

      Dear Sir or Madam£¬

      I have learned from an advertisement that your pany is in need of a

      secretary I would like you to consider me for the position

      My name is Li Min I am twentythree years old I am studying business

      management in Xiamen University I will graduate this summer I am familiar with

      puter operation and officesoftwares£¬ which can help me do the office work very

      well And I have learned English for ten yearsIn the past two years£¬ I have

      been an editor for the English Paper of my department My grades e out top in my

      department What's more£¬ I like office work very much and I also think that I

      can be petent for the jobIf I could have the opportunity to get the job I will

      be quite appreciative

      Thank you for your consideration I look forward to hearing from you

      Yours faithfully

      Li Min


      dear sir or madam

      first of all let me give you my warmest greetings and best wishes thank

      you in advance as well for your time and consideration of my application

      i graduated from university nine years ago and have been working for a

      stateowned insurance company since that time

      these nine years have been a long challenging period that has provided me

      with abundant social interaction and work experience i have gained job skills

      and made personal connections in certain social circles within the insurance


      whereas i had obtained my cet4 certificate before my graduation with my

      bachelor's degree in business administration i continued working to obtain my

      pet4 and wsk certificates while employed fulltime

      i am an advanced speaker of english as a second language as i put my

      english to use at work and in my personal life every day to some extent i

      expect my english skills to serve me well in my future occupation

      in consideration of my work experience and my devotion to the insurance

      industry as demonstrated by my tenure in my current position i hope to be

      considered favorably for employment at your company during the aforementioned

      nineyear period i have worked as a salesman an assistant to a regional

      manager an investigator and a chief underwriter at the head office at china

      insurance in beijing

      should you grant me a personal interview i would be most grateful if you

      would like to know more about me please feel free to contact me at your

      convenience i thank you again for your consideration and look forward to

      meeting you




      Dear school leadership


      Learning that your school in an orderly£¬ wellmanaged in the community

      enjoy a high reputation i am filled with a boundless enthusiasm for education

      of youth£¬ eager to be able to work in such an environment£¬ their own talent

      allow me to own to tell us about you

      _ i _ session of preuniversity students in school during the hard hard

      work£¬ not only in the outstanding achievements of the professionals£¬ but also

      other psychology£¬ english and other areas to expand their knowledge four years£¬

      in the repair of more than 30 courses in the door£¬ almost more than twothirds

      of gifted£¬ learning the psychology of all professional courses£¬ the psychology

      has reached the professional level in addition£¬ i also trained hard under the

      basic skills classes£¬ have stronger language skills£¬ organization and management

      of scientific research capacity and ability to use modern teaching methods for

      teaching and learning normal practice in changchun£¬ the fully reflects the

      higher overall quality of their own£¬ the practice of recognized units

      I am solid selfconfidence in their own professional knowledge£¬ rich in

      psychological knowledge£¬ organization and management of high capacity and

      teaching ability£¬ competence and good will certainly be able to complete your

      work to me£¬ please your school gave me a chance




      Dear Mr Director

      I'm currently working on Master Degree in International Commercial law at

      Fu Dan University My supervisor Mr Liu Mingyu a wellknow professor of law

      tells me that SFSC specializes in recommending qualified personnel to

      mutinational companies and suggests that I contact you for recommendation

      During the two years of studies at Fu Dan University I have not only

      acquired a lot of knowledge of international commercial law but learned two

      foreign languages as well English and Japanese Moreover I have published two

      papers in the university journal on problems that may arise after China's entry

      to WTO And they have been favorably accepted

      I'm enclosing a resume copies of my published papers and Professor Liu's

      letter of recommendation

      I sincerely hope you wil introduce me to a famous multinational company

      to which I will dedicate myself

      Truly yours

      Fu Jialin


      dear sirmadam

      your advertisement for a network maintenance engineer in the april 10

      student daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds

      exactly like the kind of job i am seeking

      according to the advertisement your position requires top

      universitybachelor or above in computer science or equivalent field and

      proficient in windows nt40 and linux system i feel that i am competent to meet

      the requirements i will be graduating from graduate school of tsinghua

      university this year with a ms degree my studies have included courses in





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