代词作语宾语
    (2) other表示没明确范围作代词时常复数形式others单数形式
    (3) the other特指两者中外两部分中外部分明确范围范围非常明显作代词
    时the other单数特指两中the others复数表示两部分中外部分

    (4) another单独泛指三者三者中接基数词 + 数名词复数
    表示外…… :
    1) There are other ways to do this exercise 做练方法
    2) One of my eyes is better than the other 眼睛视力
    3) Some of them are red and others are brown 中红褐色
    4) Twenty of the class are boys and the others are girls该班20名男生余女生
    5) There’re three pens on the desk One is red another is yellow and the third is black桌子三支钢笔红黄黑
    6) Some players will stay in Canada for another seven days选手加7天
    9 相互代词one anothereach other
    常作宾语表示相互关系译作相互彼两者法基相表示两关系时each other
    格’S形式时each other分开each作语语位语other前需定冠词the
    表示三者三者时复数形式the others作宾语格形式作定语:
    1) We are all Chinese we should help one another 中国应该互相帮助
    2) You and I know each other very well 相互解
    3) The students pointed out each other’s weak points 学生互相指出弱点
    4) They each learn from the others 互相学
    5) Each of the workers didn’t know what the others were doing工彼知道做什
    6) Each tries to do better than the other in their work两彼力争工作中方做更
    some any no every 加 –body one thing构成定代词称复合定代词句中作语宾语表语作定语someany构成定代词法some any法相形容词定式修饰定代词必须放定代词:
    1) I have something important to say 重事情说
    2) Did anything see you 见?
    3) Well nothing is easy 哎什事情容易
    4) Do you have anything interesting to tell us 什趣事告诉?
    5) I have nothing important to deal with now 现没什重事情处理
    (七) 疑问代词关系代词
    疑问代词who whom whose般指who常作语宾语表语whom常作宾语whose常作定语表语who代whom前面介词时whomwhowhat 询问事物时间日期询问职业身份外貌which询问物般特定选择范围
    关系代词who whom whose that which引导定语句who whom whose引导定语句时先行词指that引导定语句指指物which引导定语句先行词指物(详见定语句节) :
    1) Who taught you English last year 年谁教英语?
    2) Whom did you see 见谁?
    3) Whose father works in Shanghai 谁父亲海工作?
    4) WhoWhom are you looking for 找谁?
    5) With whom has he been to Beijing 谁起北京?
    6) What would you like to eat today 天想吃什?
    7) What is your mother 妈妈干什?
    8) Which is your sister of the two girls 两女孩中姐姐?

    四 冠词乐集中营

    冠词:放名词前帮助说明名词泛指特指泛指指固定中定冠词a an表示a辅音音素开头单词前an元音音素开头单词前特指指固定东西定冠词the表示
    () 定冠词aan法:
    1 第次提非特指某某物数名词单数前 :
    1) Last monthI bought a new computer but the computer doesn’t work now
    2) When he was in trouble yesterday a young man gave him a hand
    2 数名词单数形式前指事物某种类 :
    1) A parrot can talk like a person but it can’t think like a person鹦鹉样说话样思考
    3 泛指某某物具体说明物 :
    1) A boy is waiting for you at the school gate 校门口男孩等
    4 表示概念没one强烈 :
    1) There is a table and four chairs in the room 房间里张桌子四椅子
    5 表示某种身份职业国籍名词前没概念 :
    1) She’ll be a dancer 成(名)舞蹈演员
    2) His father is a worker while his mother is a teacher爸爸工妈妈教师
    6 表示时间速度价格等意义名词前表示one代 :
    1) He drove his car along the highway at eighty kilometers an hour
    7 姓名前(相a certain)意某 :
    1) A Susan called you yesterday 苏珊昨天电话
    8 固定短语中 :
    a few a lot of 许量 a little 少量
    without a break 休息 go out for a walk 出散步
    half an hour 半时 with a smile 微笑着 in a hurry 急匆匆
    have a good time 愉快 have a cold 患感 have a rest 休息
    make an effort 努力 make a face ( make faces ) 做鬼脸
    (二) 定冠词the法:
    1 特指第二次提物事特指说话双方知物事 :
    1) He bought a house The house has a beautiful garden
    2) Take the medicine 药吃
    2 独二天体前 :
    the sun 太阳 the earth 球 the moon 月亮
    3 西洋乐器前中国乐器前:
    1) She practices playing the piano every day 天练弹钢琴
    2) Mr Zhang can play erhu 张老师会拉二胡
    4 某普通名词构成专名词前:
    the Great Wall 长城 the Summer Palace 颐园
    5 数名词单数前表示类物:
    1) Do you know who invented the computer 知道谁发明电脑?
    1) The Smiths are watching TV 史密斯家夫妇正电视
    7 江河海洋湖泊山脉群岛等理名称前:
    the Yellow River 黄河 the Pacific ( Ocean ) 太洋
    the Xisha Islands西沙群岛 the Tianshan Mountains 天山山脉
    8 序数词形容词副词高级前副词高级前the省略:
    1) The Yellow River is the second longest river in China 黄河中国第二长河
    2) Jennie is the tallest girl in her class 珍妮班高女生
    3) I like this story the best of all 事中喜欢事
    9 短语句修饰名词前the:
    1) Do you know the woman standing at the gate of the school
    all the year round 年头 at the age of ……岁时
    on the left right 左右边 in the future out of the question
    by the way 便说遍 in the middle of ……中间
    the day after tomorrow 天 the day before yesterday 前天
    what’s the matter with… …… the same… 样……
    in the morning 早晨 in the end on the whole 总
    the next morning 第二天早晨 go to the cinema 电影
    go to the doctor 病 at the least 少 on the other hand 方面
    the other day 久前某天 in the distance 远处
    for the time being 暂时 at the moment 刻 in the way 挡道
    in the 1870’s 19世纪70年代 the Spring Festival 春节
    11 句型动词 + + 介词 + the 体部位中the物代词 :
    take sb by the armhand 抓住某胳膊手 pat sb on the shoulder 拍某肩膀
    strike sb in the face 某脸 hit sb on the head 某头
    pull sb by the hand 拉某手 seize sb by the sleeve 抓住某袖口
    12 某形容词前表示类 :
    the dead 死者 the deaf 聋 the blind 盲 the young 年轻 the old 老
    (三) 冠词场合
    1 数名词复数数名词表示类时名词前冠词:
    1) Teachers should encourage students to ask more questions老师应该鼓励学生问问题
    2) Life is short art is long 生命短暂艺术长存
    3) Time waits for no man时
    2 国名洲名名公园名车站汉语拼音构成专名词前冠词:
    1) China is one of the largest countries in the world中国世界国家
    2) Mr Smith used to work in a bookstore 史密斯前家书店班
    3) People’s Park is in the middle of Zhaodong City 民公园肇东市中间
    3 表示独二职位头衔称呼名词前冠词:
    1) He is head of the factory 工厂厂长
    2) President gave a talk on TV 总统电视里做次演讲
    4.语种(语种加language时必须加the )学科三餐体育运动娱乐游戏前冠词:
    1) Miss Smith can’t speak Chinese 史密斯姐会说汉语
    2) Americans speak the English language美国讲英语(语言)
    3) Maths is hard to learn 数学容易学
    4) He got up late this morning and didn’t have breakfast 天早起晚没吃早饭
    5) Peter likes playing football very much 彼非常喜欢踢足球
    6) These old people often play chess in the park 老常公园里棋
    5 星期月份季节节假日前定冠词the(注意:春节the Spring Festival词组例外果某年某季节应该定冠词the特指) :
    1) Autumn is the harvest season of the year 秋季年中收获季节
    2) What are you going to do on Friday 星期五算做什?
    3) June 1 st is Children’s Day in China 中国六月日童节
    6 表示名次(次序)街道序数词前冠词:
    1) We are both third Who is second 列第三谁第二?
    2) Mary lives on 32 nd street but her grandma lives in 5 th Avenue玛丽住32街祖母住第5街
    7 名词前已this that my whose some any no each every等物代词指示代词定代词名词格等修饰限定时冠词:
    1) Come this way please 请边走
    2) I have some questions to ask 问题问
    8 某固定短语里冠词
    (1) 成出现词组中冠词:
    husband and wife 夫妻 young and old 老少 hand in hand 手牵手
    sun and moon 太阳月亮 bread and butter 面包黄油 knife and fork 刀叉
    arm in arm 臂挽臂 shoulder to shoulder 肩肩 from time to time 时
    from side to side 边边 sooner or later 迟早 right and wrong 非
    father and son 父子 body and soul 全身 day by day 天天
    from east to west东西 from morning till night早晚 face and fac面面
    from beginning to end头尾始终 back to back 背背 from south to north 南北
    day and night 日日夜夜
    (2) 介词短语中冠词 :
    at schoolhome 学校家 at nightnoondaybreak 晚中午黎明
    in fact 事实 in bed 卧床 on purpose 意 by accident 偶然
    by hand 手工 by pen 钢笔 on duty 值日 in English 英语
    on foot 走着步行 in hospital 住院 by bus 公交车 go to bed 睡觉
    go to schoolcollege 学学 at first 首先 at work 工作
    (3) 注意词组冠词意义 :
    in front of … ……(外部)前面 at table 吃饭 go to school 学
    in the front of … ……(部)前面 at the table 桌子旁 go to the school 学校
    take place 发生 on earth 究竟 in hospital 住院
    take the place of 取代代 on the earth 球 in the hospital 医院


    () 基数词读法:
    235读作:two hundred and thirtyfive 607读作:six hundred and seven
    10 001读作:ten thousand and one 365 345 678读作:three hundred and sixtyfive
    million three hundred and fortyfive thousand six hundred and seventyeight
    (二) 基数词hundred(百) thousand(千) million(百万) billion(十亿)法
    表示具体数目面加s表示确定数目面加s组成of短语 :
    1) There are two hundred workers in the workshop 车间200名工
    2) He has read thousands of books 读书数千计
    (三) 编号事物表达
    第课 – Lesson Onethe first lesson 七年级 – Grade Seventhe seventh grade
    第59页 – page fiftyninethe fiftyninth page 803房间 – Room 803
    (四) 钟点三种表达
    1 am pm表示法:
    9 am (at 9 o’clock in the morningat 9 in the morning)午9点
    2:03 pm 午2点零三 12 pm 中午12点 0 am午夜零点12点
    2)整点表示法:ampm表示外阿拉伯数字英文单词+o’clock表示整点o’clock :
    at 6 o’clock at six o’clock 6点 at ten thirty 10点半
    2 常表示法:基数词先说时说分钟
    3 pastafter() toof() 表示法:
    1) 分钟数等30时分点表达
    2) 分钟数30时差分钟点表达
    3) 15 45fifteen fortyfive表示quarter(刻钟) 表示
    4) 30分钟惯half(半)表示
    5) 外分钟数5倍数时minutes(分钟)省略
    4four o’clock
    five o five
    five(minutes) pastafter five
    six twelve
    twelve minutes pastafter six
    seven fifteen
    a quarter pastafter seven
    eight thirty
    half past eight
    nine fortyfive
    a quarter toof ten
    ten fiftyfive
    five(minutes) toof eleven
    half an hour
    a half hour
    an hour and a half
    one and a half hours
    (五) 世纪年代年月日表达
    1) 年世纪年代表达
    写 法
    读 法
    eight hundred forty AD eight forty AD eight four o AD
    nineteen hundred
    nineteen o five
    nineteen seventyfive
    (the year) two thousand and twelve
    six hundred and twentyeight BC six twentyeight BC six two eight BC
    the nineteenth century
    the eighties(80’s80s) of the nineteen(th) century in the nineteen eighties
    2) 年月日表达 (果星期放前面)

    写 法
    读 法
    25th October 2009
    October the twentyfifth two thousand and nine
    October 25th 2009
    the twentyfifth of October two thousand and nine
    (六) 次数表达
    次once 两次twice 三次三次基数词+times表达 :
    once two years 两年次 twice a week 周两次 four times two days 两天4次
    (七) 分数数百分数表达:
    1) 分数:分子基数词分母序数词分子>1分母复数单词间连接连接带分数:整数基数词and分数连接惯12 14onea half onea quarter表示
    :15 one fifth onefifth 47 four sevenths foursevenths
    3 34three and three quarters three and three fourths
    2) 数:基数词点point表示 :
    05: zero(o) five 76346 seventysix point three four six
    3) 百分数:基数词 + 表示 读作:percent pre cent :
    24 zero point four percent 20 twenty per cent
    4) 温度表达:degree(度) Celsius(摄氏)centigrade(百分度)表示 :
    18 C eighteen degrees Celsiuscentigrade
    10 C ten degrees Celsiuscentigrade blewminus ten degrees Celsiuscentigrade
    (八) 序数词
    1 基数词变序数词口诀:
    th加词尾千万排三二二三特殊记词尾字母 t d d八减t
    :one – first two – second three – third four – fourth five – fifth eight – eighth nine – ninth twelve – twelfth twenty – twentieth fortyseven –fortyseventh one hundred – one hundredth
    2 序数词法:
    1) 表示第时必须带the:
    (1) Monday is the second day of a week 周周第二天
    (2) This is her third visit to Japan isn’t it 第三次访问日?
    2) 相分分数中分子>1时分数含义分意思序数词复数形式(见分数表达)
    3) 前面加定冠词表示外(前提已):
    (1) I’ll go to Beijing a third time next month 月北京次(已2次)
    (2) Would you like a second cup of tea 杯茶?(已喝杯)
    4) 表示名次前面加the:
    (1) –Who is first –Li Ming is I am second –谁第? 李明第第二
    5) 序数词作副词时前面加the:
    (1) First we’ll go to Li Lei’s second we’ll go to school 首先李雷家然学
    (九) 年龄表达:
    基数词+years old基数词+ years of ageat ( the age of ) + 基数词表示in+物代词+整十基数词复数形式表示某十岁时:
    1) She is a student 16 from the United States 中学生16岁美国
    2) She is 18 years old 18岁
    3) I went abroad to study at twenty at twenty years of age 20岁时出国深造
    4) At ( the age of ) 9 she lost her parents 九岁时失父母
    5) He is in his early thirties 30岁出头

    六 介词快乐集中营

    1 介词:表示面名词代词相名词词类短语句句子成分关系介词单独必须面名词数词相名词词短语句组成介词结构起作句子成分
    2 介词分类
    类 型
    介 词
    at in on by to of for off about with over near past down along tilluntil like before after above below since behind during among under except across against beside round through between toward(s) up within besides but from beyond(……边) opposite(……面)等
    into onto inside outside without等
    Next to instead of in front of in the front of at the back of at the end of by the end of at the head of in the middle of because of thanks to out of等
    3 意义相介词辨析
    1) in on at表示时间
    (1) I was born in March 出生三月份
    (2) I usually get up at six 通常6点起床
    (3) Come back on Friday 星期五回
    (4) Betty arrived in London on the evening of June 1st 贝蒂6月1日晚抵达伦敦
    2) since for表示时间
    Since +时间点表示……时间 for +时间段表示长时间 :
    (1) Jack has studied Chinese in this school since the year of 20102010年杰克学校学汉语
    (2) –How long have you learned English –For about five years 学英语长时间?约5年
    3) in after表示时间
    in +时间段表示现算起段时间表示某事发生某段时间结束前常时提问how soon after +时间段表示段时间常时中提问when after +时间点时:
    (1) Can you finish drawing a fine horse in five minutes 5分钟画出匹骏马?
    (2) –How soon will you start – We’ll start in ten minutes 久出发?10分钟出发
    (3) –When did he come back –He came back after 3 hours 什时候回?3时候回
    (4) He will arrive after four o’clock 4点钟
    4) during by表示时间
    during +时间段表示……期间常时时中by +时间点表示……止……前常时完成时中:
    (1) During the summer holidays he will travel all over the country 暑假期间游遍全国
    (2) He came to see me during my illness 生病期间
    (3) I’m going to return the book by Monday 算星期前书
    (4) We had finished the task by the end of last month 月底前完成项务
    5) in at on表示点
    in表示……里面部某范围常国家城市楼等方强调空间 at 家学校拐角门口教堂邮局车站商店村庄等点强调点 on表示…… 强调某事物表面 :
    (1) There is a bird in the sky 天空万里云
    (2) My mother is a teacher at the village school 母亲位乡村学校教师
    (3) He is waiting at the gate 正门口等着
    (4) Lucy’s coat is on the desk 露西外套桌子
    6) in on at表示(理)位置
    范围in 相接on 距离间隔to

    (1) Taiwan is in the east of China 台湾省位中国东部
    (2) Mexico lies on the south of America 墨西哥位美国南部
    (3) Japan is to the east of China 日位中国东部
    7) in on表示……
    树:in the tree 指鸟物等逗留挂树on the tree 指叶子花果实等长树
    墙:in the wall 指窗户门钉子洞等嵌入墙东西on the wall 指图画等悬挂张贴墙东西
    报纸:in the newspaper 指报容on the newspaper 指放报纸东西
    8) above over on 表示位置
    above表示某物高处位置指方意点(定正方)接触反义词below over
    般指垂直正方反义词under on表示……面互相接触:
    (1) Many birds are flying above the woods 许鸟树林空飞翔
    (2) The bridge over the has a long history 河座桥历史悠久
    (3) She will leave her homework on the teacher’s desk after school today
    9) in front of in the front of表示位置
    in front of指某某物前面(范围外) in the front of指某物体空间范围前部(范围):
    (1) There is a big tree in front of the classroom 教室前面棵树(树教室外)
    (2) There is a big desk in the front of the classroom 教室前面张课桌(桌子教室)
    10) in the middle of between among表示位置
    in the middle of表示……(空间范围) 中部between表示两者间两两间 among表示(三者三者体)中:
    (1) There is a big table in the middle of the room 屋子中间张桌子
    (2) Do you know the difference between the two words 知道两词什?
    (3) When we talk about the universe we mean the earth the sun the moon and the stars and the space between them 谈宇宙时指球太阳月亮星星空间
    (4) It is pleasant to walk among the trees in the evening 傍晚树林中散步令心旷神怡
    11) across through past over表示运动方
    河时across) through含……中间空间穿意past表示旁边 over表示
    (1) Can you swim across the river 游渡条河?
    (2) The moonlight is coming in through the window and the room seems quiet and beautiful
    (3) I drive past a supermarket to the office every day 天开车班家超市
    (4) The dog jumped over the fence and ran away 狗跳篱笆跑
    12) in with by表示手段方法
    in表示语言声音等 with表示具体形工具 by表示方法手段:
    (1) The report is written in English 份报告英语写
    (2) The boy cut the wood with a knife 男孩子刀刻木头
    (3) Will you go there by taxi or by bicycle 出租车骑行车里?
    注意:by +交通工具固定搭配中间加定冠词the物代词等限定词果交通工具前限定词inon :on the train in his car on her mother’s bike
    13) down up along表示着……着……
    down表示着时表示高处重方次方北南 up表示该国旅行游游南北 along表示着着强调方时downup通:
    go down from town 城乡 go down to Shijiazhuang(北京)石家庄
    sail up the river 驶游(逆流) walk up the road 公路北走
    walk alongdownup the streetroad 着条街路走
    14) besides except表示排关系
    besides表示……外() 含义指原某某物前句子常包含other another any other a few等词except表示……外()含义指整体中排部分物前面常all any no复合定代词否定句中except没排斥性:
    (1) Li Lei also went to the park besides you 外李雷公园
    (2) We all went to visit the zoo except Li Lei 李雷外动物园
    (3) She know nothing except English 英语外什懂
    15) be made +介词
    be made结构中介词十分灵活意义相:
    be made of +视原材料(……制成) be made from +视原材料(……制成)
    be made in + 产(产……) be made into +产品(制成……) be made by +制作者(……做)
    be made after(仿……制成) be made up of(……组成)
    4 介词词搭配
    1 介词名词搭配
    a group singing by Class One 班演唱组合 a book written by Lu Xun 鲁迅写书
    at home 家 at night 夜里 at that time 时
    at work 工作 at church 教堂 at the seaside 海边
    at the cinema 电影院 at the door 门口 at a tabledesk 桌旁
    at noon 中午 at dinner 吃饭 at the age of ……岁时
    at a speed of ……速度 at the beginning of ……开端 at the end of ……结尾处
    by bustrainplanetaxishipundergroundliftseaair 公交车火车飞机出租车轮船铁电梯轮船飞机 by the end of ……时止 by the river 河边 by the way 便问
    for a long time 长时间 go out for a walk 外出散步 in a hurry 匆忙
    in a line 条线 in a minute 会立刻 in bed 卧床
    in English 英语 in fact 事实 in hospital 住院
    in life 生中 in need of 需 in no time 立刻快
    in public 众公开 in spring2012March 春天2012三月
    in surprise 惊奇 in the eastsouthwestnorth 东南西北边 in the end 终
    in the morningafternoonevening 午午晚 in the street 街
    in the sun 阳光 in time 时 in trouble 处困境中
    in whitered… 穿白红……色衣服 make a living by doing sth 做某事谋生
    of course 然 on a winter afternoon 冬天午 on duty 值日
    on fire 火 on foot 走着 on Monday 星期
    on Sept 2nd 九月二号 on strike 罢工 on the farm 农场
    on the topicquestion 关题目问题 on the top of ……顶部 on show 展览
    on theone’s way(+副词to+名词) ……路 on the leftright 左右边
    on time 时准时 on the ground
    on TVthe radiothe telephonethe computer 通电视线电广播电话电脑
    on the other handside of 方面 see with one’s own eyes 亲眼见
    write with one’s right hand 右手写 with curly hair 留着卷发
    kill two birds with a stone 石二鸟 a book with some pictures 图书
    2 形容词固定介词
    1) 形容词+about常见短语
    be worried about 担心 be hopeful about 报……希 be certain about ……握
    be careful about 心 be anxious about ……焦虑担心 be strict inabout (sth) (某事)求严格
    2) 形容词+at常见短语
    be good at 擅长…… be quick at 敏做…… be madangry at ……生气
    be excited at ……兴奋 be surprised at ……惊奇 be amazed at ……感惊讶
    3) 形容词+for常见短语
    be famous for ……出名 be good for ……益 be late for 迟
    be bad for ……害 be sorry for 悔 be ready for ……准备
    4) 形容词+from常见短语
    be different from …… be absent from 缺席
    5) 形容词+in常见短语
    be interested in ……感兴趣 be experienced in 验 be disappointed in ……失
    be rich in 富余盛产 do well in ……方面做(well副词) do badly in……方面做(badly副词)
    6) 形容词+of常短语
    be proud of 骄傲 be tired of 厌倦 be afraid of 害怕
    be fond of 喜欢 be full of 充满
    7) 形容词+with常见短语
    be busy with 忙…… be popular with 受……欢迎 be angry with (sb) (某)生气
    be covered with ……覆盖 be pleased with ……高兴满意 be satisfied with ……感满意
    be friendly with ……友 be filled with 装满…… be bored with ……感厌烦
    3 介词词搭配
    at first 首先 at last at six… 六点……
    by oneself talk with sb 某谈话 talk about sth 谈某事
    help sb with sth 帮助某做某事 ask sb for sth 问某某事 look for 寻找
    leave for 动身 buymakegetsingdraw sth for sb 某买做唱画
    set out for 出发开始

    七 形容词副词快乐集中营

    1 记住常形容词副词反义词
    longshort tall short biglittlesmall loudlow highlow freebusy fullempty fullhungry safedangerous brightwisecleverfoolishstupid widenarrow heavylight soft thick farnear rightleft rightwrong easyharddifficult fatthin thinthick youngold newold richpoor largesmall upstairsdownstairs coolwarm carefulcareless helpfulhelpless fairunfair unknownknownfamous illwellhealthy beautifulugly cleandirty silentquietnoisy possibleimpossible quietlynoisily darkbright happypleasedsadunhappy

    2 记住常见副词

    here there out in home
    today soon already now
    well fast slowly carefully

    very so quite much enough rather too almost hard heavily
    sometimes often usually always never ever hardly

    also either only maybe perhaps
    3 形容词介词搭配
    1) about搭配短语
    be sorry about ……感遗憾 be careful about ……心
    be sure about ……握 be worried about ……担心
    2) at搭配短语
    be surprised at ……感惊奇 be angry at ……(某事)生气
    be good at ……方面擅长 be clever at ……方面聪明
    3) for搭配短语
    be famous for ……著名 be wellknown for ……著名
    be ready for 准备干…… get ready for ……做准备
    be fitunfit for 适合适合…… be good for ……处
    be bad for ……坏处
    4) in搭配短语
    be interested in ……感兴趣 be weak in ……方面薄弱
    be poor in ……方面薄弱 be different in ……方面
    5) of搭配短语
    be afraid of 害怕…… be fond of 喜欢……
    be proud of ……感豪 be tired of ……感厌倦
    be full of 充满…… be short of ……短缺
    6) to搭配短语
    be good to ……态度 be kind to ……蔼
    be rude to ……粗鲁 be polite to ……礼貌
    be bad to ……态度 be blind to ……视见忽视
    7) with搭配短语
    be angry with 某生气 be busy with 忙……
    be satisfied with ……感满意 be pleased with ……感满意
    be patient with ……耐心 be strict with 某求严格
    4 常见形容词副词解析
    1) ed形容词ing形容词
    某表示心理活动动词分词现分词:interested interesting excited exciting surprised surprising bored boring tired tiring等形容词时称作ed形容词ing形容词区:ed形容词表示事物体会感受常句子中作表语语常常 ing形容词表示物属性特征常作定语表语作表语时语常常物 :
    (1) The book is interesting(表语)Most of the teachers are interested(表语) in the interesting(定语) book
    (2) You success is exciting(表语) I’m very excited(表语) to see your exciting(定语) works
    2) enough位置
    enough足够义修饰形容词副词放形容词副词修饰名词常放名词前语气较强烈时放名词语气较弱 :
    (1) The boy is old enough to go to school 孩子够学
    (2) There is enough food food enough in the fridge Any is no need 冰箱里食物足够买
    3) insteadinstead of (代取代)
    instead副词通常句末放句首逗号该局隔开表示句代前句instead of介词短语面接名词代词动名词介词短语等面部分取代部分 :
    (1) The teacher didn’t go home he went the school instead 老师没回家学校
    (2) She didn’t answer me Instead she asked me another question没回答反问问题
    (3) We’ll ask Li Mei instead of Maria 请李梅代玛利亚吧
    (4) I’ll go instead of her 会代
    4) hardheavily
    表示雨雪风hard表示雨雪heavily表示风strongly形容词sunny snowy cloudy rainy windy sandy应名词sun snow cloud rain wind sand
    5) 连字符连接起复合形容词中名词没复数形式 :
    a fivehundredword composition 篇500字作文
    an 80yearold grandmother 位80岁老奶奶
    6) 系列修饰语修饰名词根属性强弱排列属性强修饰名词反越远远序:1名词分词2颜色3长短轻重形状4性质5冠词代词
    : my an old round light short small black wood eating table 旧园轻短黑木饭桌(弱变强)
    5 副词位置
    1) 频度副词always(总) usually(通常) often(常) sometimes(时) seldom(少) hardly() never()等修饰动词时般放助动词情态动词系动词be实义动词前:
    (1) He is always the first to come and the last to leave 总第离开
    (2) He usually goes to school by bike 通常骑行车学
    2) 时间副词点副词般放句尾果两种副词时出现句中点副词放时间副词前面时间副词放句首 :
    (1) They did their homework in the classroom yesterday 昨天教室里做作业
    (2) This morning I met him in the supermarket 天早超市遇
    3) 程度副词very much still almost quite等般放修饰形容词副词前enough放修饰形容词副词 :
    (1) I was feeling quite tired after our walk 散步感十分疲倦
    (2) He ate much enough he is full 吃够吃饱
    4) 修饰动词副词常放修饰动词
    (1) The old man walked slowly around the park 老绕着公园慢慢散步
    (2) The boy thought hard a little while then he solved this problem
    6 形容词副词较级高级
    1) 较较差原级两者较差较级三三者较表示……高级
    2) 形容词副词较级高级构成
    (1) 规变化
    构 成 规
    原 级
    较 级
    高 级
    1般词尾 + er est
    2字母e结尾词末尾 + r st
    3辅音字母结尾重读闭音节词双写末尾辅音字母 +erest
    4辅音字母 + y结尾双音节词y变成i + erest
    分 音节tired
    音双 leased等少数双音
    节音 节词前面 + more
    节 most
    more delicious
    more interesting
    more easily
    more carefully
    most delicious
    most interesting
    most easily
    most carefully


    (2) 某双音节词两种变法 :
    often oftenermore often oftenestmost often
    friendly friendliermore friendly friendliestmost friendly
    (3) 规变化
    原 级
    较 级
    高 级
    farther further
    farthest furthest
    older elder
    oldest eldest
    注意:far两种变化farther farthest表示距离远further furthest表示程度深浅old两种变化older oldest年龄间elder eldest表示兄弟姐妹间排行关系:
    (1) My home is farther away from my school than his 家距离学校家远
    (2) We will have a further discussion 会更深入进行讨
    (3) He is older than me
    (4) My elder brother is a doctor while his eldest sister is a nurse 哥二哥医生姐护士
    少坏差老远(提示:many much少littlegood well坏差bad badly ill老old远far)
    3) 原级较级高级法
    (1) 两者较
    A 甲 乙 as + 原级 + as结构 :
    a) My bedroom is as wide as my parents’ 卧室父母样
    b) She is running as fast as her classmate 跑学样快
    B 甲 ≠ 乙 not + asso + 原级 + as结构 :
    a) This custom is not asso old as that one 种风俗种风俗样(形容词)
    b) She doesn’t write asso clearly as her father 写爸爸写清楚( 副词 )
    C 甲 > 乙 较级 + than结构 :
    a) My sister is nicer than Ime 姐姐漂亮
    b) Kangkang does his homework more carefully than Michael(does)
    D 甲 < 乙 less + 原级 + than结构(not+soas+原级+as结构):
    a) My dress is less expensive than hers 套裙贵(形容词)
    b) Jane runs less fast than Maria 简玛利亚跑快(副词)
    (2) 三者三者较

    the + 形容词 in + 场范围
    高级 +
    (the) + 副词 ofamong + 体范围 :

    a) Our monitor comes to school (the) earliest in our class 班长班早(副词)
    b) He is the tallest ofamong the seven boys 七孩子中高(形容词)
    c) That is the most wonderful play that I have ever seen 戏剧(句)
    (3) 特殊较
    A较级 + and + 较级表示越越…… :
    a) It is getting colder and colder 天气变越越冷
    b) Now there are fewer and fewer whales in the world 现世界鲸越越少
    c) We are becoming more and more interested in the computer science 计算机越越感兴趣
    Bthe + 较级the + 外较级表示越……越…… :
    a) The earlier the better 越早越
    b) The more she eats the fatter she’ll be 吃越会越胖(相条件状语句前句子般现时句子般时相
    现 )
    C 倍数 + as + 原级 + as表示……倍 :
    a) The population of the city now is three times as much as that of before
    D 数词 + 名词 + 较级表示(具体)少少少 :
    a) The bag of apples is two kilos heavier than that one袋苹果袋苹果重两公斤
    b) I am 10 years old less than he 十岁
    E nonothing + 较级 + than表示超…… 顶…… 少…… :
    a) He wrote no more than three novels 写三说
    b) This passage is no less than 500 words 篇短文会少500字
    c) He was no better than a beggar 简直乞丐
    d) He has nothing nicer than she 东西
    F 特殊疑问句
    a) 二者:Which is heavier a horse or a sheep 马绵羊重(who提问)
    b) 三者:Which is the heaviest an elephant a horse or a sheep 象马绵羊重?
    c) 三者:Which book do you like best of the five 5书喜欢?
    (说明明确范围Which+高级没明确范围what :What book do you like best)
    G 温馨提示:学原级较级高级法时重点注意情况
    A) 级较形容词same时the + same + as结构as +same +as结构(反义结构be different from) :
    He looks just the same as before 起样
    This book is different from that one 书书样
    B) 降级较时音节词单音节词规词规词(little外)律less + 原级 + than表示…… the least + 原级 + inofamong等短语表示…… :
    I think English is less difficult than Japanese 认英语日语难
    It is the least interesting story in this book 书里趣事
    C) 较级表示较时较级前面加the列情况较级前必须加the
    1) 表示特指两者中较……:
    Which is the larger country Canada or Australia 国家较加澳利亚?
    Maria is the older of the two 玛利亚两中较(the + 较级 + of the two结构)
    2) the + 较级…… the + 外较级结构中说明着前面条件变化面结果变化:
    The harder you study the greater progress you will make 越努力学越会取更进步
    D) 时much a lot far still even a little a bit any rather等修饰较级so very quite too 等修饰较级:
    She plays the piano much more because than you 弹
    Computers can work out difficult problems far more quickly than human beings
    He is even later today than yesterday 天昨天更晚
    E) more表示更意思时表示通常放名词前数词表示数量副词(时相another + 数词表示数量副词):
    There are twenty more trees to be planted 外20棵树栽
    Let’s buy some more this afternoon 天午买点吧
    Just think how many more there will be in one year 想想吧年中少(婴)出生
    F) 形式表示高级:
    高级:Maria dances (the) best in her class 玛利亚班跳舞跳
    1) 较级表示高级时需象分两部分成两者两方常较象:
    (1) than any other + 单数名词(…… )
    (2) than the other + 复数名词(…… )
    (3) than anybodyanything else(物…… ):
    Maria dances better than any other student in her class 玛利亚班学生跳舞跳
    Maria dances better than (any of) the other students in her class
    Maria dances better than anybody else in her class 玛利亚班跳舞跳
    No other student in her class dances better than Maria 玛利亚班没学生跳舞跳
    2) 级较否定语形式表达:
    No other student in her class dances as well as Maria 玛利亚班没学生跳舞
    G) anyany other any of the other较级中意义:
    Jack is taller than any girl in our class
    Jack is taller than any other boy(单数) in our class杰克班男生高
    Jack is taller than the other boys(复数) in our class 杰克班男生高
    (杰克男生范围较时应otherelse排 )
    H) 注意相事物性必须属范围较象含义相时单数that复数those代:
    My bedroom is bigger than you 卧室(错)
    My bedroom is bigger than yours 卧室(卧室)()
    The watches made in Shanghai are better than that (单数)in Xinjiang (错)
    The watches made in shanghai are better than those (复数) in Xinjiang ()
    I) 表示……one of + the +形容词高级 + 数名词复数表达:
    The Yellow River is one of the longest rivers in China 黄河中国长河
    J) 高级较时时前面the面句子
    It is a most interesting story 趣书(里the most代a most里a most表示程度相very)


    () 列连词分类
    列 连 词
    表 示
    and() neither … nor …(…………) not only … but also …(仅…………) both … and …(…………) as well as(…………)等
    but() yet(然) while(然)
    for() so()
    or(者) either …or …(者……者……)
    A 列关系
    1) Neither Joan nor her sister would go shopping with her mother琼妹妹愿妈妈购物
    2) Both the students and the teachers are very happy about the changes学生老师喜欢变化
    3) The mother as well as her three children is playing in the garden妈妈三孩子花园里玩
    4) Keep still and I’ll take a picture for you动张相
    5) Set out right now or you’ll be late again立出发否迟
    (注意:祈句 + + and or + 简单句句型结构)
    B 转折关系
    1) She looks very young but she is already 52年轻已52
    2) I have failed yet I shall try again败尝试
    3) He likes sports while his brother likes reading喜欢运动弟弟喜欢读书
    C 果关系
    1) He must be out for there is no light in the room准出屋里没亮灯
    D 选择关系
    1) Would you prefer tea or coffee 喜欢茶咖啡?
    2) You can either join us or do it on your own者加入者独立做件事
    1 引导状语句属连词
    引 导
    属 连 词
    when(……时) while(……期间) as(……时边……边) after(……) before(……前) since(……) tilluntil(直) not…until(直……) once(旦……) as soon as(…………) 等
    as() because() since(然) 等
    where(……方) wherever(里) 等
    if(果) unless(非果) soas long as() in case(防)等
    that(便) so that(便) in order that() lest( 防免) in case(防免) 等
    so(结果) so that(结果) so…that such…that(……致) that(致) 等
    thoughalthough(然) as(然) even if even though() however(样) whatever(什) whoever(谁) no matter howwhatwhich…(什……) 等
    as(正) as if as though(似)等
    as(……) as…as…(……样) not soas…as(……样) than() 等
    A 时间状语句
    1) Don’t talk while you’re eating 吃饭时说话
    2) Vegetables are best when they are fresh 蔬菜新鲜时
    3) He came just as I was leaving 正离开时
    4) Try to finish your work before you leave 离开前设法工作做完
    5) After we have finished tea we will sit on the grass 喝完茶坐草
    6) She’s been playing tennis since she was eight 8岁起网球
    7) Hold on until till I fetch help 坚持等找帮忙
    8) I’ll let you know as soon as I hear from her 已收信通知
    B 点状语句
    1) The church was built where there had once been a Roman temple座教堂建座罗马寺庙旧址
    2) I’ll take you wherever you like想里带里
    C 步状语句
    1) AlthoughThough they are twins they look different双胞胎相貌
    2) AlthoughThough it’s hard work I enjoy it苦活乐意干
    3) Even ifEven though you don’t like wine try a glass of this喜欢喝酒尝尝杯吧
    D 原状语句
    1) He couldn’t go to school because he had a cold患感未学
    2) As you are sorry I’ll forgive you然悔悟原谅
    3) Since we have no money we can’t buy it没钱法购买
    E 目状语句
    1) We used the computer in order that we might save time计算机节省时间
    2) Speak clearly so that they may understand you说清楚便明白意思
    F 条件状语句
    1) Don’t you mind if I open the window 介意开窗户?
    2) Don’t come unless I telephone非电话否
    3) In case it rains they will stay at home防雨呆家里
    G 结果状语句
    1) I went to the lecture early so that I got a good seat听讲座早找座位
    2) It’s so difficult a question that none of us can answer it难问题没回答
    3) He shut the window with such force that the glass broke关窗户力结果玻璃震碎
    H 方式状语句
    1) Why didn’t you catch the last bus as I told you to 说赶末班公汽车
    2) They treat me as though as if I were a stranger陌生
    I 较状语句
    1) She was now happier than she had ever been现时候快活
    2) He doesn’t work as hard as she does工作努力
    2 引导名词性句形容词性句引导词
    引 导
    属 连 词
    that(做成分词意省略) if(否) whether(否) wh疑问词
    that(代物) which(代物) who(代宾格whom格whose) where(点) when(时间)等
    A 宾语句
    1) He replied (that) he was going by train回答说坐火车
    2) I wonder if whether it’s large enough知道否足够
    3) I don’t think (that) you are right认正确
    4) We think it wrong (that) he told a lie to everyone认说谎错误
    5) He asked ifwhether she would come问否
    6) I don’t know whether he will come or not知道(if)
    7) They are talking about whether he will win the game谈否赢赛(if)
    8) Tell me what you want告诉想什
    9) You may ask him when he comes问问什时候
    10) Do you know whom who he will invite 知道会邀请谁(whom作句宾语口语who代)
    B 定语句
    1) The story (that) you read is The Rescue读事营救
    2) She is the girl who got the first prize第名女孩
    3) The foreigner who visited our school yesterday is from Canada昨天学校参观外国加
    4) The girl (whomwhothat) we met yesterday is Li Fei’s sister昨天碰女孩李飞妹妹
    5) They planted the trees which don’t need too much water种树需浇太水
    6) Miss Smith is the teacher whose house caught fire last week史密斯老师便周着火名教师
    7) The athlete to whom you talked is a famous runner谈话名运动员名著名跑步运动员
    8) Is there anything (that) I can do for you 什做?
    9) He was the first person that passed the exam第位通考试
    10) The only thing that I want to do is to have a rest唯想做事休息会

    a balance of ……衡谐协调
    a bit (of) 点会
    above all首首先
    according to根
    achieve one’s dream ( make one’s dream come true) 实现成某梦想梦想成真
    a couple of
    across from……
    add up to合计达……
    advise sb against (doing) sth 劝某做某事
    advise sb to do sth 建议某做某事
    a few少量(少表肯定)
    afford to do sth足够钱做某事
    after all毕竟终究
    after class 课
    again and again反复三
    a goodgreat many量许
    a good way to… 做……方法
    a greatgood deal of量许(修饰数)
    a great number of 量许
    agree about sth表示(某物某事)价值致法
    agree on sth确定某事某方面意见致
    agree to +(安排计划决定等词)意某事
    agree to do sth意做某事
    agree with sb意某法某法致
    ahead of……前
    aim to do sth 目力求达力争做
    a kind of种类
    a little点少许(少)
    little 点(少相没表否定)
    a little bit 点少许
    all in all总说总计
    all kinds of种样
    all over处遍结束
    all over the world世界
    allow doing sth允许做某事
    allow sb to do sth允许某做某事
    all right行吧(病)
    all sorts of 种样
    all the best切利万意
    all the same然
    all the same time时
    all the time总直( always)
    all the time the whole time全部时间
    all the year round年头
    all together起总
    all year round年头终年
    along with sbsth ……起……样……外()
    a lot (of)许量
    a moment ago刚
    and so on等等
    another + 数字( 数字 + more)
    a number of许(修饰名词做语谓语复数)
    the number of ……数(做语谓语动词单数)
    answer for……负责
    any minute now 时马时刻
    a pair of双副
    apart from
    a piece of块张根片
    argue with sb某争吵
    arrive inat达
    as a matter of fact事实实
    as a result(作)结果
    as … as
    a set of套组副
    as for关……言
    a sharp turn急转弯
    as if似象……
    ask for请求询问寻找(灵活翻译)
    ask for a ride 搭车
    ask sbfor help某求助
    ask (sb) for sth某寻求某物
    as for关
    as long as( if only)
    as often as possible 常
    as soon as …………
    as soon as possible早
    as though象仿佛
    as usual 通常常
    as we know众周知
    as well
    as well as……外()
    at a distance of 相隔……离……
    at a high speed 高速
    at a speed of 5 meters a second 秒5米速度
    at first起先开始时候
    at home 家
    at home and abroad 国外
    a ticket tofor… ……票
    the way to… ……路
    the key to… ……钥匙
    the answer to… ……答案
    at different times时间
    at first起初开始
    at last终at least少起码
    at most
    at night晚夜里
    at noon中午
    at once立刻马
    at one’s age某年龄
    at school学校(课)求学(状态)
    at table吃饭餐
    at the age of……岁时
    at the beginning of… ……开端
    at the centre of……中心
    at the concert音乐会
    at the end of………结尾末端
    at the foot of… ……脚 ……端
    at the head of……前头
    at the Music Hall音乐厅
    at the same time时
    at the table桌旁
    at the top of……端……顶端 ( 侧重点)
    at this moment刻现
    at this time yesterday昨天时刻
    at times 时偶尔
    a twoday weekend双休日周末
    at work工作事某种工作
    avoid doing sth避免做某事
    base on ……基础(根)
    be able to够(力)做某事
    be afraid of doing 害怕做……害怕某事发生(怕产生结果)
    be afraid of sbsth害怕某某物
    be afraid to do sth敢做某事(敢实施行)
    be afraid that (句)害怕……
    be allowed to do sth 允许做某事(allow doing sth 允许做某事)
    be amazed at……感惊讶( be surprised at)
    be angry with sb生某气
    be angry at sbsth某言行某事感气愤
    be angry about sth某事生气
    be away from离开某缺席
    be bad at ……方面做
    be bad for……害
    be bored with……感厌倦
    be born出生
    be careful心心
    because of
    be covered with……覆盖着
    be different from ……
    bed time寝时间
    be famous for……著名……出名
    be famous as作……著名
    be fed up with厌倦
    be filled with… ……装满……
    be fond of (doing) sth喜欢喜爱(做)某事
    before long久()
    long before久前巧记:long 前久前long久
    be forced to do 迫做……
    be full of装满充满
    begin with ……开始……起点
    be glad to乐意……
    be good at擅长…… ……方面做
    be good for……益
    be goodkind to……友友善
    be harmful to … ( do harm to… ) ……害
    be helpful forin (doing) sth……帮助
    be helpful to do sth助做某事
    be in参加( take part in)
    be in good health身体健康
    be interested in ……感性趣
    be in trouble 处幸苦恼困境中
    be known as … 作……著名
    be known for ……闻名
    be late for (school)(学)迟
    believe in oneself 信
    believe in sb信某
    believe sb 相信某(说话真)
    belong to属
    be mad atwith sb某非常恼火
    be made by某物(某某物)制造
    be made from…做成 (视原材料) (化学变化)
    be made into……制成……
    be made of…造成 (视原材料) (物理变化)
    be made up of………组成构成
    be made with …………做
    be meant to do bedo … 应该做……
    be named after ()……命名
    be nervous about……感紧张
    be pleased to do sth高兴乐意做某事
    be pleased with ……感高兴满意
    be popular with… 受……喜爱受……欢迎
    be proud of 骄傲豪
    be proud to do sth做某事豪
    be proud + that(句)……豪
    be ready for ……准备
    be satisfied with……感满意 ( be pleased with )
    be short for ……缩写
    be short of缺少缺乏
    be similar to……相似
    be sorry for sth某事感悔遗憾抱歉
    (be) stressed out压力紧张精疲力竭心力憔悴
    be strict inabout sth某事求严格
    be strict with sb 某严格求
    be suitable for 适合……
    be supposed to 应该期求……(否定句时意允许)
    be (not) sure of (doing) sth
    be (not) sure about sth
    be (not) sure to do sth
    be not sure whetherif…确信否……
    be (not) sure + that 句
    be surprised atby ……感惊奇
    be the pride of ……骄傲
    be the same as……相
    be tired of… ……厌烦厌腻
    between…and… …… ……间
    be up起床(状态)
    be used as作……作……
    be used by……
    be used for作……做……
    be used in ……里
    beget used to (doing) sth惯(做)某事
    be used to do sth(某物)做某事(动语态)
    used to do常常做……
    be weak in ……方面薄弱
    be well worth doing 值做……
    be worth doing值做
    boiled water开水
    book a ticket订票
    both…and… 两…………
    break away from脱离……
    break down损坏(化合物等)分解(汽车)抛锚
    break in闯入强行进入插嘴断
    break off断折断
    break out(战争火灾)突然发生爆发
    break the rule 违反规
    break up分裂分解
    bring down 推翻
    bring in引引进吸收
    bring on引起导致前进
    bring up教育培养
    brush one’s teeth刷牙
    build up增进加强逐步建立……更强壮
    bus ride车
    by accident偶然
    by airplane bus train ship car… 飞机公汽车火车轮船汽车等
    by and by久逐渐
    by day 日间白天
    by mistake错误意
    by oneself单独独
    by the end of……末止
    by the way便说便问
    call for提倡号召需
    call in召召集
    call on拜访访问
    call up 号召电话
    calm down()静镇静静
    cancel an order orders 取消订单
    can’t help doing情禁忍住
    can’t stand sthdoing sth 容忍某事做某事
    can’t wait to do sth迫做某事
    care for喜欢顾(病)关爱
    carry off携走夺走
    carry on继续继续开展
    carry out开展实施执行
    catch up with赶(超)
    cause air pollution造成空气污染
    cause sb to do sth某做某事
    cause sth to be done 某事做成
    change into转换成……变成……
    chat on the Net网聊天
    check in报登记
    check out查明结帐
    check over检查
    cheer on欢呼加油
    cheer up变高兴振作起
    classical music古典音乐
    clean out清理
    clean up清扫干净
    clear up整理收拾(天气)放晴
    click on 单击点击
    close friends亲密朋友
    close to接
    come about发生产生(尤指受控制注重原常how搭配)
    come across(偶然)遇见(发现)
    come along赶快加劲进步进展(意外)出现发生
    come along with………起
    come back回想起
    come back to life复活苏醒
    come by旁边走
    come down落
    come from出生() ( be from)
    comego home回家
    come in进入
    come into being形成出现成立
    come off……离开脱落
    come on吧赶快
    come out出(书等)出版发行
    come over便访
    come over to方方
    come to计达涉苏醒复苏停止停泊(海船)迎风转渐渐
    come to an end 结束
    come to oneself苏醒恢复知觉
    comego to school学
    come true变现实成事实
    come up升抬头
    come up with追赶想出(意)找出(答案)
    compare withto ……相
    complain to sb about sb某抱怨某
    computer game电子游戏
    congratulate…on 祝贺……
    connect … into … ……连接成……
    connect … towith…(…………)连接相连
    continue doing sth(隔段时间中间做事)继续做原先做事
    continue to do sth继续做件事情(中间停顿停顿会)
    country music乡村音乐
    cut down砍倒
    cut in插嘴插入
    cut in line插队
    cut off切断中断停止
    cut up 齐根割掉切碎剁碎
    dance to music伴音乐跳舞
    day and night日日夜夜
    day by day天天逐日
    day off 休假(病节假日)休息工作学
    deal with处理解决付
    deal with常how连疑问句中
    义词do with否定句what连疑问句中
    decide on选定决定
    decide to do sth决定做某事
    depend onupon相信赖
    die of from死……
    die out消失灭亡
    different from……
    divide up分配
    do badly in ……方面做
    do better in……方面做更
    do business 做生意
    do chores处理琐事干家务
    do harm to … …… 害
    dotry one’s best (to do sth)努力(做某事)
    do outdoor activities 做户外活动
    do some cleaningshoppingreading 做扫买东西读书
    do the dishes洗碗( wash the dishes)
    do the laundry洗衣服
    do well in ……方面做
    download music载音乐
    dozens of十许
    draw up拟订起草
    dream of doing 梦想做……
    drop in便走访(某)
    due to
    during one’s life 某生( in one’s life)
    each other互相
    earn one’s living 谋生
    eat up吃完吃光
    end up结束……结束结果……意外达(某处)
    end with……结尾……结束
    encourage sb to do sth鼓励某做某事
    enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事
    enjoy oneself愉快
    enjoy the beauties of nature欣赏然美景
    even if
    even though
    ever since时起直现
    everyday life日常生活
    expect sb to do sth 期某做某事
    face to face面面
    fail (in) the testexam考试格
    fail to do sth失败未做某事
    fall asleep入睡
    fall down倒塌倒跌……落
    fall ill患病病倒
    fall in love (with sb) 爱(某)
    fall into落入掉入
    family name姓
    far away遥远远处(常放句末作定语)(faraway 形容词遥远)
    far away from + 点 离……遥远(果前面具体数字时连far)
    far from远离
    feed on……食……喂养
    feed sbon sth feed sth to sb……喂……
    feel good about………感觉
    feel like (doing) sth想(做)某事
    feel sleepy 昏昏欲睡
    feel terrible感觉舒服
    fetch sb sth fetch sth for sb 某取某物
    fewer than
    fight against 仗战斗作战
    figure out理解想明白
    fill inout填充
    find out查明发现解
    first name名字
    first of all首先 ( first firstly )
    fit … into … 找时间做某事
    folk music民间音乐
    follow one’s advice采纳某建议
    follow sb to do sth 着某做某事
    follow the rules遵守规
    for certain确切肯定确认 ( for sure )
    for ever永远
    for example例
    forget about sbsth忘掉想某某物
    forget doing sth忘记做某事
    forget sth落某物
    forget to do sth忘记做某事
    for good永远
    for instance例(正式语)
    for sale售出售
    free time空闲时间业余时间
    from beginning to end始终
    from nowthentoday… on现时天……起
    from time to time时偶尔
    generally speaking 般说
    get a fine处罚金
    get alongon with……相处
    get away逃离
    get back返回回回家
    get close (to)接
    get down降
    get down to开始认真(做某事)
    get in进入收获达
    get in touch with sb某取联系
    get lost 迷路
    get married结婚
    getbe ready for sth某事准备
    getbe ready to do sth准备做某事
    get off 班车脱(衣服等)
    get on车活相处进展
    get on with sb ……相处
    get out出离开
    get out of……出
    get out of trouble 摆脱走出困境
    get over克服恢复原谅
    get through通拨通(电话)
    get to达
    get together聚会联欢
    get up起床
    get well康复
    give a concert开音乐会
    give a lecture 演讲
    give a speech(做)演讲
    give a try ( have a try)试试
    give away分发分配分送赠送
    give back送回
    give birth to生孩子(喻)生产
    give in屈服步
    give out 分发
    give sb a hand帮助某 ( do sba favorhelp sb)
    give sba lesson ( give a lesson to sb)某课某教训
    give sb a surprise give a surprise to sb某惊喜
    give sb some advice onabout … 某关……建议
    give support to … ……提供帮助
    give up放弃
    give us joy带快乐
    go ahead走前面领先干吧干继续
    go around 环绕
    go away走开离
    go by走
    go fishinghikingshoppingswimmingboatingskiingcycling…()钓鱼远足购物游泳……
    go for张做努力获
    go for a holiday 度假 ( go on holiday)
    go for a walk散步
    go in for参加喜欢
    go off走开
    go on继续
    go on a field trip野外旅游
    go on a visit旅游
    go on doing…继续干某事停干某事
    go on to do…继续做(外……)
    go on with继续
    go out出熄灭
    go over仔细检查复
    go scuba diving潜水
    go sightseeing观光旅游
    go this way 走边( takecome this way)
    go through浏览翻阅通
    go to a movie电影
    go to bed床睡觉
    go up升涨
    go wrong出错
    grow up长成成长
    had better (do)(做)
    hand in交交纳
    hand out分发
    hand up举手
    hang on(电话时)挂断等片刻
    hang out(俚语)闲荡闲逛
    hang up挂断电话
    happen to do sth碰巧做某事(偶然性)
    hate doing sth喜欢做某种惯性常性动作
    hate to do sth愿意做某次具体事情
    have a class课
    havegetcatch a cold患感
    have a concert听音乐会
    have a cough咳嗽
    have a fever 发烧
    have the flu患流感
    have a + 症状名称表示患……病
    have a fight架
    have a gift for……天赋
    have a good sleep睡觉
    have a good time玩高兴愉快
    have a hardhappynormal life ( live a hardhappynormal life) 着艰难幸福正常生活
    have a meal吃顿饭
    have a meeting开会
    have an accident发生事
    have an effect on影响
    have an (a huge) influence on … ……着()作影响
    havetake a shower洗淋浴洗澡
    havetake a bath洗澡
    havetake a look
    have a party开晚会
    have a picnic野餐
    havetake a rest休息
    have a sore throat 嗓子疼
    have a sweet tooth喜欢吃甜食
    have a swim游泳
    have a taste尝
    have a temperature发烧
    have a trip旅游
    have a try (give it a try)试试
    havetake a walk散散步
    have breakfastlunchsupperdinner吃……饭
    have classes课
    have fun (in) doing sth玩高兴
    have fun with玩高兴
    have got to必须
    have … in common处(常everythingsomethingmucha lotnothing等定代词连)
    have nothing to do with ……关……
    have (no) time to do sth (没)时间做……
    have no trouble doing sth(have no difficulty doing sth)毫费力做某事
    have sore eyes眼睛疼
    have talent for sth某某事天分天赋
    have the chance to do sth 机会做某事
    have to必须
    have troubledifficulty (in) doing sth 做某事麻烦困难
    head back home 回家路走
    head for 某方行进前
    hear from收……信
    hear ofabout 听说知道
    help oneself to…请便吃点……
    help sb (to) do sth帮助某做某事
    help sbwith sth帮助某做某事
    here and there 处处零散
    hold on等等(挂电话)
    hold one’s breath出气屏住呼吸
    hold out伸出坚持维持
    hold up阻挡停顿
    how soon久
    how often久次
    how far远
    how many少(接名词复数)
    how much少(接数名词)
    how old年纪岁
    human being (数名词解释:a man a woman or a child)
    human beings类(数名词复数形式相humansmanman类讲时数名词)
    hundreds of百成千万
    hurry off匆匆离(含催促意)
    hurry up快点赶快
    if only
    in a goodbad mood处坏情绪状态
    in a hurry匆忙快
    in all总
    in all directions四面八方( in every direction)
    in a minute马立刻
    in a way 某角度某点某种程度(in some way)
    in a word简言总
    in bed睡着卧床(状态)
    in the bed床(点)
    in class课堂
    in common
    increase by + 倍数百分数增加……倍百分……
    increase to + 具体增长数字增加……
    in danger处危险状态
    in debt欠债
    in detail详细
    in … direction ……方
    in fact事实实际
    in front of……前面(外)
    in the front of……前部()
    in general般说通常
    in good health身体健康
    in hospital住院(状态)
    in the hospital医院里(点)
    in many ways 许方面
    in memory of … 纪念……
    in need 困难时贫困中
    in need of需缺少
    in no way绝
    in one’s opinion 某法
    in one’s spare time业余时间闲暇时间 ( in one’s free time)
    in one’s thirties 某三十岁时
    in one’s view 某
    in order (of) 序
    in order that
    in order to
    in other words换句话说
    in peace安静宁静
    in people’s daily life 日常生活中( in our everyday life)
    in public众公开
    in public places 公场合
    in search of寻找查找
    in short总言简言
    in some way某方面
    instead of代
    in style时髦流行
    in surprise吃惊惊讶惊奇意外
    in the 1960s20世纪60年代
    in the beginning开始初期
    in the daytime白天
    in the end终
    in the field of ……领域
    in the future未(时间较长)
    in future(时间较短)
    in the middle of中间
    in the morningafternoonevening午午晚
    in the past … years ……年里
    induring the summer vacationholiday暑假期间
    in the open air户外野外
    in the past
    in the school学校(点)
    in the tree (长)树[on the tree(落挂)树]
    in the way挡道
    in thisthat way种种方法
    in those days时
    in time时
    introduce sth into … 某事物传入引进某(into场点做介宾)
    introduce … to sb ……介绍某
    in … way……方法
    join in参加加入
    join up联合起连接起
    junk food垃圾食品
    just a moment稍等会请稍等
    just now现刚
    keep a diary记日记(惯)
    keep away (from)…远离……
    keep back留
    keep doing sth继续坚持做某事(连续做间隔)
    keep (…) down控制抑制
    keep fit keep healthy保持健康
    keep in good health保持身体健康
    keepbe in touch with ……保持联系
    keep off勿踏勿踩
    keep on继续(进行)
    keep on doing 继续做……反复做……(中间间隔)
    keep one’s word守信
    keep out……进
    keep up保持维持继续
    keep up with赶
    kill them for… ……捕杀
    kind of分差点稍微 (a little)
    knock aton敲……
    knock into sb撞某
    know about…解知道……情况
    last for持续(段时间)
    last from…to… ……持续 ……
    last but not least样重
    later on
    laugh at sb嘲笑某
    lead to导致导
    learn…by oneself teach oneself学
    learn from sb某学
    learn to do sth学做某事
    leave a message to sb某留信
    leave for动身某
    leave A for B离开AB
    lend sthto sb( lend sb sth) …………
    less than少
    let in……进放进
    let out放掉泄露
    let sb do sth某做某事
    lie down躺
    lie in 位
    life in the countryside乡村生活
    likelove doing sth喜欢做某事(惯爱)
    like to do sth喜欢想做某事(次性喜)
    likes and dislikes恶爱憎
    listen to… 听……
    little by little 逐渐
    livehave a … life着……生活
    live on……食……生(动物植物)生长……栖生……
    live to (be) years old活……岁
    living room起居室
    long ago久前
    look after顾料
    look ahead前展未
    look around环顾
    look at观
    look at oneself in a mirror镜子
    look down upon起轻视
    look for寻找
    look for trouble 寻烦恼
    look forward to盼期期
    look into……里面调查
    look like …起……
    look onupon … as … ……作……视
    look out留神心
    look over仔细检查
    look pale起(面色)苍白
    look the same起象
    look through 穿浏览
    look up查找查阅
    lose oneself in … 沉浸……全神贯注……
    lose one’s jobs失业
    lose one’s life丧生
    lose one’s way迷路 ( get lost )
    lose touch with … ……失联系
    lots of许量
    major in修专研
    make a comeback复出
    make a contribution to (doing) sth ……做贡献
    make a decision做决定
    make a facefaces做鬼脸做苦脸
    make a living谋生……谋生
    make a reservation预定
    make a living 谋生
    make a promise 许诺言
    makedo a survey of … ……做调查
    make friends with……交朋友
    make mistakes犯错误
    make one’s back to somewhere返回某
    make one’s bed整理床铺
    make oneself heard 听某话
    make oneself understood 明白某意思
    make one’s way to somewhere某
    make peace with sb某解
    make progress 取进步(make great progress in (doing) sth某方面取巨进步)
    make room for……腾方
    make sbdo sth某做某事
    make sb + adj 某……(样)
    make sure确保务必设法保证
    make the bed整理床铺
    make up组成构成化妆解
    make up of……组成构成
    make up one’s mind (to do sth)决心(做某事)
    mark the end of … 标志……结束
    marry sb 某结婚
    millions of成百万千万数
    mix up混合起
    more and more越越()
    more or less少
    more than超( over )
    much too太
    next to紧接着相邻次
    no better than ……()样差
    no doubt疑
    no longer not…any longer (指动作时间延续)
    no more not…any more(指次数增加)
    no matter
    no need没必
    not at all点谢没关系
    not … but … …………
    not…enough to do够……做……(常too…to…义转换)
    not only…but (also)…仅…………
    not soas…as象
    now and then 时偶尔
    now that然
    of course然
    on a farm农场
    on an empty stomach空腹
    on (thean) average均均数计算
    on a visit to … ( visit) 参观……
    on board船
    on business 出差
    once in a while时偶尔偶然
    once moreagain次次
    once upon a time前久前(常事开头相long long ago)
    on duty值日值班
    on earth( in the world) 倒底究竟全然 (常放特殊疑问代词)球
    one after another接
    one day 天天(some day表示天)
    one of + the + 高级 + 名词复数 ………(者)
    one’s success in doing sth 成功完成某事
    one’s own 某
    on foot走路步行
    only if 非………………时候
    on one’s way (to)……途中
    onover the radio通收音机
    on sale出售市
    on show展出演(放映)
    on time准时时
    onover the radioInternetTVphone通收音机特网电视电话
    on the leftright左右边
    on the one hand()方面
    on the other hand方面
    on the stage 舞台
    on (the) top of……面 ( 侧重面)
    on watch值班守
    open up开启开创开辟开
    order sb to do sth命令某做某事
    or else否然
    ought to应该
    out of……外……外……里外
    out of breath气接气
    out of order运转正常出毛病
    out of sight见视野外
    out of style时耄时
    out of work失业
    over and over again反复次重复
    over there边
    parttime job兼职工作
    pass away 世消失
    pass by
    pass on传递转移……
    pay attention to注意
    pay back偿(款等)
    pay for付款
    pay off偿清(欠款)
    pen pal笔友
    persuade sbto do sth说服某做某事
    pick out选出
    pick up买拾起捡起接收开车接
    place an order orders 订购订单
    place of interest名胜
    play against……赛
    play a partrole in sth 某物中起(尤指重)作
    play for……效力
    play a joke on sb戏弄某某做恶作剧
    play the pianoguitarviolindrum…演奏弹拉……(乐器)
    play basketballfootballvolleyball…踢玩……(球类)
    plenty of量充足丰富
    plug…in… …… 插入……
    point at… 指……(较物)
    point out指出
    point to… 指……(较远物)
    police officer警官
    pop music流行音乐
    post office邮局
    pour … into ……倒入
    practice (doing) sth 练(做)某事
    prefer (doing) sth更喜欢(做)某事
    prefer (doing) sth to (doing) sth喜欢……胜……
    prefer to do rather than do宁愿做……愿做……
    prepare for (doing) sth(做)某事作准备
    prepare sth for sb 某准备某物
    prepare to do sth 准备做某事
    pretty well相差
    primary school学
    promise to do sth 答应做某事
    prove sth (to sb) (某)证明某事
    provide sb with sth provide sth for sb 提供某物某
    pull down推倒拆毁
    push one’s way out推进(道路)挤开
    put away……收起储存
    put down记
    put off推迟
    put on穿戴演
    put on a performance演出
    put on weight发福增加体重
    put out伸出扑灭关熄
    put up挂起扑灭张贴(广告等)
    put up with忍受
    quarrel with(某)吵架
    quite a bita lot许量
    quite a few相
    raise money筹钱
    raise one’s hand 举手
    raise one’s head抬头
    rather than……(……)……(……)
    read the newspaper报
    refer to提说起涉谈关指
    refuse to do sth拒绝做某事
    regard…as………作……( treat … as …)
    relay race接力赛
    remember doing sth记做某事
    remember to do sth记做某事
    repeat sth after sb 着某做学某事
    right away立马
    right now立马
    ring back回电话
    ring off挂断电话停止讲话
    ring up电话……
    run after 追逐追赶
    run away逃跑失控
    run into sb 某期遇邂逅
    run out of完
    sales assistant售货员
    save one’s life挽救某生命
    say sorrythanksgoodbyehello to sb某说抱歉谢谢见
    scores of许量
    search (sth) for (sbsth)(寻找搜索搜查
    see a dentist牙医
    see a doctor医生病
    see sbdo sth某做某事
    see sb doing sth某正做某事
    see sb doing sth oneself (see…in personsee…with one’s own eyes)亲眼见某做某事
    see sboff某送行
    see sth oneself 亲眼目睹
    see the sunrise日出
    sell out卖完出卖
    send away派遣撵走开解雇
    send for派(请)
    send off寄出
    send out发出派遣
    send up发出射出
    sentence…to death判……处死刑
    serious music严肃音乐
    set a good example 树立榜样
    set down放
    set free释放解放
    set off动身起程爆发
    set out出发开始
    set the table摆餐具
    set up建立创立
    settle down定居静
    share…with… ……分享……
    shoot at ……射击
    short of breath 呼吸急促气短
    shout atto sb某喊
    show off炫耀
    show (sb)around带领(某)参观
    show sb sth 某某物( show sth to sb)
    side by side肩肩起
    since then时起
    sleep late睡头起晚
    slow down减速减缓
    smile at life笑生
    so as to便
    so far目前止
    so far as (表示程度范围)…… ……
    so long as
    solve the problem解决问题
    sooner or later迟早早晚
    sorts of 种样
    so that便……
    sound like听起
    speak highly of称赞
    speed up加快速度
    spend… (in) doing sth花费(时间)……做某事
    spend… on sth……花钱
    spend … with sb某起度某段时间
    spill over溢出涌出
    spread over散布分布
    stand for 代表象征
    start with ……开始( begin with)
    stay at home呆家里
    stay healthy保持健康
    stay in bed躺床
    stay up (late) 深夜睡熬夜
    step on one’s toes踩某脚
    sth happen to sb某事某头某发生某事
    stick … on … ……粘……
    stick to (doing) sth坚持(做)某事
    stop doing sth停止做某事
    stop to do sth停做(外)某事
    stressed out紧张压力
    stress sb out某压力
    struggle against……作斗争
    succeed in doing 成功做……
    such as 例
    summer camp夏令营
    take a bustrain… 公汽车火车……
    take a message (for sb) 捎口信
    leave a message留口信
    take an interest in……感兴趣
    take a deep breath 深呼吸
    take an active part in 积极参加
    take a ride兜风
    take a seat坐座
    take a vacation度假
    take away走
    take a walk散步步行(次某次)
    take care心心
    take care of 关心顾
    take drugs 吸毒
    take in 吸收容纳接纳
    take it easy着急紧张
    take measures to do sth采取措施做某事
    take off拖起飞
    take one’s advice ( follow one’s advice) 听某建议
    take one’s seat坐某座位
    take one’s time容慢慢行动
    take out取出
    take part in参加
    take photos相
    take place发生(指预料中发生强调计划发生happen指偶然发生)
    take sb in the arms搂抱某
    take sb’s advice 采纳某建议
    take the leading position (in) (……方面)处领先位
    take the place of取代代
    take the place of sbto do sth(do sth instead of sb)代某做某事
    take turns to do sth轮流做某事
    take up占占(时间位等)
    take walks散步(次常)
    take … with (sb)(某)身携带……
    talk about谈议
    talk of谈议
    talk to oneself言语
    talk to sb某交谈
    talk with sb某交谈
    teach oneself学( learn…by oneself)
    teach sb to do sth教某做某事
    tell a lie撒谎
    tell sb ofabout sth告诉某关某事情况
    There is no doubt 毫疑问毋庸置疑
    thanksthank you for (doing) sth(做)某事感谢
    thank sb for (doing) sth某事谢谢某谢谢某做某事
    thanks to幸亏
    the day after tomorrow天
    the day before yesterday前天
    the Great Wall长城
    the Ministry of Education教育部
    the more…the more…越……越……
    the Olympic Committee奥委会
    the Olympics the Olympic Games奥运会
    the other day前天某日
    the path to success成功路
    the same as……相样
    the same to……样
    the World Cup世界杯
    think about考虑(否做)
    think back (on) 回想起追忆
    think of想起考虑认法
    think over仔细考虑
    thousands of成千万千
    throw about乱丢抛撒
    throw around乱扔
    throw away扔掉
    tie…to… ……系 ……
    too much太
    to one’s joy 某高兴
    to one’s surprise令某惊讶某吃惊
    up and down回
    trip over(……)绊倒
    try doing sth尝试做某事
    try one’s best (to do sth)某力量(做某事)
    try on试穿试试
    try out试验
    try to do sth企图力做某事努力做……设法做……
    turn aroundabout转身回转身
    turn down关调低
    turn off关掉(水电电视收音机等)
    turn on开(水电视收音机煤气等)
    turn over翻动犁翻(土)
    turn to sb某求助
    turn up达开(声音)
    type it in 输入
    up and down 回
    used to do sth常常
    use … to do … (use … for doing …)……()做……
    very much非常
    video game电子游戏
    wait for等候等
    wait in line排队等候
    wake up醒
    walk a pet dog遛狗
    warn sb aboutof sth 关某事警告某
    warn sb against doing sth(warn sb not to do sth) 告诫某做某事远离某事
    warn sb to do sth警告提醒某做某事
    watch TV电视
    what’s more更重更甚者
    what’s worse更糟糕
    whether… or not否否
    wipe out 彻底消灭
    wish sb to do sth希某做某事
    wishhope to do sth希做某事
    with one’s help sb with the help of sb某帮助
    work as 事某种职业
    work at 做致力事学研究攻读(强调时间精力等某方面事情侧重说明事工作性质)
    work for … ……工作……坚持懈努力受雇
    work onupon事忙智力
    work out算出解决
    work w work hard onat ……方面努力工作学致力……
    ell 效产生影响
    work well in doing … ……方面起作效果错
    worry about担心烦恼 ( be worried about)
    would like想愿意
    would rather宁愿宁
    wouldhad rater…than… 宁愿…… ……
    wrap up包伪装
    write a diary记日记(动作)
    write down写记
    write to写信……
    one of
    each of
    some of
    most of + 复数名词 (整体中部分)
    all of
    none of





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    2018中考语法系列一.一般现在时一般现在时(The Simple Present Tense)一。 一般现在时有三种形式1。 谓语是be(am/is/are)的一般现在时. ①肯定形式:主语...

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    名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词 (Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或...

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    ContentChinese Abstract……………………………………………………………………2English Abstract……………………………………………………………………31. ...

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    初中数学公式大全1 过两点有且只有一条直线 2 两点之间线段最短 3 同角或等角的补角相等 4 同角或等角的余角相等 5 过一点有且只有一条直线和已知直线垂直 6 直线外一点与直线上各点连接的...

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    中考化学资料第1单元 走进化学世界1、化学是研究物质的组成、结构、性质以及变化规律的基础科学。2、我国劳动人民商代会制造青铜器,春秋战国时会炼铁、炼钢。3、绿色化学-----环境友好化学 ...

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    初中化学复习 方程式大全

    初中化学复习 方程式大全

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    1、生物具有的共同特征:①生物的生活需要营养。植物的营养:绝大多数通过光合作用制造有机物;动物的营养:从外界获取现成的营养。②生物能进行呼吸。 ③生物能排出身体内的废物。动物排出废物的方式...

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