
    Passage A
    The umbrella is a very common object It keeps the 1 and the sun off the people Most umbrellas can be folded up(折叠) so it is 2 to carry them
    However the umbrella has not always been as 3 as it is now In the past it was a symbol of importance Some African countries still use umbrellas in this 4 Someone carries an umbrella and walks behind the king or important person
    Umbrellas are very old People in different parts of the world began to
    5 umbrellas at different times The Chinese had them more than 3000 years ago From there umbrellas 6 to India and Egypt In Greece and Rome 7 wouldn’t use them They believed umbrellas were only for women
    England was 8 the first country in Europe where common people used umbrellas against rain The weather there is very 9 and umbrellas are very useful
    Everybody uses umbrellas today The next time you 10 one thinking that for centuries only great men and women used them you’ll feel you are important people too
    1.A rain B could C air D water
    2.A lovely B cheap C hard D easy
    3.A light B heavy C common D special
    4.A way B size C reason D place
    5.A discover B use C examine D discuss
    6.A walked B travelled C rode D flew
    7.A children B parents C men D women
    8.A probably B already C suddenly D immediately
    9.A sunny B rainy Csnowy D windy
    10.A sell B return C borrow D carry

    Passage B
    Many students have hobbies such as reading painting growing vegetables in their gardens and looking animals can make you grow develop(发展) your interests and help you learn new skills
    David Smith is a student His hobby is In senior high school he wrote a book and it came out in 2007 Many teenagers(青少年) his bookAs a result David is a successful young now David is very lucky his hobby brought him enjoyment and success But he thinks of writing only one of his many hobbies or interests He is in many other things I like playing badminton(羽毛球) too Says David And he is a member of the school badminton team
    Remember that we spend all our time on our favorite hobby There are many other interesting things in life and we should try to do something new or different
    题1 A.at B.for C.up D.after
    题2 A.Friends B.Hobbies C.Habits D.Life
    题3 A.reading B.painting C.writing D.fishing
    题4 A.like B.show C.hate D.sell
    题5 A.writer B.editor C.scientist D.lawyer
    题6 A.though B.because C.however D.if
    题7 A.as B.with C.for D.to
    题8 A.interesting B.interest C.interested D.interests
    题9 A.should B.shouldn’t C.must D.needn’t
    题10 A.making B.to make C.doing D.to do

    Passage C
    Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed a boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying Mark helped the boy pick them up 16 they were going the same way he carried them for the boy As they walked Mark knew the boy’s name was Bill Mark 17
    discovered that he loved computer games baseball and history and that he was having a lot of 18
    with his other subjects
    They arrived at Bill’s home first and Mark was invited in 19 Coke and to watch some television The afternoon passed 20 with a few laughs and some shared small talk and then Mark went home They 21 to see each other around school had lunch together once or twice and then 22 ended up from the same high school Just three weeks before they finished school Bill asked Mark if they could have a talk
    Bill 23 him of the day years ago when they had first met Do you 24 wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day’ asked Bill You see I 25 out my locker because I didn’t want to leave a mess for anyone else I had planned to 26 from home and I was going home to pack my things But after we spent some time together 27
    and laughing I realized that 28 I had done that I would have 29 a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together So you see Mark when you picked up my books that day you did a lot more You 30 my life’
    16 A After B Since C Although D Until
    17 A also B still C always D almost
    18 A questions B ideas C trouble D doubt
    19 A from B with C to D for
    20 A quickly B proudly C freely D pleasantly
    21 A continued B hoped C preferred D offered
    22 A all B both C every D none
    23 A removed B reminded C asked D described
    24 A ever B soon C even D never
    25 A checked B took C cleaned D put
    26 A run away B take away C put away D pass away
    27 A reading B playing C talking D watching
    28 A before B if C while D as
    29 A forgotten B made C became D lost
    30 A helped B saved C changed D improved
    16B考查连词 走条路帮着男孩着书
    19D 达尔家招迈克喝乐电视
    23B考查固定词组Remind of意思某想起
    24A 根句意:否想知道天什带着东西回家?
    25B took 带走物品想留团糟
    26A run away想离家出走run away跑开意思
    27C taking动词法spend doing sth
    28B if现意识:果样做会丢失位新朋友
    29D lost 联系28时理解
    30B saved 挽救生命

    Passage D
    Once there was a king He was wise but everyone was afraid of him His face showed the sadness deep in his heart So there were deep 24 lines (皱纹) on his face
    In his country lived a beautiful girl Everyone seemed to love her so did the King He wanted to 25 her and finally he decided to speak to her of his love After he dressed in his best clothes he looked in the 26 but he saw a hard face 27 when he tried to smile
    How about wearing a mask (面具) he thought Then he ordered his magician to paint to mask that looked kind and happy and handsome The magician 28 and said But you must keep your own face in the same lines that I paint and be kind to all people from your heart If not the mask will break The mask looked so 29 that no one knew it was not the true face of the King Months passed the beautiful lady got married to the King and the king treated everyone 30 to keep the mask from breaking
    At last the king didn’t want to cheat his beautiful wife anymore 31 he asked the magician to take the mask off Surprisingly he found his face was just like the mask he had worn for so long
    This story tells us that a man is what he is in his heart
    24 A ugly B kind C beautiful D peaceful
    25 A love B hate C kill D marry
    26A wall B door C mirror D window
    27A yet B even C just D still
    28 A looked B refused C agreed D laughed
    29A sad B happy C natural D serious
    30 A badly B kindly C coldly D differently
    31 A So B Or C But D However
    27B 根文张难脸推知:力微笑然难选B
    28C 根文文意必须脸画面具保持致心友
    29C 根句文意没知道国王真正脸判断出:魔术师画面具起然选C
    30B 根魔术师话应友否面具会破碎文文意阻止面具破碎判断出:国王友选B
    31A 句文意魔术师摘面具想欺骗漂亮妻子前句构成果关系so引导

    Passage E
    Miracles(奇迹)will happen if you don't give up trying Even if you have 16 for one hundred times you may succeed when you try for the 10lst time
    When I was born my doctor told my mother that there was something wrong with my 17 They were too soft to be able to walk Although the news was bad my mother didn't become
    18 She didn't believe what the doctor said 19 started to look for other ways
    My mother kept looking for other doctors for me and finally she 20 The doctor and his team in the hospital did 21 they could to help me They also asked my parents to teach me to do some 22 to help me walk One day when my mother came to pick me 23 I crawled(爬) towards her She was so surprised and happy that she couldn't believe 24 eyes Crawling was not walking but it was a good 25 Day by day I could walk by myself
    When I grew up my mother 26 told me these stories She said that if I thought of what she said whenever I met 27 I could do anything successfully I have been working hard and I have turned out to be a very 28 person I get best 29 in school and I am a good dancer and swimmer Thanks to my mother's strong resolution(决心) I live a 30 life now What the story tells us as my mother always says is Never give up
    16 A achieved B failed C suggested D told
    17 A legs B hands C arms D eyes
    18 A patient B confident C frustrated(沮丧) D proud
    19 A or B and C if D because
    20 A forgot B changed C succeeded D worked
    21 A nothing B somewhere C anywhere D everything
    22 A time B exercise C medicine D shopping
    23 A away B from C into D up
    24 A her B my C his D its
    25 A advice B end C chance D start
    26 A hardly B never C always D nearly
    27 A dreams B experiments C jobs D difficulties
    28 A excellent B dangerous C busy D special
    29 A presents B friends C books D grades
    30 A happy B sad C tired D boring
    参考答案1620 BACBC 2125DBDAD 2630 CDADA





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