

    1The computer of this kind can work ______ than the one of that kind 
    A hundred of times faster B a hundred time faster C hundred times faster D hundreds of times faster 

    2When I was young my grandmother told me that the earth ______ round 
    A is B was C has been D had been 

    3—Do you know Jack well   —Certainly We ______ friends since ten years ago 
    A were B have made C have become D have been 

    4These hamburgers ______ nice so they have all ______ out 
    A taste sell B are tasted sell C taste been sold D are tasted been sold 

    5We now have ______ fast ways of traveling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller   A so B such C so a D such a 

    6I do not wish to ______ your sincerity 
    A reflect B reflect on C reflect in D reflect about 

    7The smog is due ______ invisible gases mostly from automobile exhaust 
    A from B to C for D with 

    8______ is accepted as true is relatively and not absolutely true 
    A It B That C What D That it 

    9How can you keep the machine ______ when youre away 
    A run B to run C running D being run 

    10Because of his degree he refused to do ______ he thought low work 
    A that B what C which D who 

    11She hasnt decided with ______ she should first make contact 
    A who B whom C how D which 

    12That is ______ we differ 
    A that B where C what D whether 

    13Another worry is that telecommunication systems may isolate people ______ each other 
    A from B for C with D to 

    14If I ______ in your place I wouldnt trouble him 
    A were B had been C could be D was to be 

    15_______ the moon moves round the earth is well known to all of us 
    A That B What C When D As 

    16I doubt _______ they can complete the bridge ahead of time 
    A whether B that C why D what 

    17The question he asked was _______ I come here 
    A that B how C what D because 

    18Too many people are indifferent _______ others troubles 
    A with B to C of D about 

    19Let us see how dictionaries are made and how the editors _______ definitions 
    A lead to B arrive at C reach for D approach to 

    20Shanghai is the place _______ I was born 
    A on which B in which C when D that 

    1正确答案:D答案解析:表示数百数千数百万等确切数目时hundreds thousands millions of结构表示D中hundreds of times意思数百倍答案D 

    2正确答案:A答案解析:the earth is round客观真理句子部分什时态句子般现时 

    3正确答案:D答案解析:根句意知应该完成时A答案错误have been…表示状态表示段时间短语连have madehave become瞬间动词表示段时间短语连 

    4正确答案:C答案解析:taste系动词taste nice构成系表结构动语态第二空格处应该动语态hamburgerssell out间动关系答案C 

    5正确答案:B答案解析:such修饰数名词单复数数名词名词前形容词作定语结构such +aan+形容词+数名词单数such+形容词+数名词复数数名词 

    6正确答案:B答案解析:reflect on:思索思考时表示怀疑根句意应该选reflect on 

    7正确答案:B答案解析:due to固定搭配意思: 

    8正确答案:C答案解析:句中what is accepted as true语句句子中作语 

    9正确答案:C答案解析:keep sb doing sth:某持续做某事 


    11正确答案:B答案解析:withmake contact搭配题短语make contact with sbwhom句中引导句子做介词with宾语位介词面宾格形式whom 


    13正确答案:A答案解析:isolate sbsth from sbsth固定搭配 



    16正确答案:A答案解析:doubt 肯定句中宾语句 whether if 引导否定句中接宾语句 that 引导 


    18正确答案:B答案解析:indifferent形容词漠然冷淡常indifferent to 

    19正确答案:B答案解析:题考查词义辨析arrive at:获(结果)达(目) 

    20正确答案:B答案解析:出生某介词in句话中in whichwhere

    21She _____ the film She knows nothing about it 
    A cant see B can’t have seen C must see D mustnt have seen 

    22Lets clean the classroom _______ 
    A wont you B shall we C do we D will not you 

    23— Shall I tell John about it   — Noyou _____ I dont know his telephone number 
    A neednt B wouldn’t C mustnt D shouldn’t 

    24Up to now there have been many explanations _______ the cause of sleepwalking 
    A in view of B in line with C apart from D as to 

    25What you said reminds me _______ something I read a few days ago 

    A for B by C from D of 

    26My skirt looks similar _______ yours 
    A with B to C about D in 

    27She took a spoonful and tasted it _______ it was hot 
    A in case B in case of C in the case of D in that case 

    28Dont wait for me if you _______ 
    A have a hurry B are in a hurry C have a speed D are in a speed 

    29Its raining _______ We have to stay at home instead of going fishing 
    A badly B hardly C heavily D strongly 

    30______ he speaks softly is no proof that he is kind 

    A Since B As C That D Because 

    31Copernicus maintained that the earth ______ round the sun 
    A moves B moved C moving D move 

    32He was very ______ to gobut he had no choice 
    A ready B willing C reluctant D hesitant 

    33Twothirds of his property ______ lost in the fire 
    A was B were C are D have been 

    34Remember nothing hurts concentration ______ reading too slowly 
    A rather than B as well as C more than D instead of 

    35Many people have made a ______ to a physical fitness program so as to maintain good health 

    A decision B commitment C contribution D difference 

    36Scientists could see many things that most people would ______ to see 
    A feel B fail C fall D fill 

    37She passed the examination ______ she studied very little 
    A in spite of B despite C though D in that 

    38The father wished the twins to be doctors but ______ of them liked to study medicine 
    A both B neither C either D none 

    39John is so strongly built that he looks as if he ______ an elephant 
    A lifts B is lifting C lifted D could lift 

    40The book was sold ______ 50 dollars 
    A in the price of B at the price of C with the price D of all the price in 

    21正确答案:B答案解析:cant have done表示发生情况否定推测意已…… 

    22正确答案:B答案解析:Lets do sth表示建议做某事含听话方 shall we果Let us do sth结构

    will you表示请求方允许 


    24正确答案:D答案解析:句子意思目前止关梦游病原种说法关as toin view of 考虑

    in line with符合 apart from意思符合 

    25正确答案:D答案解析:remind sb of sth固定搭配意思:提醒某某事 


    27正确答案:A答案解析:in case:防 

    28正确答案:B答案解析:in a hurry固定短语意思:匆忙赶忙 


    30正确答案:C答案解析:that做语句he speaks softly引导词没实际意义 







    34正确答案:C答案解析:nothing…more than惯语意思什…更…句子意思:记住什



    康make a commitment投入保证符合题意 


    37正确答案:C答案解析:空格前句子意思相反知空格处应该表示转折词in spite of介词短语

    面句despite介词引导句in that意思然符合句意C项正确句意:通



    表示两者符合句意none指三者物句子中说the twins两正确句意:父亲希


    39正确答案:D答案解析:as if引导现事实相反虚拟 

    41——There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well   ——It ______ a comfortable journey 
    A cant be B shouldn’t be C mustnt have been D couldn’t have been 

    42She didnt approve of his conduct ______ his former employers 
    A by means of B in terms of C with regard to D in line with 

    43The doctor brought mother ______ a serious illness 
    A back B off C to D through 

    44If he had not missed the train he ______ by then 
    A might get B should have got C got D had got 

    45This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ________ comfortably 
    A is worn B wears C wearing D are worn 

    46Heating ________ into the students dormitories now 
    A is putting B is being put C is been put D has been putting 

    47This page needed ________ again 
    A being checked B checked C to check D to be checked 

    48In some parts of the world tea ________ with milk and sugar 
    A is serving B is served C serves D served 

    49If I had remembered ________ the window the thief would not have got in
    A to close B closing C to have closed D having closed 

    50The ancient Egyptians are supposed _______ rockets to the moon
    A to send B to be sending C to have sent D to have been sending 

    51_______ from the outer space our earth looks like a watercovered ball 

    A Having seen B Seeing C Seen D Having been seen 

    52I dont mind _______ the decision as long as it is not too late 
    A you to delay making B your delaying making C your delaying to make D you delay to make 

    53The picture _______ on the wall is painted by my nephew 
    A having hung B hanging C hangs D being hung 

    54_______ such heavy pollution already it may now be too late to clean up the river 
    A Having suffered B Suffering C To suffer D Suffered 

    55They pretended to be working hard all night with their lights _______ 
    A burn B burnt C burning D to burn 

    56Well Ill tell you a secret …… said the boy with his mouth almost _______ my ear 
    A touched B touching C touch D to touch 

    57I dont feel like _______ anything now 

    A to eat B eating C having eaten D to be eating 

    58Since he left the university he _______ in an accounting company 
    A has been working B had worked C had been working D was working 

    59By the time the tour ends the football team _______ twenty matches in four countries 
    A will play B will be playing C will have played D will have been playing 

    60People who can neither hear ______ speak talk to each other with the help of their fingers 
    A or B nor C but D and 

    41正确答案:D答案解析:题意知猜测时间客观事实根there were already five people……take me as well猜测语气求强正确选项D 

    42正确答案:C答案解析:with regard to:关 

    43正确答案:D答案解析:题考查词组辨析   bring back 带回回忆恢复bring off 完成救出成功搬走bring through 治愈度困难危险时期 

    44正确答案:B答案解析:事实相反虚拟条件句条件句谓语had+分词句谓语should +have+分词 

    45正确答案:B答案解析:英语中动词动结构身表示动意义动词:wear feel wash sell read等 

    46正确答案:B答案解析:题考查动语态进行式:be +being +PP(分词) 

    47正确答案:D答案解析:句语this pagecheck动关系need to be checked:需核实 


    49正确答案:A答案解析:句意思:记窗子关起话偷进remember接动名词表示记做某事接定式表示记做某事句说:记窗子关起A)to close答案注意remember面动词定式完成式选项B) closing里关窗子件事没做

    50正确答案:C答案解析:句中send 短暂性动词进行时态BD两项错误AC区定式时态句首表示时间概念ancient表明定式动作句子谓语动作前定式完成式 答案C




    54正确答案:A答案解析:题考查分词短语作状语法分词作状语逻辑语必须句子语句语似it实形式语真正语定式定式省略逻辑语for people应现分词already应完成时 

    55正确答案:C答案解析:burn点燃发亮发光物动词their lights动关系现分词 

    56正确答案:B答案解析:题考查with 复合结构his mouthtouch间动关系

    57正确答案:B答案解析:feel like +doing sth表示想做某事面动名词形式 

    58正确答案:A答案解析:题考查时态 Since引导句般时态表明句动作开始直持续说话时间现完成进行时态 

    59正确答案:C答案解析:题考点:完成时完成时表示某时间已完成动作by the time 面句子中句谓语动词般完成时句子意思:等巡回赛结束时候支足球队已四国家20场赛 


    61Advertising is only part of the total sales effort but it is the part that ________ the most attention
    A attacks B attracts C attaches D attributes

    62That student ________ his hand every time the teacher asks a question 
    A lets up B gets up C puts up D rises up 

    63For a week she worked with us in the village_______ her poor health 
    A as a result of B on account of C in spite of D despite of 

    64Some people who are successful language learners find it difficult to _______ in other fields 
    A succeed B result C achieve D score 

    65I wonder who will _______ as secretary of our club next year 
    A take up B take over C take one D take on 

    66The speakers forceful words persuaded his opponent to _______ 
    A back out B back up C back on D back down 

    67It was important for the president to continue his schedule regardless _______ the bomb threat 
    A of B by C from D with 

    68The Atlantic Ocean is one of the oceans that separate the old world _______ the new 
    A in B away C to D from 

    69Health _______ good food fresh air and enough sleep 
    A rely B depend C depends on D consist of 

    70A plan was made last year ______ several roads would be built in this part of the city 
    A as B where C which D that 

    71His best film ______ won several awardsis about the life of Martin Luthur King 
    A that B where C which D whether 

    72Harry Potter is the most interesting book ______ I have ever read 
    A which B where C when D that 

    73She has caught coldbecause she completely forgot ______ the windows last night 
    A locking B being locked C to lock D to have locked 

    74It is four years ______ she came to this college 
    A since B that C after D when 

    75______ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present 
    A What B That C The fact D The manner 

    76Mr Hall understands that ______ maths has always been easy for him it is not easy for the students 
    A unless B since C although D when 

    77When you answer questions in a job interview please remember the golden rule: Always give the monkey exactly ______ he wants 
    A what B which C when D that 

    78______ is going to America for further study 
    A He is said that B People said that he C It was said he D It is said that he 

    79Mary ______ be in Parisfor I saw her in the town only a few minutes ago 
    A mustnt B can’t C shouldnt D may not 

    80— The room is so dirty ______ we clean it   — Of course 
    A Will B Shall C Would D Do 


    62正确答案:C答案解析:let up:停止放松get up:起床put up:举起抬起rise up:起义叛变 

    63正确答案:C答案解析:译文:健康佳村里工作星期in spite of意思相despite表步 


    65正确答案:B答案解析:题考查词组辨析take over:接接接收 

    66正确答案:D答案解析:back down:步退放弃 

    67正确答案:A答案解析:题考查固定短语搭配regardless of表示顾意思 


    69正确答案:C答案解析:relydepend作物动词面果宾语应该rely ondepend on答案AB错误consist of意思……组成符合句意题答案C 




    73正确答案:C答案解析:译文:感昨晚完全忘记关窗户题考查动词forget法forget to do sth意忘记做某事(没做)forget doing sth意忘记已做事

    74正确答案:A答案解析:it做语指段时间four yearssince含义引导时间状语句注意强调句型混淆 


    76正确答案:C答案解析:该题考查连词宾语句中法观察题干Mr Hall understands句that引导宾语句该句简化: ______ maths has always been easy for him it is not easy for the students分析简化句子知 maths has always been easy for himit is not easy for the students间含转折关系选项合题干逻辑答案C 

    77正确答案:A答案解析:宾语句wants面缺少宾语Always give the monkey exactly what he wants句谚语意思永远予确实想东西答案A 


    79正确答案:B答案解析:题意知猜测时间现客观事实根I saw her in the town a few minutes ago猜测语气求强正确选项B(cantmust否定式) 






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