
    Unit One
    1 the entire previous history of humankind (类)
    2 due principally (chiefly) to
    3 to rescue (save) civilization from
    4 the dread (fearful) shadow of diseases
    5 the conscience (觉悟)and concern of scientists
    6 driving forces (动力)
    7 to advance (promote) health
    8 the amplification (增)of virus
    9 tissue culture (培养)
    10 killed and live attenuated (减弱)vaccines
    11 national immunization (免疫)days
    12 monitoring (监测)methods
    13 worldwide eradication (elimination) of polio
    14 little reason for complacency (满)
    15 microbial (微生物)enemies
    16 temporary (暂时)victories
    17 be adept (skillful) at developing new defenses
    18 to facilitate (便利)the spread of epidemics
    19 political and economic mismanagement (理善)
    20 the deprivation (poverty) of population
    21 to address (deal with) the largest disease burden
    22 major scourge (灾祸)such as malaria and AIDS
    23 in an interdisciplinary (跨学科)way
    24 talented ()young scientists
    25 to underwrite (support) their mission
    26 stunning pace (speed rate) of change
    27 potential passion and perception (洞察力)of scientists
    29 to address (attend to) global health needs
    30 to make deliberate (慎重)use of it
    31 to bear (keep) in mind that
    32 strategically (战略)placed on
    33 the scientific underpinning (基础)of policy
    34 evidencebased (循证)policy
    35 policy setting (establishment)
    36 to bear on (影响)the wellbeing of people
    37 a(n) terminally ill patient (终病)
    38 metastatic (转移)renal cancer
    39 our beloved (热爱)profession
    40 our zeal (enthusiasm) for medical science
    41 bedside (clinical) care
    42 to conduct groundbreaking (突破)research
    43 a(n) noble (崇高)calling
    44 a(n) oral formulation ( 口月服制剂)of morphine
    45 bone metastasis 转移)
    46 radicular (根)pain
    47 spinal (脊柱)root
    48 to counsel (忠告)the terminally ill patient
    49 to reflect upon (反省)my profession
    50 caring and compassionate (情心)
    51 chemotherapeutic (化疗)agents
    52 to shower their patients with genuine (true) love and compassion
    53 emotional and physical (身体)support
    54 dignity (尊严)and compassion
    55 combination (cooperation) of physicians and nurses
    56 to attend to (address meet satisfy) the physical
    57 the bureaucrats (官僚)and administrators
    58 the inflated price tag (物价涨)
    59 precious (very extremely) few
    60 the threat of litigation (诉讼)
    61 an ethical legal and economic consensus (agreement)
    62 to allocate (分酉)these resources
    63 to pass health care legislation (立法)
    64 assemblyline mentality (理念)
    65 unethical in the extreme (极度非常)
    66 the application of scientific inquiry (investigation)
    67 to die naturally and humanely (道)
    68 inauguration (职)speech
    69 to garner (acquire obtain) more support
    70 to venture (go) beyond
    71 the walls of the ivory tower (象牙塔)
    72 a more entrenched (deeply rooted) obstacle
    73 Up service (口惠)
    74 a(n) innovative (革新)program
    75 a growing nucleus (核心)of
    76 between academia (学术界)and industry
    77 the messy fray (争)of democracy
    78 the scientific community (科技界)
    79 a(n) chaotic (混舌L)realm
    80 a(n) enlightened (文明)citizenry
    81 politicians and lobbyists (说客)
    Unit Two
    1 the acquisition (获)of knowledge
    2 a(n) prized (珍贵)commodity
    3 the role of breadwinner (家庭支柱)
    4 the family boarding (供膳宿)house
    5 (勤劳)industriously generated profits
    6 Dad' consistent (贯)message
    7 extracurricular (课夕卜)activities
    8 a(n) avid (渴求)reader
    9 glowing approbation (称赞)
    10 distinctly different flavors (韵味)
    11 a(n) academic (教学)physician
    12 to delight in (热衷)learning
    13 to need a(n) reminder (提示)
    14 collegial teasing (逗乐)
    15 at the crack of dawn (黎明)
    16 to smile graciously (蔼)
    17 in a very heavy accent (口音)
    18 nostalgic (怀旧)reminiscence
    19 the privilege (特权)of learning
    20 reverence (respect) for knowledge
    21 a frustrating and inefficient (低效率)process
    22 to assemble (收集)paper charts
    23 to become intimately (深深)aware of
    24 a young enthusiastic idealistic (理想义 ) person
    25 a(n) compassionate (情心)clinician
    26 to employ that knowledge reliably ()
    27 to immerse (沉浸)myself in the hospital
    28 jampacked (crowded) emergency departments
    29 primary (初级)prevention
    30 extraordinary (极度)waste
    31 to remedy (correct) these problems
    32 insightful (见识)teachers and colleagues
    33 miraculous (奇迹般)tools 10 to bestowed (赐予)the gift of prophecy
    34 to orchestrate (coordinate) conversation and 11 the camaraderie (志情谊)of making music

    49 accelerate (力口快)the redefinition of science 26

    35 interdisciplinary (交叉学科)teamwork
    36 the medical establishment (system)
    37 untapped (未汲取)resource
    38 to channel (弓 1导)the energy into
    39 exuberant (精力旺盛)practitioners
    40 disparities (差异)of quality
    41 health care settings (环境)
    42 introductory (入门)science course
    43 the distinguished (杰出)committee of scientists
    44 natural phenomena (现象)
    45 active inquiry (exploration)
    46 quality assessments 评估)
    47 to explicitly (明确)measure
    48 to energetically (积极)advertise and explain
    50 to need urgently (急迫)
    Unit Three
    1 a(n) general (普夕卜)surgeon
    2 specialty (专科)surgeons
    3 a(n) plastic (整形)surgeon
    4 a hospital administrator (行政员)
    5 to review a(n) untimely(早)death
    6 to reprimand (训斥)a disgraced colleague
    7 medical consultation (会诊)
    8 the melding (combining) of music and medicine
    9 a(n) gifted (天赋)musician
    12 a time capsule (时光锦囊)
    13 a(n) theme (题)party
    14 in the seasonality (季节性)of medical practice
    15 the cruelest hoax (戏弄)
    16 blossoms (生气盎然)of rebirth
    17 child abuse (童虐)
    18 to become prevalent (盛行)
    19 domestic violence (家庭暴力)
    20 psychiatric (精神病)symptoms
    21 to share similar concerns (忧虑)
    22 to approach (treat) music as therapy
    23 entertainment (娱乐)value
    24 to remove one inner (心)restlessness
    25 to quiet the agitation (anxiety) of ceaseless thinking the reduction of psychophysiologic (心理生理) stress
    27 on a(n) therapeutic (治疗)level
    28 the harried (烦扰)left hemisphere
    29 the limbic system (脑边缘系统)
    30 pitch and rhythm (节奏)
    31 to have alternative (选择)plans
    32 bodily (physical) health
    33 enrichment (充实)of the spirit
    34 nostalgic (怀旧)foray into the music of the 1940s
    35 to add balance to one' existence (生存)
    36 the harmonies (声)and rhythms
    37 statistically (统计)significant
    38 anniversary (周年纪念日)dinner candles
    39 the diagnoses that reek (散发出)frustration
    40 the rule out (exclude) fibromyalgia
    41 a freeflowing account (叙述)of her symptoms
    42 to resort to (诉诸)the last refuge
    43 the harried (烦扰)physician
    44 the winddriven sleet (雨夹雪)
    45 the capricious (变化莫测)nature of the events
    46 the conspiracy (阴谋)of machinery
    47 near the edge (边缘)of tolerance
    48 to restore equanimity (镇定静)
    49 a service profession (occupation)
    50 poorly articulated (expressed)
    51 to succumb to (die of) melanoma
    52 bone metastases 转移)
    53 to ease (relieve) the loneliness fear and emotional suffering
    54 to have unrealistic (切实际)expectations
    55 a(n) attentive (专心)understanding ear
    56 the currency of the realm (领域里流行)
    57 the medical interview (问诊)
    58 to notice my heart pounding (beating)
    59 the feel of sweat on one foreheads(前额)
    60 a(n) triage (病鉴分类)sheet
    61 grumbling (饥肠辘辘)stomach
    62 racism and hatred (仇恨)
    63 aches (疼痛)and pains
    64 billing sheets (账单)
    65 primary physician (初级保健医生)
    66 to access (use) the computer
    67 periodic (定期)checks
    68 to shrug one ' s shoulder耸肩)
    Unit Four
    1 with the advent of (着 )
    2 become laden with (full of)
    3 corporate (公司)management
    4 to articulate (voice) ageold frustrations
    5 forwardthinking and laudable (值称赞) concepts
    6 preventive interventions (介入)
    7 reparative (治疗)interventions
    8 those in pinstripes (商)
    9 conceptual (观念)constructs
    10 ostensibly (obviously) because
    11 allied (行)health professionals
    12 routine (常规)medical care
    13 to carry a(n) connotation (含义)of
    14 integral (组成部分)components
    15 to give the advantage of (利)
    16 to diluting (稀释)identification
    17 the recipient (接受者)of medical care
    18 to endure (忍受)pain calmly
    19 the vernacular (jargon) of managed care
    20 more literally (确切)
    21 to provide an impetus (动力)for
    22 of a(n) Faustian (浮士德式)nature
    23 society in general (整社会)
    24 to serve a(n) nominative (称谓)function
    25 too obtuse (迟钝)to declare openly
    26 as accurately (精确)as possible
    27 the jargon (vernacular) of managed care
    28 in the final analysis (总)
    29 to make a(n) career of ( 事业)
    30 to acquiesce (默许)the shifting currents
    31 the timbre (基调)of the debate
    32 to stretch (extend) myself toward the model
    33 seemly fitting and decent (正派)
    34 to increase consistency (致性)of record keeping
    35 to decrease the cost of transcription (抄写)
    36 on a(n) whim (时兴致)
    37 to leaf through (翻阅)records
    38 the terse (concise) language
    39 between tidy and almost illegible (难辨认)
    40 a(n) reproducible (复制)and less personal format
    41 to stir (激动)and touch me
    42 peripheral neuropathy (神病)
    43 a mind jumbled and bruised (挫伤)
    44 with my own slant (观点)on things
    45 to scratch one'head (感困惑)
    46 to decipher (decode) what I really meant
    47 loopy (潦草)handwriting
    48 hospice (终关怀)volunteer
    49 to make eye contact (眼神交流)
    50 behavioral (行)disturbance
    51 have the right to privacy (隐私)
    52 depressive disorder (忧P症)
    53 a(n) concrete (具体存)plan
    54 to voice (articulate) grievances
    55 without discrimination of reprisal (报复)
    56 the newspaper obituary (计告)
    57 outrageous (寻常)acts
    58 everyday rebellious (反抗)
    Unit Five
    1 annual (yearly) meeting
    2 especially timely (in time)
    3 harsh (严厉)penalty
    4 scientific illiteracy (ignorance)
    5 unprecedented (前未)financial and policy support
    6 the general citizenry (公民)
    7 to hold scientists in high regard (respect)
    8 the integrity (honesty) and credibility of science
    9 a(n) spate of (量)recent incidents
    10 research accomplishments (研究成果)
    11 the implications (影响结果)of scientific discoveries
    12 substantial (巨)tension
    13 religious (宗教)beliefs
    14 embryonic (胚胎)stem cells
    15 scientific advances (进展)
    16 a high priority (务急头等事)
    17 a(n) genuine (真诚)dialogue
    18 inappropriate (improper) behavior
    19 out of proportion (成例)to
    20 widely publicized examples (广泛报道事例)
    21 scientific misconduct (端行)
    22 accusations (指责)of misconduct
    23 to tarnish (站污败坏)the image
    24 to diminish (降低)the credibility of
    25 the entire scientific enterprise (事业)
    26 undisclosed (未披露)conflicts of interest
    27 to overinterpret (夸词)scientific facts
    28 scientific behavioral norms (规范)and standards
    29 allegorically (喻)speaking
    30 to listen for clues (evidences) of disease
    31 to look for signs of pathology (病理)
    32 bloodshot (充血)eyes
    33 to no avail (济事)
    34 blunt chest trauma (创伤)
    35 mutual partings of the way (分道扬镳)
    36 declared (公然)and naked hate
    37 medicolegal (医学法律)liabilities
    38 in imminent (immediate) danger
    39 in the ideal and neutral configuration (处境)
    40 to update (更新)him on his condition
    41 to order serial radiographs (系列 X 光相检查)
    42 to obtain daily arterial (动脉)blood gases
    43 to follow hematocrits (血细胞容)
    44 a broken ailing (病态)and sorry soul
    45 surgical intervention (介入)
    46 shell of prejudice (偏见歧视)
    47 intellectual (理智)isolation
    48 to accept consolation (安慰)
    49 legend has it (传说)
    50 a(n) inscription (铭文)bearing the words
    51 to uncover (reveal) truths
    52 odd scraps (零碎)of evidence
    53 the paucity (lack) of data
    54 gender (sex) roles
    55 the combustibility (易怒性)of the interface
    56 to steer clear of (avoid)
    57 under the unifying framework (框架)
    58 human behavioral ecology (生态学)
    59 to pursue (explore) similar questions
    60 the ethnographic (种学)data
    61 outdated (obsolete outofdate) versions
    62 mathematical (数学)analyses
    63 to foster (nurture) dialogue between
    64 highly interconnected (互相连接)cities
    65 diverse (distinct different) areas of research
    66 to deliver (传递)an optimistic message Unit Six
    1 successive (相继)generations
    2 functionality and versatility (途)
    3 added (附加)functionality
    4 moral (道德)standards
    5 ethical (伦理)principles
    6 behavioral (行)guidelines
    7 a long and arduous (艰巨)evolutionary process
    8 social discord (谐)
    9 to make improvement (改进)
    10 remote ancestors (祖先)
    11 the evolutionary (进化)tree
    12 solitary (独居)predators
    13 a(n) extended family (家庭)
    14 wandering (居定)bands
    15 a(n) embryonic (萌芽期)Golden Rule
    16 the physical environment (物质环境)
    17 parental supervision (监护)
    18 the practice of monogamy ( 夫妻制)
    19 verbal symbols (语言符号)
    20 ancestral primates (灵长类)
    21 Homo sapiens (智)
    22 archaic (古代)humans
    23 in extreme (极端)cases
    24 think in abstractions (抽象)
    25 in critically (vitally) important ways
    26 to populate (定居)the habitable world
    27 formed confederations (盟)of tribes
    28 to multiply explosively (剧增)
    29 on a(n) grander (large) scale
    30 trade and commerce (商业)
    31 cultural markers (标识)
    32 conventions (社会俗)in dress and manners
    33 the basic template (model)
    34 kingdoms and empires (帝国)
    35 the time frames (时段)
    36 at the dawn (拂晓)of a new millennium
    37 galloping (飞速)technological change
    38 to facilitate (promote) cooperation
    39 fully explored an defined (定义)
    40 our archive (档案)of past experience
    41 forethinking (超前意识)imagination
    42 a date with immortality (流芳百世)
    43 natural riches (resources)
    44 common kinship (亲属关系)
    45 to have a social dimension (aspect)
    46 noble ambitions (抱负)
    47 a(n) fiercely (激烈)competitive world
    48 impartial (偏见)consideration
    49 pretexts and apologias (辩解)
    50 the scientific enterprise (事业)
    51 to pay particular heed (attention) to
    52 social implications (consequences)
    53 the scientific endeavor (effort)
    54 trust in authority (权威)
    55 mores and prejudices (偏见)
    56 objective and reliable ()
    57 a(n) stern (strict) restraint
    58 communal (collective) will
    59 fertility (受孕)clinics
    60 to create quite a stir (轰动)
    61 a(n) affront (犯)to human dignity
    62 those on the fringes (极端分子)
    63 with credentials and track records (业绩)
    64 to pioneer the use of (首先)
    65 reproductive (生殖)biology
    66 surrogate (代孕)mums
    67 adoption (领养)agencies
    68 a(n) joJi (刺激)of electricity
    69 a(n) staggering (惊)97 per cent
    70 a(n) reckless (鲁莽)waste of time and energy
    71 miscarriages or abortions (堕胎)
    72 sickly of deformed (畸形)
    73 the sole (only) survivor
    74 wrong instincts (直觉)
    Unit Seven
    1 the scientific triumphs (accomplishment)
    2 the past millennium (千年)
    3 to honor (敬重)the origins of science
    4 to give grateful (感激)thanks to
    5 a(n) magical (神秘)view
    6 in concrete (具体)terms
    7 rational (理性)argument
    8 a natural mode (pattern) of thought
    9 to be beautifully illustrated (举例说明)
    10 to have the honor (荣幸)of
    11 the opposite angles (角)
    12 the centre of gravity (重心)
    13 to arrive at (reach) a proof
    14 an elegant rebuttal (反驳)
    15 applied (应)mathematician
    16 vigorous (激烈)debate and discussion of evidence
    17 the admiration (赞赏)of one'peers
    18 to challenge authority (权威)
    19 to point out forcibly (强烈)
    20 debt and credit (贷)
    21 political disputes (争)
    22 social castes (等级)
    23 national boundaries (国界)
    24 philosophical distinctions (辨1J)
    25 in the philosophy bz_(圈子)
    26 a dichotomy or a(n) continuum (连续体)
    27 mental constructs (构想)
    28 highly abstract (抽象)things
    29 to spill much ink over (花费量笔墨)
    30 autonomous (独立)individuals
    31 dress codes 规范)
    32 at one'core (核心)
    33 the interaction of individuals ()
    34 primary (基)sensations
    35 the end of the scale (标度终点)
    36 a highly vociferous (激烈)debate
    37 in circles of philosophy (哲学圈里)
    38 be wet blankets (令扫兴)at parties
    39 abstruse (深奥)conditions
    40 chemical composition (成分)
    41 at the cutting edge (前)of science
    42 genetically modified (转基)crops
    43 to make headlines (成报纸头条新闻)
    44 the influential (影响)climate researcher
    45 to strike a balance (达衡)
    46 the justifiability (合理性)of animal experiments
    47 celebrity endorsement (support)
    48 to make assertions (claims)
    49 eminent (著名)researchers
    50 to sign a(n) declaration (宣言)
    51 an impressive rejoinder (rebuttal)
    52 to trace (追溯)the origins of
    53 to engender (produce) trust
    54 the imprimatur (recognition) of the scientific academy
    55 in the refereed (审阅)literature
    56 lobby groups (游说集团)
    57 to place a clear obligation (responsibility) on
    58 to substantiate (prove) it with evidence
    59 in all probability ()
    60 intellectual authority (权威)
    61 to provide invaluable weight (重量)of evidence
    15 to be skewed (偏离)by the prism of past experience 42

    62 the reliable (信)outcome
    63 toxicity (毒性)testing
    64 to toss a coin (掷硬币决定)
    65 authority figures (权威士)
    66 scientific credibility (信性)
    67 expensive and timeconsuming (耗时)
    68 intellectual integrity (honesty)
    Unit Eight
    1 the theory of relatively (相)
    2 thinking strategies (策略)
    3 to illuminate (阐明)nothing
    4 the piles of data (成堆数)
    5 runofthemill (ordinary) physicists
    6 extraordinary (非)genius
    7 a(n) extraordinarily (异常)high IQ
    8 considerable debate (argument)
    9 average (均普通)intelligence
    10 to fixate on (注意力集中)something
    11 the most promising (likely) approach
    12 to be arrogantly (傲慢)certain of
    13 to find a needle in a haystack (海捞针)
    14 to be encountered (遇)a problem
    16 to foster rigidity (僵化)of thought
    17 superficially (浅薄)similar
    18 to lead the thinker astray (误入歧途)
    19 a gene pool (基库)
    20 genetically encoded (编码)wisdom
    21 a rich repertoire (collection) of ideas and concepts
    22 to survive and prosper (蓬勃发展)
    23 to become stagnant (停滞)
    24 the most distinguished (卓越)experts
    25 to be conditioned (制约)to think
    26 a(n) expert (专家)taxonomist
    27 the textbook case (典型例子)
    28 analogous (拟)to biological evolution
    29 a rich diversity of alternatives and conjectures (假 设)
    30 a(n) departure (背离)from reproductive knowledge
    31 a(n) prodigious (immense) variety of novel and original ideas
    32 a(n) thumbnail (简略)description
    33 to be biased (偏见)toward his usual way of seeing things
    34 the essence 实质)of the problem
    35 to abandon (抛弃)the initial approach
    36 a(n) environmentfriendly (环保)fuel
    37 to make his thought graphically (通图表)visible
    38 visual and spatial (空间)abilities
    39 immense (huge) productivity
    40 the laws of heredity (遗传)
    41 to make juxtapositions (置) to tolerate ambivalence (矛盾心理)between opposites
    43 two incompatible (兼容)things
    44 to perceive resemblance (similarities)
    45 to draw a(n) analogy (类)
    46 to render an overwhelming verdict (裁定)
    47 a cultural icon (偶)
    48 a rather fuzzy (模糊)understanding
    49 the vastness (浩瀚)of the universe
    50 previously held unquestionable (懈击)
    51 to cast (投)doubt on
    52 the reliability (性)of the investigators conclusions
    53 the origin (起源)of genius
    54 to yearn for (desire) genius
    55 the intermingling (mix) of culture history and life experience
    56 a history dating back to (追溯)Plato
    57 to think the reverse (相反)
    58 to govern (control) all organic life
    59 an interacting hierarchy (order) of feedback systems
    60 communities and ecosystems (生态系)
    61 intellectual intuition (直觉)
    62 to face strong opposition (反)
    63 a(n) doctrinal (dogmatic) views Unit Nine
    1 of ultimately lawful materialism (唯物)
    2 as concisely (简明)as possible
    3 organizes systematic enterprise (事业)
    4 to condense (压缩)the knowledge
    5 testable laws and principles (原理)
    6 diagnostic (特征)features
    7 confirmed or discarded (rejected)
    8 to abstract (抽象化)the information
    9 aesthetically (审美)most pleasing
    10 universally (普遍)accepted scales
    11 rendered unambiguous (明确)
    12 proved consistent (致)with one another
    13 ineradicable (根深蒂固)technical base
    14 to satisfy (meet) personal psychological needs
    15 to consume (take) large amounts of time
    16 to yield (produce) negative or ambiguous results
    17 administrative (行政)duties
    18 original (原创性)research
    19 no holds barred (清规戒律约束)
    20 the frontier (前)of science
    21 a(n) abstracted (抽象化)world
    22 the mother lode (矿脉)
    23 to practice elitism (精英义)without shame
    24 to set foot on virgin soil (处女)
    25 interpretation (阐释)and explanation
    26 a scattering of icons (偶)
    27 a great deal of bickering (口角争端)
    28 a loose confederation (联邦)
    29 petty fiefdoms (封)
    30 to hope for a strike (意外成功)
    31 the least conspiratorial (搞阴谋)of professions
    32 the population at large (众)
    33 from generous to predatory (贪婪)
    34 (from) welladjusted to psychopathic (精神变态)
    35 (from) causal (散漫)to driven
    36 (from) gregarious to reclusive (隐居)
    37 clinically certifiable (证明)
    38 from venal (贪污腐败)to noble
    39 in the temple (殿堂)of science
    40 to achieve utilitarian (功利)ends
    41 convincingly validated (verifiedproved)
    42 to steer (驾驶航行)for blue water
    43 to suffer boredom (单调)
    44 under varying (changing) circumstances
    45 statistical (统计)analyses
    46 to reject null (价值)hypotheses
    47 a(n) reputable (声誉)peerreviewed journal
    48 to be indissolubly (坚摧)united
    49 a(n) whizkid (outstanding) professor
    50 a(n) obscure (名气)journal
    51 to stiffen a slightly floppy (weak) argument
    52 class or creed (宗教信仰)
    53 organized skepticism (怀疑态度)
    54 social conventions (俗)
    55 mundane (世俗)practice
    56 publish or perish (死亡)
    57 to cite generously and meticulously ( 丝苟)
    58 to fudge (捏造)data
    59 to vilify (贬低)out opponents
    60 personal credibility (信性)
    61 driven shaped and honed (磨练)
    62 to humbly (谦虚)accept realities
    63 social imperatives (obligations)
    64 competitive ambition (desire)
    65 a(n) obsolete (out of date) ethos
    66 to maximize (化)pleasure
    67 to minimize (化)pain
    68 to laud (称赞)a desirable personal characteristic
    69 to avoid complacency (满)
    70 to be wired (conditioned) to respond positively
    71 文档香网(httpswwwxiangdangnet)户传




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